Calling all triple negative breast cancer patients in the UK
Hi Sylvia, Gill, and Mary,
Mary, what a beautiful picture. Our views in New Jersey are very similar! I love the views of fall but not the temperatures. It is getting so chilly here. I think we had a light frost last night after some storms blew through. Sometimes the days warm up, but we've been warned about chilly weather coming. The gas and oil prices have been on a rollercoaster lately, going up and down. It's impossible to predict.
We live in a 100 year old house and have been subject to lots of electrical and plumbing issues. They are very expensive to fix and sometimes it takes a long time just to get on someone's schedule. When we first moved in, we had all of the electrical replaced. That was expensive, but worth it for peace of mind. We really need some renovation here and there, but I'm hesitating for now. It will be something to consider when I'm totally healthy and back to work. My husband was a contractor before he retired, so it makes things slightly easier.
I'm so sorry to hear about the NHS. Healthcare should not be something that people worry about. A health crisis is bad enough. To also have to worry about treatment and costs of treatment (which are out of control) can be devastating. It was the one thing that I didn't have to worry about through my whole ordeal. I'm grateful for that.
I'm attending parent-teacher conferences this week and next to learn a bit about the children in my class. I met them last week and they are adorable. I can't wait to start teaching them. The teacher in the class at this time has been very gracious about sharing information about them. I hope she'll be staying within our school as she seems to be a very good teacher. We have such a teacher shortage in the US right now. Our classes are becoming crowded because there are not enough teachers or space to accommodate all the children.
Take care, ladies. You are in my thoughts and prayers often.
Love, Sue
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Hello Gill,
Thank you for your post. I do agree that we are living in very troubled and difficult times. I think the only solution is a general election so that the population as a whole can decide which party they want in power. Liz Truss does not have the mandate of the people to be the Prime Minister. Jeremy Hunt does not have a mandate to be the Chancellor. Who gave him the job, I wonder? He was the first person to be kicked out of the eight people in the Conservative leadership fiasco. He was no good as Health Secretary and no good as Foreign Secretary. He is yet another rich person robbing ordinary people and enriching all his rich friends. I think we need a clean slate and all new parties. The Labour Party is no good now and all the good work of 1945 has been destroyed. We have a dumbed down parliament and a misled population. Ordinary people are being used and abused. Slavery is alive and well. We want that General Election.
I was sorry to read that you still have remnants of whatever it is you had. I was interested to read that you had received your fourth Covid jab. It is getting a bit confusing about these Covid injections. Were you told what vaccination it was, Moderna or Pfizer, and whether it was the bivalent injection which is supposed to give protection against the firs Covid variant and the last one, the Omicron? I ask this because those who have had all the offered Covid vaccinations are having number 5 and that is the bivalent one and from what I have gathered from talking to people, is Moderna.
I am thinking about all this because yesterday Raymond had to go to the surgery for a blood test with the nurse, and while we were there, decided to have our flu injections. I asked about the Covid vaccinations and she told me they would be offering the bivalent one and it would be Pfizer. For Raymond and me, who have had the first two vaccinations (AstraZeneca) and the first booster (Pfizer). Very reluctantly and with a certain amount of fear, we have booked in for the bivalent one, but it will be recorded as number 4. I hope we are going to be alright. Whether those who have not reached number 5 will suddenly be offered another one I do not know.
I cannot figure out really how many people are having these latest vaccinations. The surgery was not very busy, but the nurse was very friendly and helpful.
Last week I got a face to face with our registered doctor Raymond. It was no problem. She gave us a good half an hour and was very straightforward and helpful. Raymond has a telephone appointment with her tomorrow afternoon to discuss the results of his blood test.
What struck me at the surgery was how quite it was. We were always used to very busy waiting rooms before the pandemic set in. I did study a big notice there with different categories of staff carrying out different medical appointments according to their problems. What you got to see a doctor for appeared quite limited, but included heart disease and cancer.
I was glad to read that your friend has been given the all-clear.
As for ultrasounds, my own information is that you get an ultrasound follow-up only if there appears to be a problem showing up in the mammogram or if a doctor carrying out a physical examination at the hospital during a check-up thinks there might be a problem.
