Calling all triple negative breast cancer patients in the UK



  • adagio
    adagio Posts: 713

    maryna8 - I also watched the video! Lots of interesting facts about big pharma, which I was somewhat aware of before! It does make me question the whole process of chemo etc. I will watch with great interest tonight about breast cancer. I have been aware of the dangers of mammogram, biopsy, etc, but I did them anyway for diagnosis purposes! What I would be interested in would be some kind of comparison study done with people who have taken chemo and those who have used only alternatives, to see the difference in life span and quality of life

  • Hello Mary,

    Thank you for your latest post. I was glad to know that you had watched the first episode of the Truth about Cancer on your computer last night. Raymond and I watched it this afternoon and saw it all in one go for two hours. Like you, we felt it was too interesting to stop it and watch it in segments. Like you we were infuriated and could hardly believe some of it. It is so disappointing to know that the whole cancer treatment with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and all the drugs is done for big profits for the pharmaceuticals, which the doctors go along with.

    I shall look forward to reading your views on this first episode and I do hope other people on this thread or from other threads will come on to make their comments. I do hope lots of people are watching this because, as you know, I believe knowledge is power.

    I did know that the idea of chemotherapy treatment came from the use of mustard gas and I thought it was in World War One, not World War Two. I do remember tales of my grandparents generation coming home from that war gassed and having terrible health problems.

    What really shocked me was to learn about how the concentration camps in Germany came about in the first place through the pharmaceuticals to use as trials using slave labour.

    I did know that chemotherapy and radiotherapy were cancer causing and this was one of the reasons that I was so reluctant at first to have treatment. It looks as though we cannot say we are clear of cancer when we are in remission, according to this programme, because we have no idea what is happening to stem cells still circulating in our body, and that can form into anything, including cancer. I have read in the past that these stem cells are the reason that we can develop metastases. It looks as though it is a misnomer to say we are in the clear but the cancer may come back. It looks as though it is more accurate to say that it has never gone away, so is lying dormant.

    The question I ask myself having watched the early parts of this episode was what would have happened to me if I had not had the treatment?

    It is a very sorry state of affairs that the pharmaceuticals have so much power over all of us, including government and that is all in the name of making big bucks. It is shameful the action that can be taken against alternative or complementary practitioners. I feel that they do no harm and often much good. I tried alternative treatments before the orthodox ones and I had homoeopathic treatment alongside my chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy.

    I also took advice and treatment from a well known herbalist whom I discovered from icon magazine and took wormwood and astragalus from him for some time. I saw a well known nutritionist as well for a consultation and it was from her that I learned about the benefits of bitter apricot kernels and green tea. I had oral iscador from the homoeopathic breast cancer consultant I saw all through my orthodox treatment and for sometime afterwards. I have a mind of my own and from start to finish I listened to myself and took what I thought was good for me and ignored any negative statements from the medics. I am wondering now what helped me most to survive.

    It is hard to believe the statistic about the number of people who have a recurrence. It seemed a lot to me because we are told that more and more people are surviving, but I suppose that does not necessarily mean that they do not have a recurrence at some point.

    What is really shocking from the first episode is to learn that 97% of oncologists would not have the treatment they are giving to their patients! That really tells you something! All this has me wondering what they do if they get diagnosed. It would be too ironic if they go for alternative treatment!

    I have never understood why chemotherapy drugs that suppress a person's immune system are given to treat a disease that is caused by a suppressed immune system or one that is so weak that it fails to fight off cancer.

    Like you, I am going to feel quite frightened watching episode two tomorrow entitled Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones and Essential Oils.

    I should think there are a lot of frightened people out there, especially all those women on tamoxifen, which according to today's episode is a known carcinogenic. I have always been glad that drugs like that were of no use to me with my triple negative.

    This morning, on the news here, there was an item about how "the experts" have discovered that tamoxifen is effective in treating MRSA. I am wondering how that can be.

    I look forward to hearing from you. I am also hoping that Tom may have been viewing, heard all about these videos and will post to tell us what he thinks.

    Thinking of you and sending best wishes.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hello adagio,

    It was nice to have you back on the thread and to know you watched the video. I look forward to hearing from you and Mary about the first episode and the second one, which I shall not be able to see until tomorrow.

    I think lots of us know all about the dangers of the various procedures in a cancer journey but as you say we need to hear cases and statistics on people who have been treated completely with alternative treatment.

    I hope all is well with you.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • maryna8
    maryna8 Posts: 1,832

    Hi, Sylvia

    I think I might be better off watching this documentary in stages. I am usually very tired by the time I watch it and probably don't take it all in; and yet it is so interesting (and infuriating) that I can't stop watching.

