going more toward online, but still harbor a secret fondness for paper...
hot or cold cereal
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toast: jam or jelly
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strawberry or grape
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strawberry...but my absolute favorite is blueberry preserves
coffee: caffeine/decaf? (I saw an ad yesterday for a new Hills Bros coffee which boasts 20% more caffeine....I had no idea they could "add" caffeine)
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greek yoghurt or regular?
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jewerly: gold, silver or rose gold
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walk in the rain - with or without an umbrella
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plaid or stripes
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jackets/coats: wool or leather
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I like both - but right now I'm cold, so wool.
shirts - silk or rayon
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rayon due to high maintenance of silk
write dates down on a calendar or use the calendar in your phone?
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old fashioned 'real' calendar
wear something with a touch of 'Halloween' to work tomorrow or not
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no.....working in my home office today but even if I was at the shop, I don't think I would.
get a lot of trick-or-treater's or hardly any
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none - we've lived there for 13 years and have only had relative or friends trick-or-treat, which is too bad because I always enjoyed having kids come - maybe the next place we live will be different....
hot cereal or cold?
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cold..if I have to, not much of a cereal fan
hot chocolate or hot cider
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pumpkin pie or pecan pie
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Pumpkin. If you said chocolate chip pecan the answer may be different.
Leftover candy: eat it or find someone to give it to?0 -
(Tall..I hear ya on the chocolate chip pecan)
Have DH take leftovers to the office
pies: apple or cherry
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shower or bath
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shower. When we built our home we put in large showers with built in seats - 3 bathrooms in this house and not one bathtub.
in your car: leather seats or cloth?
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car or truck or both
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polish your nails or not
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Not. If I polish them the polish gets all over the piano keys:)
Skirt or dress0 - a dress for something more formal (weddings etc.)
hem: above the knee, at the knee, below the knee
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sweaters: pullover or cardigan
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wool or anything but wool
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anything but wool
Christmas trees: live or artificial
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Christmas trees - live are my favorite, but husband's allergies can't have live trees in the house
hem - below the knee (well below, I actually prefer them to my ankles)
natural fibers or polyester?
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natural fibers
staying away from all the election chatter today or glued to the tv/radio?
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Can't be glued as I'm at work, but will be glued as soon as I get home.
favorite flowers - smell or no?