Like you, I am concerned about not hearing from HelenLouise. As for Kath, she probably is overwhelmed with work.
That is about all for today. As usual, I am working through lists of things to do and also have all kinds of worries going through my head about too many things.
Keep well and keep safe.
Love and best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Mary,
I just wanted to say what a stunning view!
I shall post later.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hi Sue,
Thank you for your commiserations regarding our NHS. So many people on the waiting list now that there's not a hope of getting timely treatment. Even four years ago I had to pay for my own mastectomy, as the long wait for surgery was ridiculous. Paying for surgery was one thing, but paying for the very expensive chemotherapy just wasn't an option. I paid for a second opinion and then launched a real fight for chemotherapy - I think I just wore the department down in the end.
I'm glad that you're looking forward to teaching again. It always helps when you can earn your money doing something that you enjoy. Our classrooms here are overcrowded too and retaining teachers is a major problem. Wages are very low for the level of responsibility and hours teachers work once school is over for the day.
Stay safe and well.
Gill xxx
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Hello Sylvia,
I envy you and Raymond having a functioning GP surgery. We would have to go into the Norwich walk in centre if we needed an appointment. I can't even get the results of my blood test from weeks ago. The pharmacy is the only thing still working. I despair.
I didn't have long covid but certainly do have 'long virus', continuous headache, blocked sinuses and still breathless. I don't think the 4th Moderna jab helped. Unless coronavirus suddenly takes a turn for the worst, I think it's probably time to stop vaccinating, but where will this leave the extremely vulnerable? Our smoking, drinking, morbidity obese Secretary of State for Health doesn't know and doesn't care.
I don't know if you watched the fracking debate in the House yesterday? Many Conservatives spoke against fracking, but the Government won the debate - apparently by physically forcing MPs into voting against the motion. Physical bullying and threatening behaviour has absolutely no place in a democracy. MPs should report any assault to the police. I can't believe that we've sunk so low.
Do we still have a have a triple lock pension or not? Does anyone know? Hunt saying one thing and Truss another. When is the state of the NHS going to be debated? Even wholesale privatisation takes time to organise, not a single word about what's planned, how we can cut waiting lists, address staff shortages and start saving lives.
My apologies for such a bleak comment. I want to see a light at the end of the tunnel, but just can't.
Stay safe and well.
Gill xxx
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Hello Gill,
I was sorry to read how difficult things are with your GP surgery etc. Our surgery here has changed greatly from when we first registered in is a lot bigger and more bureaucratic. I just insist on seeing the doctor with whom we registered and insist on face to face appointments. There are other surgeries in Exmouth and quite a big one in the grounds of Exmouth Hospital. It is really busy with two surgeries merged together. I would not like to be there.
I do hope that you will soon be completely recovered from your 'long virus'. Apparently the flu season is already in full swing and people are getting pretty ill. I fear it is going to be a long difficult winter. We had our flu injections and today, a few days later, Raymond has a sore throat!
I did not see the fracking debate, but I certainly heard about it. What a disgrace this government is. Now it looks as though we might get the disgraced Johnson back again! I do not think this should be allowed. People still seem to like him!!!
I am not sure where we are with our triple-lock pension. Who knows who will be the Prime Minister next week and who will be in the Cabinet. I do not trust any of them.
It looks as though people on the whole want performing celebrities in Parliament, so no wonder Johnson is popular. The favourite past time seems to be for politicians parading around constructions sites etc. in hard hats and hi-viz jackets, pretending to be one of the workers!
Are we ever going to get back to 'normal'? I have my doubts.
We have an appointment for our Covid vaccine on November 18th and that will be the fourth one out of a possible five. It is the bivalent Pfizer one. I still have doubts about it.
It is a gloomy old day and that with all the doom and gloom makes it hard to feel enthusiastic about anything.
That is about all. Thinking of you.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Mary and Sue,
I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you both. I have not much to say as I have had a busy difficult week and feel very unsettled. The state of this country gets me down. The world must be laughing at us.
