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Halaven - Day 1



  • Wanderingneedle
    Wanderingneedle Member Posts: 220
    edited August 2019

    Pajim, what a Jaylea said! πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»πŸ‘†πŸ»I hope you feel better for your trip! It may just be the recovery you need! Spain πŸ‡ͺπŸ‡Έ sounds wonderful! Don’t forget to come back!

    Jaylea, my neuropathy has improved but not a lot since the dose reduction a few cycles ago. I hope yours gets better. I don’t know what I would do if I had to depend on my husband to do paperwork. I am happy that yours helps you so much. Until the week off I don’t even realize how tired I was from treatments; definitely take advantage of all the time off!

    I’ve never had rads so I don’t know how it feels. Wish I could help you.

    I’ve been thinking about my scan results. I actually had three nodes on the lung that weren’t mentioned in previous scans but says they are unchanged but never mentioned in previous scans. Not big enough to mention? Unchanged is good. I’ll take unchanged!

    Multiple lymph nodes in the right axilla have increased in size from the last scan but it doesn’t mention the original tumor. Small sclerotic focus on right iliac bone is stable and unchanged. Besides the lymph nodes it seems everything is the same but I’m thinking about that next line of treatment since this one doesn’t seem to last a long time anyway. I just finished my 9th cycle this morning and wonder how much longer I can do this. Without the shots and steroids it’s more tolerable and would like to extend this to the holidays. Am I hoping for too much? Too much to think about! I like to have a plan and this cancer is definitely challenging that.

  • Jaylea
    Jaylea Member Posts: 440
    edited August 2019

    Wandering, I think you can be happy with those scan results. And it's not unreasonable to think this tx could last till the holidays, if not longer. But I'm the same as you, always keeping one eye out for the next step. I don't ask my MO what the next line would be, because I'd obsess over it and immediately jump on that thread to see what the SE's are. As if dealing with the current SE's aren't enough, I'd worry about the ones to come, too. It's crazy making.

    Pajim, what are the details of your trip to Spain? My BFF went a couple of years ago and absolutely loved it. What towns are you going to?

    Hope everyone has a fun weekend in the works!

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2019

    Wanderingneedle, I like to have a plan too. I totally get what you are thinking. Your scans sound good though, pretty much like mine -- unchanged.

    I'm hoping to make it to the holidays with Halaven but we'll see. The rads should lower my TMs for sure. LOL. And everything but my leg is unchanged. Take care of that and who knows?

    My MO was muttering about metronomic therapy -- low dose methotrexate and cyclophosphamide. It's either that, Taxol or a trial. No interesting trials right now.

    I'm so sorry you are both having neuropathy. My fingers and toes feel a little odd, but I still feel them. Comes and goes.

    Spain, right. I am going to the European Society for Medical Oncology meeting in Barcelona. I will be a booth babe along with a colleague. Just the two of us on this trip. Some babe -- no hair have I. But I did ASCO this year too with a cap and no one said a word. Not even any sympathetic glances. Anyway, that's days Fri-Mon. Tuesday we will see some of Barcelona. [I've been before and think it's one of the world's great places]. Wednesday we head to Santiago de Compostela. My colleague (and friend) is Catholic and I guess that's one of the places you need to go. We'll see the cathedral then go wine tasting on Thursday and Friday. Come home Saturday.

    Between us we have an entire list of places we want to eat in Barcelona. Company is paying after all. And I'll be on chemo holiday so I'll be able to taste the wine, Yeah!!

    I'm soooo looking forward to this. I truly hope my leg gets better in time. RO said people often see improvement within a week of finishing treatment. I've got two+ weeks before I leave. And a masseuse appointment.

  • Wanderingneedle
    Wanderingneedle Member Posts: 220
    edited August 2019

    Oh, my, you will have a great time! I sure hope they get you taken care of before you leave! Any topless beaches over there? You could be completely topless...

    I’m not a good traveler. I’d like to go more but don’t like to travel. It seems to take a lot out of me and I need a day to recover.

    Jaylea I hope you’re enjoying a fun weekend! I just finished the cycle so you already know how I’m feeling, just glad the granddaughters aren’t here this weekend because I wouldn’t be able to do anything with them. I’m fine as long as I’m sitting but once I start doing things I sure feel crummy awful quick.

