Connecticut Girls



  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150

    I finally have my oncologist appt!! It is tomorrow at 10:30. I am actually glad to be moving forward and a step closer to treatment. 

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    Hi Marie

    Welcome to the CT thread!

    I had my mammogram and ultra sound in Wethersfield and my MRI at HH.

    I use Dr. Brady (BS) Dr. Nuerenstone (ONC) and a PS from MSK in NYC.

    GL tomorrow karebear- let us know what the doc says!

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
    I am home. Here are the biopsy results:
    IPCD Grade 3, Est and Preg poss and HER2 neg.
    I get my port on tues and start chemo on wed. Tomorrow and Monday I go for the MUGA and the CT and bone scans. I am hoping to get an appt with the genetic counselors the week between Christmas and New years.
  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Hi Karebear:

    Well Tamoxifen is definitely in your future if you are pre or peri menopausal.  Who is your oncologist?  I love my port, it's still in even though I am done with treatment and when I had my reconstruction on Tuesday we used it yet again.  It makes life soooo much easier.  Have a soft small pillow with you when you have it put in, for the first couple of weeks it will be tender, and mine was on the left, so wearing a seatbelt didn't feel so hot.  After a couple of weeks I had no idea that it was even there anymore. Hang in there.


  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150

    Thanks Mimi. I have Dr. Caroline Ray. I really like her!!! She is so so nice! I met Lynn (a nurse) but she won't be my nurse. I have Gloria and she wasn't there yesterday. I am sure she will be wonderful too.

    I have 8 wks AC every other week and then the next day the booster shot, and then 8wks Tamox every other week. So at least I have a schedule for the next 16 wks!! 

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150
  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53


     I have a bunch of reallly cute hats, some of which were never worn.  If you would like any of them, feel free to PM me and give me your address, I would be happy to send some to you.  I found them very warm in the winter and liked them better than my wig which I wore twice.


  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150

    Chemo went well with the exception of one hiccup. My chest got a little tight and we are not sure if it was from forgetting to take my advair or from the steriod. We are just going to watch it. I have been super hyper since I finished chemo. I am trying really hard to lay low so that I don't hurt myself!!

  • mimi791
    mimi791 Member Posts: 53

    Hey Karebear:

     The super hyper thing is because of the steroid.  I was typically bouncing around for the first 3 days after treatment and then would crash around 2:00 in the afternoon of the 4th day.  I would be tired and fall asleep early, but then wake up in the middle of the night and not be able to get back to sleep.  Sometimes I would take a Benadryl and that would help.  Talk to your nurses, they will have helpful hints.  My inability to sleep was why I went back to work.  I was going crazy at home.  I am glad that other than your breathing it went well.  I take advair too.  One interesting side effect of all the chemo is that most of my allergies went away and now I take the lowest dose of Advair, and only once a day.....There has to be some positive in it all :)  Hope you had a nice holiday.


  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    I haven't seen some of you in a couple of months, so I thought I would post a picture of my "longer" hair. I am actually starting to like it. I'm the one on the right. Things are going well in my re-reconstruction, but I think I'm waiting for April for the exchange. I just can't take a 4th surgery in one year. I know some of you know the feeling.

    I hope you all had an excellent holiday and new year. I haven't seen a post from a few of you, so please respond and let's hear how you are all doing. I'm finally feeling more like myself!

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Hi Claire! You look absolutely beautiful! I've seen a pic you had before with long hair but i think the shorter hair looks really good on you, it shows your beautiful features. I'm glad you doing well with your revision process. I think it's wise to wait until spring because it is good to give your body time to heal from the other surgeries. I'm doing well on my end and looking back on the past year I can't believe all I went through. I feel grateful to have made it through to this point and pray the coming year is a year of restoration for all of us. Hopefully we can get together again with the CT girls sometime this year.

  • heebie_jeebie
    heebie_jeebie Member Posts: 92

    Claire you look great..... thanks for sharing the photo.  I'm glad to hear it is going well.  I personally can't wait to get rid of the expander - it digs into my ribs on the side.  2 1/2 weeks left till the exchange! 

    I am hoping to spend most of 2011 without the big C being such a focus in my life.

    Happy and healthy new year to all.

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150

    Hi ladies.

    I had my 2nd round of chemo yesterday and today my 3yr old(the baby) started throwing up today!!!! I feel awful cuz I can't even cuddle with him. To top it off my family was suppose to visit and now they can't come cuz of the pukies. Cry I just want to cry and cry. 

    Sorry to vent and get all weepy but I knew you ladies would understand. 

  • flash
    flash Member Posts: 129

    Hugs.  It's not easy.  It will get better.  It's crap when your kid is sick and you're not feeling great.

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Karebear-sorry your baby is sick and things aren't going  so good. It's this time of year when everyone is stuck in the house and the germs just go around. Hang in there, you can vent with us anytime.

