Calling all triple negative breast cancer patients in the UK



  • maryna8
    maryna8 Posts: 1,832

    Hi, Sylvia and all

    The day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday because supposedly that is the day when Merchants first go in the "black" for the year and begin to make a profit. I guess because so much of their money is made during the holidays. They keep stretching it. Now Black Friday begins on Thanksgiving Thursday evening!

    We are in MIssouri in central US so did not get the heavy snow they got up north. We just got a few inches. We did get some very cold temps though. Though we are in Missouri we are over a hundred miles from Ferguson MO. Don't know if you ae familiar with it but they have had riots the last 2 nights. Burning, shots fired, vandalism, looting. Glad to not be close to the riots and hope that all dies down soon. It is unusual for our state to have such happenings, I feel bad for the business owners who lost their businesses.

    What happened to me: I had a partial tear in my rotator cuff in early July. Shortly after I began experiencing severe pain in my arms shoulders, back whenever I exerted myself at all by carrying anything. This has been going on since July. I finished chemo in late July, the oncologist thought it would die down when the chemo was out of my system. It did not die down, it got worse. I had an epidural steroid shot in my back, it seemed to make things even worse. I had MRIs, x-rays, an EMG and had physical thereapy I couldn't do well because of the pain. I saw my GP, an orthopedic doc, a spine doc, and a neurologist. None of them knew what was wrong with me, and all but one offered me lots of pills. Anti-depressants, pain blockers, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-neuropathic drugs. All of this with no diagnosis! The neurologist thought I had systemic neuropathy, so the GP agreed with him. I wasn't sure because I knew I had the neuropathy in my feet. But I did not want to take the drugs I was given for it unless it was absolutely necessary. So I started going to an acupuncturist and I am still going. I am happy to say I am better, I'm not great yet but we're not finished yet. He thinks with some more treatments I will be able to get back to feeling like myself and able to do things again somewhat as I did before. He has made me feel more positive and hopeful; I was a very depressed woman for a while. It seemed there was no help in sight. I still don't have a precise diagnosis but he does not think I have systemic neuropathy. He says it is mild neuropathy. He says I was in a very inflamed condition, probably from the chemo combined with my injury and setting off an inflammatory response that my body couldn't get rid of. Something like that!

    Well, that's all for now. Typing still isn't real comfortable, I will stay in touch and would wish you a happy Thanksgiving if it was your holiday. Oh well, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your husband anyway, there is always something to give thanks for!

    Glad you are so well and getting close to the 10-year mark! Whoo-hoo!

    Best wishes to all,


  • Hi Everyone and a special shout out to Sylvia!

    I last posted in May, and then life happened! Hello to new friends as well as those I know. With Thanksgiving being tomorrow I wanted to check in, say hello and wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving. I will be at 3 years out on December 27th. Things are great, I'm still following the same plan as in my signature line and graduate to semi-annual Onc visits in Jan. I appreciate all the shout outs Sylvia. It's nice to feel the love. I earned another credential, which required a lot of focus and studying. We had to part with a beloved pet who ran into serious complications following 1 dose of joint medicine and lost my Sister-in-law who was only 42. Life really is a journey and my wish is that all of us can find a way to embrace it. I do plan on saying hello more often now that things are settling down. I will sound the party bells and update you all at the 3-year mark so that we can celebrate together. Much love to all of you - I pray everyday for our health and a cure. xoxo from across the pond.

    I wanted to edit this, to clarify that when I said "and then life happened", that I meant I really started living, looking forward to the future, setting goals again and living and loving life like I had previously done. So when life happened for me, it was a good thing. I moved forward by leaps and bounds. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • adagio
    adagio Posts: 713

    Inspired - so lovely to hear from you - welcome back. glad to hear that you are well. We have missed you lots. I know what you mean about life getting in the way! So sorry to hear about your beloved pet - that leaves a big hole in the heart for sure. Also saddened to hear about your sister in law - 42 is way too young to die. Look forward to reading yours posts

  • Good to hear your news Inspired! I am one year on and having my first mammogram on Monday. Its lovely to hear of people a few years on as triple neg gets such bad press

    Love Sue x

  • Hello everyone,

    I have just been reading the latest posts with great interest and I ust wanted to say to InspiredbyDolce how glad I am to see you back on the thread. I shall post more later today when I have more time.

