Calling all triple negative breast cancer patients in the UK
Hello HIRA4321 (Hiraida),
I have just looked at my computer and was very surprised to find your post. You are most welcome to post here and your English seems good enough to talk and communicate with us here. I know some Spanish, as I studied it in the past, you will be just fine here. You can come here and also have a look at the Spanish thread, as the Moderators have suggested.
Bienvenida, Hiraida.
I was sorry to read that you have just been diagnosed with breast cancer with triple negative receptors. I think we all know on this thread how frightened we are when we are first diagnosed, but you are going to be fine and like the rest of us you will get through this journey.
You have already had your operation for a lumpectomy, so you have that behind you.
Chemotherapy is the longest part of this cancer journey and it is the part that the women on this thread have found the most difficult. Most women will say that chemotherapy is the hardest part.
We shall be thinking of you when you start chemotherapy on November 16th, which is next Monday. Please let us know what drugs you are going to be given for your treatment.
What have you been told to expect from the drugs as side effects? The most common side effect is to feel very tired and some patients feel a bit sick and nauseous, but you should be given pills to stop this.
I think it will be useful if you post back and list the drugs you will have for chemotherapy and let us take you through each step of your treatment.
Have you been told what kind of breast cancer you have? The most common is invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). You should have been told the stage of the cancer and grade.
Thank you for your kind words about the forum and thread and I am so glad to know that you have found it helpful.
I was interested to know that you live in the USA in New York. How long have you lived there? I do hope you have some support and if possible someone to go with you while you are having your chemotherapy. You are going to be fine and we can help you get through this. You will find you will settle down once you start the chemotherapy. Let us know whether you are going to be having your treatment every three weeks or every week or perhaps every two weeks. You can come here and ask any questions you like and say what you like to get peace of mind.
I look forward to hearing from you and to learning more about you.
Pensamientos gratos.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hi, Sylvia and all,
Back to the subject of drug advertising; At the end of every TV drug commercial, this statement is made. "Ask your doctor if ------------ drug is right for you!" No, you can't buy them over the counter, they are still by doctor's prescription.
I received an email yesterday telling me that my copies of the "Truth about Cancer" videos and transcripts are being shipped. I also had an email which featured a short video with a body-builder whose name escapes me right now; he was being interviewed by Ty Bollinger. He is with the American Anti-Cancer Institute, which I had not heard of before. I checked out their website, you might find it interesting, I will go back there when I have time. Anyway, he told another amazing survivor story, and then said the cure was done with enzymatic and probiotic therapy. The video ended by directing one to a place where these enzymes and probiotics were sold, they are quite expensive. Probably most people would not be able to afford them on a regular basis, although as we have mentioned before, if you are on your last legs anyway, it might be worth a try. I suppose I will get these emails because I ordered the videos, and I don't mind, I find it all interesting. I do believe there is a money-making element included in all this, but really there is also a lot of expense for gathering all this information and making it available. We just have to use our common sense and research things as well as we are able.
Do you remember our Dr. Jack Kevorkian? He got into all kinds of trouble for helping very ill people commit suicide; he has since died himself. He was in prison for a while. I don't know what the answer is. Doctors can't really do the deed themselves, they have vowed to "do no harm." Religious beliefs of Christianity forbid suicide. When I was a child I learned that a person who commits suicide will go straight to hell. Now that tenet is tempered: now it is understood that the suicides had a mental disorder and thus were not responsible for their act. We have people lying in nursing homes for years and years who have Alzheimer's and know nothing and can't function at all, it is so sad. They are fed and kept alive and that is all. It is a knotty problem.
Do the sour cherries have a significant health benefit? I have a small tree that bears these cherries, don't know if they are the same, but very tart. I have to fight the raccoons for them, also my small peach crop. They usually eat them long before they are ready to pick.
The weathermen are telling us we are going to have strong storms today, hope it's not of the destructive kind. I have heard "straight-line winds" and "possible tornados" in the forecast.