    Looking back at my own experience, I am amazed at my own acceptance of the opinion of the "powers that be". Developing cancer was not something I ever expected because of my family history. I come from a good-sized family, LOTS of aunts, uncles, and cousins; four brothers and a sister. I only knew of one aunt on my father's side that had breast cancer long ago, in the 70's, and she had no recurrence. My father's family had a high incidence of heart disease, and Alzheimer's on my father's side. My mother's family have all been long-lived, excluding my mother who died in childbirth at 38. When I found my lump I was shocked to say the least. When the cancer center started the process of mammogram, biopsy. diagnosis and I heard triple-negative, I was really scared. When they told me how aggressive it was (which I guessed because of how fast it had appeared), I just wanted it gone. Things moved very fast which I thought was good. I did do some research on the usual treatment for my kind of cancer, and what they prescribed was the normal protocol. At that time, I was also dealing with my husband's illnesses, he was in and out of the hospital with bouts of severe edema from congestive heart disease, where he was unable to breathe. We made many late-night visits to the Emergency Room. The day I came home from my mastectomy surgery, the Home Health nurse happened to be there and she thought he was in such poor shape she whisked him out of the very door I had just entered, and she took him back to the hospital. Anyway, I did not explore alternative options. I knew many people who had undergone the usual cancer treatment, and seemed to be doing okay afterwards. So I started the chemotherapy about a month later, and was hospitalized for 4 days after the first round of drugs with severe neutropenia and fever. A dear friend who stayed with me throughout told me later she actually thought I might not make it, I was so weak it was hard to lift my hand. They divided my dosage after that and I made it through, but I am not the person I was before physically. It has definitely left it's mark, and it is so disheartening to learn that perhaps all of that suffering is actually putting me at a higher risk of getting more developed cancer! I did not feel ill when I had the tumor, I felt ill when I had the chemo!!

    I think you have really helped yourself by using your alternative therapies along with your chemotherapy, that's probably why you are in such good shape. You will see a gentleman on the second part of this series who used both therapies integratively and he will talk about his experience.

    The stories about the hounding and harassing of the alternative treatment doctors is just unbelievable. And yet I believe it. When I was growing up my dad always referred to chiropractic docs as "quacks". I took it to heart and have never been to one. However, I did start acupuncture shortly after my chemo ended, and I am still seeing him every 2 weeks. At first he was a lifeline for me, the only thing that seemed to help and made sense. I still look forward to my visits and feel they are a real boost. Acupuncture is also something that some people raise their eyebrows at when I talk about it, but I think there is more and more acceptance as people realize what a toxin chemotherapy is. With the high incidence of cancer nowadays, more and more people are exposed to it, and I hear more and more people talking about all the money that is collected and sent off to these organizations, and yet nothing much seems to change. There are so many good-hearted people I know who work and work to gather funds for these big "charities", who in turn spend most of it on administration and high salaries!

    Yes, it is scary to think of the stem cells floating around in the body, that may or may not form into tumors. I think that, deep down that is why I am uncomfortable with the whole "survivor" thing that is pushed by the American Cancer Society. I am supposed to think I am a survivor because I am still alive 1 3/4 years after diagnosis. At the same time, I am told I need to survive 5 years to have a better chance of believing the cancer may not recur.

    Shocking to hear the onco docs would not take their own favorite drugs, or inflict them on their families. I did ask my doc at one time during treatment, half-jokingly, if he had knowingly poisoned me. He said "Of course not!" I then asked him if he would take these drugs. He looked at me very shocked, and said "Oh no!" Then stammered and said well, of course he would if necessary.

    Also shocking to learn that onco docs are the only ones who receive kickbacks from the drug companies. Makes me feel better about the other docs, but I will be very cautious about the onco docs in the future.

    After watching this series so far, I am frightened, and angry and yet I do also feel the empowerment that Ty Bollinger is trying to bring to us. I have told myself before that if I had a recurrence I would not do chemo again. At least now I know there may be something else to explore which won't make me feel worse! I also need to work on my nutrition, there is much room for improvement.

    This has become a long post, I might have to miss part of this series because of going out of town for a family wedding tomorrow night. But I notice that now we can buy the episodes on DVD, that is good. Ignorance is not bliss!

    Still l have not heard theory of why there are so many primary cancers. I understand secondary cancers proliferating because of the treatment, but still, why so many in the first places? Is cancer infectious? I may have missed something too.

    Anyway, that's all for now

    Talk to you soon!


  • Hello Mary,

    I have just read your very interesting post and I shall try to answer later on today, but I am feeling somewhat tired so it may have to wait until tomorrow. I am sure you will understand when I tell you i have just finished watching the second episode of The Truth About Cancer. This episode was one hour and twenty-five minutes long and had so much in it that it is impossible to take it all in. I did not realise these episodes were going to be so long. You do wonder what to believe. The question in my mind is are to believe that we can rid ourselves of cancer through alternative treatments and that orthodox treatment can end up making the problem worse. I knew chemotherapy and radiotherapy were toxic and that surgery could spread cancer but when I saw the homoeopathic consultant and the alternative doctor, they both told me they could help me through but that I needed to have the orthodox treatment as well. This makes me feel very confused.

    That is all for today but I shall write more later.

    Tomorrow I have a dental appointment and I shall be thinking about what was said about dental problems affecting the rest of the body. I have heard about all this before, but what does one do?

    Wishing you well.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hello Mary,

    I was very interested to read about your family and, as you say, there is not much incidence of cancer. We have to remember that genetic cancer accounts for only about 5% of all breast cancers. I think too much has been made of genes and genetics, given the small number of people affected in this way.

    I was sorry to read that your mother had died in childbirth at just 38. That must have been really difficult for you.

    Like you, I did not really see myself as a person who would get cancer, but I did have one of the risks and that was I had not had any children. The breast cancer consultant told me it was what they called a rogue cancer that just comes. She also said that I should not have had cancer.

    I think when we view these episodes we should try to avoid having regrets at any decisions we made or that we may have been too heavily influenced by our doctors and consultants. Whatever we are learning now I still tend to think that without the awful treatment that is surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, I would have been dead. We cannot know what might have happened if we had shunned the orthodox route and gone for complementary and alternative. I remember being told by the alternative doctor I saw that she was treating patients who had decided against orthodox treatment for whatever reason and that the cancer tumour could fungate and become nasty and smelly. We did what we did at the time and we are still alive to tell the tale and we have to hope that we do not have to make this journey again. Just tell yourself you are fine and live each day to the full. You have been through a great deal having to cope with your husband's serious illnesses and deal with your own as well.

