rather rake leaves or mow0 -
maybe rake
noodles or rice
0 -
today I'll go with noodles
Soup: beef or chicken0 -
chicken and rice, noodles or dumplings
0 -
chicken and rice
Yards games: horseshoes or croquet0 -
if your croquet ball lands near an opponents, do you just keep playing forward or stop and send them flying
0 -
send it flying
card games: hearts or spades0 -
not much of a card player, but I'll say hearts.
Marshmallow in your hot chocolate or nothing at all?0 -
yes, please
make your own stuffing or Stove Top
0 -
make my own stuffing
On rainy day go see a movie or
Stay home and catch up on chores0 -
if there is something I want to see, I'll go to the movie
if someone asks you to go to the 9:30 pm movie: go or say 'no, that will get too late for me'
0 -
too late for me
subscribe to a newspaper or not0 -
Yes, still do.
Use an iPad or something similar.0 -
rather go to Florida or Arizona for a winter vacation
0 -
Hmmm, good question. I'll say Florida, by the Gulf.
Rather snow ski or water ski?0 -
rather be a bird of prey or a scavenger
0 -
Scavenger. Interesting question!
Hard ice cream or soft serve?0 -
soft serve
spinach or lettuce
0 -
Hamburger or cheese burger0 -
with fish: fries or hush puppies0 -
Chocolate syrup or hot fudge0 -
hot fudge
peanut buster parfait or banana split
0 -
Hot fudge banana split
Cherry or no cherry0 -
sure, put one on top!
find it easy or hard to keep weight off (you can tell from my answers about food questions which choice I'd have to pick!)
0 -
Very hard I work at it all the time
go to the gym or walk/run outside0 -
outside...but still like the treadmill
like to lift weights or not0 -
once in awhile, but not regularly.
Hot or cold cereal?0 -
oatmeal or cream of wheat
0 -
neither...not a cereal fan, hot or cold
if you were going to be bad....bacon or sauage0 -
usually have snow on the ground where you live on Thanksgiving or not