
  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2012

    If you can not do a pedicure, then my alternative suggestions are massage, facial .....actually my fav is the massage!!

    anything that relaxes you and is a reward!

  • djls
    djls Posts: 21
    edited August 2012

    I want to register my complaint about my le....I thought my le was doing reasonably well.  It first appeared in my upper arm.  That went down and then it appeared in my thumb and the left side of my hand.  My thumb still swells, but the hand swelling went away.  Last night, I looked in the mirror and noticed that my elbow seemed to have partially disappeared!  Lower arm looked good...upper arm looked good...hand looked great.  Checked for pitting edema, couldn't find any.  Finally, I checked for pitting edema on the back of my elbow right next to the joint...and there it was!  What is up with that?  My elbow for crying out loud?  I swear this stuff pops up, gets better, and then pops up in some other location.  Is it just my imagination?  I REALLY hate le.

  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited August 2012

    djls, I'm sorry to say but no, it's not your imagination.  We all present differently and respond to different therapies.  Or don't respond as the case may be.  LE is unpredictable.  That is for sure.  I think these hot humid days aren't doing any of us, who are coping with LE, any good.

    Gentle hugs and I hope you get that elbow simmered down and in it's 'happy place'.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2012

    ok still just a little pink - scar looks good -   now this scar is at 3 o'clock inside of my breast - why is my  axillary node hurting on the outside?? I haven't done any self MLD since surgery- my arms don't move that way... I have done my deep breathing and drinking water - any suggestions on what to do?

  • Tina337
    Tina337 Posts: 516
    edited August 2012
    Geez, 3jays, I hope you are feeling better soon. What a rotten time of it!

    Just touched base with Kane. She wanted you all to know she's been laying low since her first chemo treatment. Rough start, but she is feeling a little better now and hopefully will have a bit of up time before next treatment. LE is under control, and she and LE therapist are doing the myofascial thing, which has been helpful. She's recovering quite nicely from mastectomy.
  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited August 2012

    Tina, thank you for the 'Kane' update.  Please send our love and hugs to her. 

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Posts: 289
    edited August 2012

    One of the Hardest and disturbing things about LE and Cancer is our body Change.....sometimes it can be so very depressing....Liz

  • GottaloveNED
    GottaloveNED Posts: 60
    edited August 2012

    I did our local Komen race this morning. I don't agree with much of their national policy, but they provide free mammo clinics which is a big deal in my rural lower income area. My grrr is... At a breast cancer event in a bigger size city than mine, why am I STILL the only one ever in a glove and sleeve?? Good for those who don't have it or have to wear the garments, but I'm tired of being the only one in my neck of the woods. I should have gone to the summit in OH just so I wouldn't stand out in the crowd. I don't like to be identified as a survivor (too "pink" for me), but I was thinking maybe I should wear the pink shirt, go boobless and wrapped fully and say, this is the REAL result of BC! The pink feather boa is cute, but doesn't make this go away!!

  • sandcastle
    sandcastle Posts: 289
    edited August 2012

    YOUR....the only one with the glove and I daughter who is in her 40's and works in NYC with girls who have BC.....well the ONLY thing they do is MLD.....NO sleeve or glove..........they will not do all of this.....Liz

  • kira
    kira Posts: 659
    edited August 2012

    Liz, I meant to reply to your post about body change: it can be so hard. The new normal is sure a tough thing to handle.

    I used to work with a young radiation oncologist who dressed in incredibly high heels, tight skirts, and --no lie--brought her little dog to work, and a wise co-worker said to me, "The last thing women who are dealing with breast cancer, with hair loss, surgical scars, lymphedema, radiation burns, etc, need is to have this overdressed person in the room" My former breast surgeon dresses up ridiculously--she wore a sequinned top and shoes when she aspirated my seroma, and another woman who saw her said she called her on it--asking her why she dressed like she was going to a cocktail party and the bs said "Because you patients like me to be dressed like this, it lifts your spirits." and the woman told her it did nothing of the sort.

    I think we're the only one's out there in compression garments due to lots of reasons: shame, ignorance, undertreatment, stigmatism--lots of reasons.