Best wishes to everyone!
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Hello Hanieh,
Thanks for posting your pictures, you have a lovely home. Looks like you provided a lot of appetizing food for your guests. What are some of the dishes that you cook?
Your daughter's birthday of January 18 rings a bell for me too. It was the birthday of a very dear friend who died of lung cancer years ago. It was also the night in 1984 when our house, that my family grew up in, burned down around our ears. My brother and I were living there, and it was a very cold night; something like 18 degrees below zero. I will never forget that!
Have a good evening!
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Hi Mary
I'm so sorry that January 18th can bring you some sad memories. You seem to have gone through lots of hardships throughout your life. You must have gained lots of experience and strength through all these. I wish you many happy days to come.
The dishes I provided for my friends were spaghetti, fried chicken and fried mushrooms with French fries. I also made two kinds of salad and a dessert.
I enjoy both giving and going to parties with friends I really love to be. We usually gather together once a month either at each other's homes or in a restaurant.
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Hi Hiraida
Welcome to this thread. I'm so sorry that you had to join us but I'm sure you will get much comfort and support from such nice ladies like Sylvia and others. I know you are facing one of the biggest challenges of your life but you can overcome it. All the hardships of this disease will pass and time will lessen its burden on our shoulders.
You're in my thoughts and prayers
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Hi Sylvia
The thing I notice much about JC is the lack news and policy but that could be because I am in Ireland and don't follow much UK news. I have seen this on Twitter today
The attacks on Jeremy Corbyn are getting unhinged. Bonkers. Completely wacky. Here's my new video about them!
I haven't watched it yet but I am off to Brentwood tomorrow so will watch it on the journey.
I am due an appointment with my consultant soon and as he said they are catching up with the backlog I am expecting the letter on time. As you said, no matter how you feel you can never be sure what is happening.
It was interesting news about that baby being treated at Great Ormond street fur a very aggressive leukaemia. I hope it means a cure.
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Hello Mary,
Thank you for your post and thank you for clarifying the matter of drug advertising and that a person must still have a doctor's prescription.
Raymond and I also had an email about the video with the body-builder but decided not to view it. I shall certainly have a look at the website of the American Anti-Cancer Institute. I do wonder if it is another moneymaking site. I have an open mind about alternative treatments for cancer but does anything really cure cancer? I still think it is far easier to try to prevent it in the first place and then if you do get diagnosed with it, to do all you can in your everyday life to try to prevent it from coming back. I also think this is a great challenge in the west with our way of life. I do not think that any one thing will be of use.
I think we all know on this thread, from Chris Woollams and others, that we need to keep our gut healthy, but I do not think that means we have to take in probiotics, unless we have problems in the gut that somehow damage the natural bacteria that should be in the gut. I think it is probably useful to take probiotics if we are on some medications, especially antibiotics which we know destroy the natural bacteria in our gut. Enzymes are often mentioned as important, so I can see how taking these might help.
I suppose that, if conventional medication has failed and we are told that nothing more can be done, you might as well try anything.
I think that we all have to make up our own minds about what we are willing to take and what we are not.
Raymond and I have decided that we do not want to pursue anything else about alternative treatment because we do not want to keep receiving emails and being asked to buy things. It results in brain overload!
I do remember Dr Jack Kevorkian. I believe in voluntary euthanasia and not letting people suffer unnecessarily when there is no hope. Doctors have vowed to do no harm but allowing people to suffer is doing harm. Pets are put down when they are suffering and there is no hope, but not allowing people to have assisted dying is also a way of doing harm. I have not been impressed with articles or letters I have read about unnecessary suffering in hospices. Doctors also do a lot of harm with some of the medication they prescribe to patients, who end up on a cocktail of them, and suffer from this.
As for religion, I think it should stay out of medicine, and stop telling people what they should or should not do.
I also think that keeping people alive for years and years with dementia is cruel. I can see no point in a life that has no quality and how can you have quality of life when your brain has been taken away from you?
