I still like my wood burning, although gas would be way more convenient.
I sure hope they are wrong about the ice, Scooter.
Know what a 'sundog' is or not
0 -
not...had to google
Grand Canyon or Yellowstone0 -
maybe Grand Canyon
rather travel in the summer or winter
Here is a sundog right above my neighbors house yesterday:
0 -
(interesting and beautiful)
winter...not a fan of the heat
go sledding or make snow angels0 -
Make snow angels, sledding hurts me old bum.
Real Christmas tree or artificial
0 -
(Red...I.m with you on the bum thing..snow angels, hard on the knees getting up. It's more like a spectator sport anymore. lol!)
lights: clear or multi-colored0 -
Clear (although that has been a trending thing for me. Used to adore multi-colored lights but as I've gotten older...)
Cats or dogs
0 -
love both but have cats.....easier!
go to a movie or a play
one more sundog picture:
0 -
beautiful pic..
museum or symphony0 -
like both but I'll say museum
Fleecy sheets or electric blanket0 -
Fleecy sheets.
Hot bath or hot shower
0 -
usually shower
are you a planner or spur of the moment type person
0 -
Sparkling or Still water0 -
lets have some sparkling
lots of ice in a drink or not (my dad would always order 'one ice cube'.....and he meant it )
0 - mom sounds like your dad with the ice cubes..must be an SC thing
if you have a milkshake... use a spoon or a straw0 -
Maybe so! I would always get a chuckle out of it when we were in a restaurant.....
chocolate, strawberry or vanilla milkshake
0 -
cakes or pies0 -
Laptops or Desktop PCs?0 -
rather shop at a big box store or a mom and pop store0 -
mom & pop
like crowds or no thank you!
0 -
no thank you!
small dogs or big dogs!0 -
big dogs
purebred or mutt0 -
Pen or Pencil?0 -
ballpoint or fountain0 -
soft or hard shell tacos
0 -
Soft shelled - love em!
Meatloaf or shepherds pie
0 -
hard! Shepherds pie
beef stew or beef stroganoff
0 -
Ooooo equally hard.
Beef stew with crust french bread
Campfire or a walk in the woods
0 -
how about a walk followed by a campfire?
at the campfire: sing songs or tell ghost stories
0 -
Sing songs for sure
Marshmallows or smores?