    To Maryna8, thank you for that most interesting post and I shall answer it in detail later on.

    To adagio, I was glad to see you back and again I shall answer later. I hope life has calmed down for you.

    Hello Michael, I hope you do get back to Essex, so hope you have some lucky numbers. You must have then as I certainly do not!!!

    Hello Suewirral, I hope this week has not been too bad for you. I read the thread that you have just created and hope you get some useful answers. It is true that most women posting on the forum with TNBC do seem to get one of the taxanes, either Taxol or Taxotere. I think if you are concerned that you did not receive one of these, the best thing is to ask the oncologist. It will be interesting to see what answers you get in any posts.

    Thinking of you all and shall talk to you later.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • maryna8
    maryna8 Posts: 1,832

    Hi, Dolce Deborah!

    Good to see that you are back. Sounds like you have been experiencing the good and the not-so-good of life, but almost 3 years on is something to sing about!

    I have to repeat an MRI in 2 weeks, to re-inspect a spot on my spine that was seen earlier. I have been told it is probably nothing to worry about. Wish me luck!

    Look forward to reading more of your posts, you always have good and wise advice.

    Best wishes and Happy Thanksgiving!

    Mary (maryna8)

  • Hello Michael,

    I was interested in what you said about people moving to Northern Ireland from London. I am not surprised because houses have become exorbitant in London and so you can sell up, buy elsewhere and still have a lot of cash. Lots of people seem to be moving to Exmouth from both the south-east, London and parts of the north to this small town. In the south west of England people probably have the best quality of life and people seem to live to a ripe old age.

    I was interested to know that, besides the English, you have also lots of Eastern Europeans. We are starting to see them in Exmouth as well and a lot of them are getting work in care homes and shops. Being part of the EU has changed England very much compared to the England I knew as a child.

    Do you think we should stay in the EU or leave?

    It has felt like a very long week here and I keep thinking it is Friday. It has also turned very cold and with all the damp it is not very pleasant. I sometimes wonder how I survived the Canadian winters.

    Wishing you a good weekend.


  • Hello Mary,

    Thank you for your information about Black Friday. What are you doing for Thanksgiving Day?

    I was interested to know that you are in Missouri. Ferguson has been hitting the headlines on our news here ever since it all started. The damage looked really awful on our television screens. We are now getting all the news about the shooting dead of a 12-year-old boy. The news in general is so bad every day.

    Thank you for all the details about what has been happening to you since July. I do hope that you will get a proper diagnosis of what is wrong sometime soon.

    It seems to be that patients not getting a definite diagnosis of what is causing problems, but being given pills for possible causes is happening quite a bit. This goes on here and I do not think it is right, especially as pills have side effects and may cause other problems. I hear it from people I know here. Lots of people seem to be taking a cocktail of drugs.

    We say no taxation without representation, so I think we should also say no pills unless definite ills. I think you were right to resist taking any pills without a definite diagnosis.

    I was glad to know that you are feeling better from your visits with the acupuncturist. Keep in touch and let us know how you progress. I do hope you can get a definite diagnosis. I was wondering what exactly is meant by systemic neuropathy. It seems to mean nerve damage throughout the body. It would not surprise me that such a state could be caused by chemotherapy. We all know these chemotherapy drugs are toxic and lethal and a different way of treating cancer is needed. What your acupuncturist said seems to make sense.

    Wishing you and your husband a very happy Thanksgiving today from this side of the pond.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hello InspiredbyDolce (Deborah),

    I am so glad that you are back with us. I am also glad to know that all is well and that it will be three years out for you on December 27th. I know you will have been taking great care of yourself. I also understand that people need to take breaks from the forum but I always feel concerned when someone suddenly stops posting.