    Hope you’re all feeling well!

  • Jaylea
    Jaylea Member Posts: 440
    edited August 2019

    Pajim, way to take a work trip and turn it into an adventure! I will live vicariously through you and want to hear all about it when you return. In the meantime, sending prayers that radiation works fast.

    Funny how we're all doing so differently on Halaven. I couldn't pull off a weekend away, much less an international trip. I am feeling better since the dose reduction. I noticed it much more on the 2nd week - a little more energy, less gastric issues. Like you, Wandering, I do much better in a sitting position. Fortunately, that includes sitting in a car, so DH and I try to get out and enjoy some drives in the country, if nothing else!

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited August 2019

    Hello, Halaven peeps. I recognize most of you from other threads. I just skimmed the last three pages of this one. I just learned β€” like two hours ago β€” that I will start Halaven next week. We are adding it to Xeloda. I am a little tweaked right now and I have a zillion questions in my head. Can you guys tell me the basics? Will I lose enough hair to need a wig or scarf (since I do not want to go out bald)? Should I ice my hands and feet to stave off neuropathy? What are the pre-meds and do I have a choice? What is the pattern of feeling good/feeling ill days in the 21-day cycle? What is this about muscle pain or stiffness? Anything else I need to know, watch out for, ask my onc?

  • Wanderingneedle
    Wanderingneedle Member Posts: 220
    edited August 2019

    Hello, ShetlandPony, welcome to Halaven!

    It takes a little getting used to but the side effects are not too bad. Tolerable. I did not lose all my hair but I shed some after the second week. The muscle aches and stiffness was not an expected side effect but it seems to be different for all of us, the same for neuropathy. We all get fatigue! I had steroids as a premed but no more because it kept me awake. I think it’s not as harsh as some other treatments but I’ve only had abraxane before this so don’t really know how it compares. The stomach upset sets in (for me) on the second day and lasts a day or two and the fatigue starts for me about two days after and lasts for a few days. The second week is harder. I’ve been lucky that my blood counts continue to be good, but neutropenia is a common side effect. Enjoy your week off! I’m sure there’s more I’m not thinking of right now but the fatigue and stomach upset are my biggest issues. I have some neuropathy but it hasn’t gotten worse since my dose reduction a few cycles ago.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2019

    Hi Shetland! I read your post on the other thread. Interesting that your MO is willing to add Halaven to Xeloda. We asked my MO about that and he didn't want to do it. So I'll be interested to hear how this turns out for you.

    First thing -- DO NOT take the top dose. Which is 1.4 mg/m2. If you do that along with Xeloda you may as well curl up. Try 1.1 mg/m2. You may want to lower the Madam X dose too (don't know how much you are taking).

    Premeds -- steroids. They offered 8 mg dex. I took 4 mg dex. I now take 2 and I could take none. So yes you can refuse it but it does give you an initial boost. Prevents nausea if you are prone to that.

    I get infusions on Wednesday. The wall hits on Friday afternoon. That's when the dex runs out. I feel blah (tired, achy) on Saturday and Sunday. I've discovered that ibuprofen is like an SSRI and makes me feel a lot better. Give it a try. Everyone else here will chime in but I think the bad days are 4,5,11,12. And everyone feels blah to a differing degree. The time your 3rd week on X and your second week on Halaven coincide may prove difficult.

    Hair. Sigh. I was told it would 'thin out over time'. Mine all came out all at once right after the first cycle. I got some back -- enough to go out in public but I do look like a cancer patient. If I wear a baseball cap you'd never be able to tell. So I'm not the one to ask about this.

    Neuropathy is an individual thing. After 8 months my toes feel like they did on Xeloda. Like there's dead skin and the nerves are buried underneath. Near as I can tell I have the mildest case of our little group. No idea whether icing would help-- I don't do that or cold-capping.

    The thing I'm most worried about on your behalf is you're getting hit with two sets of SEs. The one really good piece of news is that Halaven causes constipation. At least for me. Halaven knocks down your neutrophils, Xeloda your platelets (if I remember right)

  • Jaylea
    Jaylea Member Posts: 440
    edited August 2019

    Hi Shetland, I've been following your issues with the bile duct stricture. Glad to hear you've settled on a treatment plan and can move forward.

