Calling all triple negative breast cancer patients in the UK
Hi Paula,
Congratulations on reaching 5 years! That is such wonderful news for me to hear--and I'm sure for others to hear as well. For me (halfway through my radiation treatments, but nearing the finish line) any length of time like yours instills that hope that we need to continue fighting.
I went through some rough patches this year. If not for my support at home and the women posting on this site, I would have never been able to maintain the hope and courage I needed to get through this year. This site and this particular thread gave me honest answers, good information, and support for which I will be forever grateful.
I'm sorry that your oncologist and nurses were not empathetic. I had the opposite experience with all but one of my doctors as well as my nurses. I felt that they listened and responded to me without patronizing me or making me think my questions were useless or inane. The attitude of the doctors and nurses is so important to a patient!
I went to a birthday party last weekend for a friend who is 2 years removed from her diagnosis. I was happy to celebrate her life with her and with her loved ones. It was a happy occasion with lots of laughter and some happy tears!
I hope you will shout from the rooftops (as you find appropriate, of course) that you are 5 years out from your diagnosis. That is an accomplishment! You are a survivor. I have hope that I will reach that mark!
Thank you! And stay well!
Love, Sue
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Hi Sylvia and Gill, Sue and Paula
Greetings to all, I have missed you here, and finally am back for a catch-up. Happy Birthday, Sylvia! I hope you had a pleasurable day. My 70th was on the 5th, I'm always somewhat relieved when it's over, for some reason.
I see that the UK has new PM, and now a new King! I doubt Charles has the same demeanor as had the Queen, but what do I know? Good luck with new leaders.
I think I told you I hurt my back while working on my house, my doc followed up with MRI, which told us my back has gotten worse with bulging disc's and a suspected pinched nerve which thankfully is still pending pinching. My back is better now, then I injured my shoulder, which is now calmed down as well. Doc's advice, be careful! I had the colonoscopy which did not show cancer, but I did have 2 polyps which doc removed and sent off for biopsy. My house is still not all put back in place, but I'll get back to it eventually I think.
I read that Sue is feeling well again and Paula has a 5 yr cancerversary! Congratulations to all!
I must go now, I'm in parking lot of grocery; my fridge has been out for a week so I am going to buy a couple of things. Repairs were done this morning so you see I'm being hopeful! Into the grocery store I go!
Talk later, much love, Mary
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Thank you Sue and Mary for the congratulations!
Sue you reminded me since you are in the midst of your radiation treatments how extremely positive my radiologist was. I remember him saying to me towards the end of treatments yes you had a very bad tumor but my money is on you! He was always saying things to me like that. He'd say you know when you are 90 you will probably be doing such and such. And really for the most part my nurses and surgeon were wonderful. I'm sure all of us have had to deal with thoughtless comments. From looking at your treatments you have had, you've had the best! I was glad to see that they added carboplatin! My first oncologist didn't add that to my treatment plan and I didn't know enough to question why. My second oncologist always adds it when treating triple negative but I was past the time where it would of been beneficial.Mary, I'm sorry you have problems with your back. I'm glad it's calmed down. These ol' joints of ours can cause some pain and problems. We too are getting ready to do some updates to our house - I want to get it done but not looking forward to the mess of having things torn up.
Rest well - Paula
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Hi Everyone!
Mary, it was good to hear that you are doing better. I hope you had a happy birthday! Home renovations can be a bother but the end product is something to celebrate. My husband was a builder before he retired. He always felt bad about the dust and grit that was left behind during the process. He brought a lot home with him too!
Paula, I'm glad you were able to recall some good things about your docs. The only doc that I didn't really like very much was my radiologist, the one who read my ultrasounds each time. He was always so negative and accusatory. The last ultrasound I had before surgery, he was a bit better and even smiled once. I had spent months and months trying to be positive and I felt like he had brought me down each time. But then I had my oncologist and surgeon who would be much different with the results.
I met with my radiation doc yesterday. He is always so positive. He drew me pictures yesterday to explain what they do with treatment and pictures they take to make sure they are being accurate. I like him a lot. He is a parent at the school where I teach. So I decided to bring up my return to work. He asked what I was projecting and said Nov 1 is a good goal. Then he added that my doctors will talk with me to make sure I am feeling well enough. He said so far, so good. I felt like he really listened to me and is willing to entertain and discuss my goal of getting back to work.
I hope you all are well. I will keep you updated, especially now that I am halfway through my radiation. Only 10 more to go!
