cut way back...for now
Family gift or gift for each individual0 -
each individual --- Love Love Love Christmas!!
bath or shower
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(Suzanne....trip was was perfect!)
replace living room/den furniture even though the stuff is still good or buy good furniture and keep it for freaking ever?
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keep forever
high boots or low boots
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when you are on a scary ride: shut your eyes or keep them open
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wide open! I love roller coasters and am still able to ride the wildest of them....on my recent trip to Busch Gardens, my friend and I rode every coaster in the park and were able to get the first row on a couple of them!
have mystery stuff in the freezer or faithfully label everything before you store it?
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label everything in single size
mow the grass or shovel the snow
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wash dishes by hand or put in dishwasher
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use your good dishes or leave them in the cupboard most of the time
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leave in cupboard
dog or cat
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riding horses: western or english
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Cowboy hat or baseball cap0 -
baseball cap
curly hair or straight hair
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Flat iron or curling iron0 -
ironed your hair when you were young or not
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did not, i permed to make my natural curly hair really curly
go to the spa to work-out, or get PAMPERED (guess what i would pick)
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Pampered:) Though probably need the workout:{
Men w/bow tie or regular "long" tie0 -
hummmmmmmm bow tie if it's a black tie affair , otherwise reg one
black cocktail dress or really cool vibrant colored cocktail dress
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really cool vibrant colors
mix and mingle or wall-flower?
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mix and mingle
hot flashes or night sweats
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since radiation my body core temperature is permanently set on high....I don't get night sweats unless it's above 50 degrees in the bedroom! I live in "eternal" summer
when flying: pack a lunch to eat at airport/on plane or buy food at the airport?
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Buy food at the airport
Salt or pepper (I don't like pepper)0 -
airplane - aisle seat or window seat?
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window seat
rather ride: hot air balloon or blimp
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Hot air baloon
gonna go there ......wait for it, wait for it!
Diarrhea or constipation. LOL
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Use: Cash or Debit0 -
hot air balloon
be a pilot or a stewardess
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A cool would that be
rather be known for your sense of style or sense of humor?
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humor, although it would be fun to be stylish too.
If you had an offer to go on 'What Not to Wear", would you take it and let the whole world see how unstylish you are but get a whole new wardrobe or pass and remain anonymously unstylish
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I guess I'd go on the show just to get the new clothes....I am so far beyond truly caring what someone thinks of me - as long as I feel I look good and DH thinks so, that's good enough for me. I do and always will choose comfort as #1 requirement.
Get your bank statements/bills online or prefer mailed paper copies?