    I think we should watch these videos, take in what we can and borrow from them anything we might think is useful to keep cancer at bay in the future.

    I shall never know to what extent the things I did in addition to having the orthodox treatment have helped me to survive.

    Like you, I think it is appalling the way alternative doctors are being treated but I think we all know how powerful the big pharmaceuticals are and the big money they can make out of drugs and this drug making is a never ending circle.

    It does seem as though we are pouring money into cancer charities but all we get is drugs that are more and more expensive, have nasty side effects and are not available to everyone.

    I think we have to rely on ourselves to try to keep cancer at bay by doing all that we can to take good care of ourselves to make our immune systems strong so that they can fight off cancer cells.

    As for why so many people are getting primary cancers, I think it is all to do with the western lifestyle which has probably severely compromised our immune systems to such an extent that they cannot fight. We all know that cancer is within our bodies and not something that comes from outside. Most of the time the immune system fights off cancer cells but sometimes it fails. I think victory over cancer will come not from any magic cure or cures, but prevention through lifestyle.

    As for the second episode, entitled "Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer and Essential Oils", I found there was almost too much to take in. I am not surprised they are making videos out of it that you can buy. You need to go through these very slowly and make notes. I have tried to make some but it was not easy.

    What stood out for me and made sense was the seven essentials for dealing with and keeping cancer at bay. They were as follows.

    Food – Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food.

    Detox – This makes sense. You need to cleanse your body from within and I think restricting calories, keeping your weight down and a little bit of fasting can only do good.

    Balance your energy – Keep physically active, get proper sleep and make sure your hormones are not out of control.

    Healing emotional wounds – Let go of the past etc.

    Biological Dentistry – Your teeth are connected to all the organs in the body and can cause a lot of problems if they are a problem.

    Herbs and Vitamins – I think most of us are probably taking some of these in the hope that they will help.

    True Prevention – In the video it was stated that orthodox medicine does not practise prevention.

    That is about all for this evening. There was plenty to think about in that second episode, including the dangers of mammograms and how it was thought that these were doing more harm than good.

    I hope to hear from you, Mary, and of course any others who are watching these videos.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • maryna8
    maryna8 Posts: 1,832

    Hi, Sylvia

    I think you are right about taking away some of what we learn and using it in our own lives. Last night was an episode filled with nutrition advice and a lot of other info as well. A lot to take in. I don't know if you've seen it yet so I won't say much more about it. I am not sure if I will be able to manage to see tonight's episode, even with the 23 hour window. I would like to see the one that airs Saturday night on the power of emotions and toxic vaccines, perhaps I can catch up with that one on Sunday.

    They did address the primary cancers somewhat in the 3rd show; by talking about food additives and pesticides etc.
    But still, why wouldn't everyone have cancer? Since these things are so prevalent.

    Anyway, I will talk to you soon, have a good weekend.


  • Hello Mary,

    Thank you for your post. I have just finished watching the third episode entitled Cancer-Killing Viruses, Cancer Stem Cells, GMO's, Juicing and Eating the Rainbow. Again there was a lot to take in and my mind is in a whirl.

    I shall read your post again tomorrow and exchange some more views. I hope Adagio is still viewing and that we can discuss all this information.

    Have a good weekend.

    Fond thoughts,


  • adagio
    adagio Posts: 713

    I am still watching them - really enjoying them, and have been taking notes. I am having computer issues, and am busy over the weekend so don't know how much I will be able to watch. Will definitely discuss more once my computer is running better

  • Hello Mary and adagio,

    I just wanted to say thank you for your posts and to let you know that I shall catch up eventually. I hope you are still watching these videos in the series The Truth About Cancer. It is Sunday evening here in England I have just finished watching episode 5 entitled Cancer Causing Blind Spots, Toxic Vaccines, Homoeopathy & the Power of Emotions.

    I do hope we can have some interesting discussions about all the information coming out of these episodes.

    I do hope we are not the only three watching these, as they are very informative and really open up the mind and get the brain thinking.

    The thread is unbelievably quiet and I do hope that our regular posters, linali (Lindsay), Amanda, Hanieh, Michael, Tom and all the others will be in touch to let us know they are fine.

    In tomorrow's episode there is a visit to a German hospital in Cologne, one of the best, and Germany is renowned for its excellent treatment for cancer.

    Thinking of Germany makes me wonder how Susaninicking is getting on. She is an American living in Germany.

    Best wishes to everyone viewing.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • hi Sylvia / everyone

    Hope you are all doing well. I just got back from a lovely week in lanzarote ( playa Blanca ) . The weather was beautiful.

    Next week I will go back to the doctor to get signed off for work, this will be one year since I was diagnosed . I know a lot of people manage to work through treatment but I felt so ill some days I could hardly get out of bed.

    I have not been watching the programme the truth about cancer. I would be interested in the parts about food and alternative therapy but the chemo/ drug bit would scar me and play on my mind so I'm best not watching I think.

    I wondered if any of you ladies are taking omega 3 and if you found it beneficial ? I am getting quite achy joints at the moment and thought I may get some to see if it helped ,

    Love Amanda Heart

  • maryna8
    maryna8 Posts: 1,832

    Hi, Sylvia, Adagio, Amanda and all,

    Just wanted to drop in and say I was out of town for the weekend; I took along my Samsung tablet and was able to keep up with some of the series. Trying to catch up, but there is so much info in each show it is hard to absorb it all, especially if busy.

    I watched an episode Sunday evening, and was warned about amalgam tooth fillings and root canals. Oddly enough, the next day (yesterday), I was told by my dentist that I needed a root canal! Never had one before, now I am afraid to. My option is tooth extraction by an oral surgeon since the tooth has complicated root system that can't be just pulled. Can't believe my quandary has come so quickly after that show! Do any of you have an opinion? My dentist was puzzled that I would even question the decision, which fits what Ty said. "95 prcent of dentists are not aware of any dangers of root canals." My sister-in-law had root canal and eventually had to have it pulled. She had infection and bone loss and a long recovery. She advises extraction!

    I will try to write more later after hopefully viewing the next episode in it's entirety.


  • Hello Amanda

    It was nice to hear from you and welcome back. I was glad to know that you had had another nice holiday and had good weather.

    I do hope all will go well when you go back to work. After a year off I suppose it will be quite difficult to get back to a work routine, so just take it easy.

    The videos entitled The Truth About Cancer – a Global Quest have been really interesting, quite extraordinary in fact. This afternoon Raymond and I watched episode 7 entitled Heal Cancer with Clean Electricity, Unique Water, Natural Sunlight & Combining Superfoods. Some of it was quite technical, but the interviews with people who have often been written off and literally told to go home to die, but have tried other treatments and survived.

    There are two more episodes to go and I hope to be able to watch them. Unfortunately I missed Episode 6 entitled The NOCEBO Effect, Healing Vaccines, Advanced Detoxing & Going Inside a German Cancer Clinic.

    I am hoping that Mary and adagio may have seen Episode 6 and will be able to give me some details.

    From the last episode I watched, Episode 7, I was very interested in an English couple who were interviewed by Ty Bollinger and were telling their cancer story. The husband had watched both of his parents die of cancer and was already beginning to wonder why he was reading that one in two people will get cancer. While he was grieving for his parents, his wife was diagnosed with cancer in the liver and pancreas and was told that there was nothing that could be done by orthodox medicine. She was alive and well many years after this diagnosis and prognosis.

    They were telling how they got on to a healthy diet. It was as follows:

    Lemons in the morning, juicing based on mainly green vegetables and organic where possible, eliminated dairy products, had only ancient grain bread and, wait for it Amanda, eating lots of bitter apricot kernels! The husband said he had eaten thousands of them, with no side effects whatsoever. They ignored all the negative things said about these kernels. That is exactly what I have done and I have been eating them for over ten years with no side effects, except that I am still in the clear with cancer, despite a poor prognosis.

    The couple said they had started a support group and had seen plenty of people going on the same lifestyle, recovering, healing and their cancer disappearing.

    I think we all know that we need to emphasise fruit and vegetables in our diet and have that rainbow diet which is mentioned in these videos and which Chris Woollams advocated many years ago and is the title of one of his books.

    What has come out of these videos is that you cannot emphasise just one thing to try to keep cancer at bay. You have to have them all working in harmony, like an army. This includes exercise and emotional well-being and that emotional aspect is very, very important. Orthodox medicine, it seems to me, pays scant attention to the emotional scars of cancer diagnosis and treatment. I know that the homoeopathic consultant I saw considered this very important and I had quite long appointments with her, based on questions and answers, to get to know me and how I was dealing with my cancer journey.

    I can understand your fear of not wanting to watch the videos that focus on the orthodox treatment for cancer we have all been through. I had already read up about the negative effects of surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy, so I knew what the deal was and went ahead with it all because I felt at the time I had no real option.

    I hope someone will post about omega 3 as I am sure many people are taking it. You can get it from oily fish, especially wild Atlantic and Alaskan salmon, but not farmed, which is high in omega 6 from the food the fish are fed.

    Would some aromatherapy massage with essential oils be of any benefit for your aching joints.

    I have pages of notes from all these videos. I just hope they make sense when I look back through them. It was so difficult to watch, listen and write.

    That is about all for now. Keep in touch and keep on posting. Encourage any friends you have that are going through cancer and want support and to be a well-informed patient to post.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • sas-schatzi
    sas-schatzi Posts: 15,894

    Many here have donated . Thank you !........Wandering around and cheerleading again :)

    Donate today, make a difference directly in all our lives. By supporting BCO, we support each other. Thanks and Hugs :)


    Link to the mainboard donation page

  • Hello Mary,

    I agree with you that the amount of information on these videos is mind-boggling. What an undertaking this was to go global and I am so impressed with Ty Bollinger and all those clever doctors giving us all that information. I am so glad that Chris Woollams let us know about it all.

    I cannot believe that I knew nothing about the videos that were produced by Ty in 2014 that went throughout the US. Did you watch those, Mary?

    Like you, I watched that Episode 5 entitled Cancer Causing Blind Spots, Toxic Vaccines, Homoeopathy and the Power of Emotions.

    Like you, I was very interested in the section on Blind Spots, especially the one that focuses on the mouth and mercury fillings and root canal. I had read about this before, but this video really brought it home. The anxiety about all this came back again as I have had one root canal in the past and have mercury fillings. It is frightening to know that on 0.2% of dentists are in the know about the toxic effects they are giving their patients!!

    given that you dentist is now telling you that you need a root canal, with what we learned from the video, what do you think you will do? According to the video every tooth in your mouth is connected to the body and root canal is very bad. I remember when I had it, it took quite a long time. According to that video 97% of breast cancer is related to root canal and there is a direct relationship between breast cancer and root canal procedure. Apparently root canal causes chronic inflammation and leaves you open to bacteria. There is a connection between dental infections and degenerative diseases. Apparently root canal work is done in the same way today as it was in 1920!

    I do hope you will let us know what you decide.

    I decided as far as the amalgam fillings (mercury) just to leave them because I read it is quite dangerous removing them because of toxins. You are damned if you do and damned if you do not!

    As for the root canal, what is done cannot be undone.

    I do have periodontal disease of the gums, despite always having looked after my teeth and my dentist tells me that it is caused by an inherited bacteria, but was it caused, I wonder, by the root canal and fillings?

    I have liked the quotations at the beginning of each episode. Episode 5 was "Truth will ultimately prevail where there is pains to bring it to light" - George Washington.

    For episode 7 "During times of universal deceit telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act" - George Orwell.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hi All

    Hope everyone is well.

    Just checking in. My wife is now one year out from breast cancer! Can't believe what has just happened over the past 12 months. But we have come through and have a gorgeous baby boy as well, and of course my equally gorgeous little girl!

    My wife still gets very tired, but seems to be making good progress - i guess the chemo effects stay around for a long time. She will be having reconstructive surgery next spring. Thanks again for all the support I have received on this thread.

    I just wanted to pick up on some comments made on here.I think some of you have been watching a the truth about cancer. And I read a comment about pharma companies making lots of money from the way doctors treat cancer. I'm afraid that's simply not true. Most of the main stream chemo drugs - certainly FEC and Taxol are actually relatively cheap, the cost actually comes with the care needed to administer them, which the pharma companies don't see a penny of. Also radiotherapy and surgery do not make any profit for pharma! Chemotherapy drugs are not big earners for the drug industry. Cardiovascular disease and diabetes drugs make the money as do lifestyle drugs!

    The targeted drugs - like Herceptin - yes these do cost a lot. However they have also cost millions to develop and this is along side the millions that have been lost on failed drugs. For every drug that makes it to the clinic 9 others would have failed. The price of a drug reflects not just its own development but the failed development of others. The cost has to be recouped to allow further drug development. Pharma companies are not saints, the drug industry is serious business - however when it comes to treatments for cancer they are not the evil entities that some would have you believe!

    Also, chemo is a proven effective treatment for cancer. Certainly this will change, as the era of personalized medicine comes in, the way in which cancer is treated will change, but the very nature of what cancer is does make it difficult to treat. The chemo drugs and regimes certainly for breast cancer have been optimized to the smallest detail. This is why survival rates for TNBC now exceed 90%. While chemo is nasty and horrible and there is a very urgent need (and this need is being addressed in labs all over the world) to develop new treatments the statistics are very clear that these drugs do save lives.

    I do agree with some of the alternative treatments out there, certainly diet etc play a very big part, but things like homeopathy have no medical basis and have been proven to not even have a placebo effect and in my opinion have no place in modern medicine, yet millions are made by companies selling homeopathy "drugs" that are little more than water.

    Please take some of the stuff you'll see on the truth about cancer with a pinch of salt. The battle is being won against cancer, more people now survive than don't (thats for all cancers) and for breast cancer the fact is MOST women will survive and reach full life expectancy.

    Anyway lots of love to you all!


  • honeytagh
    honeytagh Posts: 447

    Hi Sylvia and everyone

    I really enjoy and benefit from each and every post hear. It s so amazing to get so much information here. I don't have access to those videos but am grateful for your sharing the most worth of attention points here. 

    Tom thank you so much for sharing your great point of view regarding the orthodox treatment and the inspirational statistics.  It's so much relief to know that chances of surviving bc and reaching full life expectancy are high. 

    Wish all the best


  • Hello Hanieh,

    It was nice to hear from you and to know that you feel you benefit from all the posts. It is good to know also that you like all the information that you find here. You know that I believe that information is power.

    It is a pity that you do not have access to these videos. Whatever opinions we may form of them, at least we are being given information out in the open from which we can form our own opinions. Each episode is about one and a half hours long and there are nine episodes, so it is all quite time consuming, but worth it. There are two more episodes to go. My understanding is that the videos with transcripts will be available to buy. I think they will cost about $100, which is about £60.

    it is good to have Tom back on the thread, so that we can have the orthodox view and statistics.

    How are things going with you in your everyday life?

    Keep well.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • honeytagh
    honeytagh Posts: 447

    Hi Sylvia

    Things are pretty good though no cancer survivor can deny the burden of cancer on his/her shoulders.  These days in Iran there are religious ceremonies in the honor of an  ancient holy family of Arabs. Though Arabs themselves do not believe in them. Yet the good point is to have some holiday which I prefer to take the chance to travel to refresh myself. I'm not really interested in such ceremonies at all and sometimes I envy Europeans not having to deal with such issues. 

    My greatest leisure activities are reading, exercising , translating,  meditating and of course teaching by which I try to make my life more enjoyable. 




  • maryna8
    maryna8 Posts: 1,832

    Hi Sylvia

    Well, the last several days it has been hard for me to see entire episodes. I may have to buy the DVDs. I missed Episode 7 entirely, and saw about half of Episode 6. Or vice versa, I got lost there in my kitchen remodel for a couple of days!

    I just watched (most!) of Episode 8, had to jump up a couple of times and deal with things. I think speaking very generally, my take-away from this series will be the emphasis on nutrition and supplementing where necessary. I will eat organic food whenever possible, my ideal would be to get back to growing my own garden as I used to do before cancer and treatment; although I was limited on what I could grow because of pests and animals who would eat most things before we got a chance to do so. I am trying to follow your example with the green tea and bitter apricot seeds. I had also dabbled with essential oils but may look into them a bit deeper. I jotted down names of doctors and clinics I learned from the show, mostly in USA, where it looks like they take a more integrative look at cancer treatment. If I ever do have a recurrence I will act much differently than I did before. I will not go to a clinic that only deals with the cancer drugs without considering my nutrition, my general health and my emotional health.

