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Calling all triple negative breast cancer patients in the UK



  • marias
    marias Member Posts: 265

    Hola Nancy, aqui te pongo lo que le escribi a Hannie en Español, espero sea de tu agrado

    un abrazo


    Hola Hannie, te ves genial y aún con el pelo.

    bueno, sus quimioterapias no están cayendo mal, confío en que todo va mejor cada día.

    Su amiga de la quimioterapia, se ve tan bien como usted, confío en que no tenga más complicaciones con su cáncer de seno.

    Me gustan mucho los colores que tienen en la sala de quimioterapia.

    Juego en un lugar agradable, pero los colores son bastante pálidos.

    Creo que la libertad de color se destaca con la opresión de usar hejab negro cuando están en público.

    Confío en que todo en tu país se estabilice. Considero valiente a su gente, que después de la caída del Sha, han tratado de mantener sus recursos a su manera.

    El nombramiento de Reza Shah para Francia e Inglaterra principalmente, como líder de Irán. Al igual que los límites, la política, la religión de su país coordinados arbitrariamente hace casi 100 años, debe haber generado mucha tensión en su territorio. Además de la caída del sha, la invasión rusa, y luego el ayatolá ... muchos cambios que no sé si tu gente ha logrado procesar.

    Una vez, cuando estaba en Marsella-España, vi lo que hasta ahora creo que es la mujer más sexy que he visto en mi vida. Estaba vestida toda de negro, y en el hejab en su cabeza y velada en su rostro. Se supone que este vestido busca evitar que los hombres vean y deseen a las mujeres. ¿Cierto?. Pero esta mujer estaba caminando por un paso de peatones, estaba en un automóvil, esperando que cambiara el semáforo, y para ella con la brisa el vestido se pegaba y dejaba ver la finura de su cuerpo y la forma y la fuerza de sus muslos . Bueno, yo pensé de esa manera hacer una protesta por la naturaleza obligatoria de esta forma de vestir.

    He aprendido que hay un movimiento para usar blanco los miércoles, como una forma de protesta por la imposición del hejab.

    Confío en que todo irá bien en su país pronto y cada persona puede vestirse como quiera y hablar libremente.

    Me llama la atención el número de personas, el aumento demográfico que ha ocurrido en su país en los últimos años. Esto implica que el mayor número de habitantes ha crecido dentro de la revolución islámica y que ya pueden sentirse lo suficientemente oprimidos como para poder hacer un cambio en beneficio de su propio país y su pueblo.

    Me imagino su enojo ante la presión que el gobierno ha ejercido durante tanto tiempo, creo que es muy joven y ha crecido toda su vida con este régimen.

    su país es la cuna de la historia de la humanidad y admiro toda su historia, pero creo que también ha sufrido mucho.


    De Maria

  • marias
    marias Member Posts: 265

    hola a todas, he estado usando el traductor de google para escribir, espero sea una buena traduccion, abrazos marias

    Hello everyone, I've been using the google translator to write, I hope it's a good translation, hugs marias

  • kathseward
    kathseward Member Posts: 380

    terrible day today! Sooooo anxious! Have had an ache near my right shoulder and imagining the worst! It’s not severe just achy and absolutely paralysing me with fear! I hate this feeling!

  • honeytagh
    honeytagh Member Posts: 447

    Hi abrazos

    I'm really surprised at the amount of information you have about our country. We have studied history throughout all the years at school which has told us how our country had been colonized by England and the US before the revolution and how our natural resources including oil had been under the complete control of these powers. I know we had inefficient rulers throughout the history. But this revolution made things worse for us especially because of its religious dogmatism. We are really tired of oppression and we really seek a referendum to choose the type of the people who will rule our our country. We hate theses religious ayatollahs and their ideology. We do not trust either Russion or the US or Britain politicians. We want to decide what we really want which is freedom and respectful interaction with the world. The majority of people here are middle class but with recent financial policies of the government they are going toward poverty. We really do not deserve it.