Love, Sue
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Hello Gill,
I agree with everything you said about the state of this country, and especially the state of the NHS. I do not think the NHS will ever function properly again. Therese Coffey is not a good advertisement for dealing with the NHS and I cannot believe she is the deputy Prime Minister. We have to remember she is mates with Liz Truss. Therese Coffey is going to have 7,000 extra beds by Christmas. She will achieve this by sending 7,000 patients back home to be taken care of virtually in their own homes! A virtual 'cure'?
We are still dealing with coronavirus and I am waiting for the case numbers to go through the roof. That is the price we pay for and over the top funeral. It was all quite unnecessary.
Have you and Michael had your fifth Covid vaccine? Raymond and I have still had only the first three.
I agree with you about the thread. It was so active for a long time but patients now have more information about the different parts of breast cancer treatment. Back in 2005, when I was diagnosed, the term triple negative was not even being used in the UK as far as my own case was concerned. I do not think the long term side effects of the treatment were emphasised enough if at all. It is a bit like Covid-19 today when side effects, long Covid, are not being mentioned.
Breast cancer patients have to learn that they own their bodies and that they are in charge of what they will accept and will not accept. The NHS cannot dictate. Patients must question and question what is happening to them and not be satisfied until they get the answers.
I do hope we shall hear from Mary, HelenLouise and Kath to tell us how they are and if they have decided not to post any more, we understand their decision and wish them all the very best.
That is all for now.
Thinking of you.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Paula,
It was nice to hear from you and to hear the good news of your five years since diagnosis. Many congratulations.
You have written a very interesting post and I am sure it will help any recently diagnosed patients to face a diagnosis with optimism and positive thoughts. I was told on diagnosis that the prognosis was very poor because I was not hormonal positive and there was nothing that they could give to me, unlike hormonal positive breast cancer patients. I chose to ignore this and just did my own thing. More than seventeen years on I am still here to tell my story.
Thinking of you.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sue,
I have just read your very supportive post to Paula and just wanted to pop in and say thank you for giving her that wonderful support.
Keep well and take care of yourself.
Love and best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Mary,
Thank you for your post. It was good to see you back on the thread. Thank you for bringing us up-to-date with your news. Belated Happy Birthday. I did think of you in the early days of September. I seem to have a lot of Virgos around my own birthday on September 1st and the early days of September. My younger brother, Ray, took Raymond and me out for lunch that day. He had obviously told one of his friends about my birthday and when we walked into the restaurant this friend was sitting their and called Happy Birthday and I can feel my own Virgo vibes coming towards you as a Virgo. It was all quite comical. My brother's card said, on the outside of the card, Do Not Open, but inside it said Elderly, but still a Rebel!
I do hope you will now be able to settle down to a more relaxed life and take care to avoid hurting yourself.
It is true we have a new Prime Minister and a new Monarch. Neither give me any hope! I would much prefer an elected head of state in a republic.
With all the trouble in Iran I have been thinking a lot about Hanieh and wondering what happened to her. She planned to go to Turkey and ultimately to settle in Canada. I also often think about Marias living in another troubled country and wonder what happened to her. I also wonder what happened to adagio back in British Colombia, Canada.
Sending you love and best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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hi guys
Just an update. My mum had her surgery and got the all clear today! She needs no more ops as there were practically no cancer cells in the Inital op anyway. Which is great news. She has to have a little bit of radiotherapy though
she wanted me to ask you guys a question. They want to give her zolotronic acid intravenously every 6 months to prevent it coming back andspreading to her bones. Did any of u guys have to have that? Is there any side affects?
thank you x0 -
Hello Berniek,
Thank you for sharing the good news about your mum with us. It is good to know that she got the all clear. Keep us informed about how she gets on with radiotherapy.
I think that giving zoledronic acid to breast cancer patients to prevent spreading to the bones is quite common these days. I think Gill has had it so she will be able to tell you what she thinks.
My information about this drug is that it is a bisphosphonate and is used in the treatment of bone disorders. Zoledronic acid can only be given by infusion into a vein and has a very long duration of action so that it can be used very infrequently, for example every six months. It is used to treat osteoporosis in post-menopausal women. Zoledronic acid is also used to prevent bone damage in patients with advanced cancer that has sprread to the bones. For your mum they are using it as a preventive.