    I did not see the series before. It turns out that my sis-in-law had gotten interested in it while I was doing chemotherapy. She tried to gently tell me a few things I should be doing, but at the time I was listening to my doc and feeling so ill I was only slogging along and waiting for the treatment to be over. I wish I had seen it before my diagnosis. I do agree with Tom concerning the pharmaceutical companies. It takes years and years of trying, failing, trying again, and then going into trials before a new drug is approved. I am thinking of the drug I took for 2 months for Hepatitis C that has produced a cure for me. It cost roughly a $1000 a day for my treatment of one pill a day. But, they are trying to recoup some of the money spent on the years of research, not to mention all the people that can't afford it, or don't have insurance, that are treated for nothing, Many, many severely cirrhotic people were treated first in trials at no cost to them. And the companies have to attempt to make a profit or they would go out of business, and then there would be no new drugs coming.

    I do wish, though, that medical doctors, especially oncologists were given more lessons on nutrition and whole-body effects of the harsh drugs they are prescribing. Perhaps it would not take some of us (myself included!) so long to recover from these effects.

    I have not yet decided on my dental dilemma. It is not to the critical stage yet, and I am taking the time to ask people that have done both options what they think. I am leaning towards extraction, but have also learned that afterwards I will have to get an expensive implant (permanent) or a cheaper dental bridge, which can cause problems and break and probably have to be replaced. If I don't replace the tooth, it can cause problems for my other teeth as they move in my mouth. Still sounds better than bacteria leaking from the root canal. Dr. Mercola was one of the docs frequently seen on the "Truth about Cancer" series ; I found several videos online he has done about the dangers of root canals. He has refused them himself and done the dental bridgework instead of the implant. I also had periodontal disease. I alternate visits with my dentist and a periodontist every 4 months. I am holding my own on the gum disease, not getting any worse. I thought I was doing ok otherwise until this. I also asked about my amalgam fillings. I have 3 in my mouth. The nurse said she had some and was interested in getting them removed, but she was worried that if they were already close to a nerve, removing and replacing might cause damage to the nerve, and then there you are, root canal!! I also asked about mercury dispersal during removal. She agreed that there would probably be some aerosoling around the room! So I agree with you thoroughly, no good solution! I did talk to a man yesterday who had it done, and he thinks they can tell on an x-ray whether the old filling is close to the nerve.

    The George Orwell saying hits very close to home with the world as it is run today in my opinion. A tiger is still a tiger no matter if we call it a snowflake!

    Have to go, I see my acupuncture doc today; I am going to ask him his opinion on the "dental dilemma", also see if he has any resveratrol. He has supplements in his office but has never pushed them on me. Resveratrol sounds like something very good.

    I shall talk to all of you soon.

    HanTagh, it's good to see you are back. When I read your words, I see your pretty face smiling!

    Tom, glad to hear your wife is feeling better. It is a long road back, and she had a baby in there somewhere too! Happy for all good news.


  • Hello Tom,

    It was nice to hear from you and to know that all is going well. It is hard to believe that your wife is now one year out from breast cancer. Time seems to fly by but it probably did not seem like that while your wife was going through treatment. It must be a relief for you all to have it behind you and to be happy in your family with your two children.

    It is early days yet so your wife is bound to be tired from the treatment and from having given birth as well. Apparently fatigue from chemotherapy can go on for a very long time. She still has to get through reconstructive surgery and any form of surgery takes its toll on the body.

    I was interested in your comments about what is being shown on the videos entitled The Truth About Cancer – a Global Quest. I was wondering whether you have had a chance to look at any of them. Unfortunately if you have missed them they cannot be downloaded and are available to watch for 23 hours each episode. Those interested had to sign up before the series began. There is now just one episode left.

    I was interested in your comments about orthodox treatment and the pharmaceutical companies. It is always good to have different points of view on the thread.

    Let us hope we can look forward to new ways of treating cancer that are less toxic and less damaging to the body and are not so expensive as to be out of the reach of ordinary people and have to be rationed on free at the source systems of health care such as our own NHS, where cost-effectiveness comes into play quite a bit. New drugs coming onto the market are being denied on cost-effectiveness on the NHS. I have a friend here who is going through prostate cancer treatment and has been told he will be allowed his drugs to finish treatment, but they will not be available for anyone newly diagnosed.

    I certainly agree with you that what we eat and drink is an essential part of good health. It is something that is within our control as well. The western diet is too processed and we need to emphasise fruit and vegetables and unprocessed foods. I also think keeping physically active is important, along with learning how to deal with stress. The environment and all the household products, toiletries and cosmetics have a detrimental effect on our health and we have to keep them to a minimum.

    All is well here in Exmouth. I am now notching up ten years and four months since diagnosis but I still do not take anything for granted. I was happy to be able to be discharged from the hospital after ten years. I had developed a good relationship with my oncologist and felt quite cut off when I was discharged. I am now getting used to being without any connection to the hospital, but still take nothing for granted. I have several friends around me who had hormonal breast cancer but HER2- receptor and they were discharged after five years, one just this month. That person is still on half doses of some medication but I think she has been taken off tamoxifen. Among the people I know here only the friend and neighbour with triple positive breast cancer, had metastases, not that long after being NED, and died pretty quickly after being given lots of different chemotherapy drugs, not to mention more Herceptin and radiotherapy.