    I grew up in a religious family which tried to impose its ideology on us children. I have two bothers and one sister. But only one of my brothers has some religious beliefs. People have so grown up in recent years that no ideology of any kind can be imposed on them. I deeply respect my parents and try not to oppose them directly but my way of life is compelety different. In the same way, I never let myself impose anything on my daughter. She deserves to have freedom of choice and good living conditions to grow. So far she has chosen to deeply believe in God but has no inclination toward the Islamic ideology which she is being taught about everyday at school.

    abrazos, I have lost my hair but try to take care of my appearance by wearing wigs, beautiful scarves and wearing some make-up so that I look good enough to keep my spirits up. Things are not very easy but I hope time passes more quickly. I'm sometimes worried about permanent hair loss which may be caused by taxtore. I hope it never happens to any cancer patient including me. I badly miss my hair.

    I hope everything goes well with you and all here. I'm eagerly waiting to hear good news from Sylvia too.


  • maryna8
    maryna8 Member Posts: 1,832

    Hi, Marias

    I'm glad you are recovering from the bad flu, the flu has been very bad here, they say it is epidemic. Now they say that the flu shots they have given people are not good because they don't ward off the right flu bugs. It's a guessing game they play every year.

    I hope the New Year brings you good health and strength and happiness, and I wish it for all of us! I do not get very excited about the fact of one year going to the next, Albert Einstein said "Time is an illusion." I have tried to understand this theory, it is difficult since I am not a physicist! I understand your feeling that perhaps you are feeling more bitter about life, I think that is normal when we are going through such troubles. Life is not all roses, but filled with difficulties as well as happiness. Thorns as well as beautiful flowers!

    I am glad you have made the decision about where to go to treat the thyroid cancer, sometimes making a decision to act makes one feel better. I do know several women who have had thyroid cancer, they are all doing very well.

    It is wonderful that you are keeping up the walking, and it's okay that right now it is not as fast, you are still recovering from all that has happened. I am not as fast as I used to be either, but I don't know what else to do in my case. I have tried to treat the things that hamper my walking and cause me pain, but I have not had much success, so I will go on as I am and keep trying.

    I went to a movie Monday called "The Darkest Hour", about Winston Churchill in his first weeks as Prime Minister of England in 1940. There was one of his quotes at the end, it went as follows:

    "Success is not permanent; failure is not fatal.

    The important thing is to persevere."

    It is true that sometimes our friends do not understand us when we have illness, because they have not suffered it themselves. It is not from lack of caring, but they usually don't know what to say or do.

    I was surprised too when I learned how old were the therapies (taxol etc), that are used to treat us. It seems they were searching first for therapies for the women who had estrogen positive receptor BC because they are in the largest numbers. Then they discovered the Herceptin, which helps the women diagnosed with that, and now they are concentrating more on things that may help in the treatment of TNBC.

    I read your link about the German Dr. Hamer. He thinks that sudden stresses in our lives cause cancer, and other illnesses. I think perhaps that could be a part of the whole picture. However, even if it was true, those stresses are not our fault either. I found the link very interesting, and even all the testimonials.

    I will be back later. Abrazos, love, Mary

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello Marias, Hanieh, Nancy, Kath and Mary,

    Thank you for all your posts. You have been very busy. It will probably take me a bit of time to catch up. I am still catching up with Marias posts and I also want to finish the last bit of information about the causes of lymphoedema. I am concentrating on chapter 4 of the mentioned book and today I want to post the section about varicose veins. I have already mentioned cancer treatment and accidental trauma or surgery as two causes.

    Varicose veins.

    "Varicose veins are stretched tortuous veins that are engorged with blood because they are not emptying properly. Pressure builds within the varicose veins when you are sitting or standing, forcing fluid into the tissues – a good deal more fluid that would be expected from normal veins. Unless the lymph drainage is robust and capable or dealing with this extra fluid, oedema will occur. Because varicose veins usually occur in the legs, the associated swelling usually occurs at its worst in the foot and ankle, where the pressure in the veins is at its highest.

    "The main way to give respite to the affected veins is elevation, which collapses the veins and lowers the pressure within them. You can see this for yourself by sitting down in bare feet and observing the veins around the ankles and tops of feet bulge. If you then lie down and raise your foot above the heart level, the veins collapse, meaning that much less fluid is released from the veins into the tissues. This allows the lymph system time to catch up with its fluid drainage responsibilities.

    "Surgery for varicose veins will often reduce the swelling, but if it does not then the cause is probably lymphoedema. Furthermore, as lymph vessels are positioned anatomically very close to surface veins in the leg, any surgical treatment of varicose veins can damage the lymph vessel as well."

    As Marias said, if you have to wear compression stockings for varicose veins, you should get advice from a doctor about which ones you need.