    I was sorry that you had to part with a beloved pet. I know that people are very attached to them and grieve for them.

    I am really sorry that you lost your sister-in-law at only 42. That is so young.

    It is true that life is a journey and we do not know what twists and turns it will take. Whatever happens we somehow have to get through it.

    I am really glad to know that you are planning to say hello more often and I hope you will inspire others from whom we have not heard in a while to post, if only to say hello and let us know how they ae getting on. We have not heard from Carolben in a while and I do hope that she is still bearing up and that her treatment is helping her. I have been buying beautiful fresh apricots that come from South Africa and every time I do I think of Carolben.

    Sending fond thoughts to you from the UK and wishing you and all our American friends on this thread and others a very happy Thanksgiving Day.

    Best wishes.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hello adagio,

    I was just wondering how things are going with you over there in British Columbia, Canada. We get so little news about Canada over here in the UK. We get lots of news about the US but Canada is seldom mentioned.

    How are you finding life after all the excitement of the two weddings?

    Life is much the same here in Exmouth, but a lot quieter with all the holidaymakers gone home. We have had non-stop rain all through November and practically no sunshine, so it makes you feel a bit low in spirits.

    Do you have any projects to get you through the winter?

    Keep in touch and keep well.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • adagio
    adagio Posts: 713

    sylvia - I am well in general. I had my second cataract surgery done 3 weeks ago and it went well - it is great to be able to see more clearly. I do not feel like I have fully recovered from the 2 weddings just yet since I still feel very tired - however, my husband and I are going to Jamaica on vacation next week simply to rest, relax and be rejuvenated. It will be nice and warm which will be great

  • Hello adagio

    I was glad to know you are keeping well. A couple of people that I know have been telling me how good it feels to have very clear eyesight after cataract surgery. so I am glad everything went well for you.

    I do hope you have a good restful time in Jamaica.

    Best wishes.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hi all

    I do need some thoughts on how I am going to cope over the next few weeks.

    My daughter (the one whose wedding was called off by her fiance 4 days before the big day) has a breast lump and we have an appointment at the breast clinic this monday. It is also the day of my first mammo so I have moved my appointment to later in the day to be free to support her. I am very anxious for her particuilarly as I had triple neg.

    On top of all that my day case for my kidney exploratory op is a week on Monday (got a phone call on Thursday) which is the same day as I should be getting my mammo results. Thats OK as I can change that but i am worried that a week monday may be the day that my daughter gets her results in which case I will postpone my op.

    I am getting worried too as i will need a week off work and will have to cancel some appointments and what with being off sick so long for my chemo I am taking it as annual leave. I am worried that work will think me a lame duck!! although my manager has been very supportive.

    My head and heart are in a whirl. I went to speak to the psychologist at Maggies yesterday and kept on breaking down crying. I pulled myself together and went to the singing group at Maggies and could not stay as any slightly sad song sent me off again into a blubbering mess. Today is the anniversary of when i met met lovely partner colin who died nearly 18 months ago now.

    I know that this too will pass but feel so sad and anxious. Ant thoughts or comments would be great. I am going out to distract myself as recommended by the psychologist. I may just spend some money too!!

    Sue xx

  • maryna8
    maryna8 Posts: 1,832

    Hi, Sue!

    Wow you have a lot going on! I know somewhat how you feel....last January my husband was hospitalized with severe pneumonia and I found a lump in my breast. He has been diagnosed with

    long-time lung disease, heart disease and serious kidney disease, he is almost to the point of doing dialysis. I had breast cancer, treated it, and thought I would be able to get back to living. But I ended up with physical problems that have not yet been diagnosed that cause me considerable pain. I tell you all this so you know I understand, it just all seems like way too much sometimes. I have not really figured out yet how to deal with it all, so I may be not the best person to give advice. Sometimes I just put my head down and put one foot in front of the other and just try to move forward. Sometimes I lean on friends and family. Sometimes I cry. Sometimes I say "God we are in your hands, please take care of us."