Mary, the setting of your abode sounds very quiet and peaceful. Have you lived there most of your life?
Sending love and best wishes to you both.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sylvia,
You're absolutely right, we need a General Election. The Tories are now treating the UK as their own personal fiefdom, they change Prime Ministers and Cabinet Ministers more often than I visit the hairdresser. Not one of the PM candidates has issued a statement as to how they would tackle the massive crisis we're living through. Not one of them has appeared on television to debate the issues with each other. Moreover, while this farce has been happening, an unprecedented attack on our civil liberties has just passed through Parliament. The Bill has been designed to stop dissent of any kind. People on public demonstrations can now be arrested on the flimsiest of reasons, held in custody, charged and tagged to prevent them attending further demonstrations and marches. Why are journalists not reporting this? Where's the anger?
In the meantime our NHS and social care is to suffer further funding cuts. Yesterday I read that 90% of schools will run out of money next year. I can no longer maintain friendships with people who continue to vote for this. I'm more angry now than I've ever been in my life. I can't see that our lives will ever be back to normal. People are still saying that Boris Johnson is a 'good laugh' and 'one of us', they deserve everything they get, but the rest of us do not.
My comments aren't much help to those people with breast cancer wanting support. Perhaps I should stay away from the thread for a while?
Whatever else happens, you and Raymond stay safe and well.
Gill xxx
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Hi Gill,
I don't think you should leave the thread. Politics/politicians all over the world are making decisions for us when they have no idea (and don't really care) about how people are really struggling. We are struggling here in the US with our political climate as well. Sometimes I feel your same sentiment--that I have no patience for those people who support the extreme tactics and total disregard for the people who elected them and whom they serve in office.
My husband was telling me that our state legislators were discussing their Winter recess--for hours. Really?? I was appalled! Don't they have more important things to discuss?
I think it's the same all over. No one feels much in control of their own lives (or bodies either). I'm sad at how things are going politically around the world. You'd think that people would learn from the past, but power is all they seek.
On the positive side, I'm heading back to work this week to observe the process and progress in my classroom. I'm lucky to have had a wonderful teacher in my class for these first few months--one who does things similar to how I would have done them myself. I'm excited to begin tomorrow.
Today I have an appointment with my GP. She's going to insist on other routine testing. At this point I want to put it off for a bit. I've had so much probing and testing and uncomfortable procedures that I need a break for a few months.
Any thoughts about that??
Stay well and healthy!
Love, Sue
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Hi Sue,
I was feeling particularly fed up last time I posted. We now have yet another Prime Minister, he wasn't actually elected, but England is pretty much a banana republic these days. No democracy here any more. Not at all surprised that your State Legislators are more interesting in discussing their Winter recess than working for the good of the people.
I'm very glad that you're fit enough to feel confident in returning to work, especially as teaching is such a demanding job. I don't think that I've met anyone who's recovered as quickly from the rigours of cancer treatment as you. As for all the tests your GP is so keen on. Perhaps you could put them of for a short time, but not too long. I'm thinking of your long term peace of mind. I do know how you feel though, I used to dread going back to the chemotherapy unit for my 6 monthly infusion of zoledronic acid. Flat, burned out veins meant several painful sticks to get a cannula in and the evidence that zoledronic acid actually works to prevent cancer spreading to the bones isn't really there. Too many bad memories at the hospital for me now. I do think that the psychological impact of cancer is largely ignored.
Wishing a clear path ahead. Enjoy your work.
Gill xxx
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Hi Gill,
I definitely underestimated the empathy of my doctor. She advised me of the tests she feels I should undergo. But she also said she understood if I chose to avoid doing them for a while. She recommended that I set deadlines for the new year for the tests that I need. She said not to bunch them all in one month, but spread them out. I thought that was a good idea.
I still have 4 immunotherapy infusions--one is next week. They are not so bad because I still have a port. I was wary of a port last year, but it really helps to preserve my veins and multiple sticks to find a good vein. The last times I had a vein accessed was when I needed an infusion of medicine when I had covid in July and my surgery in August.