    I hope my postings have allowed you to see that there are a number of causes for lymphoedema besides the ones I have given you in detail. There are many others, including obesity, which I mentioned in passing some posts ago. Be on the watch for lymphoedema.

    Best wishes to all of you.

    To new patients watching the thread, please do not hesitate to join us and ask questions about anything to do with your diagnosis of breast cancer, from diagnosis, scans and biopsies, types of breast cancer, receptor status, choice of surgery, chemotherapy and the different drugs, radiotherapy, reconstruction, and long term after effects of treatment which are often not pointed out. An informed choice can only be made when you have all the facts and information.

    Best wishes.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello Marias,

    This is the translation for my post to you in English on January 9th

    Hola Marías,

    Todavía estoy revisando tu publicación reciente. Puedo entender que no hagas resoluciones de Año Nuevo. Es solo otra tontería. Simplemente creo en hacer lo que creo que es correcto, justo y ético y que necesita hacer. También creo en ser sincero conmigo mismo.

    Con referencia a que las bacterias son la causa del cáncer de mama, todos tenemos bacterias en el intestino, que están ahí para mantener nuestro cuerpo saludable. El problema es que si no comemos una dieta saludable, matamos a las bacterias sanas y nuestro intestino se llena de bacterias malas que pueden llevarnos por el camino de enfermedades crónicas como el cáncer. Se nos dice que necesitamos una mezcla de probióticos y prebióticos. Podemos conseguirlos en nuestra comida. Mucha gente cree en tomar tabletas probióticas, como bifidus y lactobacillus. Trato de ayudar a mi intestino comiendo yogur de soya natural con cultivo en vivo. Se supone que esto ayuda. Hay otros alimentos fermentados, como el chucrut y el tempeh.

    Exeter y Exmouth no están muy separados, pero las carreteras son estrechas y siempre están ocupadas. Necesitamos dejar mucho tiempo para llegar al hospital a tiempo y el tiempo suficiente para conducir y encontrar un lugar para estacionar. Las citas no siempre son puntuales y todos estos factores hacen que el día sea muy largo. ¡Un viaje de 24 minutos es una ficción!

    Me alegré de saber que has estado echando un vistazo a Devon. Es un condado encantador. Se está poniendo demasiado ocupado ya que muchas personas jubiladas se están mudando aquí.

    Es cierto que Francis Drake vino de Devon. He estado en el café con su nombre hace algunos años. Creo que el café solía ser su casa real. Creo que todos los europeos en el pasado hicieron cosas malas en Norte y Sudamérica y en todo el mundo de hecho. Ayer estaba pensando cómo serían estos países hoy si los europeos no los hubieran "descubierto" y llevado a cabo un genocidio contra los pueblos originarios.

    Con referencia al linfedema, voy a poner el párrafo sobre las venas varicosas y el linfedema en el hilo tan pronto como pueda. Me he concentrado en el capítulo 4, que trata sobre las causas del linfedema. Ya publiqué sobre cómo lo causa el tratamiento del cáncer, así como sobre el trauma y las lesiones.

    Con la moda en la ropa apretada, sospecho que la gente terminará con muchos problemas.

    Sí sé que las personas que han tenido ganglios linfáticos o linfáticos dañados en el área de la ingle pueden terminar con prendas de compresión.

    Estaba muy interesado en saber que estás escuchando historias de Guy de Maupassant. Él es un clásico francés del siglo 19 y se llama el maestro de la historia corta. Recuerdo leer algunos de ellos cuando estaba haciendo francés en la escuela.

    Puede que le interesen las novelas de Emile Zola, otro famoso escritor clásico francés. Esta vez de la novela. Escribió volúmenes de novelas sobre la historia de la familia Rougon-Macquart. Leí la mayoría de ellos cuando estuve en Francia durante un año como parte de mi título de honores en francés.

    Con referencia a los médicos, creo firmemente que depende del paciente tomar el control de la situación y estar armado con preguntas. Si vamos a dar un consentimiento informado para el tratamiento, entonces debemos estar informados y no tener efectos secundarios que sean una sorpresa. Nunca tengas miedo de hacer preguntas y obtener respuestas.

    Siempre estoy interesado en lo que tienes que decir sobre la historia de Colombia. Me alegré de saber que es un país secular.