I am sure someone will answer you about any side effects they experienced while taking it. You and your mum should ask about possible side effects as it is important for all patients to be fully informed by their doctors about whatever they are being given.
My medical book on zoledronic acid lists several possible adverse effects, especially for the first dose. You should ask your doctor about all this.
Sending you my best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sylvia,
Hope all is well with Raymond and yourself. I won't be back on the thread for a few more days as I have some kind of virus. Feels very like covid - first a cold, then relentless coughing, mild chest infection, painful throat, extreme tiredness. Tested negative for covid, so who knows what I have. I'll be back on the thread as soon as I'm feeling better.
Take good care of yourself.
Gill xxx
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Hello Gill,
Thank you for your latest post. I was so sorry to read that you are not feeling well and I fully understand your need to take a break and have a rest. I do hope that you have not caught another Covid infection. We do know that with the tests you can have false negatives and false positives. Are you taking anything prescribed by the doctor? That relentless coughing must be very wearing.
Have you had any vaccinations recently? I cannot remember where you are with the Covid-19 vaccinations. Some people seem to be at number 4 and others at number 5 which I understand to be the bivalent one and is Moderna. It looks as though if you have had the first two and the booster, but not number 4, you are being given number 5. Raymond and I still have reservations as we think the immune system can only stand so much of outside interference.
Have you had this year's flu injections? It is being pushed hard now. So far we have not had it. We are being told the flu is expected to be bad this year. Apparently it was bad in Australia. It is hard to know what to believe.
Raymond and I are thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. Take care of yourselves and get plenty of rest.
Thank you for your devotion to the thread.
Love and best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sylvia,
Hope you and Raymond are managing to avoid the virus/flu? It seems to be everywhere in Norfolk. Michael went out for paracetamol and three supermarkets had sold out. I'm still unwell with the most appalling cough, no appetite and extremely tired. I've done several covid tests and all were negative. It seems a bit early for flu . My flu vaccination is booked for the end of October. I'll have to cancel my 4th covid jab which I was supposed to have this Thursday. Given how ill people are getting, perhaps shops should be requesting that we wear masks again.
I do hope that Sue is still coping well with radiotherapy.
The Conservatives seem to be hell bent on destroying both the Party and the country. The £18 billion cuts to services will mean the end for the NHS and the welfare state in general. I'm beginning to think that state pensions will go next. I can't forgive those people who still intend to vote the Tories in again come the next General Election. My sympathies go to all those waiting for breast cancer treatment. Breast cancer has been the worst hit of all cancers since the health crisis began.
Stay well, perhaps stay at home if you can.
Gill xxx
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Hello Gill,
Thank you for your latest post. I was sorry to read that you are still unwell and that you are extremely tired, have no appetite and have a terrible cough. I do hope you will soon feel better. Try to get prlenty of rest, try to eat something nutritious and treat the bad cough. Pholcodeine is a very effective cough mixture.
It is good to know that you are testing negative for Covid. I have read that we are in for a bad flu season. As for the vaccinations for Covid, it seems that, if you have had the first two plus the first booster, that patients are being given the fifth one, the bivalent Moderna one. That is what people who have been through this have told me.
Some shops are requesting masks but most people are not bothering to wear them.
The situation in this country is hopeless and the Tory party do not seem to care. They are all for low taxes and few services. They do not seem to understand that you need to pay taxes to fund services. They probably do not use the services. They seem so anti-State and yet they, the politicians and their helpers, are paid by the state! I think we should start cutting their numbers and their salaries. There are way too many in Parliament and in the House of Lords and they have too many hangers-on.
The NHS cannot function because doctors and nurses are leaving in droves and there are not enough beds.
Like you, I fear for the lack of care of all cancer patients.
Please take care of yourself and best wishes to Michael.
Sylvia xxxx
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hi Sylvia
I'm sorry to read that Gill is so ill, my brother had Covid 2 weeks ago and didn't test positive till about the 4th one., he was very hoarse and coughing but the cough didn't linger once he was over it.
I chatted with my Allergy specialist on Monday. He spent much of the last 2 years in Europe working on Covid treatments, and he does not approve of the Vaccines and the way they were given. He said the Spike Protein has been very dangerous to many people. He said his favorite home treatment is a dose of Quinine, (ot tonic water), resveratrol, Vitamin D and Curcumin.