    Sounds like you should take one thing at a time as you said. See how your daughter's appt. turns out and go from there. I am glad you have a supportive manager at work, and hopefully that will continue. I smiled a little when I read that you didn't want to sing sad songs. I know the feeling, while I was on chemo I refused to watch a sad movie, or a touching movie that I knew would make me cry. It's as if your emotions are so close to the surface that it doesn't take much, and crying just wears me out. I hope your therapist is helpful to you, and I hope your "retail therapy" helped too.

    I am so sorry you are going through such a difficult time. You have my hopes and best wishes for good outcomes for both you and your daughter. Will be thinking of you next week!


  • Thanks Mary, it means a lot to hear your comforting words xx

  • Carolben
    Carolben Posts: 265

    A quick hello before I fall asleep - been catching up on the thread, have 3 more pages, to read, so Im all out of date.

    Sylvia it's wonderful you are close to 10!years! That's so cool.

    Yes the Cisplatin/Gemzar combo kicked by butt and we only did 5 instead of 6 cycles. Last chemo was 5 weeks ago & am just starting to feel human again. So I want a break from chemo now, at least for the summer. Having a lung & abdomen scan on Thursday & seeing my onc on Fri.

    Time for shut eye, I just love my sofa!!

    Thanks for always asking after me! Will post more soon, eyes crossing at the mo!

  • Hello Suewirral,

    I have read your post and have been thinking about how we can try to help you cope over the next few weeks.

    I am a great believer in dealing with one thing at a time, otherwise a person's mind is in turmoil and everything keeps whizzing around inside their brain. Concentrate on Monday morning and getting your daughter through her appointment at the breast clinic. I am not sure what exactly is happening with her at that appointment, but if she is having a mammogram and ultrasound, I would have thought that she could be told at the same time whether there is something malignant or not. Mammograms can pick up cysts as distinct from tumours and ultrasounds can further confirm this. If there is a tumour, then I would have thought a core biopsy could be done and this analysed and results given later in the day. When I was diagnosed I had all this done in the morning and then had the results later that day.

    You need to be your daughter's advocate and be assertive in a firm polite way and say that you need to know without delay what is happening with your daughter. Like that, if the news is good, and there is nothing malignant, then that will be one worry out of the way. If the news is not good, then you will know that your daughter will get treatment. Not having answers and having to play the waiting game is the worst situation to be in and is not acceptable for the patient.

    After you have finished with your daughter's appointment you can then think about your own first mammogram post-treatment. Again, there is no need to play the waiting game. There is no reason with the way mammograms are now done not to have your result straight away. Just ask what the result is. I cannot understand why you are having to wait a week to get your mammogram results.

    For the moment, for the rest of this day and tomorrow, Monday, focus first on your daughter and then on you, and put the rest out of your mind. You have a week to get through before the following Monday, December 8th and you cannot know until the end of Monday December 1st what frame of mind you and your daughter will be in.

    We, on the thread, shall be hoping you have good news all round and will sleep peacefully that night.

    Do not think about the kidney exploratory operation and what to do until after tomorrow, Monday. If I were you I would not think of postponing your operation just yet.

    I would think that your employer would understand your position and remember that an employer does not have the right to discriminate against cancer patients. Since you are taking it as annual leave, there is nothing the employer can say. You should certainly not be worried that at work you will be thought of as a lame duck.

    There is so much information around now that anyone with half a brain should know what it is like to go through a cancer journey. No one can fully understand that journey except those that have gone through it, but cancer affects so many families now in some capacity that I would think a lot of people have some kind of understanding about what patients go through. Concentrate on yourself and your daughter and do not worry about the rest.

    I am not surprised that your head and heart are in a whirl and that you are in a highly emotional state.

    It is good that you went to Maggies and spoke with a psychologist. It is good to talk it out and having a good cry is helpful. The worst thing is to bottle it all up. I can understand that singing a sad song would set off your emotions, so you need cheerful music and singing.

