usually not, but it has happened.
Fireplace, wood burning or gas?0 -
wood burning
marshmellows in your hot chocolate or not0 -
yes, please
if you were playing checkers would you want the red or black pieces
0 -
red, what a great question Ruth!
Set your alarm to go off at an even or odd minute.0 -
always even.
jump up right when it goes off or hit the snooze button
0 -
Pretty much jump right up, although it's harder to do when the weather turns cold and all you want to do is stay buried under the covers.
Turkey - white or dark meat?0 -
pumpkin pie or cherry pie
0 -
stuffing: stuff the bird or not0 -
stuff it!
like leftovers or not so much
0 -
like (means I don't have to cook)
Prefer to go out for lunch or dinner0 -
lunch, but anytime out is good!
Christmas tree: real or artificial?0 -
The next person takes their Christmas tree down before the New Year0 -
hot chocolate or hot cider0 -
hot chocolate
Hot chocolate - marshmallows or not0 -
let your cat/dog sleep on your bed or no way (as I look at my two cats sleeping on my pillow!)
0 -
true, cat and dog luckily there is a little room left for me
iPhone or android0 -
gold or silver jewelry
0 -
Pearls or diamonds0 -
gold: white or yellow0 -
Christmas wrap: hodgepodge of design/colors or all one color?0 -
Christmas lights: all one color or multi-colored
0 -
one color, clear.
Christmas candy: peanut brittle or fudge?0 -
with nuts or without
0 -
open gifts Christmas Eve or Christmas day0 -
Wishing for something frivolous or practical?0 -
how about a combination thereof
DH/SO good at present buying or do they need specific instructions so that you don't get a gray & white horizontally striped sweater one size too small (guess which answer I would give )
0 -
Christmas Day
Egg Nog - with brandy or without0 -
I actually like the 'lite' egg nog you buy at the grocery store better than the nog with alcohol
Sprinkle the egg nog with cinnamon, nutmeg, or both
0 -
bake Christmas cookies or buy at the store0 -
neither..have friends that give as gifts..
rather watch: current Christmas movies or old classic Christmas movies0