I'm allergic to cane sugar - can't use marshmallows any more.
Playing games or doing puzzles?
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Playing games but it depends what kind.
Computer games or table games?
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I like both but I enjoy table games. I play board and card games with my family frequently.
Card games or board games?
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Board games. I find it hard to remember the rules to various card games since I don't play them often.
Do you prefer to watch TV by yourself or with others?
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Depends on what I'm watching. If it's a sporting event I like to watch with friends. If it's a show I really want to pay attention to the storyline I prefer to watch alone.
Do you watch TV everyday or do you sometimes skip days?
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I don't have tv - but do watch netflix and amazon shows. I need noise so I watch kid shows while doing work. I work on computer from home.
Cartoon/Kid shows or drama/adult shows?
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I usually watch adult drama TV shows and movies but I sometimes like kids' shows too.
Do you sometimes watch foreign films or not?
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No, I don't think I've ever watched a foreign film.
Can you follow movies with sub-titles or do you find it annoying? (I can't follow a movie with sub-titles. Probably why I've never watched a foreign film. Lol)
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I've been watching movies with sub-titles but it does take more concentration than mostly listening (although I often can't hear dialogue and sub-titles help).
Do you try to do other things at the same time as watching TV or not (craft, looking through magazines etc)?
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I do, but I get so involved in my crafting I lose track of what's going on with the TV show. I have to keep asking my hubby what's happening. Lol
Do you have favorite TV shows you watch every week or do you just flip through the channels looking for something to watch?
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I have a definite plan about what I record to watch but I sometimes end up watching bits of the show before or after too if it looks interesting.
Do you look at your TV guide often to make sure you don't miss the TV shows you like?
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No, I haven't looked at a TV Guide in years. My Mom used to get one and she always read it and did the crossword puzzle in the back. Lol
Do you prefer word or number puzzles?
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Word puzzles
Are you better at spelling or arithmetic?
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Neither - I'm dyslexic but math is better than spelling
Computer jigsaw puzzles or physical jigsaw puzzles?
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I still enjoy a good old fashioned physical jigsaw puzzle.
If you do either one - throw darts or shoot pool?
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I don't think I've ever done either.
Did you roller skate or ice skate as a child?
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I roller danced as a child into my adult years
Do you like to garden or cook?
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I would rather cook than garden.
Do you grow pretty flowers in your garden or not?
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No, I only do flowers in garden.
Do you prefer flowers in containers or in a garden?
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Hi Ocean!!
I'm not sure - I guess I'll find out soon.
Do you have a vegie patch or not?
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No. We may put in a small tomato patch in the spring but we haven't done so in the past couple of years. The deer usually find their way to any vegetation we plant, whether it be flowers or vegetables. So we have kind of given up. It gets expensive providing a salad bar for the deer. Lol We had 3 apple trees at the back of our property. They are all gone now. But when they were there we never got one apple of of them. Between the deer, raccoons and groundhogs we could never get apples. Lol
Do you grow any type of fruit or flowering trees?
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Ocean, I'm sorry you have such a hard time growing things because of the animals.
I would really like to grow some fruit and flowering trees. There are some lovely rose bushes at my new house.
Do you like gardening or not?
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I used to but as I grow older I find it harder to garden.
If you do garden do you use raised beds/plain ground or pots?
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I don't garden much but raised beds are much better and easier!
Have your interests changed much over the years or remained fairly steady?
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I've picked up a few new interests over the years.
Have you changed plans/appointments due to the COVID-19 virus or are you continuing life as usual?
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We are rushing to finish a lot of things, shop and hoping to move house before things get much worse.
Have you been buying a lot of things to stock up in case it's hard to get things soon or not?
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No stocking up - we always have an emergency supply this didn't change anything with us. Sounds like this weekend we might be going on mandatory lockdown. I have stayed away and out of our town (at home) since Sunday.
What would you do if you are running out of yogurt?
Make some with the last of your milk or go without?
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I would be happy to go without yoghurt forever, LOL!
Would you rather have fruit by itself or mixed with cereal?
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I like it both ways.
Do you prefer hot or cold cereal?
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Hi Ocean!!
Cold cereal.
Do you add sugar to cereal or not?