I did get a flu shot yesterday. But the doc recommended waiting until December for a covid booster, since I had covid in July.
I've been following your political situation in the news. It must feel so frustrating to not have a voice through an election process. We are just 2 weeks from an election here in the US. I just shake my head at some of the candidates from state positions down to the local boards of education, where there is talk of banning books. (Even typing those 2 words makes me cringe.)
But I am determined after this process of fighting cancer, to stay positive and happy. It will be difficult, but I'll certainly try!
Have a lovely week! Stay healthy!
Love, Sue
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Hello Sue,
I just wanted to wish you a happy return to your teaching. This will keep you busy and take your mind off other things. Just make sure you take relaxing time for yourself when you can.
Love and best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Gill,
I think you have said everything there is to say about the chaos in our Parliament and in our country. We need a General Election and we need it now. The latest Prime Minister has no mandate and he is part of the team that brought us to our knees. I do not trust any of them.
I have been busy here looking after Raymond. He has been feeling under the weather since he had the flu injection and since he had to go to our local Exmouth hospital for an ultrasound following a blood test. Nobody except us seemed to be wearing a mask or doing any social distancing. He is slowly feeling better. He does not have Covid.
I do hope we shall be able to get back to focussing on breast cancer support but I doubt whether the completely mad world in which we are living will ever allow us to do this.
Take care and try to have some moments of hope and optimism during these depressing days.
Love and best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hi Sue,
Your GP sounds like a very caring woman who actually listens to her patients. Your treatment throughout has been exemplary, I only wish everyone had this kind of experience - it would save patients suffering from many months of anxiety during treatment and perhaps years of depression and other mental health issues post cancer. Holistic approaches haven't really caught on here as medics are so rushed. The NHS has over 7 million people on the waiting list. Many cancer patients will die as a direct result of serious underfunding.
I know how useful ports and PICC lines are. After two very painful attempts at cannulation - both eventually successful - I had a PICC line fitted and never looked back. After chemotherapy was behind me the PICC line was removed, as my oncologist was concerned about the risk of infection. I know that some patients with ports keep them in place for much longer.
I think most of the world is following the political situation here, it's beyond belief. We haven't reached the stage of banning books yet, but it's probably on the agenda of this mad bunch of fascists who've taken control.
Enjoy your work and have some fun.
Gill xxx
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Hello Sylvia,
I'm sorry that Raymond's not back to his usual self following his flu jab and ultrasound. Hospitals, of all places, should be protecting people from these appalling viruses that are so prevalent everywhere. The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital still insists that patients and staff wear masks - though far too many patients claim exemption or find creative ways of positioning their masks. The hospital should take a stronger line, no mask, no appointment!
The day before yesterday I moved to another GP practice. It's further away and considerably over subscribed, but at least it's still functioning. Michael is filling in the somewhat complex online application form as I type. Doctors need a recent photo and proof of address these days, so would-be new patients have to be computer literate.
I do think that reporting on health issues is falling well behind. It's all politics and the Ukraine now. Rishi Sunak has reinstalled the usual talentless mob to the Cabinet. Three Home Secretaries in a week - even if two of them were the same person. The world's looking on in disbelief, not that this will bother the Tories.
I do hope that Raymond will feel much better soon and that you both have a quiet and peaceful week. Please give Raymond my very best wishes.
Gill xxx
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Hello Gill,
Thank you for your latest post.
I was interested to read that you had moved to a new GP Practice that is further away and over-subscribed. I do hope it will be better for you. I do hope that everything works out for Michael as well. The GP practices have become too bureaucratic and they are pushing everyone online. I have been studying our practice online and it definitely seems that most doctors are doing three day weeks. Our own doctor who is the senior doctor does three days and every alternate Friday. They do not seem to care about patients who do not have computers. Patients health records are too long and most patients would probably not understand them!
As for politicians and the house of Commons, it is just an out of control circus. In the meantime 38,000 illegal immigrants have walked into our country and a lot of them have just come up in dinghies and just run away. There is no initiative to protect our borders. So much of our hard earned money is being wasted and not spent on the people of this country.
