Calling all triple negative breast cancer patients in the UK
Hello every one, thanks for your support words. I been going to the psychologist of mindfulness I feel better now, less anxiety and more calm. I been recibe 5 of 7 vitamin b12 injections. For the pain in my arms and foot.
My breast is again really red, the doctor said is more allergic than infection or other kind of cancer. Thanks God is friday, so I dont go the radiotherapis until monday, I have two days free. The doctor said she hope the breast get better with this days free
The operation of my ovaries is on October 18 by lamparoscopy.
You are right Silvya, Im now Er+ estrogen positive now 25%. So I did have the treatment FAC 4 and 12 Taxol for TBN. Now they are tread my like ER+. so went I finish the radiotherapyst session I will start with Letrozol. one a day. Im really sorry for get u confuse about my diagnosis.
Silvia Im sorry about the terrorism news today. I hope everythings goes good to the people who get hurts.
Pam I never been in Scotland I hope you enjoy a lot this treap and thanks for your support words. Im waiting for your pictures of there. My father lived i Glaswow when he was 6 years for a year. He travel there with her father who was in the Navy here in Colombia. A friend of my been in Edinburg last may and send me pictures of there, the castle and other places.
Mary you are really kind with your support words to me and to my brother. I share with him this.
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Lou, great your pictures of camboya, is really different of what I use to know.
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Hi, Sylvia and all
Once again I can see Chris Woollams' pages, not sure what was going on when I couldn't. The first article from August 26th post deals with saturated fat. Apparently high levels of saturated fat are not considered causal in heart problems anymore; BUT these high levels are bad for causing metastases in cancer. High levels of saturated fat in blood are also shown to cause more lung cancer in smokers than in smokers with normal levels of saturated fat in blood.
The next article deals once again with the gut; how a healthy gut biome is the best protection against all kinds of cancer. Of course, the gut biome is adversely affected by antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs and PPIs, the proton-pump inhibitors that are sold widely OTC now. Even though I am of German ancestry and was fed sauerkraut often at home, I seem to do better now with Kim-chee and really like it. Supposedly good for gut biome too, i also take a probiotic daily. He also gets into the area of gum health, and cites research finding bad gum health leading to several cancers, including esophageal and pancreatic. These are both deadly cancers.
The next article interests me, on clearing heavy metals from the body. He lists the toxins; smoking, asbestos, lead, mercury, some pesticides and herbicides, and excess painkillers. Apparently a patient asked what is the main cause of kidney cancer, and Chris says this it it, the toxins putting a heavy load on the kidneys. An aside here; my husband died of kidney failure, his doctor said probably caused originally by high blood pressure that was not properly controlled. I do believe that, because he had high blood pressure from an early age, and took his meds but his numbers were still not as low as they should have been. BUT he did not have kidney cancer. Living in a rural area as I do, I can see how pesticides and herbicides are widely used, sprayed, poured etc. Chris says that selenium, chlorella, wheatgrass, and organic vegetable juice can be very helpful for clearing out these toxins. And of course, generally improved nutrition.
He next deals with reporting on research that states that a few glasses of red wine, or beer, weekly is beneficial. I know this is an area of controversy, he is reporting on a study done on a group of 335,247 people between 1997 and 2009 by the NIH. Chris states that he himself drinks 3 or 4 large glasses of red wine a week.
The next article is so involved that it begs to be read, and there are so many links in it. It is on the differences and efficacies of alternative cancer treatment vs. orthodox treatment. It is too long to summarize briefly. I will try to link to the article, not sure if I can.
I will stop with Chris for now, there is still quite a bit left, will try to get to it later.
I was reading somewhere this week that to avoid metastases after cancer, one should cut protein from diet, even nuts, beans and vegetable protein. I have also been reading that starchy carbs are a problem, which doesn't leave much to eat. It sounds pretty much like the Gerson diet, which seems to be only raw green vegetables. Even though I like very much the raw vegetables, I don't think I can eat only that for any length of time, I simply get too hungry. I think I will continue to eat as I am, just being aware of how much of the food groups I am consuming.