He also said I have lost 12 lbs in 6 months and why? My GP said the same, thus my colonoscopy, which only showed 2 polyps. I had a back and spine MRI, lots of bulging disc's but no cancer. Now I'm supposed to have a Chest xray, they are concerned but we'll see, they are checking for sneaky Cancers. I suspect I've lost weight because of the stress of my house remodel and all the work that entailed. I'll keep you posted!
It has been rather surreal having the all-clear from BC doc and now this.
I'll talk to you soon.
Love, Mary
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Hello Mary,
It was so nice to hear from you.
I do hope that nothing bad comes to light from your various scans. It is true that stress can cause a lot of unexplained weight loss and you have definitely been through months of stress.
I hope you have good news from the chest x-ray. Stay close to us and let us know how things go.
I was very interested in what you said about your allergy specialist and the fact that he had spent two years in Europe working on Covid treatments. I was interested to know that he does not approve of the vaccines and the way they were given. I have heard remarks on serious discussion programmes about the spike protein and how it had harmed many people. Here in the UK people have died from the vaccine and surviving family members have sued and won recompense from the government. I do not think we have heard the last of all this.
Everything was done in too much of a hurry. The push to get you to have the vaccines continues. Here they are now inviting people especially the elderly to have the fifth vaccine which is being called the autumn vaccine and is supposed to be bivalent. Raymond and I are not going to have this fifth one and we did not have the fourth one. We have just had the first two and a booster.
Those of us who have had breast cancer obviously worry about unexplained weight loss. I lost 14 pounds during the four weeks that Raymond was in hospital and it has not gone back on. We have had five straight years of a lot of stress, 2017 to the present day. Life is not easy in this country and everything is a total mess.
I do hope we hear from Gill soon to let us know if she is getting any better. If she sees your post I do hope she tries out that home-made remedy.
We still have no news from HelenLouise and Kath. I hope they are OK. They have their flu period behind them but ours is only just beginning. We are supposed to be heading for a bad flu period. People here are behaving as though the coronavirus has gone. It has not, it is just going up and up.
That is all for now, Mary.
I am hoping for a quiet uneventful weekend.
Love and best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sylvia,
Michael and I have had no reprieve from this dreadful virus. Still testing negative for covid, so no idea what we have. Our immune systems have probably been undermined by doing as much as we could to avoid catching covid. It looks as though I'll have to cancel my mammogram on Tuesday, that will be my second recent cancellation.
This Government are deliberately forcing doctors and nurses to leave the NHS by keeping their pay well below the rate of inflation and making sure that they work in the most difficult, stressful environment possible. Some hospitals, like the Queen Elizabeth in King's Lynn, which has a roof in imminent danger of collapsing, place staff and patients in physically dangerous circumstances. Whatever we've paid for, whatever we were guaranteed - "the NHS is in safe hands" - is being destroyed and the message is that the State will no longer provide help. I can barely bring myself to be civil to people who still intend to vote Conservative at the next election.
A dear friend of mine who was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer four years ago, went for her annual mammogram last week and has just been recalled for another mammogram and an ultrasound scan as a mass has been found in the same side as her cancer. The fear of recurrence never leaves us, especially when we hear things like this.
Hope you and everyone else on the thread is able to avoid whatever Michael and I have.
Wishing you and Raymond a peaceful week.
Gill xxx
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Hi Mary,
I'm sorry that the cause of your weight loss is still a mystery to the medics. Twelve pounds in six months when you're not dieting seems quite a lot. I'm hoping that you're right about stress being a factor. Having your home invaded by workmen, the noise and the dust, probably wasn't conducive to cooking and eating properly. Nonetheless, it's sensible to have yourself checked out.
Keep us informed and good luck.
Gill xxx
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Hello Gill,
This is just a short post to let you know that I have read your post and am so sorry to read that you and Michael are still not well. I am wondering whether you have a bad case of the flu bug that is said to be hitting us. Take care of yourself and you can have your mammogram at a later date.
I do agree with you that this government seems to be intent on destroying the NHS. This government is indeed nasty and all for rich people.
I was sorry to read about one of your dear friends and I do hope she will be alright.
It is true that the fear of recurrence never leaves us and that a cancer diagnosis is a life sentence.
I have a feeling that we are in for a stressful week but we shall just have to take it one day at a time.
Sending love and best wishes to you and Michael.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Gill, Mary, and Sylvia,
Gill, I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. I hope you and Michael will feel better soon. The Covid tests are not necessarily reliable.
Mary, I hope you will continue to pursue the cause of your weight loss. It seems as though we always have something to worry about, and that stress can bring on illness as well. I hope it is resolved soon and that it is not serious.
