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Arimidex - Coping with the SE's



  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Bloomin and Kitty - what everyone said above.  Also, keep coming to the boards and let off steam, rant and rave, because we're here for that as well and getting it out is a form of therapy for you and also for those who lurk but suffer in silence.  Everyone plays a part here whether you think so or not.


  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,949

    Kitty62--under the
    American's with Disabilities Act an employer MUST make reasonable
    accommodations for a worker's disability, and having cancer is considered a
    disability.Asking to come in an hour
    later seems pretty reasonable, if your job isn't time sensitive.

  • Kitty62
    Kitty62 Member Posts: 9

    Thank you so much for your kind words and advice. This is a good place to get it out and off my chest. I know I am starting to get anxious as surgery is getting closer. I wish it was more clear cut, but everyone's experiences are all so different. I believe our society has the quick fix/instant gratification so built in that it makes us more impatient. I'd like to just throw out the old cancerous boobs, stop in to Costco and buy some new ones and if they don't work I know I can return them for ones I will be happy with. Haha! 

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Yes Kitty, and if Costco doesn't have them try BJ's or SAMs Club!  (sense of humor is medicinal)

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,809

    Kitty, waiting for stuff to happen was always the worst part for me too. I was so extremely GLAD when they finally knocked me out for surgery....then that part would be done & I wouldn't have to be just sitting around dreading it anymore. Come over to some of the humor/game threads if you want to get a break from all the horrible worrying stuff!

  • Kitty62
    Kitty62 Member Posts: 9

    Yea, I know I'm in a bad place when I don't have my sense of humor.  Thanks Ruth, I will pop over to those boards so in this last week of fretting I can have a diversion. Today I cleaned my fridge. Ummmm wow. It's like one of those closets you never clean How can a family of three have so many condiments?!  

    Patoo...they should have a Boobs R Us store. One stop shopping. Ahhh if only it were that easy...

  • checkers
    checkers Member Posts: 48

    I just started Arimidex a few days ago.  I was told to take it just after supper on a full stomach.  I already have arthritis and hot flashes so I really don't notice any SE's except a few more hot flashes at night and I can't really call these hot flashes either. It's more like my whole body goes up several degrees so that with covers on, I'm too hot but with covers off, I'm cold. After about an hour or so my body calms down and I'm out for the night. Not even a trip to the bathroom! Hoping this is the only SE I get but from what I've read on this board, it takes a few weeks or even months before the SE's set in.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,809

    Mine were right away (little achy & flashy), which tapered way off after about 6 months & then I was fine. So you will hopefully find that to be your experience also.

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    Ive been taking mine in the morning with my other meds. So far really no se. Ive been on low dose sertraline (generic zoloft) to help with hotflashes. I take that around noon. It helps a bit- but gives me very weird dreams and makes sleep very unsettling. Tried moving it to the morning but it got a bit worse. Maybe I should try it at bedtime, and move the anastrazole as well? to help sleep?  The sertraline is the same reason as some people take effexor...any one in the same boat?  Its to the point where I might call my obygyn who prescribes it and quit,or ask to try effexor again- tho when I did try that one first, the se the first week werent great.

  • checkers
    checkers Member Posts: 48

    Aviva - Are your hot flashes that bad? Mine are only bad once in awhile so I wouldn't want to take an anti-depressant unless absolutely necessary because they are so addictive.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I take mine in the AM. I get some cold waves where I can't warm up  and wrap up in a blanket with a hat on for about an hour. Then I get a hot flash and seem to even out. Been on it for over 18 months. Got some aches, and a trigger finger. Pain in the trigger finger just started this month. Otherwise it was just sticky for a while then it got so I needed the other hand to release it from the fist position. Then I got the pain in my hand down from that finger almost to my wrist. But so far it comes and goes so I'm not worrying about it. I still crochet and wiggle my fingers to get it unstck. But i can live with it do far. Much love to all

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938


    Me during a cold wave LOL! 

  • Kitty62
    Kitty62 Member Posts: 9

    Moon...adorable pic!! Love it!

  • Optimistictraveler
    Optimistictraveler Member Posts: 25

    13kkan & checkers  & others -

    I'm one with no side effects  after almost 9 years - unless you count hardly ever having to shave my legs or armpits as a side effect! 

    I do still have some "warm flushes" occasionally. Before starting Arimidex, I was having pretty bad hot flashes due to HRT withdrawal. The Arimidex didn't necessarily help, but it sure didn't make it any worse. 