Today I have been watching all the coverage about the terrorists attacks in Paris, France. I see no end to it all. I feel it is all building up to World War 3. I was born in London during the Blitz of World War 2 and feel that the latter part of my life may end under bombs.
It is a dismal day in Exmouth and it does affect one's mood. A few hours of sunshine would make everyone feel so much better.
Keep well, Mary.
Fond thoughts.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Michael,
Thank you for your post. Be sure to let us know how you get on when you have your appointment with your consultant. Do you get nervous before these appointments?
I agree it was interesting about the baby being treated at Great Ormond Street for aggressive leukaemia. I am not sure I believe in cures.
Thank you so much for sending the link. Raymond and I have watched Owen Jones expressing his opinions about the way Jeremy is being treated and we agree with what he has said and with you. There is only one way to describe these attacks and you have got the word – bonkers! Looking back, I cannot believe the trivial things that our awful press is picking up on. This last one, at the Remembrance Service, takes the biscuit. Where are we going if the press is now measuring the depth of a person's nod? They had to find to something. Jeremy was well dressed, he was wearing a poppy, he sang the National Anthem, so it had to be the nod was not deep enough when he laid his wreath. What they did not mention was that Jeremy went to talk to the veterans in the crowd, while the big wigs hurried off to wine and dine, no doubt sumptuously. It all gives me existential angst.
We are going to watch some more of Owen Jones's opinions.
He is right about Tristram Hunt. He should go join his fellow toffs in the Tory ranks.
It is true that coming from Oxbridge does not mean you have intelligence and common sense. I think it is about time these two universities were considered no different to any of our other universities and should be opened up to everyone.
I also think it is about time we legislated to get rid of private schools.
We are going to look at some more of these opinions on the video.
How often do you watch these videos and how often does Owen Jones make a new one?
I was feeling pretty low in spirits this morning having digested all the news from Paris. The weather does not help either. Listening to Owen Jones has cheered me up. It is good to know there is someone else with a brain out there!
I hope you have an enjoyable time in Brentwood. Please let us know if there have been any big changes since your last visit.
Wishing you all the best.
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Hello Mary,
I just wanted to let you know that I have just looked up the link you gave me and I saw that there is a book for sale entitled Killing Cancer – Not People by Robert Wright. I am sure it will be interesting but not sure how much more information my brain can take.
I saw there were a whole load of other links of very topical subjects.
In one of the newspapers here this past week was an article by a doctor entitled Don't Let Doctors Kill You.
All this is obviously very topical.
Sending you best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Mary again,
I just went to Amazon as I was thinking of ordering the book Don't let doctors kill you - How to Beat Physician Arrogance, Corporate Greed and a Broken System by Dr Erika Schwartz, published September 2015. It is already sold out and only available as Kindle, which I do not want. I like the feel of a book. I could not believe that the price for the hardback edition has gone up to nearly £1,000. Someone has obviously got a copy of this and is selling to the highest bidder. It should be about £20.
I suspect the article in the newspaper has done this.
Fond thoughts.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sylvia,
It is indeed a sad day after the dreadful happenings in Paris. I am also angry, angry that these so-called "refugees" are allowed seemingly unchecked, unvetted entry into all the countries of Europe and our own. (It has been proven that at least one of the terrorists carried a Syrian passport, and ISIS has said that they will infiltrate the floods of incoming people.) Also very sad for those who are genuine refugees with no evil intentions. How wonderful that the alert security guard at the stadium realized the attacker he confronted was wearing a suicide vest, he saved many lives. I share your fear that I don't see this ending anytime soon, threats have already been made. I don't know what else to say without ranting and raving, and I don't suppose this forum is the place for that.