    Hebbie-Your coming up on your exchange pretty soon, right? You must be getting excited. You going to look beautiful and feel so much better once that TE is out. Wishing you all the best!

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150

    Thanks ladies. My little guy was better in 4hrs!!! It was so weird! As quick as it came on it was done and he was totally acting normal again! My family came down and it was a great day!!

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150

    Oh I forgot to tell you. I got approved for the neulasta shot to be delivered to my house and given by my nurse friend!!!!! I am so excited to not have to travel 45min each way for a shot!!!

  • flash
    flash Member Posts: 129

    kare good news on your little guy.  When it clears that fast, it's bacterial/food related not viral (no such animal as a 24 hour stomach flu.)

    great to hear about the neulasta- you'll find it's not bad to even do for yourself. You may not even need your nurse friend.  good luck.

  • heebie_jeebie
    heebie_jeebie Member Posts: 92

    Sweetie:  Yes - I am excited.  The 21st.  I am just hoping for no snowstorm!  I just got a zip front sports bra to wear during recovery cause the old ones are going to be too smallSmile

    How long til you could go bra shopping?  and how long til you could move around without worrying about not lifting or pulling?

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Heebie-Hoping for no snow for your surgery date. He'll probably have you in the surgical bra for a few weeks if I recall. For the bra I would wait until the swelling goes down if there is any. I had very little. You can ask him about whether or not he wants you in an underwire. There is a thread on here discussing bras and sizing that is really helpful. Your going to find that implants are wider than your normal breasts were so your size will be different. The best thing is to get measured at Nordstrorms first because they measure mastectomy patients. I would check out the all about gummies thread too for their tips on what kinds of bras fit best. I felt pretty good in a week but you need to be careful about lifting and pulling because you will have internal stitches and you want to let those heal. You shouldn't have any problems moving around and the surgery is nothing compared to the MX, it's so much easier and your going to feel go good.

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    Heebie did so well after the mx that this will be nothing for her :)


  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444

    hello ladies,

    well...I am not actually from CT, but little 'ole Rhode Island seems to not have a thread, ;-) so I figured, if no one minds, I could join here.  I also just checked out the Boston thread in hopes of connecting with other local!  Living in RI, not much is far away!!!

    Me in a mom, aunt, & grandma all BC.  My mamm in August saw calcs.  Followed up with  US, MRI, biopsy.  I underwent BMX 12/06 (nipple sparing, and doing great!) for LCIS/ADH.... a couple weeks later pathology comes back - DCIS!!! undetected multiple cms scattered around my breast...Well, I couldn't be happier to have followed through with surgery!!! My gut was right...

    I am now 37 (36 at the start), married, originally from Northern NJ...we have 2 daughters, 5 & 7 yrs old and I really love living in RI!

    I just wanted to say hello, I have learned so much from and it has made a difference in me...I wish you all a peaceful evening and thanks!!!

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    Welcome to the CT/RI thread!

  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Firedancer-of course your very welcome here! I know your from the NSM thread. So sorry that you were DX at such a young age, but glad your doing so well after surgery.

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444

    Thanks, Claire & Sweetie...and yes, Sweetie, I recognized you too from NSM thread!

    ...thanks for the warm welcome, ladies!!!

  • heebie_jeebie
    heebie_jeebie Member Posts: 92

    Welcome fire dancer. 

     Thanks, claire.....hope so - in some ways I'm more concerned about getting the good side augmented.

    Sweetie, thanks for the advice. 

    Hope everyone is all set for a nice day home wednesday,  except for any shoveling you may have to is a plus.............after the surgery, I won't be able to lift a shovel or push the snow blower for a while so my teenagers will have to do it.  (hubby is out of town . . . again)

  • fire-dancer
    fire-dancer Member Posts: 444

    heebie_jeebie, being about 5 weeks post-BMX, I am working on "perfecting" the art of watching my husband from the window of the warm house with a hot cup o' joe while he is snow-blowing! ;-)  

    Stay warm, ladies!!!

  • karebear76
    karebear76 Member Posts: 150

    Here are a couple of pics looking out my front window and then trying to open the front door!!


  • sweetie2040
    sweetie2040 Member Posts: 470

    Firedancer-your lucky, my hubby just had foot surgery so he can't shovel or drive for that matter or weeks! Luckily I have a teenage son. I'll probably go and shovel too. I consider it my excerise since I can't walk in this weather. My daughter is supposed to go to work today too, but no way I'm driving! She's going to have to call out.

    Kerri-that looks like the scene over here too!

  • Claire82
    Claire82 Member Posts: 490

    It's beautiful. My smart little maine coon took one look at the snow and decided the deck wasn't the place for him to be, even though the birds wre calling him. On the other hand, my big fat not so smart love of a cat jumped right in and was buried up to his nose. He kept going, too, digging his way through.