Raymond is still under the weather ten days after his flu jab and a week since he had to go to our local hospital for an ultrasound.
I do hope we manage to force an election because Richie Sunak has no mandate. I do not think much of Keir Starmer or the Labour party any more. They do not seem to understand why they lost the last election and why so many ordinary people voted for Brexit and then for Conservatives. Until the penny drops they are doomed.
That is about all for today. The weeks seems so long and yet it is only Thursday.
Take care.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sylvia,
You sound so world weary. I think many of us feel the same, I know I do. More austerity for us, more champagne and caviare for them.
I haven't made an appointment with my new GP surgery yet. I believe that my virus was actually covid and I ought to have tested again after a few days. Having my 4th covid vaccination (Moderna) just made things worse. With hindsight I should have cancelled the jab for a few weeks. The persistent headache is almost certainly caused by blocked sinuses near my right eye and the cough and breathlessness is something that will probably go with time. I'd rather take a wait and see approach for now.
Any questions about the crumbling NHS are batted away with the 'forty new hospitals' mantra. The lies and the bodies continue to pile up. People are living in fear of becoming ill and paying privately for healthcare isn't an option. The shortfall in doctors and qualified nurses in the NHS ultimately results in staff shortages in the private sector. Poaching staff for a few hours a week is no longer an option.
As you know, I've been giving a lot of thought to having a breast implant. Finally, I've reached a decision and decided against it. I'll ask for the excess skin to be removed and leave well alone. Had I been much younger I might possibly have thought differently, but the risks would still outweigh the benefits. Also a leaky implant and a broken health service might have proved disastrous at some point in the future.
I'm wondering if one of us should send a private message to helenlouise? She never leaves it this long between posts. It's worrying as I very much doubt she would leave the thread without saying goodbye.
I hope that you and Raymond are able to find some peace and a reason to look forward to better times when this appalling Government is gone.
Much love,
Gill xxx
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Hi Gill and Sylvia,
As I read your posts, I feel so terrible for the state of affairs in the UK, especially the NHS. Do you have to wear masks at medical facilities? We are required to wear a mask into ANY medical facility here in the US. It's become so standard that I don't even think about it. We're also required to show identification, like a picture driver's license. That rule is not as enforced as the mask rule.
I know how lucky I am to have had the level of treatment that I had. Good medical insurance is a very prized benefit of my employment. Although our former president, Barack Obama, tried to develop a system to begin to get health insurance to everyone, it was overturned by our last group of elected officials under former president Trump. So many people, especially the elderly and children, are unable to afford the exorbitant costs to give themselves even the smallest amount of medical coverage. The individual states have enacted policies to make med insurance cheaper for children, but that's only been marginally helpful.
I am grateful for the expert care that I had, but wish that many more had the same opportunities. I'm also grateful that I've been able to connect to all of you. I'm so thankful for the support I had during this process. It's been wonderful to have caring and welcoming colleagues ushering me in to observe. They've offered their help for anything I need as I return tomorrow.
I'm also grateful to be able to be outside in our beautiful sunny October weather. My stamina is still returning, but it's so much better. Below, I'm sending a picture of my husband and our dog, Posey, on one of our many beautiful walking trails. It may give you an idea of how lovely it is outside right now!
My thoughts and prayers are with you for your health and happiness.
Love, Sue
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Hello Sylvia, Gill, Mary and all
It has been a while since I have logged on because I have had difficulty doing so and today I tried again and lo and behold here I am.
I am doing well - life is not straightforward but I am so grateful to be alive. I cannot remember when I last posted but my life has been a roller coaster in terms of heart issues. Just about to read all (most) comments then I hopefully will get around again to posting soon.
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I just notice my name has changed from adagio to deltag - do not know how that happened - but it is me (adagio) from Vancouver Canada. This is very confusing!!!
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Hello Gill,
I do hope that you will be feeling so much better very soon. I do wonder what the vaccinations are doing to us. Have you had all five Covid vaccinations? Raymond and I are going for our fourth one on November 18th but we still have reservations. We somehow missed what was vaccination number four and the one we shall have on the 18th is really number five, but those in charge seem to have decided not to worry about what is really number four. We shall go to our surgery and have been told it will be the bivalent one and it will be Pfizer. We have not had any Moderna.