    Anniversaries, birthdays, and any special day is very hard to get through after the death of a loved one and it is very early days for you since your partner, Colin, died.

    I can see from neighbours in my apartment complex how deep the grief can be. We have one man whose wife died nearly two years ago and his grief is still very raw. I have seen him on what would have been her birthday and what would have been their wedding anniversary and he could not hold back the tears. I have others going through the same. It is a very difficult time, but some days they are all right. With Colin concentrate on all the happy times you had together.

    I think the psychologist gave you good advice when he told you to get out and distract yourself. I hope you are taking his advice.

    I shall be thinking of you tomorrow and wondering how you are getting on.


    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hello Carolben,

    I was so pleased to see you back on the thread, as I have been really concerned about you. I can understand how tired you must get with all this treatment and I am glad that you are taking a break from the chemotherapy. I am sure it will do you good to enjoy the summer.

    Here in Exmouth it is yet another sunless day and it will soon be dark. I do not enjoy November and December.

    Are you managing to do any reading?

    Thinking of you and sending sincere best wishes.



  • Hello adagio,

    I was just wondering whether you ever look at the section under Day to Day Matters(All Topics) entitled Bone Health and Bone Loss. I came across two threads on it where there have been various posts about osteoporosis and the various treatments, bisphosphonates, strontium ranelate, strontium citrate etc.

    How are you treating your osteoporosis these days?

    Fond thoughts,

    Sylvia xxx

  • Hello everyone,

    I am just posting to give more details about what I was posting to adagio.

    In the section Day to Day Matters, under Bone Health and Bone Loss, the two threads that I found most interesting were:

    Anyone taking strontium for osteoporosis?

    Does anyone take strontium for bone health?

    I think you might find them interesting. All of us who have been through chemotherapy and radiotherapy should keep an eye on our bones.

    How many of you have problems such as osteopenia or osteoporosis?

    You might also be interested in Community – Acknowledging our community members from around the world. I was invited by the moderators to contribute and you can see my story there, along with others. I have just read the latest one from a woman in Australia and found it most interesting.

    I have just received my latest e-mail from Chris Woollams of Cancer Active, entitled Take Control of your Cancer Treatment programme. I shall post more details later, but you might want to look for yourselves. What caught my eye immediately was 2: Epigenetics, natural compounds and breast cancer. In this part it said "this article starts with 4 bioactive compounds that can fight triple negative breast cancer today......." I have not yet read all the details.

    I hope you are all relaxing and doing whatever makes you happy.

    Here I am in disbelief about all the crowds going mad in the shops for the recently introduced Black Friday. Extra police had to be called in to control the crowds rushing for goods. I think one news item said 8,000 television sets sold in an hour!!! It is no wonder people are being called 'consumers' not 'citizens'!

    Best wishes to everyone.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hi Sylvia and thanks so much for your helpful reply. I went out today and bought a sideboard (of all things ) in the sales. I am trying to tackle things one at a time and thanks for the reassurance re work. You are right, they cannot just sack me because i need an op.

    Love to you all girls xx

  • Hello Suewirral,

    I was interested to know you had bought a sideboard. That could be very useful. When I was first diagnosed I went for just one, one-to-one, counselling session at the Force charity centre in the grounds of the hospital in Exeter (The RD&E). At that session I was advised to put all my troubles and problems into a virtual chest of drawers and take them out one by one, over time, as I needed to deal with them. I found it helped me a lot to do that.

    Remember, Sue, that every cloud has a silver lining. You will get through all of this and we are all here for you.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hi all, well I was at the breast clinic twice today. My daughter had an ultrasound and a mammogram and both inconclusive so she has to have an mri within the next 2 weeks and our appointment for the results is on Christmas eve. The consultant did say she thought it looked ok but she wants to be sure so we are holding our breaths! I then went for my own mammogram later this afternoon.