    Regarding Halaven SE's, first let me say my circumstances are outside the norm so some of my SE's may be, too. I was hospitalized because I couldn't hold food down, finally dx with a rogue tumor in my esophagus. I had a feeding tube placed and did dose-dense taxol and gemzar to fight the esophageal met. That combo worked on the esophageal, lung, and liver mets, but did nothing for bone mets - that's when I moved to Halaven. So I came into it pretty weak, GI compromised, the beginnings of neuropathy, and of course bald.

    Halaven is much more tolerable than the taxol. My hair is s-l-o-w-l-y coming back, but it's more like fuzz than hair at this point. I do ice for 20-30 minutes prior to the push. Some nurses want to rush me, but I insist on that time. I bought two sets of NatraCure socks from Amazon that comes with ice inserts for top and bottom of feet. I used the second set of inserts to swap out with the taxol infusion, which was longer. I also ice my hands with just plain old frozen water bottles. I do have neuropathy issues, like Pajim said, as if the nerves are buried. I did lower the dose last cycle, so hopefully it won't get worse.

    I was only ever given Zofran for nausea as a pre-med. I now just take it at home about 30 minutes before my appointment. My infusion is Monday and worst days are Thursday and Friday. Feel shakey on my feet and extreme fatigue. I also have GI issues, bloating and pressure, and complete lack of appetite, but I think that's related to my g-tube. Dose reduction has helped these issues. The second week is harder. The week off is much improved, and I try to cram as much visiting, dining, and getting out as I can!

    Sending up prayers that this combo is the ticket to knock back those nasty mets. Keep us posted and keep those questions coming, too.

    Hugs from JL

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited August 2019

    Wanderingneedle, pajim, and Jaylea, thank you so much for the welcome and for talking to me about side effects. I’m glad I can be part of this little group. I’d like to have you all over for tea.

    I emailed my nurse to ask what my dose will be, and what premeds are planned. It happens that this week, when I start Halaven, is my week off Xeloda, so that is good. I am on a reasonable dose of Xeloda β€” 2000 per day. My onc is all about quality of life and safety. Someone told me she was the safety officer for our center’s clinical trials, I think? So I trust her to look out for me. I also told my nurse (NP) that I would like an anti-nausea med, and that if I need dexa I request a low dose. When I had it with Taxol I had sleeplessness, steroid crash, and crying spells. Lol if Halaven causes constipation maybe the opposite tendency of Xeloda will balance it and things will be normal.

    Scheduling. So if I can most afford to feel unwell on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and least afford to feel unwell on Monday and Tuesday, and perhaps Saturday and Sunday, what day should I choose for infusion day? Monday and Tuesday are my onc’s clinic days, so I may need to choose Monday or Tuesday.

    Hair. It sounds like hair loss is variable and I can expect anything from thinning to baldness? Maybe I should go back to the pixie cut. Thin long hair is not a good look. Light bulb: That’s what brought this progression on, daring to let my hair grow long again!

    I ordered gel ice socks and gloves. Really want to minimize neuropathy. I can dance with a wig, but I need to feel my feet.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2019

    Have the infusion on Monday. You'll feel the worst on Thursday, most likely. One thing I've learned hanging around these boards -- everyone is different.

    2000 of Xeloda is totally doable. I was on 2500 back in the day (last year, LOL). Ask them to give the middle dose of Halaven and this may not be bad at all.

    I hope this kicks your interior mets to the curb. Halaven definitely killed off (or mostly killed off) my liver met.

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited August 2019

    My nurse replied. My dose will be 1.1 mg/M2. And no steroids. Yay! I will request Mondays.

    How great that you get to do some sightseeing and wine tasting in Spain, pajim.

    Wandering, will you get to see your granddaughters on your week off? What do they like to do when they visit?

    Jaylea, I like how you have adapted travel so you can do it. Yay, day trips by car! You can get a travel book and act as if you are visiting from somewhere else.