I have my last radiation treatment today. I am very happy to be done with this phase. I'll still have 4 more immunotherapy infusions. I've not experienced any significant side effects throughout radiation. I'm thankful for that. I'm feeling well and healthy.
I'm still avoiding large groups of people--and probably will for a long time. There are large groups everywhere! There have been lots of fall festivals in our area as people want to get outside. I can't imagine that they lack concern for illness they contract or give to others. I've seen in the news that China has locked down again. I wonder if this will become our norm--it certainly has to some extent already. It baffles me that people don't want to take precautions and think that the vaccines will totally protect them.
I will likely have a flu shot soon as well as another Covid booster at some point soon. I'm hoping to return to work in a few weeks. My doctors are recommending boosters because of the school environment. Yikes! We've always had children bringing their illnesses to school. But I don't want to take any chances, so I'll do what they recommend.
Take care and stay well,
Love, Sue
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Hello Sylvia,
I haven't been quite as bad today and we both managed to get a few hours of rest last night. I don't want to tempt fate, but I'm hopeful that we're on the other side of this horrible virus now. I haven't been this unwell for years. I can't help wondering if there's something wrong with the covid tests we have as our symptoms are certainly included in the list of symptoms - which are now many and varied. As I keep telling anyone who will listen, this isn't over.
If the NHS cannot recover, and many doctors believe that it's fallen well below the point of no return, then an insurance based health service is inevitable. What we can't allow is 'for profit' companies to take over. Germany has an excellent not for profit insurance system. The vultures are circling and I can see this bunch of chancers we have for a Cabinet, rubbing their hands with glee at the thought of selling our NHS off to their mates. Wrote to my MP again and have been met with the usual silence. He lives very near to me in the next village. Unfortunately his house isn't on the main road or ( virus permitting) I'd be standing outside with a placard.
I'll take to the streets whenever I can, if everyone got organised we could rid ourselves of the Tories. Once the public begin to feel the full impact of cold and hunger there may well be real problems on the streets.
I do hope that you and Raymond will manage to avoid the various viruses going around.
Gill xxx
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Hi Sue,
Congratulations! I always thought that you were likely to sail through radiation without too many problems. I think your high level of fitness helped. Even so, your recovery has been exceptional. I wouldn't think that going back to school would present too many problems as long as you're full vaccinated and are offered boosters regularly. Children are a walking health hazard and you'll be used to the colds and sore throats they bring to school with them. I could cope with these, but dreaded the stomach bugs doing the rounds. Most teachers were much more stoical than me - fortunately.
You have so much to look forward to, enjoy it all.
Gill xxx
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Hello Sue,
I hope everything went well with your last radiotherapy treatment. When do you finish the four immunotherapy therapy infusions? How are you coping with them?
It is good to know you are feeling well and healthy.
Like you, Raymond and I are taking care about Covid-19, unlike most people we see.
I can understand that you are eager to get back to your work and a more normal life.
I do hope that Mary and Gill will be alright.
That is about all for now. Take care and keep safe.
Love and best wishes.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hi Sylvia,
The last radiation when smoothly. I've not had any skin irritation, except for a minor itchy spot on my chest. I'm continuing the lotion for another week or so.
My immunotherapy infusions are a lot easier without the chemo attached. It's a quick infusion--only 30 minutes, every 3 weeks. I don't notice any side effects, other than a slight bit of fatigue. Maybe that was from the radiation too. Who knows?
My hope is that I'll be able to return to work soon. I'll find out today if my oncologist will authorize November for my return. November is a good time for me to return because there are many days when school is not open due to holidays, election day, and conference days. I can ease back in. Part time is not an option, so this is my best choice. The last time I saw the oncologist, he remarked that I looked good and my numbers looked good. So that's a plus!
Stay healthy. It's so hard to avoid Covid. My husband, since his retirement, has been doing some interesting artwork. He put it all on hold when I was diagnosed in January. But now he's starting back up again. He goes to meetings and art shows now and I tell him to be careful about shaking hands or getting too close to other people. Yikes! I worry about that.
I hope all remains well with you and Raymond and that Mary and Gill will recover quickly. I think about you all often.
Love, Sue
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Hello Gill,
Thank you for your latest post. I was glad to read that you and Michael are not feeling quite as bad. Your last post to me was October 10th so I do hope that three days on you are feeling much better. Do you think you have a very bad case of flu.