Marias is going through so much, I did not know until her last post that she is also having an operation on her ovaries. I missed that, is there a problem or is the surgery prophylactic?
I am also sorry about the latest terrorism act in UK, it is such a difficult problem; it seems all we can do is react to the latest horror, there seems to be no defense. The foot-dragging on Brexit seems purposeful, and Theresa May seems she would be better replaced. Why do the old politicians keep coming back like bad pennies? Tony Blair's heyday was a long time ago, they seemingly can't let go of the limelight.
Once again, thanks for starting this thread, it is so valuable!
Love, Mary
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This is the above-mentioned article by Chris Woollams:
Chemotherapy can actually encourage cancer spread, according to new research findings (1) by a team of scientists from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.
Dr. George Karagiannis, Jessica Pastoriza, and others from Departments of oncology, surgery, pathology and radiology studied breast cancer patients and showed that while chemotherapy could 'knock back' a cancer tumour by killing some cancer cells, it could also make matters far worse by encouraging cancer spread (increasing metastases). It is metastases that limit survival times and cause death.
The study was done in mice which had been given breast cancer, but the system found by which cancer cells started to metastasise was identical to that proven clinically in humans.
Cancer cells leaving tumours were already known get into the blood supply through special 'doors' called Tumour Microenvironment of Metastasis (TMEM). This new research showed that chemotherapy actually increased the number of doors, increased the activity through them and promoted distant metastases in the body.
Chris Woollams, former Oxford University Biochemist and founder of CANCERactive said, "This research is damning of chemotherapy, especially as it is not the first study to make this claim.
Drug companies and charities such as Cancer Research simply cannot wriggle out of these findings by looking at this research in isolation and/or claiming that this was shown in mice not humans, because TMEM is proven to be exactly the system in humans too.
This is now about the fourth time in the last 5 years that Chemotherapy has been shown to actually encourage cancer growth – to make matters worse. For example, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle showed in 2012 that chemotherapy also attacked 'fibroblasts' next to the cancer cells and these released a protein, WNT16B, that could be then used by cancer cells to protect themselves from further chemotherapy, increase growth and increase invasion rates. It talked about chemotherapy 'Backfiring' – or making matters worse (2). A similar result.
And it is not just 'Old fashioned Chemotherapy' that can be blamed. As anyone with breast cancer who has had a Personal Prescription with me will know, I am extremely concerned about Paclitaxel (Taxol) because it has been shown to CAUSE metastases too! A paper (extract 6014) presented at the 27th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. German researchers from the Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena found that the action of Taxol causes a massive increase in metastases around the body, which could appear as cancer some years after treatment had finished (3).
The problem is simple. These drugs are chemical toxins. Too often their performance is simply compared against the performance of existing drug combinations. And that is inadequately measured by the ability to reduce tumour size.
The FDA has reported that anyway more than 40 per cent of Clinical Trials with drugs are inaccurate.
Meanwhile, cancer charities talk about increasing survival in a way that is totally meaningless to cancer patients. To Cancer Research UK it is an issue of extra days or weeks. To people with cancer it is an issue of beating cancer – of not having the disease any more. There is a complete lack of patient understanding going on.We have only recently seen research from Oxford University showing that orthodox treatment for Prostate Cancer does not make a jot of difference to survival times (4). This too was the fourth such study. In any other business, the propagators of the over-claimed orthodox treatment usage, if they continued after such a finding, would be sued for fraud.
At least reason and honesty is starting to come through in the Medical Profession. The Academy of the Royal Medical Colleges in the UK talked of drugs for palliative care 'creating false hope' and 'doing more harm than good' (5), while NICE withdrew four out of every five drugs used in the Government special Chemotherapy fund, 'because they didn't work'. Even the Queen's Doctor and former-President of the Royal College of Physicians, along with six other top Doctors, has talked of the heavy and negative influence of Big Pharma on Public Health (6) providing 'useless and sometimes harmful drugs'.