I suppose once we have this cancer diagnosis it is part of our lives forever, whether we have a recurrence or not. Seems only natural to me to be interested in what people are saying about things to do about it. Whether or not we think it is a good idea remains up to us so far. I'm sure there are people who are only too happy to cash in on people's misery and fear, but I also think there are people who are trying to offer a service or product they genuinely believe in. In regards to the body-builder's video, the probiotic/enzymatic regimen of pills that was for sale was not only very expensive, one also had to take a huge amount of them to follow the protocol. I could not imagine swallowing as many pills in a day as they were recommending.I do take one probiotic pill a day, because I have problems with diverticulosis. It has been worse since chemotherapy so I am trying that. I find myself blowing this way and that with my diet. I know you have your diet down to a science, I am not there yet. I do eat some red meat, some days my body demands protein. Legumes are sometimes a digestive problem, so I eat them sparingly. I eat a lot of vegetables and fruits, organic if possible. I don't do much dairy, some cheese occasionally. I eat a lot of fish, and sweet potatoes, bread made of sprouted grains, eggs. I can't tell yet if the probiotic is helping or not, time will tell.
I completely understand the "fatigue" of you and Raymond after watching all the videos. It was just too much in a short time. I will receive my copies soon, but I don't think I will be watching them again soon, I will be glad to have them to refer back to when something comes up.
I can't believe the book you were looking at was priced so high either, perhaps they will do a reprint and make it available again. I have only bought one book relating to cancer, there is so much info on the Internet that I haven't waded through. and also like you, my head is getting overfilled with all these differing views on what is the best way to proceed. Some days I just want to chuck it all and over-indulge in cheeseburgers and Milky Way bars!
I hope your country remains safe, and somehow we can find our way out of all this to happier times.
Love, Mary
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Hi Sylvia and everyone else.
I had a wonderfully relaxing time in Mexico - I did a lot of sleeping, reading, relaxing and eating. Fortunately,the food was very good and quite delicious. The ocean was wonderfully warm - however, there was a fair amount of seawood which made the water a bit murky. We also had lovely pools in which to cool off. We went to see the ancient Mayan ruins in Tulum and they were fascinating and beautifully situated on the edge of the ocean - very scenic!
Regarding the videos - I do not regret watching them, but I have not purchased them because I took notes and felt I got out of them what was of interest to me. I really am just starting to get a bit tired of all the e-mails that arrive promoting something or other - some are more interesting than others. The skeptic in me sometimes surfaces and thinks that this (the truth about cancer) is a money making venture. No one treatment is going to work for everyone, so how do we choose which treatment to try? (that is if we decided to do alternative) There is just so much information that my brain can take, and I feel for now that it is quite full!
I do not write here very often, but I do check in regularly, and find all of the posts very interesting.
Yesterday I spent some time in my garden, and was pleasantly surprized to see 2 beautiful roses in bloom, and my geranium and pansies are still getting new flowers - this is impressive for the middle of November. We have had a very mild fall. My kale, arugala, parsley and chard are still doing well, and I use them most days.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend and enjoying some time outdoors if possible.
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Hello Mary and adagio,
I have just read your posts with great interest and I shall sit down and answer them later. You both write such interesting, informed and informative posts. You feel like close friends to me. I have been following all the events in France and feel upset and angry.
Talk to you later.
Fond thoughts.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hi Sylvia and all
These days the depressing news of terrorism and it's fears have made me so depressed that I feel I can't be my normal self. Plus, the blood tests that my gynaecologist gave me to rule out ovarian cancer because of a suspicious mass in my left ovary has left me paralysed. I should wait until Saturday when the results are ready.
Waiting for better days
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Hello Hanieh,
I was so sorry to read how depressed you are feeling about these awful events in Paris. I have felt in very low spirits as well and have spent a lot of time listening and watching the wall-to-wall coverage. I have also been listening on my special radio to all the coverage in French. I do not know where all this is going, but I fear the worst.
I do hope that you will get good news from your gynaecologist but I can understand what the waiting is doing to you. Try to keep busy and hopeful while you are waiting. We shall all be thinking of you. That mass could be a cyst. Let us hope that is what it is.
Should the news be bad, the ovaries can be removed.
Keep in touch with us.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hanieh - many warm thoughts, prayers and hugs coming your way.
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Hi Sylvia and adagio
I love you for all your kindness. Now in the darkness of the midnight reading your posts gave me much comfort. I don't know why everything wants to oppose you when you try to live positively. I'm really fed up with all these. Thinking of Saturday and the results has given me such a bad headache that I can not fall asleep. When I see my beloved husband and lovely daughter I feel ashamed of myself why they should suffer my problems, even though I always try to put on a happy face. My daughter begs me to have a baby, something that seems far away.
Also seeing how scared the innocent people run away in fear of terrorists attacks in Paris and different parts of the world is devastating. I usually try to avoid news as they are always rendering the worst events around the world but this time it seems impossible to escape .
Wishing all the better days
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Hanieh - it is so normal to worry during the dark hours when we should be sleeping - somehow the quietness of the night seems to make the brain overactive especially if there is something specific on our minds. If I were in your situation, I too would worry. Remember to take your deep breaths in and deep breaths out - breathing in healing and breathing out cancer. I do this every night before I go to sleep and many times throughout the day. Anxiety can rob us of so much life and energy - and yet it is such a natural reaction to our fear of the unknown. Hoping for good news from your doctor on Saturday. Until then do the best you can and rest when you can. Hugs!
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Hello Mary,
I have finally found some time to sit down and read your post carefully.
I do share your view about the "refugees" that are flooding into Europe. I watched the images on the television and I can hardly believe what I am seeing. It cannot be right for this to be allowed. If the first boat had been turned back, this would have been the best deterrent but we keep rescuing and these people just keep coming. The traffickers are the big problem. One minute they are refugees, another asylum seekers and yet another economic migrants. In the UK we are already overpopulated and our housing, schools, and health service are strained to breaking point. I cannot understand why those with all the power have so little common sense. There is a big manhunt going on now for one terrorist on the loose and there is no way of knowing how many ISIS people have walked in freely to the continent of Europe.
This morning I heard on the radio that an expensive cancer drug, specifically for breast cancer, will not be available on the NHS. This makes me angry when I think of all the money being wasted on war and arms. Now more money is being made available, several billions, for security monitoring and the UK is on high alert for a terrorist attack. This is no way for a population to have to live and it is the politicians who cause all the trouble and of course they will be protected. I think of all the money that could go more usefully into making a better quality of life for so many.
I do agree that once we have a cancer diagnosis, it becomes part of our lives for ever. The secret is not to let it take control of us. If we are doing our best to take care of ourselves, there is not much else we can do. We have to live each day. There are no guarantees in life.
I do agree with you, too, that we should open our minds to everything that is being said or offered concerning cancer. I take notice of everything in this respect. I was very glad that I went through all the videos, very glad that I have emails from Chris Woollams of Cancer Active. My mind is open to everything that is out there. I do not want a mind that shuts off and cowers in the dark ages.
I do agree with you about not taking too many pills, but see no harm in trying things at least once.
I think we can be overwhelmed with advice about food. The "experts" keep changing their mind about what is good and what is bad. I believe in moderation and variety and a little of what you fancy sometimes does you good.
I like to think that I am eating healthily but it seems from all the information that yesterday's no-no becomes today's superfood.
I think if we are all eating plenty of fruit and vegetables we should not be going too far wrong, but then, if we are not eating organic, there is the problem of chemicals. Sometimes organic is not easy to find and sometimes does not look that fresh. It is also expensive. I think all we can do is try to do our best.
My diet seems very much like yours except I do not eat meat or dairy products, especially cows dairy. Very occasionally I might have a little bit of goat's cheese.
I looked up those books again and that book "Don't let doctors kill you" is still up at a very high price. I also looked up another book, entitled "Killing Cancer Not People" by Robert Wright is sold out. I was also looking up some of the French magazines and newspapers in French, but it looks as though they are all sold out.
By the way, I do not know if there are any benefits to sour cherries, but do not think they can do any harm. There is something called soursop, made from some kind of plant, that is supposed to be anti-cancer.
I do hope Hanieh is going to be fine. We all have to rally round for her.
Sending you fond thoughts. I was glad to discover last night on the television that the US has said it will not be taking in any Syrians. I, too, have been finding it hard to sleep for about a week and found myself getting up at 2 am this morning to watch all the dire news.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello adagio,
I am just going to have a break and then I shall answer your post.
Best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello adagio,
I was glad to know you had a good holiday. It all sounded very interesting.
Like you, I do not regret watching the videos but did not feel the need to buy them. It seems that once you watch something you do get bombarded with emails. They are always after money. You are definitely right that no one treatment is going to work for everyone, and I certainly do not believe that there is a magic bullet cure for cancer. I think the secret is to try to prevent it through your lifestyle. It would be impossible to choose one alternative treatment over another. I think all of this is causing brain fatigue. I think we just have to read the information and just do what we think is best.
I was glad to know that you do view regularly and I do consider you an important part of the thread. Post when you think you have something to say or can be of help and comfort to someone. Hanieh needs our support at this moment.
It is the posts that ultimately keep the thread going. It has to be interactive.
Like you in Vancouver, we are having mild weather here and some flowers are still in bloom.
I do read the TNs and post from time to time to try to offer some comfort, but it is such a big thread that I cannot keep up with all the names. I do think there seems to be an extraordinary number of women being diagnosed with breast cancer with triple negative receptors and I do wonder why. Have you any ideas?
That is about all for now. Keep well and keep in touch.
Fond thoughts.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Hanieh,
I just wanted to let you know that you are in my thoughts. I can understand what you are going through and do hope that Saturday will come soon and you will get good news.
You must not blame yourself in any way for what is happening to you. You have got through your cancer journey and you will face whatever you have to and get through it. You are a strong young woman with great compassion and great depth of thought.
I do hope you will manage to get some sleep, as it is very important for building up the immune system and resting the brain. You might like to try some chamomile tea about an hour before going to bed. It sometimes works for me.
I have been having trouble getting a good night's sleep lately. My mind seems to be too active and it goes into overdrive when I get to bed. I have been getting up in the middle of the night, sitting in the lounge and watching news programmes without the sound, just the subtitles. Broken sleep is not conducive to good days.
I am sure your husband and daughter are helping you through all this and giving you a lot of love. I can understand your daughter wanting a brother or sister but I am sure she will understand if you tell her that the time is not right at present.
I think we are all reeling from the terrorist attack in Paris. It is awful that so many innocent people were killed when they were out relaxing after a week at work. We just do not know when our lives will end and so we have to just live the day as best we can. There is so much suffering and injustice in the world. Man's inhumanity to man seems to have no end.
Try to concentrate on yourself and your family, as you cannot solve the world's problems. Wars do not solve them, killing does not solve them, and dialogue for peace is very difficult.
Thinking of you.
Sylvia xxxx
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Dear Hanieh,
So sorry you are having to endure this, the waiting is the hardest part. It seems that once we know what's going on we can proceed, it's the "not-knowing" that is the torture. Is it possible it is just a cyst? I guess my speculation doesn't help anything. Having spent many sleepless night-hours myself, I know that one method I used and still do is prayer, not really even for anything specific, just prayers learned in childhood said over and over in my mind. I suppose it's just a method of meditation, trying to quiet the brain from all its' dark thoughts. Please know I am with you in spirit, and hope for the very best result on Saturday.
The terrible events in Paris over the weekend do not help one's mood, it shows me how little control I have over the world around me.
I am glad you have such a loving family, and circle of friends. They will help you through anything that comes up, and celebrate the good news with you. Your circle of friends here will do the same!