    I learned today that there is only a certain amount of radiotherapy that can legally be used on a patient, so it seems that a patient should know that when having radiotherapy first time around so that they can keep some in reserve if they need it.

    Keep in touch.

    Best wishes.


  • Hello Hanieh,

    I was glad to read that things are pretty good with you and do agree that no cancer survivor can deny the burden of cancer that we carry on our shoulders. You will find that this will ease as time goes on. I keep it in mind because of this thread that I started over five years ago and have devoted so much time to, but I think the people that I know where I live have put it right behind them. The women I know never mention it. They did not have TNBC and they did not have chemotherapy, so I think that makes it easier for them. A friend diagnosed this year had just surgery and is now on Arimidex. I do not think her breast cancer diagnosis has marked her so much because her journey finished quickly and there was no chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It is all for the good if we can survive without the months of treatment and all the toxicity to our bodies.

    I was interested to know about your leisure activities. What do you feel your meditation does for you?

    I can understand how teaching makes your life more enjoyable. It is such an important job. Does your daughter speak English?

    I have almost finished watching the nine episodes of the videos, so I hope to have a bit more time to myself and to get back to reading. I am reading the updated version of the Rainbow Diet. It was mentioned quie a lot in the video series as was green tea and bitter apricot kernels.

    That is about all for today.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • Hello Mary,

    I have just read your post with great interest and I shall share my thoughts with you tomorrow, as I have run out of time and energy. I have just watched the eighth episode of The Truth About Cancer – a Global Quest, and found it most interesting, especially the section about healing with micro-nutrients. It makes sense. I am sure there are plenty of people walking around with deficiencies in nutrients of all kinds, not only the micro ones. Like you, I am thinking of buying the videos as they come with transcripts. I have found it difficult trying to watch, take in information and write coherent notes.

    I liked today's quotation at the beginning of the episode. It is one I already knew but always like to see it in print.

    "All truth passes through three stages.

    First, it is ridiculed.

    Second, it is violently opposed.

    Third, it is accepted as being self-evident"

    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860).

    Talk to you tomorrow.

    Sending you fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • honeytagh
    honeytagh Posts: 447

    Hi Mary

    When I read your kind words to me I could feel deep in my heart how I love you as a nice person and a great friend.

    I was talking to my husband how during all the hardships of this disease you lost your husband. You must be really brave. Of course that loss was a heavy burden on you but I'm sure God has given all of us the strength and power to deal with all the hardships of our lives and be able to return to the joys of life.

    The fact that you have this chance to do gardening to grow some organic fruit and vegetables seems great to me, since it can help you a lot with elevating your spirits as well as healing your body. Here in Tehran we live in high rise, modern apartments without any chance of enjoying gardening. My father who is a colon cancer survivor and who was given a poor prognosis has now achieved complete remission by spending most of his time in his villa in North doing gardening and enjoying every minute of his life.

    Love you and wish you the best


  • honeytagh
    honeytagh Posts: 447

    Hi Sylvia

    Meditation for me is a process through which I gain a complete relaxation. I do it 3 times a day after my prayers. I try to sit somewhere quiet with nobody to distract me. I start with deep breaths and then order all parts of my body to calm down. Then I talk to God in my heart asking him for the best and thanking him for all the great things that I have always had and the great things that are about to happen to me. I try not to let any negative emotions and fears enter my mind during this period. After that I usually have a feeling of being in complete peace with my God being with me everywhere and protecting me.

    My daughter can not speak English well but she understands English cartoons and enjoys them so much. After she finishes her 4th grade this year she will attend English classes.

    Lots of love Hanieh

  • honeytagh
    honeytagh Posts: 447


    This was my twelfth wedding anniversary last week. Both my husband and I came back from work to my brother's house to celebrate it with some relatives. On the cake it was written 12 years with love.

  • adagio
    adagio Posts: 713

    Hi Sylvia and Maryna and others

    I have watched all of the videos and of all of them, I found the last one the least satisfying. In the main I have enjoyed them, but at other times, I feel that they have been a bit one-sided in that they give very little credence to conventional treatment. Having gone through conventional treatment myself (and that was a major decision in my life), I still have misgivings about the whole process. I found the part about the stem cells particularly discouraging. However, I would have to say that at no time did I feel pressed to do the treatment, I really did think that the choice was always mine. Perhaps in the US, it is different in some states.

    I was already aware of a lot of the alternative treatments mentioned on the videos - however, I did learn a lot. My biggest issue with the videos was that they made having access to the alternative treatments sound easy, but in essence these treatments are mostly only accessible to those with money since most of the clinics charge very high costs and the supplements are quite expensive. So I think that one of the considerations that the majority go for mainstream is because it is the most cost effective. In terms of effectiveness, I have come to the conclusion that no one treatment is going to work for all cases.

    I enjoyed the videos because they have given me the jolt that I need to continually watch my diet and what I take into my system. I have never done a detox, but it is something that I would consider if it was not too much work or time consuming. On the other hand, I feel that the body does detoxify naturally to a degree. I did not know that 80% of the immune system was located in the gut - I plan on doing a bit more research in that area.

    I was encouraged somewhat when some of the programs they talked about I already do e.g. turmeric, vitamin D, medicinal mushrooms. I have been taking these supplements since the time of my diagnosis and continue to take them every single day, and I took them throughout chemo in spite of my oncologist suggesting otherwise.