    All I really want right now is to have my little house and garden beautiful and livable. There is still a lot do do since moving in the spring. If I can do it, I want to finish unpacking now and start gardening in the fall.

  • Jaylea
    Jaylea Member Posts: 440
    edited August 2019

    Wandering, I think Monday chemo is the perfect choice. I also think pixie-cut is the smart move. Not only for good mojo, but you'll be ready for all contingencies. I remember reading that dear Amarantha kept her hair until her last infusion, when it came out all at once. You may be set up for wigs and headpieces, but I found a great website called Headcovers Unlimited. It is founded by a BC survivor so it specializes in soft, no-seam headwear. I've gotten a few things from them and liked everything I bought. But my go-to is handkerchief (had to look up the spelling on that one) tied underneath a baseball cap.

    Good luck getting your house and garden in order. We downsized in 2012 to a 1,350 square foot bungalow for retirement. It's an HOA community that takes care of the front yard, so all I have to worry about is the backyard, which we made super low maintenance. What a blessing it's been in these circumstances. I know your house will be the same for you.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2019

    Moving? You moved? That's a hard one. Seems to take so long to get everything set. I'm told that once the pictures or art or whatever are on the wall you've moved in.

    Sounds like for you its the garden.

    I second (that's headcovers unlimited). I own several types of caps from them. When winter comes I'll likely go back to them.

  • Wanderingneedle
    Wanderingneedle Member Posts: 220
    edited August 2019

    How is everyone doing? Looking forward to a relaxing weekend?

    After this last cycle I have discovered that Friday is NOT the day to have chemo. I had a high heart rate and GI issues and more fatigue until yesterday. Everything was very much out of rhythm and the side effects didn’t cooperate with my schedule. πŸ˜‚ Thank goodness I’m back to Wednesdays! I’m having a treatment before I get on the plane Wednesday - with the slight progression I don’t want to miss a treatment. On abraxane I progressed after a dose reduction and I’m wondering if that’s what happened here. Just want to stretch this out for the holidays.

    Shetland I hope you can get out in that garden! Those boxes will wait! I still have unpacked boxes from 3 moves ago. After moving every three years (or less) we settled here and have accumulated lots of stuff. My husband is worse at dealing with it than I am. Get out there and play in the dirt while the weather’s good! Unpack when it’s raining.

    Jaylea, your day trips remind me of a friend when I lived in Japan. She had MS and was limited. On the weekends her husband would take her for drives. They used a map of Japan and just chose a different road each time, marking it off the map. It was written in kanji so they had no idea where they were going but had a great time exploring.

    Pajim, hola! Any change with your leg? Is it better? Did the massage help

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited August 2019

    I've now had two radiation treatments (out of 6). My leg feels worse in some ways and better in others. It's harder to walk with one crutch but I can lie on my back to sleep. So I'm sleeping better. And using two crutches.

    The RO and nurse did say it might get worse before it gets better. I've got massage scheduled for after I finish rads. Wondering if I'm going to need PT too.

    But this is for the birds. Lying on the table really really hurts. Yesterday I took percocet to cope, but man that stuff knocks you for a loop. So today I loaded up on naproxen and gutted it out.

    I hope you all are doing better than I.

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited August 2019

    Pajim, β€œworse before it gets better” β€” that’s awful. I hope you can find the right med to help get you through the rads.

    I hated the way yesterday’s pre-infusion compazine made me feel: hot, queasy, grumpy, sleepy, heart-poundy. I felt rotten the rest of the day and I don’t know if it was the compazine and/or the eribulin. Not so great earlier today, either. The nurse said there were other things to try next time, but I did not find out what. Maybe zofran?

    Yes, I moved. It was a long difficult six-month process to ready the old place, get rid of stuff, show it, find a new place, get rid of more stuff, move out, fix up, move in, get rid of more stuff. I was afraid it would do me in. Maybe it has; we’ll see. We downsized to a place more manageable physically and financially. So now I just want to enjoy the fruits of our labor! DH has a weird life-altering condition as well. The new place, which I find charming, has what we need and no excess. It is a bit smaller than yours, Jaylea. So no room or closet to stash any unpacked boxes out of the way. I hope to employ a couple young high school or college guys to help me with gardening soon.

    I’m confused about the Friday chemo and schedule, Wandering.

    Thanks so much for telling me about Headcovers Unlimited. I looked at the web site and they have some beautiful pre-tied scarves! I briefly considered cold-capping but too much time, trouble, and money. I can spend a fraction of that and get a second wig and some new scarves. I don’t want to cut my hair until I see if it is going. But the wigs are on sale for Labor Day. Hmmm. I prefer scarves and beanies, but like to have the wig option. Is it going?

  • Wanderingneedle
    Wanderingneedle Member Posts: 220
    edited August 2019

    Compazine is an antipsychotic so it might not be your drug of choice. I believe Jaylea takes zofran before her chemo. Let your nurse know so you can get something else.

    When I came back from my trip I needed a scan, dr appt and chemo (in that order) the same week so chemo was moved from Wednesday to Friday for that cycle and it was awful. I didn’t have the same rest days and couldn’t go to yoga on Monday 🀒 and felt awful all week. I’m back to Wednesdays so it will be okay now. πŸ˜‚ I never realized how dependent I am on my schedule.

    I kept my head shaved and wore a wig on abraxane after so much fell out. I spent about a month between chemos and my hair started to grow and enough of it has stayed that I keep it short and it’s okay. Summer is too hot for a wig but it was fine over winter. I made some turbans to wear at home so I was good. I no longer have a job so didn’t need to worry about being presentable at work. The wig was to not be stared at because people stare even if they don’t mean to. I picked up my grandkids after school and didn’t want them to feel different.

  • EMAW
    EMAW Member Posts: 99
    edited August 2019

    Sorry but I've been "off" from this for a bit.

    Ladies, I talked my MO's into delaying Halaven until after I had a CT scan, which I had on 8/22. The PA called me the other day to discuss. "No meaningful changes", and "relatively stable" were his exact words, and that a break now was in order. He said that treatment was a business of "striking balances" and that there are times when you need to stop. Our son is getting married on 11/23 so I wanted some hair and some energy. So, for now, we stay on simply Herceptin/Perjeta.

    Pajim, I mentioned the idea of H/P doing the heavy lifting. She (Doc Winn is the head oncologist I see and Zach is the PA who works with/for her) said it's like a pot of boiling water with a lid on it, some steam coming out. If we lift the lid, it can cause more steam to rush out. Don't know if I followed her analogy but I got the gist. They will run another CT in November (I will opt to wait until after the wedding for that) and decide then what to do.

    This DOES help me realize I need to speak up at times and not be afraid to say what I want. My husband suggested waiting to see the scan's results. Fox Chase would have put me right back on the horse, but we all are now realizing that, emotionally and physically, I can take a small hiatus. It's good. I'm glad.

    Thanks, one and all, for your kind support and encouragement. It means a lot.

    Jaylea, I take Gabapentin (neurontin - 4x600 mg/day) and Glutamine (amino acid that cancer & chemo destroy, but it aids - sometimes - with neuropathy) for my neuropathy but it doesn't sound nearly as bad as yours. I'm sorry you're struggling with that. Bummer.

    Pajim, I appreciate your use of the term "negotiated" (to get 3 weeks off). That's exactly the way it is with my MO's. You kind of need to discuss it a bit and convince them (and yourself). But you sound like you're in a worse boat than some of us. I'm eager to hear about the trip to Spain. My son just asked me the other night if I want to go next year with him. I enjoy his company quite a bit but he moves at a much faster pace than me. My husband is not a talker so I'd just as soon entertain the idea with Tim (oldest son, oldest), but he moves like a hare. I'm more tortoise like these days, LOL. Though without any chemo, I'm picking up the pace a bit. I'd LOVE to travel overseas but it is a commitment.

    Well, folks, better eat my lunch. I've had 2 grape tomatoes from the garden, a cup of Starbucks instant with (a lot) of junk liquid creamer, and that's it. I need to work up an appetite.

    I DO appreciate your thoughts and prayers.