    So I will be having my kidney exploratory op next Monday, the 8th December but have had to postpone my own breast clinic appointment which was going to be on that day so won't get the result of the mammogram I had today til 15th December , another 2 weeks (hope that makes sense!)

    I did ask the radiographer today but she said she could not give me any results and that my mammogram would be examined by 2 consultants and compared with my last mammogram. So at least I do think they are being thorough.

    I will be glad when the next few weeks are over. I have juggled some work appointments to suit but although I do like my work I just wish I could get off the treadmill for a while!

    I am a bit scared of my kidney surgery and what they may find, but my problems with pain have been going on for nearly a year now so need to get it sorted! I have had numerous scans with nothing found so fingers crossed.

    I hope everyone is getting on as well as possible, love Sue xx

  • Jackpot
    Jackpot Posts: 141

    hi Sylvia and everyone

    Just thought I'd pop on and see how everyone was getting on,

    Suewirral I hope all went well with your daughter today and your own mammogram it must be a scary time for you both......good luck with your kidney exploratory op next week

    Adagio I'm glad your cataract op went well....lucky you going to Jamaica it sounds like a well deserved holiday after the two weddings have a lovely time

    Carolben glad your having a break from chemo and I hope your scans and onc appts go well on thur/fri

    Maryna8 good luck with your MRI on your spine in two weeks it's good there keeping a check on things, I'm glad to here your pains is getting better...I was interested to know you were using an acupuncturist I've considered using one myself but I'm a bit of a chicken, let us know how it goes

    Inspired good to hear your almost at the three year mark but so sorry about your sister-in-law 42 is an awfully young age to lose someone and also your beloved pet.....I have a beautiful fur baby and know what it would be like to lose him

    Sylvia good to hear your closing in on that 10 year anniversary it must be a lovely feeling knowing that you'll be discharged in May....

    I havnt posted since I had my fibroid op and ca-125 test which if you remember came back as 229 (normal is 35) well where I am now is I had a chest liver abdomen ct scan on the 18th and I had a repeated ca-125 test, I got the scan results first on the 24th and they came back clear then from there I got ca-125 results and they had doubled to 445 so I was sent upstairs to see BS who examined me and found yet another lump so off I went to ultrasound who decided it was of no concern...I was at the hospital from 11.10 am to 5.45 pm...a really long day....on the 26th I was back at the woman's hospital for ultrasound and appt with consultant, first ultrasound confirmed fibroids weren't fully removed and were probably responsible for the heavy periods, after that I saw the consultant who was concerned about the rising ca-125 numbers and said that combined with the heavy periods fibroids cysts he recommended a total hysterectomy so that's booked in for straight after Xmas to be honest I'll be glad to get it done and get everything out that's causing problems

    Take care


  • Hello Suewirral,

    You must be disappointed to be once again playing the waiting game. The NHS seems to love this. They have no idea about the anguish that patients go through. I must admit I was surprised that the mammogram and ultrasound were inconclusive, as I would have thought the consultant doing the ultrasound would know whether it was a cyst or not. That has been my experience. I do hope you get that MRI scan very soon so that you and your daughter at least know what is going on. I do hope the results will be good on Christmas Eve. I can understand that the consultant wants to make sure.

    I do hope the days will go quickly for you as there is nothing worse than waiting. I do hope the results of your mammogram on December 15th will be good. Good news for you and your daughter will be your best Christmas present.

    We shall all be thinking of you next Monday December 8th when you will be having your kidney exploratory surgery. Please let us know how you get on.

    I can understand how you want the next few weeks to be over. You and your daughter have so much going on. You just have to try to keep as busy and occupied as you can so that the days go quickly.

    I can understand your fear about the kidney surgery but it is best to get it over with and find out what is wrong. Pain for nearly a year must be very wearing. You have to get to the bottom of what is causing the pain but it would seem to be good news that numerous scans have found nothing.

    I am sending all my sympathy to you and my fondest thoughts. Keep in touch.


    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hello Jackpot (Gill),

    It was nice to hear from you. I am very keen to get to that ten year anniversary and just hoping that nothing happens between now and then. I am not really superstitious but looking back over my life unpleasant things seem to happen to me in years ending with a five!

    It seems that you are also having a difficult time, just like Suewirral and I am sure you will be glad when it is all behind you. At least you have now had your fibroid operation and your ca-125 test. I do not know anything about the ca-125 test but I am wondering how reliable it is. My oncologist told me a long time ago that blood tests for cancer markers were not reliable or useful. I have looked up about ca-125 and the number can indicate a lot of benign conditions, such as endometriosis, which I have been told is a painful condition. You might want to look at the following link. It gives a whole list of benign conditions.

    You certainly have been going through it with a chest liver abdomen CT scan on November 18th and then a repeated ca-125 test. It is really puzzling that the scan came back clear and that the ca-125 had gone to 445. It must have been frightening when the breast cancer surgeon examined you, found another lump, sent you off for an ultrasound and you were then told the lump was of no concern. What a long time to spend at the hospital from 11:10 am to 5:45 pm. That must have been horrendous. To top it all, you had to go back on November 26th for yet another ultrasound and had to receive the news that the fibroids had not been fully removed. I have read that fibroids can cause heavy periods and can be painful. I was told long ago that I had fibroids but they never bothered me or affected me at all, so I just left them alone.

    Since the consultant expressed concern about the rising ca-125 numbers, combined with the heavy periods, fibroids, cysts etc. did he say that he thought the rising ca-125 numbers was caused by the fibroids? How do you feel about having a total hysterectomy at a relatively young age?

    I do hope that all will go well for you, Gill, and that you can get this out of the way if it has to be done and start the New Year on a new footing.

    Please keep in touch and let us know how everything goes.

    It sounds as though you need to have a session of comedy shows to make you laugh.

    How are your sons and how is your niece?

    Did Lulu make a full recovery?

    Thinking of you.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hi Sylvia and thanks for your posts, they do help me feel less alone in all this mess. I should have said but my daughter has breast implants and thats why the scans were inconclusive.

    Love to you all girls (and gentlemen too)

    Sue x

  • Jackpot
    Jackpot Posts: 141

    hi Sylvia

    Funny you should mention comedy shows, one of the reasons I turned down the first offered date for the op of dec 15th was because I'm going to see john bishop on the 18th...I've had these tickets for nearly a year and I'm not missing it for no op....

    I've made my peace with having a total hysterectomy.....even at my age I don't suppose I was that far away from the menapause anyway, and it will solve a lot more problems than it'll make....the only thing I'm not looking forward to is the surgical menapause and not being able to take HRT but I'll deal with that when it happens

    My sons are doing great thanks it's just been a bit of a worry for them the last couple of weeks with all's probably worse for family sometimes than for us, they go through every step with Neice is doing well, she's still in remission and living life as a 27 should, she's not letting anything hold her back, maybe because she's had lymphoma twice now she's making the most of being well but she doesn't really talk about it

    Unfortunately Lulu is not doing so well with progression in her lung tumours as well as further spread to ribs spine pretty much everywhere now and they've only give till Xmas/new year so she's making the most of her time with her new baby grandchild, she's still smiling on all her pictures and her spirit and fight never ceases to amaze me

    Take care


  • Jackpot
    Jackpot Posts: 141

    hi suewirral, did they not give her a fine needle biopsy? It's rubbish that you've got to wait even longer I hope it's all sorted before Xmas

    I was just wondering what part of the Wirral you're from I'm not to far from you?

    Take care


  • Hi all, just had to let you know i rang my BC nurse and she was able to tell me my mammogram was normal, such a relief.

    Jill they did not do a needle biopsy on my daughter due to her having the implants so we are playing the waiting game for her til christmas eve for her MRI results.

    I am going in for my kidney exploratory op on Monday. I am scared of the anaesthetic but need to bottom out this problem.

    Jill I live in Wallasey, where are you?

    Love Sue x