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Arimidex - Coping with the SE's



  • zenith4289
    zenith4289 Member Posts: 137

    I have been on arimidex for a week now and notice an increase in hot flushes, hip and knee pain.  Some take effexor for the hot flashes and cymbalta for the joint pain.  I don't think I want to take both nor do I think I could take both.  I guess the joint pain bothers me the most so should I ask my Onc for cymbalta when I see him next week or is there another med that works for the joint pain?  I really don't want to be on an antidepressant but if that is what works I guess i'll try it.  I have been taking oxycodone but I really want to stop taking it.  Anything work on both hot flushes and joint pain? 

  • Char2010
    Char2010 Member Posts: 362

    zenith - I have been on Arimidex since Sept 2010.  Had bone pain in different parts of my body but they all went away after a couple of weeks - kind of travelled around,  So maybe, if you can stand it without drugs, just give it a little bit of time.  Hot flashes come and go as well.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418

    I haven't read all 60 pages of this thread so if this has already been asked and answered, please excuse me.

    Is anyone having episodes of overwhelming anxiety since starting on Arimidex?  If so what do you recommend to control the episodes?

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243
    zenith, also, exercise helps, Vit D3 helps.  Ask your Onc to test your Vit D levels (check out the Vit D thread) as most of us are low.  Once checked, if it's only around or below 40, your Onc may say that is "normal" but it's not for us.  But like Char2010 points out, many times the se's go away or become manageable without additional meds.  We are all different so I do hope that happens for you as well.
  • wenweb
    wenweb Member Posts: 471


    Thanks for your input.  Since I posted my vent, I found out that the tooth in question does have to come out :>(  The only issue would be if I decide to have an implant which is the nicest looking option, because that whole process takes 6 months to complete.  I don't know if I want to wait that long to address my bones. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


     What Patoo said, re: Vit D3 is one of the most important things you can check.  I also take a very good quality Glusosamine, have for years due to knee pain, and I am sure it has also helped keeping joint pain at bay!  Also, a good Calcium/Magnesium ( 1,200/600) will help.

    Any and most of the SE's of Arimidex due subside - seem to be worse in the first 3 months - then our bodies someone learn to deal with not having any estrogen.  Can't explain, was very doubtful when my oncologist said it to me - but it turned out to be very accurate.

    Notself -

    YES, YES, YES - to all the range of emotions - anxiety, depression, the whole gamut.  It is truly amazing what Estrogen regulates in our bodies - and how it effects our emotions.  There are medications specifically for anxiety - and on the more natural side, meditation, acupuncture, and joining a support group with women who understand what bc is, and does to our lives.  I also see a massage therapist - which helps the aches - but is also amazingly calming!  Never thought of it for that, but really, I feel so relaxed when I leave her office.  Good luck findig what works for you.  It really is, IMHO, one of the worst of the Arimidex SE's.

  • patoo
    patoo Member Posts: 5,243

    Caerus, what brand glucosamine do you take?  I'm thinking of going back on them for a while.

  • ananda8
    ananda8 Member Posts: 1,418


    Thanks for your suggestions.  I already meditate, but the idea of message is a good one.  I'll make an appointment when the snow stops.

    The type of anxiety I feel is just physical.  I have the coppery taste in my mouth, the nauseated feeling in my stomach, and the off kilter feeling over all.  The anxiety lasts about 30-90 seconds and then passes like a wave.  I don't have a true mental component because mentally I just sit back and watch the process.  It is very unpleasant but it does appear to be reducing in frequency since I've started taking large doses of Vitamin B.  Since being on Arimidex, I have also had to take prescription strength potassium every day.  If I miss a day, I get heart palpitations.  My thyroid is suppressed and I am taking liquid Kelp to bring that back to normal.

    I've been on Arimidex for three years and am wondering if anyone else has had their whole system thrown off kilter by Arimidex?