Raymond is feeling much better now and we are both trying to keep ourselves to ourselves and to keep peaceful and sane!
I do wonder how long Rishi Sunak is going to last. I think Suella Braverman might get the sack tonight. I do not think there is anyone capable of sorting out the mess in the Home Office, at Dover or in Calais. Too many people are coming in illegally too quickly and are not being sorted out quickly enough. We need to bring a stop to all immigration until things get sorted out. We are overpopulated and the numbers coming in are undermining society here. The health service cannot cope, the housing cannot cope, councils cannot cope, schools cannot cope and the population cannot cope. We are being invaded.
I think you have made the right decision not to have a breast implant. I think the whole thing is very problematic. When a patient is diagnosed with breast cancer, and is confronted with having to make decisions about implants, my advice would be to have your breast cancer surgery first and not to have any implants at the same time. I remember my breast cancer surgeon telling me that breast cancer surgery, mastectomy, was not considered major surgery and that it would take only about 45 minutes, but if you had implants at the same time it became much longer surgery and more problematic. I did not even contemplate having implants.
Breast cancer diagnosis, surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are traumatic and weakening in themselves, and a patient will not want to make it more complicated by things such as implants. Get through your treatment, give implant plenty of thought and make your decision at a later date.
As for HelenLouise, I agree that it is not like her to be absent from our thread for this length of time. I was wondering, since I have so much to do at the moment, whether you would like to send her a PM from our group, expressing our concern.
Take care of yourself, Gill and take care of Michael.
Love and best wishes..
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello deltag/adagio,
I was so pleased to see your post. I was glad to know that you are doing well. I do hope you will be able to post again and tell us all that has been going on since you last posted. I can understand the roller-coaster in terms of heart issues. Raymond has had his ups and downs as well.
I do wonder how your name has changed from adagio to deltag. The forum has been in turmoil for a long time with all kinds of inexplicable happenings. It is also very, very slow still. So much for 'improvement'!
I shall talk again soon.
Much love.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sylvia,
'Long virus' still the same. Breathlessness is the most annoying symptom.
Michael and I were given the Moderna bivalent vaccine. We were only ever offered four vaccinations and no-one here that I know of seems to have had five. Different for London though. The whole covid protection/prevention project has disappeared from the news so very few of us - including some hospitals - know what the latest advice is. Is there any at all? What a mess. The former disgraced Health Secretary has written a book, his covid diaries! Will it include all the taxpayer's money he dished out to his mates? Still waiting to hear about the 37 billion for the failed track and trace. Where is it? Think what our hospitals could have done with that amount of money.
I'm very glad that you and Raymond are feeling better this week. Keeping yourselves to your yourselves seems like a very good idea. I still wear a mask at the Church and when shopping. No-one else does, but I'm not getting any disapproving looks. I've no intention of catching a cold, flu or any other virus on top of what I already have. I do wish people would show some consideration for other people and work from home or just stay at home wherever possible if they are unwell.
I'm at peace with by decision to stay flat on one side. There are far too many negatives about breast implants. My main concern would be missing a lump. The need for further surgery for replacement also informed my choice, who wants to risk unnecessary general anaesthetics as they grow older? I absolutely agree that those who opt for implants or reconstruction should wait a while after cancer surgery. I certainly wouldn't recommend immediate reconstruction.
You're right, the Home Office is useless. France has offered significant help, but been rejected. The inflammatory language uses by Braverman was appalling, racist and dangerous. Is she actually trying to encourage attacks on refugee centres?
I'll message helenlouise later this week. I don't want want to be intrusive, but we're both worried.
Keep safe and well.
Gill xxx
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Hi Sue,
Another lovely photo. We have similar walks in the village, calming and therapeutic. I love being away from the noise of the city. We're both so lucky.