Frankly, the current situation on chemotherapy and other drugs is a mess and it needs a completely independent body to come in and sort it out because leading cancer charities, Health Authorities and Western Governments are all infiltrated by the misleading propaganda machine – from pharmaceutical companies to skeptics – and the power, fraud and corruption, a $70 billion market brings.
Cancer drug treatments are letting the patients down, and the taxpayers too".
Go To:
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Hi, all
These are links to a couple of the articles in the latest Chris Woollams post, another one has just arrived before I have had a chance to read the previous two.
By the way, I didn't know anything about any of this before I did treatment, when I asked my MO about taking supplements during chemo he advised against taking anything except the nausea drugs, pain pills etc. It makes interesting read
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The link to a film is at the end of this page, it is a very interesting documentary on the cases of Ben Williams and others, Williams was stricken with terminal brain cancer, glioblastoma.
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Hello Marias,
Thank you for your post to all of us in the group. I was glad to know that somehow we are all helping you through this difficult time.
I was also glad to know that getting some support has helped to lessen your anxiety and made you feel more calm.
I was interested to know that you have also been receiving some injections of vitamin B12 and that they have helped with the pain in your arms and feet.
I think that anything that helps to ease a person physically and mentally is well worth it. It is a way of getting everything out in the open. I have been told many times that acupuncture is good at relieving pain and also helping people to relax. I told a very elderly friend of mine about this. She is suffering chronic nerve pain after shingles. Like me, she does not like the idea of needles. She has been to see an acupuncturist and is going to have Japanese acupuncture. Apparently this is acupuncture without the needles. I shall be interested to see how she gets on.
I can see that the redness around your nipple is really worrying you. I do hope your doctor is right about its being an allergic reaction, but it has been going on for a long time.
I do hope you have been able to rest and relax during the weekend when you have had a break from radiotherapy. I hope that you feel better this Monday and have got through the radiotherapy without too much bother.
I do hope the letrozole drug will help to treat the hormonal tumour in your same breast as you had the TNBC.
I was in the supermarket at the weekend and I just happened to see The Economist magazine, which is a very good quality magazine, and I happened to see the headline on the front cover Closing in on cancer, New therapies, new priorities. I looked inside and saw that the article was on the Leaders page, Closing in on cancer. Science will win the technical battle against cancer, but that is only half the fight.
The article is just a page long, but is very interesting.
Further on there is a section entitled Technology Quarterly, September 16th 2017, Treating cancer. It is ten pages long, but very interesting. It showed me, once again, how complicated cancer is. I have not yet finished the article.
I did not know that you were going to have surgery to remove your ovaries and that it will be on October 18th. What is the reason you have been advised to have this? I know that it is often done when young women have been tested genetically and have been told they are positive for the faulty genes BRCA1 and BRCA2. Have you had these genetic tests?
It is indeed sad that we have had another terrorist attack and that it was on the London Underground. It did not go off as planned, otherwise it would have been much worse. I do not know how this is going to be resolved. I do think we should stop starting and getting involved in wars in the Middle East.
I was very interested to know that your father had lived in Glasgow as a young child when his father was in the Navy in Colombia.
Tell us a bit more about Colombia. Tell us about your writers and your artists etc. I always think of you when I am buying coffee. Your coffee is excellent and my husband really loves coffee. I have a small cup now and again, but most of the time I am drinking green tea. I especially love leaf green tea. I do love the smell of coffee.
Keep in close touch. Stay positive.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Mary,
Thank you for your post. I saw yet another email from Chris Woollams in my inbox. I think he may be overdoing it. There is so much information that it is impossible to absorb and I do not know if we need all this information in our everyday life. We must not let it overwhelm us and take over our daily existence.