As for the NHS I feel that it is beyond repair. With doctors and nurses leaving in droves, and seven million patients on a waiting list for treatment, insufficient beds, and bed blocking going on because of inadequate supply of care homes, there is no hope.
I feel the UK is way behind the times compared to Germany. We need to modernise urgently. I have never experienced such a dumbed-down Parliament.
Until the population of this country gets active, nothing will change. I suppose very soon the whole population will be talking non-stop about next year's Coronation. It is unbelievable. We have a system based on the rich and privileged living off the backs of the poor and underprivileged. We are back to Dickens and children going to school hungry. They will soon be going unshod. In the meantime, Mr Johnson gets £150,000 for a 30 minute speech for some insurance organisation in the US. He is supposed to be in Parliament as an MP representing his constituency. Roll on the next election and let us get rid of the present cabinet!
Raymond and I feel very unsettled at the moment. We are going through invasion of our borders but those that are supposed to protect us are too busy helping others elsewhere.
The thread is not improving. I think Kath and HelenLouise must have departed us. As for Mary, she is no longer a regular poster.
Thinking of you. Keep safe, get plenty of rest and take care.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sue,
I was glad to know that your last radiotherapy went smoothly.
I was glad to read as well that your immunotherapy treatment is short and a lot easier without the chemotherapy.
I do hope you will be able to get back to your work in November. With the holidays etc. during that month it seems a good way to ease back into your work routine.
I can understand your worry about handshakes. I see all kinds of things going on here that are careless and could lead to Covid cases.
Love and best wishes to you and your husband. It is good to know he is getting back to his artwork interests.
Take care.
Sylvia xxxx
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Hello Sylvia,
I think we're all feeling very unsettled and worried - frightened even. Jeremy Hunt is making noises about cutting funding and I do think that this spells the end for our NHS. Over 7 million on the waiting list and that's not counting those in urgent need of help who are denied access to a GP. This was all planned and I'm furious with people who make excuses for this cruel, money grabbing shower who've taken over the Tory Party. People have to act to force a General Election now.
I still have the remnants of flu or whatever it was. Nonetheless, I had my 4th covid jab yesterday. I have no idea whether that was the right decision. Today, I have a painful arm, slight nausea and a headache. I think this will be the last dose for me, there weren't many people in the vaccination centre and several friends have decided to give it a miss this time.
No one seems particularly bothered that Boris Johnson has left his day job serving his constituents in order to earn shedloads of money giving talks in other countries. The rules and the laws of the land, simply don't apply to the wealthy elite, they never have, but this is now pushed in our faces daily. Enough is enough or it should be!
My friend who was recalled to the breast clinic after a mass was found on her annual mammogram has been given the all clear. She has an appointment with her consultant in a few days and all will be made clear then. I've just had my mammogram, but as I've never been offered an ultrasound scan on the cancer side, my mind won't be put at rest.
I'm increasingly concerned about Helenlouise's health. I've re-read her last few comments and think that she's probably very unwell. Kath is most likely snowed under with work and, like you, I miss Mary's regular contributions.
Take good care of each other.
Gill xxx
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Hi Sylvia, Gill, Sue and all who are here
I'm sorry the NHS is being so overrun and underfunded, it is so worrisome for anyone who has health problems that are being ignored. Gill, I'm glad you are keeping up as best you can, I wonder why it's so difficult to get an ultrasound. That doesn't seem like an overly pricy test.
I was thinking about something as you speak of my infrequent posts here. I think the work on my house has caused that too, along with my weight loss. Taking on that job with no help (except of course the contractor's crew) was a lot to handle, and having to live in the dusty house as well was very difficult. The timeline fits, so hopefully I will be here more from now on.
Our weather turned cold last night, but fall has been pretty so far, even with the dry conditions. I shall try to post a pic!
Talk to you soon, love, Mary
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This the view as I drive to my farm.
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Hi Mary,
Please don't worry about posting when you have so much else needing attention. I've been concerned about your weight loss though. Perhaps coping in your own with some serious restructuring work took its toll. I dislike having workmen in as they always find something else that needs doing. Electricians are particularly bad. I live in an old house and it seems to be an electrician's dream as far as add ons to the final bill is concerned.
The picture of the drive to your farm is stunning, breathtakingly beautiful. You're very lucky to have views like that.
Keep well and stay away from the assorted viruses that keep appearing.
Gill xxx