    Aquí en el Reino Unido no tenemos separación de iglesia y estado, pero hace mucho tiempo que debería haber sucedido. No deberíamos tener a los peces gordos de la iglesia en la Cámara de los Lores y la Cámara de los Lores debería llamarse la segunda casa y ser completamente elegida por el pueblo. ¡Como lo están los partidos políticos con sus propios hados políticos!

    Gracias por todos los lnks. Trataré de mirarlos cuando pueda y cuando no me sienta tan cansado.

    Estoy harto de nuestro clima lúgubre y sin sol.

    Cuídate. Háganos saber lo que está sucediendo con usted.


    Sylvia xxxx

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello Hanieh.

    I was so glad to see your post when I came back from the town centre in Exmouth today. I am so glad that you are safe and I was very interested in what you had to say. I thought that the reason we had not heard from you was that you had had problems with the authorities preventing you from using the internet. This is totally wrong.

    Raymond pointed out to me about the three VPNs. He said you are a very clever young woman!

    I have been following all the news about the events in Iran and especially in Tehran and I was just hoping that all would be well with you. I have not seen Tehran on the news lately and I usually try all the news channels that I can get on my television. I know that we do not get all the facts from the BBC, but I regularly watch the RT news, as well as the French News in English on France 24, as well as TV5 in French, which gives me the news from Canada, mainly Quebec Province, they also show the Swiss News in French on this one. I also watch Al Jazera, so I get a good overall picture of what is going on.

    I do hope that the ordinary people will win this battle, but it is always difficult to fight the establishment. I have seen it here with the referendum on leaving the EU. The people voted to leave but the establishment are trying to thwart it. They, the politicians, say they are sovereign, but I believe the people are sovereign. That is what democracy is all about. The will of the people, by the people, for the people.

    I was glad to know that you had got through your second infusion of chemotherapy and that you tolerated it better than the first one.

    I do hope your periods will sort themselves out. I know that women's periods can stop during chemotherapy treatment and cancer treatment in general, but they often come back sometime later. Is there any reason to make you think that you are going into early menopause?

    Make sure you take care of yourself and that you get plenty of rest.

    I can understand how disturbing everything is for you during this unrest, but first and foremost you must get yourself through your treatment.

    I think that social media has brought the whole world together. All the people of the world are now communicating and in this respect the world has got a lot smaller. Just look at us on this thread and the way we are communicating about so much more than our breast cancer.

    I think we are all tired of our politicians. It is the same here. At the moment they are messing up our NHS and it is chaos in the hospitals. If the NHS sinks I think there will be a lot of trouble.

    I can understand that your daughter wants to get rid of the hijab. I cannot understand why women are being made to cover up their hair and even less their faces and bodies. I think with social media and young people virtually living on it, that it will have to come to an end. It is just a way of men controlling women. In this country we often see Muslim men in European suits with their wives covered from head to toe. I think the younger generations will rebel. In Saudi Arabia women have won the right to drive and they did it through civil disobedience. That took courage but they did it.

    I remember when women teachers were told not to come to work wearing trousers. I just went to school wearing them anyway.

    You should be proud of your daughter. She thinks for herself and that is a good thing.

    Today and the past few days there has been a lot of news about the fight that the women here in the UK had in 1913 to get the vote. You probably know all about the suffragettes and their fight for the right to vote. There was a big march in 1913 qnd they got the vote in 1918, 100 years ago, but it was only for women over the age of 30.

    Thank you for the photographs of you and your friends. It is good for the two of you to be together.

    I noticed on your details a you do not have the details of the chemotherapy and radiotherapy that you had the first time round. You might want to put them in so that we have a complete record.

    Thinking of you and sending my love.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello Kath,

    I was sorry to read your latest post and to learn that you were having a bad day. It seems that going back to work has somehow brought on your anxiety. If I were you, I would get that ache in your right shoulder checked out by your doctor. Imagining what it might be is no good for your mind or body. It is better to find out exactly what is going on. It may be nothing, just an ache of the sort we all get from time to time. Better safe than sorry, get it checked out.


    Sylvia xxxx

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello Nancy,

    Thank you for your post. I hope all is going well with you as we progress through the New Year.

    I was interested to know that you enjoy the translations into Spanish that I decided to do to help Marias.

    What Spanish studies are you doing? I did Spanish at school, O-level and then A-level. I went to university to do a French Honours degree and did Spanish as my second subject. That was many, many years ago. After graduation I spent quite a few years in France and then in Morocco. I did not have much chance to use my Spanish. I can still read Spanish easily, but I am rusty on speaking. I do love this language. When I have put some of my posts into Spanish to help Marias, I do use Google to help. I read how it has been translated and sometimes there are mistakes which I alter. I also put the sound on and read the Spanish out loud. I do love the sound of both Spanish and French.

    I shall be interested to know what you are doing. If it helps to get you through all this cancer business, then that is great therapy.

    Thinking of you.


    Sylvia xxxx

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello everyone, especially newcomers.

    Looking at this forum in general I keep finding posts asking when a patient dates their cancer from. There will be different opinions and I cannot understand why it is so important. I was told quite definitely that you start the date from your day of diagnosis. That seems simple enough and common sense. If you want to use a different way, then do it. The most important is to mark each year as it passes.

    Another question that keeps coming up is about pathology reports. We are not doctors and a lot of it may be too difficult for us. We do not want to be flooded with too much information that is really irrelevant. We need to know what kind of breast cancer we have, the receptor status, stage and grade, and what the proposed treatment is and in what order. We all get the same, a mixture of surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy and then regular check ups. Those with hormonal status will get anti-hormonal medication and those with HER2+ will get Herceptin.

    Some people are asking about what happens if they have been diagnosed with triple negative receptors but some of those have a bit of hormonal in them. My consultant told me that any receptor with 5% or less hormone was negligible and counted as negative.

    Wishing all the very best to all the newly diagnosed, those going through treatment and those surviving their cancer journey.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713

    Kath - my oncologist told me that if a pain or ache persists longer than 2 weeks, she needs to know. Over the last few years I have had some pretty awful aches and pains which make a big black cloud descend over my head - and I have coached myself to breathe in slowly and breathe out and just simply wait. In about 75% of the times the pain has gone away on its own - other times I have gone to my doctor or oncologist and got it checked out. For peace of mind, it is definitely worth seeing the doctor - even if they do not know what it is - at least they know that you have the pain and that you are very anxious about it.

    I believe it was you who asked about Vitamin D during chemotherapy - I took 8000 units of D3 during chemo, and have gradually decreased it to 5000 units per day since my levels are at the maximum and that is where I want them to be. I get the blood test done once per year - our health system does not cover the cost, but it is only $65 for the test and it is important enough for me to know what my levels are. I still have to get a requisition from the doctor to take to the lab.

    Look after yourself.

  • adagio
    adagio Member Posts: 713

    Hanieh - my thoughts are with you while going through chemo, and all of the other stresses in your current situation. I hope that the political situation in Iran will get sorted out soon -I think I once mentioned before that my son-in-law was born in Tehran and we talk about life in Iran a fair bit, so I know how unsettling it can be and especially for the people who have to be in its grip on a daily basis. Iman (my son-in-law) left Iran when he was 17 years old - he came to Canada with his brother and parents in 2003. He has never been back.

    Take care of yourself, and remember to rest when you feel tired.

  • maryna8
    maryna8 Member Posts: 1,832

    Hi, Adagio

    I read your post to Hanieh, and wanted to tell you that I just learned that I can order any blood test I want myself. I can order it online, pay for it and they send me an authorization slip which I take to the lab. The lab draws my blood, tests it, and sends me the results. No doctor has to be involved. If a person does not understand the results then that person can call their doctor to have it explained. I called the lab where I would go just to be sure, and the woman who answered the phone said that was correct. I think this is great! Like you, I have often wondered about certain blood levels, but was reluctant to see a doctor just to order a test, and then possibly be refused.

    I hope you are passing your winter well, is the flu rampant up there? So far I have escaped it, but there are many ill people here.

    Yesterday our temps hit 60 degrees, today we will drop to the 20s and have freezing rain, and get down to 12 degrees tonight. Ah, winter in the Midwest!

    Talk again soon, love, Mary

  • maryna8
    maryna8 Member Posts: 1,832

    Hi, Hanieh

    Sorry about your Internet connection slowing you down, it is so unfortunate that the government can do these things to the people. As you say, it is a very sad situation in which a few people can tyrannize the many. I hope and pray for the best result.

    Many years ago in the late 1970s I worked in a restaurant, where I worked with people from all over who had come to this city to attend college. Included were several young men from Iran, but we knew them as Persian. When the Shah was overthrown, they all returned home very quickly. I know that some Persians stayed and became hostages, but all these young men left. I didn't really understand all the politics at the time, but felt I had lost several friends.

    It could be that things will return to normal after the chemotherapy regarding the possible early menopause, but I guess there's no way to know for sure right now.

    I sympathize with your daughter who feels so restricted by law that she has to cover herself completely from head to toe when out and about. I suppose that is why the rulers there restrict your internet freedom, to try and not let you see how the other parts of the world live. It seems really medieval the way that women are treated, it seems you can be educated as much as any man and yet told what to wear at the same time. It is very unfortunate that the government there is all tied up with religion.

    You look happy in your pictures, I'm so glad you have made a friend at your infusion clinic and you can go through these experiences with each other and have support and understanding.

    Can you refresh me on how you found this tumor that you are treating now?

    I'm glad the second infusion was easier than the first, may it continue that way. I am still lighting the candles for you every time I am in church..God bless, and keep you and yours safe!

    Talk to you again soon, love,


  • maryna8
    maryna8 Member Posts: 1,832

    Hi, Sylvia

    At one point you suggested that I copy down my story from the thread where we posted them years ago. I looked all over that thread but my story is gone. I'll write it down again when I can.

    I guess I got a little defensive about the TV show on BBC with the comedienne/actress doing a show on the American Dream. I am just tired of show-people making fun of us (ordinary Americans), misrepresenting us, and picking and choosing interviews to make the show they want. We have multi-millionaire actors and actresses preaching to us about all manner of things, they consider themselves experts and qualified to instruct we, the "commoners". I have stopped watching all comedians on our TV stations, none of them are funny anymore, everything is political.

    I mentioned above that I saw the movie "The Darkest Hour". It covered part of the month of May in 1940. Chamberlain was on his way out as Prime Minister, Churchill came in, and what a time to come in. British, French, and Belgian troops were stranded on the beaches of Dunkirk, they were doomed until the leaders finally had the idea to mobilize civilian boats, fishing boats, recreational boats etc. Belgium was on the verge of surrendering to the Germans, France was sure to follow. England was alone, Churchill was trying to talk US President Roosevelt into sending ships, the US was still not willing to commit fully to England's aid. The movie showed very well the pressure Churchill was under, as a few of his advisors wanted him to surrender England to the Axis powers after Belgium did surrender. He spent much time agonizing over this decision, and at the end of the movie gave his famous speech to Parliament in which he said England would "never surrender." I really liked the movie, it was all dialogue and the critics were not crazy about it, not enough action scenes I suppose. The actor who played Churchill won a top award however, he did a great job. I have seen probably every World War II movie made with a few exceptions, they were all action so I enjoyed the different perspective. Seeing this movie did make me want to see "Dunkirk", which I have not seen.

    Must go for now, have to make a trip to town before the freezing rain arrives. Talk to you again soon,

    Love, Mary

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello Marias,

    I am writing to say thank you for the link about Dr Hamer. I printed it out and read it with great interest. The title of the article was Introduction to Dr Hamer's Germanic/German new medicine. The article is all about a connection between the psyche and disease. Dr Hamer says the following: "Through the millenia, humanity has more or less consciously known that all diseases ultimately have a psychic origin and it became a 'scientific' asset firmly anchored in the inheritance of universal knowledge: it is only modern medicine that has turned our animated beings into a bag full of chemical formulas'.

    This is apparently the welcome page on Dr Hamer's website, The German New Medicine.

    I read the remainder of the article about what happened to Dr Hamer as the result of his being shot dead. Shortly after that Dr Hamer, healthy all his life, developed testicular cancer. He then did a lot of research and spoke to thousands of patients and was finally able to conclude that disease is only brought about by a shock fr which we are totally unprepared.

    I learnt about what happened from then on when he presented his work to the university in Germany, with which he was affiliated. I shall leave you and the rest of the group to read what happened to him, if you have not already done so.

    Dr Hamer believes very strongly that the present methods of dealing with cancer are barbarous, cruel and completely unnecessary. Apparently this opinion does not make him many friends.

    I shall leave you all to read it and make up your own minds.

    What attracted me was the fact that I saw there was an article there about breast cancer and I had a look at that. I am sure you will find this article very interesting. It is about there being two kinds of breast cancer, according to the research from Dr R G Hamer. This research shows that there are two kinds of breast cancer, breast gland cancer and milk duct (intraductal) cancer, and he states each of these cancers has its origins in different areas of the brain.

    There is a long article on this which I found very interesting. Have a look at it and tell me what you think. Look up the German New Medicine and Dr Hamer and Breast Cancer.

    Marias took the trouble to tell us about this website, so I think we should make the effort to have a look at it.

    Marias, many thanks for pointing me to Differentiated thyroid cancer: Radioiodine treatment, author R Michael Tuttle MD, Professor of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

    I now understand what is going on with your treatment. When will you start it?

    I still have another post to you in answer to the one about the history and politics in your country. That will have to be for another day.


    Sylvia xxxx

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello Marias,

    I am still trying to catch up. I still need to reply to the one in which you mentioned Maupassant and that you are going to read Zola. I also have to comment on your views about your country and what is going on there with your politicians.

    Thinking of you.


    Sylvia xxxx

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello Hanieh,

    I think I have finally caught up with your posts to me. If I have missed anything, please let me know.

    When I was working as a teacher in Morocco for three years, I lived through the frightening experience of the military there having a coup against the King. It was a dangerous time. It was not that long before I went back to France for the holidays. There was another attempt. It all failed.

    I also lived through a strike at the lycée where I was when the students decided they wanted to get rid of the Principal. The army came to the school and I had an armed soldier standing outside my classroom. It all came to an end and a new Principal took over. That was another worrying time.

    I wish you all the very best and hope that all your treatment will be successful.

    Fond thoughts.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello Mary,

    Thank you for your post. I shall answer tomorrow.


    Sylvia xxxx

  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295

    Marias, muchas gracias por tu nota. Esperamos ir à Mexico por una semana en Marzo, asi que estoypracticando y leyendo todo lo que puedo. Pero el traductor de Google me ayuda!

  • marias
    marias Member Posts: 265

    Hello everybody. More than a year ago I have a dull ache under the right side ribs. in November of 2016. I had a total abdominal ultrasound and a tummy tuck where fatty liver level 1 was seen.

    yesterday they made me another ultrasound that shows an injury in. the vesicle does not move like a thickening fold that can be a polyp.

    this news moves me a lot.

    tomorrow I go to the endocrine to check and show you the ultrasound.

    The 18. appointment in nuclear medicine to schedule my treatment with radioactive iodine.

    later I tell you how. I go and I answer your messages.

    I understand kart's fear for his pain. any pain for us is like a great threat.

    a hug.


  • marias
    marias Member Posts: 265
    1. Hola a todas. hace más de un año tengo un dolor sordo debajo de las.costillas del lado derecho. en noviembre del hicieron ecografía total de abdomen y un tac de abdomen donde se veía hígado graso nivel 1
    2. .Ayer me hicieron Otra ecografía que muestra una lesión en. la vesícula no móvil como un pliegue engrosando que puede ser un polipo. esta noticia me conmueve mucho. mañana voy donde la endocrina a chequeo y le mostraré la ecografía.el 18.tengo cita en medicina nuclear para programar mi tratamiento con yodo radioactivo.
      más adelante les cuento como. voy y respondo sus mensajes.entiendo mucho el temor de kart por su dolor. cualquier dolor para nosotras es como una gran amenaza.un abrazo.Marías
  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello Marias,

    Thank you for your latest post that you addressed to everyone on the thread. I can see that you have been having a very difficult time with your body. Do you still have a fatty liver?

    I was sorry to read that yesterday you had another ultrasound that shows a lesion. You say that you may have a polyp. What will your doctors do to tell you for sure that there is a polyp? Do you have to have a different scan to say that for sure there is a polyp? Because these polyps can be precancerous, will your doctors be able to remove it?

    I can understand your worry and I hope your doctors can deal with this without delay.

    I hope you get good news from the endocrine specialist.

    I shall be thinking of you next Thursday when you go for the radioactive iodine treatment.

    You are a very brave and strong woman and I know that you will get through all of this and return to a more normals life.

    Sending you my love and best wishes.

    Sylvia xxxx

  • sylviaexmouthuk
    sylviaexmouthuk Member Posts: 7,943

    Hello Marias,

    I wanted to say thank you for your information about your country and the way it is run. I think we shall always have inequality in the different countries of the world. The countries of the west have done a great deal of harm throughout history and have bullied, exploited and used the poorer countries for their own ends. I do hope that one day the peoples of the world will get the better of the establishment but I have doubts about that. The establishment is too strong and powerful. I do not think I shall ever see justice and fairness in my own country. People have been brainwashed. At the moment the referendum in which the people of this country voted by a majority to leave the EU is being messed up by parliament, big business and the establishment. They are ignoring the majority vote.

    I do hope you get to read some of the novels by Emile Zola. As I said, I really enjoyed them many years ago. I also love the Russian novelists, Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky.

    I hope you are learning lots of English through reading the posts and writing in English. I try to keep my sentences in English short for you. When we are writing about medical things it can be quite difficult to make sure we understand them. I have had lots of experience teaching English as a second language, so I know the parts of English that foreign people find difficult. Even English speakers make the same mistakes!

    I think your English is very good.

    Keep in touch as you face all these challenges.


    Sylvia xxxx

  • honeytagh
    honeytagh Member Posts: 447

    Hello Sylvia,

    Your post about your experiences as a teacher really interested me. That seemed odd that at some point wearing trousers was not appropriate for women. You and I share the same personality type of not compromising to what doesn't seem right.

    Right now it may seem very far. But I'm sure one day all the tyranny will come to and end in our country and women get their freedom back. These politicians will be overthrown by rebels who will fight for their basic rights. But I hope all these happens in my lifetime. I just want to stay positive that I will overcome this disease and things change. Although, sometimes I really feel down and feel like crying all the time especially when side effects become really bothering.

    By the way, I regret shaving my head as my hair has not completely gone. Is it normal?

    About the early menopause that you asked, my doctor said as my chemo regimen is very heavy, there is a strong possibility of early menopause for me.

    Sylvia about my profile, I don't know why I can not put all my previous and recent treatment completely together. Maybe it's because I do everything with my mobile phone.

    It was interesting that your husband considered me clever to have 3 Vpns.Here, we have no choice but to be clever!


  • honeytagh
    honeytagh Member Posts: 447

    Hello adagio

    It was nice to hear from you. Thank you so much for all your kind words.

    A lot of my friends and colleagues have immigrated to Canada and all they report is how they are happy with their lives there. In fact, they say how Canada is open and welcoming country. I wish I had done it too. The pressure here is so high and devastating that I sometimes feel the only way is to escape.But again, I wonder why we should escape our mother land which is really rich and prosperous but just corrupted by ill-minded politicians. Anyway, I hope things get better. If not, I should do something for the future of my daughter.

    I wish you and your dear ones all the best.

  • honeytagh
    honeytagh Member Posts: 447

    Hello Marias

    I read about what you are going through. I know you are having a hard time. But I'm sure you are stronger than all these. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I deeply pray things turn out for your highest good.



  • honeytagh
    honeytagh Member Posts: 447

    Hello Mary

    It's really nice of you to light candles for me every time you go to the church. I love the peace and calm of your religion and churches. If only I had the chance of regular visits to a church. I The sermons of Jeol Osteen that I listen to all the time made me love Christianity. In fact, he is rendering an updated version of religious beliefs which is applicable to all modern people regardless of their race and religious background.

    About what you asked about my second diagnosis, I should say I had a small mass in my breast during my last year checkups that had a good sonographic look. My surgeon believed it was just a fat necrosis. He decided to keep a look on it every three months. But during the last 3 months its size had changed from 1.7 to 4.5 cm which shocked my surgeon as it wasn't growing previously. He immediately biopsied it and in ten days I had to say goodbye to my breast and accept a new look. I wish he had had a biopsy last year. Even the best and the most well known doctors are not faultless. When I realized how big my tumor was, I cried bitterly in his office and he said sadly that these things sometimes happen. It was not a logical answer to me and I have a hard time forgiving him. On the other hand, as I realized how my chemo was not sufficient on my first diagnosis- not having taxans - I had to change my oncologist too. This time my oncologist says he is having a strong chemo for me. Last time I had AC regimen. This time I have Carboplatine and taxtore. They are not easy on me but I'm trying not to pay too much attention to the side effects and busy myself with other things.At times I cry all my hardships but try not to remain too long on them.

    It was interesting to hear about those young men coming back to Iran after revolution. I'm sure they now regret it.Winking



  • honeytagh
    honeytagh Member Posts: 447

    My daughter at school