  • garnetann
    garnetann Member Posts: 15

    I had a few questions about arimidex.  I have been on tamoxifen for about 3 years, my oncologist wanted to switch me to arimidex last summer, but I could not afford to, but now with the generic, I can. Do you just stop the tamoxifen, and start up the arimides or should you wait until the tamoxifen is out of your system.  I do step aerobics, is there any reason I still can't do it, my bones are in good shape and I do take calcium.  Is there any hope that the arimidex might give my non-existant sex drive a boost?  If I had all the side effects already from the tamoxifen, will I get hot flashes again, do you think? 

  • jacgrehanjul
    jacgrehanjul Member Posts: 5

    Are you paying too much for your Arimidex now that it is generic?  Please check!  Lots of people still are:

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,826

    I exercise all the time like a fiend; so yes, keep up the aerobics. If you feel kind of stiff & creaky at first.....just keep moving anyway, your body will adjust. Ladies I know who have switched from tamoxifen to arimidex say they have less hot flashes with arimidex.

  • paamboli
    paamboli Member Posts: 43

    I have a lifelong history of depressive episodes, as well as anxiety disorder and PTSD. Tightly wrapped I am not, and never have been. I started Arimidex in October, and stopped taking it last week because of marked suicidal ideation. My normally unflappable therapist began fluttering around me like a mother hen, and I realized that I needed 2mg. of Ativan every day just to get out of bed. My anxiety level was sky-high, and I was totally miserable.

    I feel considerably better now, but can still feel traces of the med in my system, although the suicidal thinking has gone. At 71, I am looking for Quality of Life, and will see a new oncologist next week to see if there are other alternatives.


  • thePuppetLady
    thePuppetLady Member Posts: 21

    I've been on Arimidex for less than 2 weeks and I have incredile lower back pain :(--I seem to remember my back hurting a bit before I started the prescription--I knock my back out pretty often but it usually straightens out after a few days.  But this pain is constant, but does get a bit better after I move around a bit.

    Of course, my first thought is OMG, bone mets but I've just finished chemo a few weeks ago.  I've had my scans this week (breast MRI, Pet) and will meet with my BS on Tues to set up surgery so I should know what the scans show....eek, scanxiety for sure..

    Guess what I'm asking is...back pain's a SE of arimidex, right?  Anyone else experiencing this and does it get better?

    thanks, ellen

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Member Posts: 1,017


    I've taken an antidepressant for years - still do and can't imagine being on Arimidex without it.  Are you taking any medication for your condition - there are so many you can take with Arimidex.  Unlike Tamoxifen, when the chose of anitdepressants is very limited.  If you were stablized without medication before taking Arimidex - I'm not surprised you are experiencing trouble.  Even tho we are well past menopause ( I'm near your age) our Adrenal glands are still producing some Estrogen - and taking an AI, any of the 3 (Femara, Aromasin) ends that, no matter how little it was, it's still something.

    All the medications that "tinker" with the Estrogen levels in our body are going to be a potentail problem for depression - unless we take an additional medication.  Good luck finding what works for you.  


    Most of us have had joint, muscle pain in the beginning - there are so many suggestions in this thread to deal with that SE.  I still use Red Tiger Balm on the  back of my left knee every night - to keep thepain at bay the next morning!

  • paamboli
    paamboli Member Posts: 43


    I'm not surprised that the Arimidex caused such a dramatic resurgence of depression. Prior to taking it, I had been stable without medication, because over the years, all the anti-depressants that were prescribed for me either did nothing, or caused adverse reactions, usually affecting my respiratory system.

    So here I perch, quite conflicted as to what to do next. I'm afraid to try another estrogen blocker, as it may be that I am too emotionally fragile to have that sort of meddling going on, and I am afraid that not taking a pill will increase the chances of my bc reappearing. I'll see what the doc says on Tuesday... OH, $#@*&^!!! 


  • Valgirl
    Valgirl Member Posts: 28

    I started Arimidex on 1/1/11.   I take Lexapro 10mg and am having no problems with either.  I was very concerned with starting the Arimidex due to all the side effects listed.  Maybe the Lexapro has helped.  My sister in law had BC 3 years ago.  Her Onc has her on effexor and Arimidex and she has occasional hot flashes but no other problems.