    More later - would like to hear some more of your thoughts, Sylvia

  • adagio
    adagio Posts: 713

    Hanieh - congratulations on your wedding anniversary. I like what you said about meditation. I was very much into it for a while, but now I find that I am too busy and that is not good, because it is so vital to take the time to ground our minds and our spirits.

  • adagio
    adagio Posts: 713

    Maryna - I appreciate your dilemma regarding the root canal. I think I have had at least 2 root canals done long before any sign of cancer or knowing that there was actually any danger associated with them. Take your time to make a decision - it will not be easy. I have no amalgam in my mouth at all because I had all those fillings taken out and redone with composite. Amalgam fillings were around a long time before they were seen as toxic - so I am holding my breath on the newer type fillings - perhaps they too will turn out to be less than perfect.

    I faced a situation with my daughter recently who had repeated infections from an impacted wisdom tooth. She had been on antibiotics many times for it and it always subsided for a while, but always reared its ugly head - we finally decided that she should have the tooth extracted. Sometimes we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. Since we know that repeated antibiotics are not good and they say that wisdom teeth should not be extracted any more - so what is one to do?

    I have been putting off having a crown on one of my teeth which has a crack in it. One of these days when I pluck up enough courage to do it, I will have it done, but I am in no rush - they have been telling me for over 2 years now and nothing bad has happened yet.

  • Hello Mary,

    I do agree with you that the most important factor to take away from these videos is the importance of nutrition, good nutrition, based on a rainbow array of fruit and vegetables. This is not new to those of us on the thread as I have emphasised it from the very beginning and I have always believed this. It is one aspect of our lives that we can control but I know lots of people on western diets do not emphasise fruit and vegetables. I try to eat organic where possible but I also try to eat local produce. The other important thing from the videos is to stay away from processed foods.

    I also agree that it would be nice if we could all grow our own vegetables but that is not always possible and the vegetable growing is not always successful.

    I was glad to know that you are trying some green tea and bitter apricot kernels.

    I suppose you have now seen the last episode of the videos. I have to do that sometime today. How did you find the last episode?

    I think the trend may be going towards a more integrative approach in the treatment of cancer and I can see no harm in that, only good. It is well known that doctors get next to no teaching of nutrition in the training and I think that is something that should be corrected. I know that at my hospital, even ten years ago, there was a separate big house on the grounds, run by FORCE, a cancer charity, of which my oncologist was the president. It offered complementary treatment, such as aromatherapy and also all sorts of counselling for patients and their families. I do not remember much about nutrition but I would not have sought advice on this subject as it has been of great interest to me ever since I can remember.

    I do not know much about essential oils but it is interesting that you should mention them because on a recent visit to my podiatrist I was discussing with her the problem of chemotherapy induced neuropathy and she mentioned that using some kind of essential oil on the feet might bring relief. She was not sure which oil would be the most effective.

    The thing about all the alternative treatments is that there was no mention of cost at any time as far as I can remember, but there will be costs involved both for products and treatment. I would think some of these treatments at private clinics would be very costly and thus available only to those wealthy enough to pay the price. It looks as though there will always be money involved. I do not think any one thing will prevent cancer and in effect this was said as they mentioned grouping possible preventions together so that they worked in synergy. This makes sense as I think we need to combine nutrition, an active lifestyle, reducing unhealthy, toxic products, such as cosmetics, toiletries, household products, gardening products etc. I think there was a big indictment of how lethal the common weed killer, Roundup, is.

    I was interested to know that your sister-in-law had watched the first series that was US wide. I bet that was very interesting.

    I do not envy you having to make that decision about your dental treatment. It seems like an impossible situation. I am as wary of dentists as I am of doctors because from their training they will think alike.

    I think I am not going to have my amalgam fillings taken out as I am just concerned about what I might be stirring up in my mouth. It is not good to know that these fillings are made of 50% mercury, 40% silver and 10% tin etc. Mercury is a known toxin and it said on the video that it messes with the gut and the brain. It also said that mercury crosses the brain barrier and the placenta. It further said that mercury is the biggest baddy of them all and facilitates cancer. I also remember it said that fluoride reduces our consciousness and that the Nazis used it to make people less aggressive! It makes one wonder why fluoride is so promoted and why it is in the water supply of some countries. The debate about fluoride has been raging for a very long time. Have you any views on this?

    Like you, I am holding my own on the periodontal disease and I see my dentist every three months and he does all the treatment. In Canada I saw my dentist and in-between visits a periodontist at the London University hospital in Ontario. They were long sessions and after each one he would coat my teeth with fluoride.

    I agree with you about the George Orwell saying. We are living in a very dangerous world and I often think we are going towards WW3.

    Let us know how you get on with your acupuncture treatment. I think the Chinese have a lot to teach us about medicine.

    You can get resveratrol in red grapes. I think the supplements are expensive. I am not a great believer in supplements unless there is a sever deficiency. All tablets are foreign to our bodies.

    I was wondering what newly-diagnosed patients are doing today about deciding on their breast cancer treatment. Last night I was talking to a female cousin of mine on the phone and she told me that a friend of hers had very recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. From that conversation I got the impression that we may still be somewhat in the dark ages with breast cancer as regards dialogue between patient and consultants. I told her to tell her friend to ask as many questions as she wanted and not to sit back and be a silent, complacent and compliant patient, and to remember her body belonged to her and not the hospital. What do you think?

    That is all for now. I hope that we can all get together and come to some conclusion about these videos, alternative treatment, orthodox treatment etc.

    Take care.

    Best wishes.

    Sylvia xxxx