Wishing you good news and more peaceful nights.
Love, Mary
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Hello Amanda,
I was just wondering how you are getting on. Have you now gone back to work and how is it going?
If I remember correctly, you were feeling a bit under par last time you posted. I hope all is well and that you are just busy.
Fond thoughts.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello everyone,
Someone on one of the other threads was asking how, in the past before TNBC was named, patients knew that their breast cancer had TN receptors. It seems probable that everybody was offered tamoxifen and, of course, it did not work for non-hormonal receptors.
I have a friend who is now 59 and she was diagnosed with breast cancer at 29. She had a lumpectomy and radiotherapy and was not offered even tamoxifen. It would seem likely that she was TNBC, especially given her age. She is thus a 30 year survivor.
Someone also mentioned that the size of the tumour did not always coincide with lymph nodes being affected. Some have small tumours with several lymph nodes affected and some have large tumours with no nodes affected, or just one like me with a large tumour.
Cancer is unpredictable and has a mind of its own.
Hoping to see some more posts, especially from my fellow Brits.
Best wishes to all.
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Hi Sylvia/ everyone
Hope everyone is doing ok. This is my second week at work I'm doing three full days and feeling a lot better this week ( think my body is slowly getting used to early mornings again) I am still having a bit of pain in my hip / groin area and am waiting for the results of bone scan.
.Hanieh I hope that your scan is clear and hoping that the mass is a cyst and nothing serious. Sending lots of love your way.
Love Amanda
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Hi Sylvia, Amanda, Mary and adagio
I really don't know what to say but I just want to deeply appreciate all your care and kindness. I'm so happy to have such great people as my dear friends.
Last Monday I decided to have a check up with my gynaecologist but as I was not able to make an appointment with her so I went to another gynaecologist. I don't know whether it's common in your countries that gynaecologists have ultrasounds in their clinics but here in Tehran nearly all gynaecologists have one to do the regular check ups. After examining me she suddenly said I see a mass on your left ovary that is not a cyst and should be tested for cancer as you are in menopause and also high risk for it. I left her clinic completely frightened and in tears as my body had betrayed me once. However, yesterday I decided to have ultrasound done by a radiologist. He was extremely mad at that gynaecologist and believed that gynaecologists should not be allowed to perform ultrasound tests. After performing the ultrasound he told me I have 14 mm subserosal fibroid. It was a real peace of mind. Shame on that so called doctor!
But again this fibroid was not there a year ago and after searching extensively I realised that these fibroids though harmless are caused by hormones and they usually should shrink after menopause. Now that my hormones are completely shut down by dipherline injections where has it come from?
I called the lab and asked them to make my results ready by tomorrow and set an appointment to see my own gynaecologist on Saturday. I hope there is nothing serious with it.
Amanda I hope you give us happy news of your bone scans .
Love you all and wish you the best
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Hi Sylvia
I am not sure how often Owen Jones produces his videos, I think it is "as and when" I will let you know if I notice him posting new ones. He is certainly very clever but I think one of the problems with the left is that they don't seem to be hungry for power in the way that the right are.
Here is an interesting link about pigeons that I have just seen on Twitter
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Morning Hanieh/ everyone
Thank goodness they are fibroids . My cousin who is 47 one year younger than me was have very bad periods and felt blotted for some time. She went to the doctor for investigation and they discover fibroids. She will be having an operation to get them removed after Christmas . So happy that it's nothing serious ... The other doctor needs striking off for having you worrying like that.
I have had a letter from hospital this morning and the bone scan is clear the pain must be damage from chemo ... But that's fine I can live with that as long as it's nothing sinister. My next check will be in 6 months. But if I have any problems I can ring and book an appointment sooner.
Love Amanda
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Hi Amanda
Soooooo happy to hear your good news of clear bone scan. Whenever I have such scans and everything turns clear, it's as if I have got a new chance of living.
Thank you so much for your kind words. Wish you health and happiness.
Lots of love