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  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Hi Aussie!

    It depends on the cereal. If it has sugar added, then no. But if it doesn't then I usually do. So like Honey Nut Cheerios I do not add sugar to. But regular Cheerios I do.

    Have you been keeping up on the COVID-19 news or are you trying to avoid it?

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    If a news break comes on about Coronavirus, I've been watching it and I don't usually watch the news.

    Do you have enough food and supplies to last a while or not?

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Does running out of everyday supplies concern you or are you more concerned about running out of medical supplies?

    (I'm most worried about running out of our prescription drugs.)

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    I haven't thought as much about running out of prescription drugs as running out of food but running out of the drugs would be more concerning.

    Have you been writing lists of things to buy or not?

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    I always make a list before going shopping. I sometimes forget it though. Lol

    Have you experienced a government mandated shutdown or "stay at home" order due to the COVID-19 virus or is it business as usual in your area? (Our governor issued a mandatory "stay at home" order for non essential workers yesterday.)

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Our governor doesn't like the words - Shelter in Place - so she made it a Stay at Home order... Either way it is the same thing.

    Which do you do with your time with stay at home - Craft or clean?

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Well, so far I've had no time at home because my job is essential. Though there's talk I may end up alternating days with one of the other girls so I may have some days soon. But on the weekends I have been cleaning.

    When under a stay at home order do you stay in all the time or do you go out for walks or to get groceries?

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    We are still allowed to go out for essential outings, such as to the grocery stores, so we've been doing that. We've been going to other stores sometimes and going to our new house sometimes. It looks like work may stop there for the foreseeable future even though we're quite close to being able to move in.

    Have you been finding that TV shows you watch get stopped in the middle with news breaks and they don't go back to show the rest, or not?

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    I don't have tv only amazon and netflix - no news breaks. Being I'm one of the ones immunocompromised I stay home but have been gardening and swinging on our porch swing when it is sunny.

    How do you take care of your clutter? Really need to have ideas here. Do you sort it into a box/storage bin or do you throw it out?

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    We put paper, cardboard and glass into our recycle bin and have a pile near the front door for donating to charity shops.

    Are you a tidy person or not? I am in some ways, not others.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Me too, Aussie. In some ways.

    Are you doing a good job of social distancing or do you find it challenging?

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    It is taking me time to get used to social distancing. I'm glad I have a house mate and don't live alone because that would be much harder.

    The next person just wants the Coronavirus to be over!

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Yes, I do!

    Do you believe the Coronavirus is as dangerous as they say or do you believe the flu is just as dangerous if not more so?

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    I believe the flu is probably more dangerous and widespread than the Coronavirus. There's so much hype that it's hard to tell.

    Are you missing having as many hugs as usual or not? I am.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Really missing physical contact hugs - Cyberhugs are just not the same.

    Do you like Knit or Crochet? - personally I do both.

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    I don't do either. I do counted cross stitch and embroidery. My Grandma taught me how to do embroidery and I taught myself to do counted cross stitch.

    Have you ever entered your work in a fair or won a prize for your work? (I've won 2 blue and 2 red ribbons at the county fair for my counted cross stitch.)

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    Hi Ocean!!

    I haven't entered any but I do have some cross stitches that I could have entered if I'd got around to it.

    Are you more logical or creative (or both equally)?

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Hi Aussie!

    I think I'm probably more creative.

    Are you finding yourself staying home more during this pandemic or are you going about your normal routine?

    (My state is under a "Stay at Home" order but my job is considered "essential" so I am still working. But other than that I am trying to stay out of public spaces such as grocery stores and dollar stores.)

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    Hi Ocean!!

    We are staying home more than we ordinarily would but we are still going to the house I've bought often and taking over boxes and small furniture. We are still allowed to go to grocery stores but we are trying to go when it's not busy and to practise social distancing.

    Are you coping okay with all the stress of Coronavirus or not? I think it's really difficult!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    I was doing ok until I got laid off today...

    House cleaning question - Which do you prefer doing: vacuuming or cleaning kitchen counters?

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    I'm sorry Gma. I hope it's only temporary and you will be back to work soon.

    I prefer cleaning kitchen counters. I love cleaning my whole kitchen with Pine Sol (the lemon one). I love the smell of a clean kitchen when it's all done.

    Do you prefer cleaning with a lemon or pine fragrance cleaner? Or something else?

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    Lemon scent but I prefer a natural cleaning spray so it doesn't make me cough.

    Do you have an electric dishwasher or not?

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Yes! I couldn't get by without it!

    Do you prefer to use a dishwasher or wash dishes by hand?

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    It's so nice to have a dishwasher and not to have to do them by hand!

    Do you spend much time cleaning your house or not?

  • oceanbum
    oceanbum Member Posts: 3,644

    Yes, I usually find something around the house to clean in my spare time.

    Do you prefer to clean a little at a time or do an all at once cleaning, like a spring cleaning?

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    I prefer to clean a bit at once so it's not as tiring.

    Do you cook things on the stove or in the microwave more often?

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    I cook on stove and the BBQ outside - I warm leftover in microwave.

    Do you prefer reading on computer or reading a real book?

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    In many ways I prefer reading a real book but I spend more time reading online because there are so many things demanding to be read.

    Do you read more for fun or for gaining information?

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    In the last few years, it has been for gaining information rather than fun reads.

    Do you read news or other things? I like reading about history and archaeology

  • aussie-cat
    aussie-cat Member Posts: 5,502

    I most like reading about psychology and self-help.

    Do you still have books from your school days or not?