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183

    I have been on Arimidex for about 7 years and so far no serious problems with my bones.  The worse to me is the emotional rollacoaster.  What I can't find out and wonder if one of you ladies knows the answer, does Arimidex cause "memory" problems.  I got bc late in age (thankfully) and it is what saved me but I don't think my memory problems are a part of ageing.  I fear the 7 years of no Estrogen from Arimidex is affecting me mentally.  I tried to tell my Onc about it but he said he never heard of "memory" side effects and I am doing fine in his opinion.  Well, we all know all Oncs aren't omnipotent (they just may think they are) and sometimes they either don't keep up with the latest research or they just stick to what they believe at the moment.

    If any one has read any info on this subject about Arimidex and memory problems, would you please let me know where I can find it?.  I would like to be able to print it up to show to my Onc so maybe he will help me with this before I really get messed up memory wise.  I can still do my taxes and stuff but I get panicky when I forget where I put things I used to be able to do so easily. Thanks for any help or advice.

  • paamboli
    paamboli Member Posts: 43


    I paid a visit to Dr. Google on your behalf, and the numerous side-effects listed for Arimidex all include depression and anxiety, which can play havoc with your memory. If you can do your taxes, (which I have never been able to accomplish), but cannot find your car keys, I suggest that your difficulties may be due to anxiety, which can interfere with everything. 

    I hope that this has been helpful.


  • svitola
    svitola Member Posts: 2

    Hi! Thanks everyone!  I spoke 3 days ago to the oncologyst at MD Anderson that gave her the Chemo Protocol last year (We live in Guatemala, Central America), she was so nice.  Se prescribed Wellbutrin, and recommeded treating her insomnia first.   So she started taking a natural sleep aid forumla (hybiscus flower, valerian, melatonine, etc) and she is feeling so much better that there has been no need for the wellbutrin!!! I am so glad!!!! Thanks everyone for your help!!!

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183

    paamboli:  Thank you so much for the advice.  I do live with a lot of anxiety so maybe that is really the cause of my memory problems and the Arimidex is not frying my brain cells!  You are so right!  When I am really anxious about something, that is when I get so confused.  There is hope for me yet!  Have a good night!

  • shells43
    shells43 Member Posts: 499

    I have just started my third month on anastrazole (arimidex) and I'm feeling really good. My hands are achy in the morning, and sometimes my toes too, but it wears off as soon as I get moving. Overall, I can't really complain. I have had a little trouble sleeping, and as Svitola mentioned, insomnia is a side effect, and could lead to memory problems, Medigal. Maybe this is the proble?. I think having no estrogen is likely a cause, as well as aging. Interesting topic.

  • wenweb
    wenweb Member Posts: 471


    I thought you would want info that led to websites so you could refer your onc to them.  Since the  replies you received did not, I will add my two cents.  Memory loss is a well known side effect of menopause.  How could anyone think that taking an AI would not cause the same side effect?   Someone said (on one thread or another) that many oncs are unaware or in denial regarding most of the side effects of the AI's.  That's just simple math to me.  I've always heard things similar to what paamboli said.  If you misplace things, no big deal, if you don't know where you are, that's a different story.  

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,826

    Memory loss has many inter-twined causes; 'regular' menopause, 'regular' getting older issues, 'regular' just having too much on your plate, 'regular' stress....then you add BC specifics.....the whole trama of the experience (physical and emotional), 'chemo brain', and yes, the anti-hormonals.....gee, we are lucky we are functioning at all! I have always been a list maker (I should have bought stock in the sticky note companies) and if I think of something I write it down immediately, and I try to have everything organized, organized, organized, which helps so that I don't have to rely on my memory as much. If you truly feel that you are having serious memory issues maybe the person to talk to is you GP, as they have a broader range of knowledge than oncologists.

  • PinPDX
    PinPDX Member Posts: 3

    I was wondering if all the SE of the Arimidex GO AWAY once it is stopped?  Anyone have experience with that?  My onc says they will, but I'd like confirmation.  I took Tamoxifen for 2.5 yrs and have been on the AI for a few months and can hardly walk when I first get up.  And yes, memory is worse and wasn't so good to start with!

  • jp3
    jp3 Member Posts: 8

    Hello all,   I think I posted here a couple of months ago but decided to put my dread of this medication on the back burner.  When I was initially diagnosed with BC back in Oct, I was of course shocked but after given the path report; stage 1 grade 1, negative nodes; I believed the cancer to be survivable and perhaps (naively) just a little blip in life's journey.  Then I was told that my estrogen and progesterone receptors were positive at which point I had a total melt down.  Let me say that although I am not ungrateful for the optimistic prognosis of my disease, I am a huge fan of estrogen and nothing in this thread has improved my fear of it.  I've worked hard (exercise, nutrition, supplements, etc.) to maintain physical and emotional health during my life (reversing osteoporosis) and to wage war on my estrogen scars me more that removing my breast (DIEP and RT MX 1/19/11 after 2 failed attempts for clear margins).  I see my oncologist this week.  I'm also considering seeing someone to discuss proactive measures to combat this attack on my well being.  I plan to read all the entries on this thread to look for helpful/healthful suggestions. Like I've said before, I do not want this to define me.

  • Medigal
    Medigal Member Posts: 183

    Thanks Ladies for all the additional info about Arimidex and memory loss.  I find that when it happens and I just calm down and go on to something else, what I forgot returns.  So it must be involved with anxiety.  I will talk to my Onc next visit and ask him if any of his other Arimidex patients have these problems.  He is so eager for me to continue on Arimidex that he always brushes my concerns off as long as my bones are holding up.  I just think my concerns have more to do with just bones and I would like him to at least check into this.  We'll see.  BTW, thanks for you help and input.

  • jude14
    jude14 Member Posts: 29

    Hi all.....I have been on one of the AI's for the last 3 years and almost 3 months.  I count down to the 5 year mark.  I have found that cymbalta for depression has helped me more then anything I tried since being on these pills for the joint pain and sleep and mood swings.  It has been like a wonder drug for me. The pain is not completely gone but it is so much better.  It has a side effect of weight loss also and in the beginning i did drop 9 pounds but the last couple m onths I have been on a not to good diet and have lost no more.  The only bad problem I have from it is constipation but that may not bother everyone.  It is worth a try if you are in lots of pain and things from the AI's.......I will do all I can to make the 5 years even though I do not like taking another pill.......Wish everyone luck and with Gods blessings we will all get thru this together......

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Member Posts: 47,826

    jp3, when I was first diagnosed my pathology report was misread and I came up as triple negative; when I found out I was estrogen positive I cried tears of JOY because there was something I could do on a long term basis to lower my chances of recurrence. Nothing in my experience with arimidex (3 1/2 years now) has changed my opinion of that. I feel fine, am fine, do everything I did before. It does not define me any more than taking birth control pills while in my 20s did. People have different experiences, but most people do absolutely fine (usually they aren't the ones posting, naturally, because they are just busy living their lives). Give it a chance, it is always something you can quit if it doesn't work for you.

  • wenweb
    wenweb Member Posts: 471


    This cancer thing is one step at a time.  Once you get use to the idea of things, it's easier to accept.  In the worst way, I did not want to start taking Arimidex, now 13 months later, it's part of my life. Hopefully, you will be one of the many for whom the SE's are none or very tolerable.  As ruthru said, if it doesn't work for you, then you can quit.  There is no Arimidex police :>)

  • karen1956
    karen1956 Member Posts: 4,644

    YES...the side effects do go away when you stop the AI's.....I've been off them for 11 months now after 3 1/2 I back to where I was before way....but I am much better than I was on the AI's....I had so many side effects that were affecting my overall QOL....

    Gabapentin helps with joint pain and is also good for night sweats and hot flashes....I tried cymbalata but it was not good for me...neither was effexor....I'm on Wellbutrin now....I am really sensitive to meds so if there are side effects to have, yours truly has them.

    Please remember that not everyone has side effects or a hard time on AI', you hear from those who are struggling....most of the women doing well, aren't here!!!! 

    This month marks 5 years since Dx.....I gave it my all....