Thank you for your understanding about the state of the UK. Your treatment, the speed, access to tests, scans and consultants was breathtaking. Cancer is such a frightening diagnosis and feeling safe in the knowledge that your treatment will be the best possible, must have made life so much easier. Your school and caring colleagues helped relieve any anxiety about returning - as did the fact that the teacher who took over your class was so competent - temporary teachers can be a bit hit and miss. Good luck for returning to the classroom full time, your stamina may take a little longer to recover fully, so don't overdo things to begin with.
It's been quite a year for you and one that you'll never forget. Nothing to do now but look forward to your future.
With my love and prayers,
Gill xxx
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Hello adagio,
Not keen on your new name at all! Heaven knows what's happening on the site. I signed in several times yesterday, but then found that I couldn't get access to any topics. The various threads I visit from time to time all seem to have lost posters.
I'm sorry that post heart surgery you're still on the roller coaster. I'm grateful that you're alive too, especially with your ever growing family to enjoy. I know that your healthcare system is in dire straits like ours, It doesn't help rebuild confidence after going through such major surgery does it? Access to quick and competent aftercare should be a given, both our Governments seem pretty useless at looking after the very people who keep them in power.
Hope you have more success when next you post. Good luck with ploughing through all those past posts!
Gill xxx
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Hello Gill,
I did look up online about the viruses and apparently there are two new variants connected to Omicron and they are BO.1 and XBB. It just says that their numbers are going up but they are not of concern at the moment. The discrepancy in the number of vaccinations is odd. People here and others I know in different places have definitely had number 5 and it is the bivalent. Raymond and I seem to have missed out on vaccine 4 which was in the spring. It looks as though this is not being caught up on and our next one will be our fourth one but it will be the bivalent one and at our surgery will be Pfizer.
Like you, we still wear our masks when indoors anywhere, but we are definitely in the minority.
I was glad to see adagio back on the thread and cannot understand how her name has been changed. It does not seem right. I was trying to look back to when she started on the thread in 2014 to see if her name has been changed right through her posts, but I was not successful. I cannot remember when she last posted here but I do not think it was this year.
I do hope we shall hear from HelenLouise and also Kath.
As you say, the forum is not as busy as it used to be.
That is about all for now. Take care and continue to be safe.
Love and best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Gill,
I thought you would like to know that I went to Members and put in adagio and discovered that it was there and it said she joined in October 2012, that her posts were 977 and that her latest activity was May 7th 2022 and it was a post to you.
This is not updated as she posted here a few days ago. I do wonder whether the 'experts' on the forum have mixed her up with someone else. In the post on October 31st 2022 it says that she joined in 2014, that she has done just two posts. This name deltag is not acceptable. Her name is adagio and she has been posting for sometime. This forum is still not functioning properly and the Moderators need to get is sorted out. It does not make any sense to have only two posts since 2014 and anyway she joined in 2012.
I remember in the past that Hanieh became something Hantagh and then disappeared. What oh what is going on?
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Gill, again,
I have just gone back to Members again and found deltag. It says that deltag joined in October 2014 and that she has posted twice, in October 31st 2022. These are of course the two recent posts from our adagio.
This is quite mad and needs to be sorted out.
I do hope adagio will get back soon and tell us how she has been doing.
Technology is becoming a nightmare. If it cannot get a simple thing like this right it makes me wonder where we are going and how many dangerous mishaps we might have. I do not agree with automated voice or robots who take away work from people.
Keep sane.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sylvia,
I find the availability of covid vaccinations confusing. It seems to be the same postcode lottery we must endure for the most serious of illnesses. We all pay the same amount of tax, so why the discrepancy? Moderna bivalent seems to come with side effects for most people. I can't speak for the Pfizer bivalent as I don't know anyone who has been given it. I strongly believe that the virus I had was covid, I ought to have tested myself after a few days and ignored the negative results I had right at the beginning. I'm still breathless when climbing stairs or taking a walk. The cough, for both of us, has eased off considerably.
I'm not at all surprised that there are two new variants of coronavirus. It's never ending and I'd say that we now just have to live with it, but where does that leave the many people who are vulnerable due to transplants, age, serious illness and those undergoing cancer treatment? I remain suspicious as to the origins of coronavirus.