I think for us we need to eat a healthy diet and everything in moderation. We need to be physically active and not get bogged down in manic physical activity. We need to enjoy our days and try not to get stressed.
I think I have now heard too much about a healthy gut. I think we have got the message and I think if we are eating healthily then we should be alright. Please tell us about Kim-chee. I am not that fond of sauerkraut and just tend to eat Sojade organic soy yoghurt with live cultures for my probiotic. I have tried most of the things, fermented things, but am not that keen on them. I do like an occasional drink of Karma Kombucha fermented drink, but on the whole I stick to familiar food that I have always eaten.
I do remember Chris Woollams saying that probiotic supplements were of no use, unless you bought his probiotic supplement and I worked out that they cost about £1 a pill.
I do think it is quite possible that bad gum health can lead to cancer. It seems to make sense.
I do think that environmental toxins are a risk factor in the development of cancer.
I do think that all-body hyperthermia and localised hyperthermia may be a workable treatment for cancer. I think it is already being used but I do not know if it is available without paying.
I think in the end we all have to make up our mind what we want to do with reference to our daily lifestyles. I am not easily influenced and tend to make up my own mind.
Thank you for your PM. I do agree with what you said.
I think you might be interested in the article in the latest edition of The Economist. There are a lot of interesting articles in it, in addition to the one focussed on cancer.
That is about all for now.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Mary, again,
I shall talk more about politics and world events later. We have so many problems in this country. I think I would like another General Election.
Thank you for all your links. I shall try to look later.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hi, Sylvia
Kimchi (I had it misspelled above) is a Korean dish, it is fermented cabbage made originally by mixing it in ceramic jars and burying in ground. Probably not made that way anymore! I like the taste, you can get it in different grades of spiciness. I looked at the jar I am eating from has cabbage, green onions, garlic, hot pepper, ginger, paprika, sugar and salt. No vinegar. I like it, mine is rather a spicy mix, it is supposed to be a good probiotic too, as is sauerkraut.
Yes, Chris Woollams does push his own supplement line, guess that is to be expected. His supplements are unavailable in the US, so I don't even look at them much. I found the articles I linked to above interesting because they show the old, cheap drugs that are being looked at anew and found to be very helpful in treating cancer. AND they have few side effects. Why are these not being pushed, the only reasonable answer seems to be because there is no money in it!
I have a busy couple days, and am then leaving here again Thursday for a family wedding, will only be gone about 3 1/2 days this time. I will talk to you later before I leave.
Love, Mary
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Hello Mary,
Thank you for your post and for the information about Kimchi. I have not seen it in my local 'natural' food store. I shall have another look in the refrigerator there. I am not eating sauerkraut at the moment, but I may go back to it. The woman who owns the store told me that only fresh sauerkraut is of any use as a probiotic and I found the jars of fresh sauerkraut too big to get through for Raymond and me. Once you open it, you cannot keep it too long, even in the refrigerator. She does sell small jars on the shelf but they are pasteurised and she told me that takes away all the probiotic benefit. How do you eat your Kimchi? I was eating the sauerkraut as it was straight out of the jar as a garnish to meals. I remember once, when I was in Toulouse that I had a plate of hot sauerkraut as a main meal! I thought sauerkraut was made with just raw cabbage and salt to ferment it. As I said before, my main source of probiotics is Sojade plain soy yoghurt with live cultures. I am not taking any probiotic supplements.
I was surprised to learn that you cannot get Chris Woollams supplements in the US. What is the reason for this? How does Cancer Active stand in the US?
I shall definitely have a look at the links you posted.
I think that Big Pharma is out to make money on its drugs, so old drugs, even if effective, do not bring in enough profit.
I do hope you get to read the article in The Economist. It is a great account and summing up of the whole history of cancer. It does explain how it all develops in our bodies. I shall try to post bits of it but I think it might take some time. When I was reading about how chemotherapy took off, I was surprised to learn that the drug cisplatin has been around since 1978.
There is quite a bit in it about immunotherapy, but I get the impression that it is not the great treatment that it is supposed to be. It has certainly not worked for a friend of mine and it seems the powers that be have nothing else to offer.
I can see that you are going to be busy again. I shall be thinking of you on Thursday and hope you have a safe journey. Are you driving? Yours is such a big country that you may be off driving miles for all I know. Which way are you heading? I do love looking at maps and think about where different people are in the world.
That is about all for now.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Val (Valstim)
I have just been catching up on some of the other threads and saw your post. I wanted to send you words of encouragement. I am glad you are doing some walking and are making progress. Sometimes it can seem very difficult and you have been through such a lot. You will get there in the end and things will get better.
Have you any projects for autumn and winter, now that summer is definitely coming to an end? Are you doing any writing?
Thinking of you and wishing you all the best.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hi, Sylvia
I wanted to tell you I did look up the Economist and read the article "Closing in on Cancer." I tried to read the article under Technology but was told I would have to subscribe. I might think about that, I am getting no magazines at the moment, and I received another subscription recommendation from a friend yesterday. I do like the paper copies, if I received it digitally I am afraid it would get lost in the flood of stuff that arrives every day in the inbox. It looked like an interesting magazine. The article itself was speaking generally, but sounded hopeful. I guess I didn't realize there was so much cancer in Africa, of course it is a huge country. I would be interested to know if there is a study somewhere on cancer incidence in isolated communities, or communities such as the Amish people, who eschew modern conveniences. Haven't really heard of such a study, which doesn't mean there isn't one.
I eat the Kimchi right out of the jar, and it would go well as a side dish. I usually have to ask at the grocery store where it is, but it is always somewhere in the refrigerated section. My husband used to work with an Asian-American girl, and she once brought him a jar of Kimchi her mother had made. The lid kept popping off the jar because it was still fermenting, we didn't know what to think at the time! When I was growing up we ate sauerkraut a lot and made it ourselves in ceramic crocks where it fermented. My grandmother showed me how to make a small batch of kraut. We shredded the cabbage fine, and then put it in a big bowl and put quite a bit of salt on it, and then just squeezed it and worked it until it was quite soft and had made a lot of juice. Then we packed it in jars and canned it. The ceramic crock method was used when they were making large quantities to preserve for the winter. Like you, I have a hard time finishing a whole jar of raw sauerkraut in time, but the Kimchi I can usually finish, and it comes in a smaller jar.
I don't know why we can't buy Woollams' products, I only know that I have looked at his stuff, and there is no access to them for USA buyers. Only UK and Europe. Some of his books however, can be ordered from his site for delivery here. Just as well, I guess, there are oodles of people in this country selling expensive stuff anyway, hard to know what is good and what isn't sometime. I recently bought a different brand of Probiotics, just to shake things up. The directions said "Take two each day". I did that and on the first day I had a day filled with turmoil in my belly, lots of activity going on down there! I think I will take one a day and work up to two! At least I know there is something working there.
We are not driving for our short trip, we are flying to Connecticut, on the East Coast of US, northern part, we do have to drive an hour to a small airport. The East Coast is one part of our country I have spent time in once when my brother was stationed in Maryland. We will be there 3 nights and each evening is filled with pre-wedding and then wedding activity, so the time will go by fast, I'm sure. Our trip was going to start today, but we were alerted that Hurricane Jose might affect our flight, so we changed. I feel terrible for the people on the Caribbean islands affected by Hurricane Maria, those islands are devastated. Not sure what they will do, tourism is their only industry, it will take a lot to get going again. It's been a very bad hurricane season for Texas, Florida and the Caribbean. Val mentioned getting hurricane-ready at one point in North Carolina, hopefully she will check back in and tell us how things went.
I will close for now, I hope everyone is doing well, and Marias is tolerating her therapy well.
Love, Mary
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hi everyone
First mammogram today and all good. Little steps forward. It was so scary! Just a quick question? Does anyone have tumour markers monitored regularly after treatment? My dr didn't do them when I was first diagnosed as tumour was very small 9 mm but I was wonder if I should be having them done now. Apparently there is a little controversy as to their efficacy with Drs now. Hope everyone is well. We arenow in spring and it is warming up rapidly. Today it reache 31 degrees Celsius in Adelaide . talk soon
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Hi Kath,
Congratulations on a good result on your first mammogram. I am so happy for you.
I am also going for my first mammogram & ultrasounds this Monday. I am also very scared to go through it but I have to do one little step forward as well.
Sylvia, Marias & Mary -Thanks for your kind words.
Best regards,
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Hello Mary, Kath and Lou,
Thank you all for your posts. I am a bit below par at the moment as I have some nasty bug which has affected my throat and voice and made me feel tired. I do not usually have anything like this.
Congratulations, Kath, on a good mammogram. As for monitoring tumour markers, my oncologist told me long ago that they were not useful and were a waste of time. I think different oncologists probably have different opinions.
Lou, I hope all goes well for your first mammogram.
Mary, thank you for your long post. I shall talk to you later when I feel better and when you are back from the wedding.
Wishing everyone on the thread a good weekend and hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hi Sylvia,
I hope you feel better soon. Get plenty of rest.
Best regards,
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Congrats Kath on your mammogram. My oncologist does not do tumor markers, nor any screening. I'm approaching my 2 year mark since dx. So far so good.
Sorry you are not feeling well Sylvia. These bugs are nasty. Hope you are feeling up to par soon. Hello to all that are in treatment, or finishing. Soon it will be a distance in your rear view mirror.
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Kath - congrats on a normal mammogram. No tumour markers done here either, and I am fine with that.
Tomorrow I leave for India - I am semi-prepared - have all the necessary immunizations - just struggling with whether to take the anti-malaria drugs or not - such a big decision for me because I hate putting stuff in my body. Now I am wondering why I ever wanted to go to India LOL Any feedback from any one out there for taking or not taking the malaria drugs would be appreciated. It is going to be hot in New Delhi - 36 degrees - lots of covering up for me and using my mosquito repellent for sure. I am planning on being scrupulous about hand washing and careful with food and water etc. Should be an adventure that is for sure - excited and nervous at the same time - is that possible? But so grateful that I am well enough to travel and see the world.
Will try and post a few pictures.
Sylvia - so sorry you are not feeling well - hope you get better soon.
Lou - wishing you all the best for your mammogram.
I just realized that it is exactly 5 years ago today that I had my lumpectomy - wow!!! I am sure in a different space now than I was then. So grateful.
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thanks ladies . Glad u said that becausegiven my hyervigrilance I think it's better that I don't. My oncologist hasn't asked for them the breast surgeon. Just said to get them done before my mammogram in 12 months as I hadn't had any done. My aches and pains remain a problem and I still have joint and hip tightness but it doesn't restrict my movement at all. It does scare me tho and I think having bloods done will make me worse. I'm now 8 months post chemo do hopefully they settle soon. U have heard that taxol can exacerbate osteo and these datarted about 3 weeks after taxol finished when I stopped steroids as well. Oh well onwards and upwards with little steps!
Adagio if u are stay in metro areas and use a good insect repellent with DEET in it andlong sleeves u should be fine if u don't take the doxy. The medication does give u an upset tummy so really should just use if u are going out into the country. Have a great trip and post lots of pics. I'm off to Sydney tomorrow in the plane for work so really looking forward to that. Sylvia rest up and take it easy. This flu is really severe this year. Hope everyone is well and it's warming rapidly here. Temp is supposed to hit 40 Celsius by the weekend. Stay well everyone. Think I g of u all
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This is the view from my office window. It's called the line of lode and it was where Charles Rasp first discovered Silver lead and Zinc here when working as a boundary rider over 120 years ago and the mine is stil
Going today. It is known as the largest silver lead and zinc deposit the world has ever know and was a massive supplier to the war effort during the 2 no world war. It's sits directly in the middle of the city and the mines are over a mile deep on the outskirts of the city. We can feel firing some nights at about 7 pm
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Hi All,
I finished my mammogram & breast ultrasound yesterday. I was surprised because they did it on the good breast only. I thought they will be doing the breast ultrasound on the mastectomy scar as well. I asked them and they told me my BS didn't order it. Is that standard practice? It was my first time and still keep looking behind myback. Maybe it will get better in time.
Kath - They also didn't perform any tumor marker test as well. Love the photo you posted
Adagio - Have fun on your trip to India. I travelled to Malaysia for a week, Philippines for a month and Cambodia for a week since PFC last 4 May. It is the only times that I feel carefree again.
Sylvia - Hope you are feeling better soon.
Mary & Pam - Hope you are both doing fine.
Best regards,
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Hello Mary,
Thank you for your last post dated September 20th. The Economist is a quality magazine well worth reading. The article on cancer was excellent, but I do wonder how much use any of it is to us.
I think that with supplements money making is the name of the game. I am not convinced they do any good and of course they are full of strange fillers. I think the so-called natural food stores are going the way of the pharmacies and supermarkets. I think there is over production and waste on a grand scale and that means we are wasting vital resources. We are now into all the Christmas junk and I dread to think of the waste of resources that is going on there. We do not need all this stuff.
I do hope you had an enjoyable trip and are now safely back home.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Kath,
Thank you for your posts with the first one starting on September 22nd. I would not worry yourself with cancer markers. Going through all that would just bring more anxiety.
It sounds as though it is very hot near you.
I did hear that there has been a nasty flu epidemic sweeping through Australia.
Is it true that the strain of flu this year is strain A H1N1 and that is swine flu?
Keep well.
Fond thoughts.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Lou,
Thank you for your posts starting with September 22nd.
Thank you for thinking of me as I deal with some nasty flu bug.
Best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Val,
Congratulations on getting near your two year anniversary since diagnosis. Does it seem a long time ago or do you feel it has been an eternity?
I am feeling mush better now. It will be a week tomorrow so I hope I shall soon be back to normal.
Sending you best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello adagio,
Thank you for letting us know you are about to leave for India. Please keep in touch with us all, as I see this as such an adventure. I do not think I could cope with 36C!
I can understand that you are feeling nervous and excited.
I am feeling much better now and I shall be thinking of you a lot.
Fond thoughts.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Kath,
Thank you for your latest post. I do hope your aches and pains will slowly disappear. As I have said before, it takes a long time for the body to recover from the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. You need to add your radiotherapy treatment to your profile.
Just try to keep going forward.
I hope you have an interesting time in Sydney. What exactly are you doing?
I keep hearing how bad the flu is this year and it looks as though it could be hitting the UK now. I do not usually have flu injections. I had one in 2005 when I was diagnosed on the advice of the oncologist, along with a pneumonia injection, but I have had nothing since.
Take care of yourself and keep posting. Thank you for the interesting photograph.
Fond thoughts.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Lou,
Congratulations on finishing your first mammogram and breast ultrasound. In my experience here in the UK ultrasounds are mainly done if the oncologist or breast cancer surgeon finds something they want to question during a routine physical check up.
You are bound to be apprehensive about everything as it is early days for you. You will find everything will get better as time goes by.
Can you remind us whether you had radiotherapy and if you did can you put it on your profile.
These profiles help us all to identify what the treatment has been etc.
You have done quite a lot of travelling. Do you have any more plans?
Fond thoughts.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello everyone,
I hope everyone in the group from whom we have not heard recently is fine.
Best wishes to: Marias, Pam (lilyp6), Rhonda, 4everStrong, Angie and Galway. Let us know how you are, especially if you have decided to move on.
That is all for now.
Best wishes to everyone.
Sylvia xxxx