  • nativemainer
    nativemainer Member Posts: 7,949

    Aviva5675--I took
    neurontin for the hot flashes, it worked really well and helped me sleep,

  • aviva5675
    aviva5675 Member Posts: 836

    I think the neurontin might be the next attempt. Actually he had me start a clonidine patch 2 weeks ago. Its for blood pressure but the way it helps open the vessels is supposed to help with the flashes. I think what bothers me the most is the trouble sleeping- the seratraline gives me crazy dreams so I wake up, then notice Im hot. I take also zzquil that helps me sleep. I think Im going to contact dr about going off the anti depressant and see what happens. I can always start it again. On its plus side, I do think it probably helps me generally feel better , so Ill see what happens with my mood in general if I go off it. 

  • denise4603
    denise4603 Member Posts: 61

    Day 3 of Arimidex. No new side effects - already had the hot flashes anyway. Do side effects come and go throughout the 5 years? Or are they cummmulative?

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Hi denise.  SE's come and go, maybe.  Some may not start for many months.  You may not get any at all.  We are all different and just have to take it one day at a time.  Hoping you will be one of those who have minimal or no SE's at all.

  • nwest125
    nwest125 Member Posts: 69

    For some reason my Insurance company will not give me 90 day refills on my Anastrozole after 3 years of being on it ( I have Advantage) They said starting at the beginning of this year they are only dispensing one month at a time. And the price went up also, Is anyone else having this problem They overrode my doctors scrip.

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    You know, I don't think my Anastrozole even runs through my insurance company.  I get a 90-day refill through the mail from ExpressScripts.  They work with my MO to get the new script each year and they include an invoice for $25 each time the mail me the 90-day supply.  It never shows up on my insurance explanation of benefits so wow......I never thought about that before, but it must not be running through BCBS at all.

  • carolehalston
    carolehalston Member Posts: 8,288

    I have BCBS federal and a generic costs me $30 for a 90-day supply.  I'm thrilled to say I won't be needing to have this script filled after Sept.!!!!!!  I'm mulling over the idea of going off it a few months early.  Any thoughts on that?  My oncotype was 9 so 5 yrs were supposed to lower my risk to 4 1/2 percent.  I seriously considered stopping after 4 years but continued since the SEs are bearable. 

  • Sharon1942
    Sharon1942 Member Posts: 96

    Anyone else taking Arimidex suffering with de Quervain's tenosynovitis? It is a painful condition affecting the tendons on the thumb side of your wrists & I have it in both wrists!

  • Holeinone
    Holeinone Member Posts: 1,418


    My thumbs, especially the right has been very sore recently. Does it start out that way?  My wrists seem ok, but thumbs feel very stiff and arthritic.

  • BayouBabe
    BayouBabe Member Posts: 1,467

    mimihon - I developed de Quervain's after only three weeks on Arimidex.  I have since switched to Tamoxifen.  I did not want to see what else the drug would do to my body if it caused me this much pain in only three weeks.  I am still in PT for the issue, with little improvement.  SadSo frustrating that the therapy for the issue is taking months after only three weeks of Arimidex.  Ugh!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    Holeinone - thumb stiffness and pain in the joints can also be 'trigger thumb'.  I had a serious case of that in both thumbs for several months shortly after starting on anastrozole but they both resolved without treatment.  Trigger thumb is characterized by a painful 'catch' in the joint when bending or straightening.  Mine got quite painful for a while but it did go away on its own.

    I haven't had any wrist problems.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    I have trigger fingers issues with A. One resolved. The other causes me pain right now but kind of comes and goes. Some days are bad some not so bad. That goes for joint pain as well. For me it's an issue I can live with right now. 

  • checkers
    checkers Member Posts: 48

    3 weeks on anastrozole and started getting upper back pain during the second week.  A 2 day ride in the car from WI to FL and a 2 day return trip 5 days later didn't help!  Tried a couple of ibuprofen but not much relief.  Gonna try a 3 pill dose and see if that works better.  Other than the back pain I haven't had any other SEs. Crossing my fingers!!

  • sweetandspecial
    sweetandspecial Member Posts: 1,669

    checkers - 3 ibuprofen (600mg) is my standard dose.  Don't be afraid to try 800mg if you can tolerate it (I have a sister who can't take it because it causes nausea).  When you get a script after surgery for ibuprofen it's typically for 600mg or 800mg.  You just get to pay more for it because it's a prescription run through the pharmacy instead of being OTC.  Hope you feel better soon.  Back pain is a big bummer - I've been there.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Hope it helps Checkers! I am on an anti inflammatory so I don't take ibuprofen. I do take a pain pill though for my arthritis too. Arimidex hasn't made much difference I hurt anyway. Just more hot flashes. Much love to all. 

  • dlz913
    dlz913 Member Posts: 8

    Anyone experience shortness of breath on Arimidex?  I have been on it 8 months and noticed it almost from the start.  Went to a pulmonary doctor and all my tests are normal yet I feel like I can't breathe.  Anyone have this and if so, what did you do about it?