    Binney said when she first started coming to, a lot of the threads focused on "how do you manage to show yourself in public"--and women were just staying home.

    I wrote on another thread how I heard this horrible lecture from a LE therapist who works in an inpatient facility in Pittsburgh, but she--unfortunately--also treats out-patients, and she asked the room how they'd deal with a woman with a "mildly" swollen left arm, the whole arm up 6%, and when someone said bandaging, she said "No, they just need to learn some MLD, clear the core." ARGHHHHHH

    Your daughter is on to something: the under-treatment of LE.


  • Marple
    Marple Posts: 10,154
    edited August 2012

    Kira, my RO dresses like Emily Gilmore.  Funny Drs. attire being addressed here, now.  I always felt SO frumpy when I went to see her.  I always thought I was amiss, not her.  Not that I don't dress frumpily.  Is that a word?

    Edit to correct the spelling of frumpily.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2012

    I am ususally a mess when I go to appt and my onco, dresses lovely and looks great, as she is the mother of 5...can not figure how she does it!

  • kira
    kira Posts: 659
    edited August 2012

    Marple, I went to pick up my younger daughter at a work party last year, on the way to a family thing, and she said "You know, you look a bit dowdy...." Thanks so much.

    Emily Gilmore from the Gilmore Girls, I totally get the picture.

    My onc dresses neatly, but not like she's going out on the red carpet, I'll never forget the sequined slippers of the bs as she pulled out the big syringe, and I kept thinking, "Are those sequined slippers and vest washable??" Or are they covered with MRSA.....

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2012

    Trying to work this morning... not feeling the greatest - the part of my breast that was holding fluid before the surgery, is now holding the fluid again... I am wearing the breast binder that was given to me ... guess I should do some MLD but just too sore to even try.. I seem to be more sore and I don't understand why... this was a "easy" in and out small lumpectomy.. no nodes touched... etc.. I did put my sleeve on this morning for work.. as a precaution.  

    I'm an emotional basket case... we have a boarder here that has caused DH and I to be on different pages and is causing more stress than what I need right now.. I know we we get through this... I should be doing the happy dance with the path back B9 - but just don't feel it...

  • binney4
    binney4 Posts: 1,466
    edited August 2012

    Gma, what kind of anesthetic did they give you? It takes awhile to get the effects of that out of your system, and I always find I'm depressed from it for about three weeks afterward. Until I understood that I thought I was going nuts, thought I should be perking up and snapping back, and (for me at least) it doesn't work that way. One of the surgeon's nurses finally explained that to me. Doesn't lift the grim mood any, but at least I know I can wait it out.

    I'd guess the new achiness is a result of good old-fashioned overdoing it because you were feeling better. Give that side/arm plenty of support, elevate whenever possible, stay well hydrated, use the other arm. Give yourself some time!

    Sorry about the boarder--that sure doesn't help. Hope it clears up soon. Sometimes that happens in ways you couldn't have thought of, so look for it!

    Hugs, prayers,

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2012
    Binney, I had general anesthesia and I forgot about that plus have stayed on the Tylenol #3s longer than before - never knew pain = swelling, so decided to not "bear" with pain this time..all of this probably contributes to how I am feeling... I try so much not to compare myself to others that are really worse off than me.. but I have done that this time too... First surgery since truncal LE, has really stressed me... You are right you know: "I'd guess the new achiness is a result of good old-fashioned overdoing it because you were feeling better. Give that side/arm plenty of support, elevate whenever possible, stay well hydrated, use the other arm. Give yourself some time!" - Yes, I need to do this..
  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Posts: 1,305
    edited August 2012

    I hope you feel better soon Gma. And Binney, thanks for pointing out that factoid about the anaesthesia. I'll be having my exchange on 9/4, and I do not have time to be depressed. Have to get right back to class. So, it will be something I will watch out for.

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Posts: 527
    edited August 2012

    It's funny outside of medical settings I have never ever seen anyone with a sleeve and glove in all of ever.

    I just don't understand how it is possible.

    My femal PS is a sharp, but professional dresser. I kind of find it cheering, like the overdressed doc on Nurse Jackie.

    I have seen her in heels and a leather skirt I think. 

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Posts: 1,818
    edited August 2012

    My doctor delivered my kid at the local hospital in farmer's rubber boots and a plaid farmer's shirt.  But before he arrived, he got on his bike and travelled a few miles to the hospital to meet me.  His office is an old 5 bedroom house that my sister's friends lived in many, many years ago.  I feel comfortable around him as he is not stuffy. He doesn't need to strut himself. I am not sure if he even wears deodorant. He is an NYC kid that turned hippy in the 60's and never forgot it. I like him!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2012
    Has anyone had problems with the juzo sleeve coming undone at the top where the silicone band is attached?  The lady at the medical supply says if you pull it up it will cause that but i work my sleeve up then grab the band to adjust it once it is there... she said IF it is defective she will send it back for a new one... so I'm kinda afraid to take it back because, knowing my luck this week, she will say it was my fault and not send it back Tongue out.. I have kinda had a hard few days... I can't do this anymore... I am at the point of giving up....
  • Rocket
    Rocket Posts: 910
    edited August 2012

    Don't give up GMA. I wear the Juzo sleeves all the time and have never had one come apart. It must be defective. I would take it back and insist that she replace it. Don't give in to pressure. Hang in there!

  • kira
    kira Posts: 659
    edited August 2012

    GMA, I never had one split.

    It can all get to be too much, so be gentle to yourself.

    One can only gird for battle for so long.

    Hugs and brownies


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited August 2012

    I am tired - maybe going back to my computer job too quickly after surgery- I actually did some MLD last night and it seemed to help the pain..I needed to go back to work because we are short on money and have to do what we have to do... I didn't even get down the hill today - not driving and it is 109 out today - Us Oregonians aren't used to that type of weather.... Thinking of taking some more pain med - It has been a week, I am usually off pain meds by now.. it was just a little lumpectomy, close to the surface... What is my issue?- oh - Is it the first surgery after lymphedema??? done rambling...

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2012

    Gma, I noticed that my lymphdemia increased after my recent biopsy even though 2 docs swore not to be concerned about it

    should have listened to binney and the folks on here but I had to have the biopsy but now I think I have the beginnings of some cording in my arm

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Posts: 1,092
    edited August 2012

    %%$#^&ty*(&*)^%^&#$   that is me cursing...I have made appt with my therapist for thursday because the cording in my (so far not diagnosed ) LE right arm is getting unbearable.  I noticed today the it looks like there is swelling in  the elbow area.  I am so upset I could just cry....  hoping I am wrong.  There was only 1 node taken on that side too :(   Just wish I could make it all go away.  I hate LE sooooooo much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • kira
    kira Posts: 659
    edited August 2012

    Maggie, Thursday can't come fast enough. Often if the cording is treated, any swelling will get better. And I totally agree: LE sucks.

  • KittyDog
    KittyDog Posts: 656
    edited August 2012

    I have been sweating it out waiting on AETNA to approve my fitter.  They called this morning and said yes!  It's not like I had much more time.  Only two more days of LE PT.  They are coming tomorrow during my appointment to measure me for thigh highs.  I am still disgusted that it has spread further but at least I want be stuck in wraps another 4 weeks.  So fingers crossed they come in quick.

    I am happy to say I have noticed a big difference in my legs and stomach area.  Now if the under arm would go away. 

  • hugz4u
    hugz4u Posts: 1,818
    edited August 2012
    Kitty, I am so happy that you have had improvements in your legs and stomach. Smile When I was exercising (walking) it kept my back of my armpit in check as I made sure I pumped my arms back and forth. I had to slow up drastically on the walking lately and wake up with swelling at the pit if I don't wear a swell spot and shaper nightly. I can't remember your case and so I am not sure if this is workable for you.  Chocolate ice cream is on order for you! Well anything chocolate!Laughing
  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Posts: 527
    edited August 2012

    Mags, god I remember so clearly the first time I saw swelling.

    I am so sorry you have to deal with this.

    It was a free fall of panic. Oddly my LE at the time insisted it was not LE, but she was wrong.

    Take a breath if you can...this is a long road. 

  • cookiegal
    cookiegal Posts: 527
    edited August 2012

    Can I just say I would wear any colored ribbon or go on a million marches if we could do something for this stinkin le.