Well done on your detective work. I can't understand how adagio suddenly changed to deltag. It makes me wonder how many others have been affected in this way. I don't know if it's the same for everyone here, but I have to sign in again ever time I come back to the site. This is particularly annoying when I leave the site for a few minutes just to look something up or check the information I have is correct. Before all the changes I was permanently signed in.
Technology changes too quickly for the average person to keep up to date. It's leaving a lot of people behind and there are a growing number of people who can't afford it. I keep hearing about a cashless society too. There are plenty of good reasons for using cash, spontaneous giving of money to people in need on the streets, street collections, childrens' pocket money, slot machines for car parks etc. Having been forced to use my smartphone to buy a parking ticket, I'm not impressed. Mobile phones are not secure, despite the Government thinking they are. Hostile countries don't need to bother sending spies to the UK, much easier now that State secrets are readily available by tapping into the Prime Minister's phone, or the Home Secretary's phone..........The whole useless Cabinet leaks. If and when we become a cashless society, mobile phones, credit or debit cards will be absolutely necessary for everyone. The poorest miss out again.
Like you and Raymond, I'm on my own with the mask wearing, but I will continue to consider crowded shops, churches, schools, hospitals as high risk for covid and flu.
Keep searching for the bright side, those sunlit uplands are there somewhere!!!
Gill xxx
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Hello Gill,
Thank you for your latest post. It does seem to be a mystery about the Covid vaccination. The NHS is so disjointed that it is hard to make sense of it. They seem to love sending out letters that keep saying the same thing. They must be wasting an awful lot of paper and postage.
I thought you would like to know what happened this morning. Raymond had an appointment at our surgery with a nurse for another blood test. While we were there I asked the nurse whether it was possible for the two of us to get our Covid, bivalent, vaccination to avoid yet another trip to the surgery. The nurse was very nice and went across to another room where two other women were doing Covid and flu vaccinations. They were only too willing to do them for us. I asked what vaccinations we were getting and were told Pfizer bivalent. So far this afternoon we are feeling fine. It seems that some places are doing Moderna and others Pfizer. AstraZeneca seems to have disappeared off the face of the earth.
By the way, I said it was a nurse who did the blood test, but in fact it was a Health Assistant and the two women doing the vaccinations were also Health assistants. There were photographs of them on the wall near Reception. There is also a big board in the waiting area with the various categories of staff and what they can do. Most of the work seems to be done by Nursing Assistants and Health Care Assistants and both categories seem to be doing most of the same work. I am not sure what doctors do now because according to this board there is not much work allocated to the doctors! The whole of the surgery was eerily quiet with just a couple of people waiting for vaccinations. I saw no sign of any doctors.
I shall let you know if Raymond and I have any problems.
I did pick up a few leaflets while I was there and they all make interesting reading. One, an NHS leaflet, was about breast cancer and the heading on the front cover was entitled One in three women who get breast cancer are over 70, so do not assume you are past it. It had information about a women over 70 who was diagnosed with breast cancer and she tells her story. On the first page there is a woman, a doctor, standing holding a notice which says "Let us be clear", and then, "about breast cancer, about how to spot it, about how important it is to see your doctor, about breast cancer screening, about seeing your doctor early could save your life, about how to reduce your chances of getting breast cancer".
It then lists the following – maintain a healthy weight, cut down on alcohol (this is linked with breast cancer), look after yourself by keeping fit and active.
The leaflet ends with the following "Unclear on anything? Visit ".
There is also a number to call if you want to talk in confidence about cancer. Call Cancer Research UK information nurses on Freephone 0808 800 4040.
I do hope your breathlessness will disappear soon and glad to know that your cough has eased up.
I do hope adagio will try to post again under the name adagio. There is no reason that her name should have changed and it is absurd that her most recent posts have been listed under deltag. You cannot have two names for one person. I hope the 'experts' sort it out.
It is a miserable November day here with rain and cloud. It really makes you want to run away. I would like to see some common sense about solving the number of illegal immigrants coming in. There should be no more allowed in until all this surplus is cleared.
That is all for now.
Love and best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx