Birad 4

Hello Ladies,
I had an abnormal screening mammogram and then I had a diagnostic mammo and U/S. The U/S showed a suspicious spot, so they want to biopsy it. I decided to switch breast care centers because I didn't like the radiologist. I felt like it was now processing number 20. I went to get the films from one place to take it to the other and read the radiology report. It had a Birad 4. I was wondering if there are any other women who had a birad 4 on their radiology report.
Yes! I did on my mammogram. Radiologist #1 thought he saw it on ultrasound, but Radiologist #2 couldn't find it. I ended up having a mammogram-guidede stereotactic biopsy, and the found the unusual classic LCIS and nothing worse.
You will probably find many women here who had a BIRADS 4 imaging. But the women who had BIRADS 4 imaging who did NOT have breast cancer usually don't continue to post here. So you will not get a representative sample here: this is a breast cancer support group.
In this study, overall, about 20% of women with a BIRADS 4 imaging had a malignancy. Malignancy was found in 95 of 460 patients; or a PPV of 21%, PPVs for subcategories 4A, 4B and 4C, were 9%, 21% and 57%, respectively. The most common malignancy was invasive ductal carcinoma (67%). Patients with advanced age, having a clinically palpable breast mass of large size, with mammographic findings of architectural distortion and asymmetrical density were significantly associated with a higher risk of breast cancer.
I'm so glad you're going to a place where you are comfortable. Diagnosis is stressful enough to begin with, as you know!
We're here for you! Hang in there.
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Thanks Leaf!
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I had a BIRAD of 4 also after having a screening mammogram, a magnification mammogram and an ultrasound.
I emailed Dr. Laura Esserman who is the director of theCarol Franc Buck Breast Care Center in San Francisco, where many leading DCIS researchers work. She told me to ask my radiologist if my BIRAD rating was 4A, since if that was the case I would have a less than 10 percent chance that what they were seeing was malignant. My radiologist said it was 4A.
I then got a RODEO MRI, which is a high quality dedicated breast MRI, with a 1 percent false negative rate. Once that showed nothing, my radiologist was satisfied that what they were seeing was benign.
Hope this helps. PM me if you have any questions.
Best wishes,
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Thanks Sandie,
I am hoping for a MRI before they want to do a biopsy. My mom had a core biopsy done and developed cancer in the needle tract, so I am not a fan of needle biopsy. I would rather have a surgical biopsy, than a needle one.
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Yes, I had a mammo and diagnostic last spring that was a birads 4. They couldn't do a core biopsy b/c of it's location and I decided against an excisional biopsy. The breast surgeon assured me IF it was something, that it was so early and so small that I could do the "watch and wait" thing. So, I get diagnostic mammos every 6 months. The suspicious area hasn't gone away, but it hasn't changed either - which is a good sign and more likely benign. I am glad I chose this route. I will continue for 2 years and if nothing has changed in that time, I just go back to regular annual mammos. A birads 4 causes a lot of stress - but, the statistics are in our favor.
Hope this helps!
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Thanks Ladies for the info. Julie, I am definitely considering the watch and wait option. It depends on what my second opinion says.
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My second opinion also recommended a biopsy, so I am scheduled for a biopsy on the 17th, but with a different group of doctors. I just felt more comfortable there.
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i too had birad 4 on my MRI, had biopsy and it was B9.
good luck !!
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soonermagpie, Just catching up with all that you have been through....So sorry that you are experiencing all of the stress that goes along with a breast scare...I had my own breast scare last fall, and after mammo, magnified mammo, US, breast MRI (I was given a BIRAD 4 after it), and MRI guided breast biopsy, thankfully everything came back B9....A B9 fibroadenoma. Normally they are found in younger women...I was 47 at the time...Not so young! My suspicious spot was deep in my chest wall & couldn't be felt by me or the drs.
I will be hoping & praying that everything comes back B9 for you also! Please keep us posted on how you are. I'll be thinking of you on the 17th for your biopsy. All of us understand that the testing, waiting, & worrying is just excruciating! We are all here for you! Sending only calming, B9 wishes from Ohio!....Lisa
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Kam and Lisa,
Thanks so much for the encouraging words. I immediately jump to the worst conclusions and forget that it could be B9. I am glad that yours turned out well and I am praying that mine will also.
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i too immediately tought the worst. esp. whe i was reading the report and googled everything and everything lead me to cancer. it was so awfull, so please stay off the internet as it will make u crazy and more worried. at least it made me crazy. but thank god it was benign. i hope benign results for u too.
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Hello Soonermagpie,
I too have had a mammo come back, Birad 4B. Ultrasound, magnified mammo and have had the vacuum assisted core biopsies and I'm waiting for the results. I will find out Monday. The wait and not knowing is the worst. Will keep you in my thoughts
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islandgal2010, Just wanted you to also know that I will be keeping you close in my thoughts as you await your results on Monday. Try your best to keep yourself busy. Don't know if the plan is for you to have an appt. on Monday for results or for you to get a call. Just a thought....You could always call the dr.'s office mid-afternoon on Friday (before they leave for the weekend) & just make sure the results are not yet back. Sometimes they come in early. All of us know that waiting through the weekend is challenging. I'll be hoping for only B9 results for you!....Lisa
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Islandgal- You will be in my prayers. Keep busy this week-end..
Lisa1962- Thanks for all the encouragement.
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Lisa-thank you for the encouragement and I have an appointment with the B/S Monday morning to get the path results. Hoping for B9 results too!
Soonermagpie-hang in there gal! Hoping we both are B9!
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islandgal2010, Know that your appt. is in the morning & just wanted you to know that I will be thinking of you. Please keep us posted when you feel up to letting us know what you find out. Sending only good thoughts for your appt. tomorrow....Lisa
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Lisa1962 and Soonermagpie, After only sleeping for a total of two hours last night my results were "B9", fibroadenomas with microcalcifications. BS said they removed all with biopsy. Follow up with mammos/US in 6 months and possible genetic testing if insurance allows. I feel so blessed. I want to thank all for the compassion, thoughts and most of all the best support anyone could ever ask for.
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Congrats! I am praying for B9 also.
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I go in tomorrow for my biopsy. I am a nervous wreck. I know what to expect from reading posts from others, so I think it is just the results I am nervous about. I am trying to keep busy, but it is not working. Praying for B9 results.
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Soonermagpie: some of us just have to get through this as best we can, by whatever way we can. Some people find vigorous exercise sometimes helps, but sometimes that's just too difficult to do.
Hang in there. We're here for you.
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islandgal2010, So very happy to learn that everything turned out B9 for you! Hope that you have gotten some sleep now that you can take a deep breath & hopefully relax! Enjoy only good health!...Lisa
soonermagpie, Just wanted you to know that I'm checking on you & hoping that everything went well with your biopsy today. Be sure to follow whatever discharge instructions they sent home with you...In my case, they told me that ice would be my best friend the first afternoon & evening after my biopsy, and they were so right about that. I also found a sports bra to be very helpful & comfortable after the biopsy, and even wore it to bed for extra support for a few nights after the procedure. Let us know how you are doing when you feel up to it! Sending only healing, calming B9 wishes to you....Lisa
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Thanks Lisa,
The biopsy went well and you are right ice was my best friend. Today, I am anxiously waiting by the phone for the pathology report.
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Glad to hear that your biopsy went well!
We are waiting and hoping right along with you that you'll get good news in your pathology report.
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soonermagpie, Just checking on you....So glad to hear that the biopsy went well & that you used the ice. Sending only B9 thoughts & wishes from Ohio....Lisa
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Thanks for the thoughts and prayers. I got a B9 on my report. Woo Hoo
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That's wonderful news!!! Yay!!!
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I had a birads 4 ultrasound where biopsy came back negative. Hang in there....
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soonermagpie, That is wonderful news! Enjoy your B9 celebration! Sending wishes for only good health in the future!....Lisa
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Reading all your posts has given me hope. I just had a mammo and u/s with a birad 4b. going for a biopsy next week. hope all comes out well. would love to her a b9
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We all hope you get boringly benign results next week too!! Keep us posted!