    (P.S.: Here's my 24-yo and his fiance - we're pretty excited and we really like her a lot)


  • Jaylea
    Jaylea Member Posts: 440
    edited August 2019

    Thanks for keeping us updated, Miriam. It sounds like you have negotiated a nice plan, striking when things are stable. Enjoy the hiatus and the wedding. Your son and DIL look radiantly happy.

    I think I mixed up Wandering and Shetlands schedule. But now I'm confused again because I thought Shetland was a Monday start? In any case, yes, my premed is Zofran. I have permanently banned Compazine from my medicine cabinet. It does a number on my head. Shetland, Headcovers always has some sort of promo, so don't worry if you don't make this one.

    Pajim, so sorry you're inbetween the worse and the better. But good news about being able to sleep. That will aid your healing. Sending prayers your way.

    And wishing everyone as good a weekend as you can muster. Hugs from JL

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited September 2019

    Wandering, I get it about the grandkids. The reason I considered cold capping was largely not to freak my kid out.

    Hello, Miriam. What a lovely photo and how awesome to know your son has found a good woman! I hope I live to see my kid happy like that! I think you could take that trip to Spain and plan activities so there are some together and some apart, as in you people-watch and sip cool drinks in a cafe while your son hikes five miles, and then you go together to a a flamenco show in the evening. On our last trip, DH and I rode in a boat while our kid paddled a kayak with a tour group on the same river.

    Jaylea, I realize now that I need to research pre-meds as well as the main course. I had my first on a Thursday, but will start Monday/Tuesday next cycle.

    So on day 2, that night after I had gone to bed, I had diarrhea and vomiting. It acted like food poisoning; maybe that’s what it was. Day 3 night after I had gone to bed, I got an ache below my sternum, where there is a lesion and a stent, along with an ache in my right shoulder/clavicle (referred liver pain), and a hot queasy feeling. It scared me because I thought what if there is a problem with the stent? But after about an hour I was able to sleep on my wedge. Maybe it was Halaven working. 🀞

  • Jaylea
    Jaylea Member Posts: 440
    edited September 2019

    I just got back from treatment (they opened up the infusion clinic for chemo to accommodate the Monday chemo patients). This is the start of cycle 5. I never paid attention to the dose but today I asked. It's 1.85mg. Shetland, I think you said you're 1.1mg. I double checked the number, and that this was the 25% reduction. I'm 5'10", 140 pounds. Quite surprised at the different dose levels.

    Shetland, I was pretty nauseous the first couple of cycles. That's when I had a bad experience with Compazine, but continued on Zofran the first couple of days after tx. Now I have low to no nausea, certainly not enough to take Zofran. But make sure you have something on hand just in case. I also had quite a bit of pain in met areas of spine and hip. Like you, I hoped this was the drug working.

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited September 2019

    So, do you think your body adapted, Jaylea, so that you don’t feel nauseous any more? Does Halaven make you sleepy? I hated how I felt the first day and next morning, makes me dread infusion #2. I hope it was mostly the compazine and not the Halaven. I think I will just take a zofran that day. The pill form should last long enough to get me through the car ride home.

    Regarding dose, well, I am a pony. And I am taking Xeloda concurrently. I skimmed over previous posts searching hair and Halaven, and got the idea that maybe hair loss is related to dose. I don’t know.

    It happened again last night about an hour after I lay down in bed at the end of day 4: Ache below the sternum, hot and queasy. It makes me get up and pace. Burping helped (sorry TMI). The area had a bump, like things were swollen in there. But just as before, I put the wedge on my bed and gradually the pain subsided. I remember pajim, you said you got heartburn on days 3 and 4. Maybe this is my version of that. Tonight I will try just starting off with the wedge.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2019

    Miriam, what I nice couple! I've been to Spain several times and have seen most of it. Barcelona is one of the world's great places. But if it doesn't turn you on I would recommend the northern part of Italy. Food and wine and art are all fabulous. Or there's always Paris. You can spend a week and never have to switch hotel rooms. Nice job on the scans and the plan.

    Jaylea, the 1.4 or 1.1 or 0.8 is mg/m2. So I, at 5'6" and 170 pounds take 2.1mg of Halaven. I'm 2 meters squared. And how they calculate that is insane. But that's beside the point, I guess.

    Shetland, Zantac? Or Prilosec? You definitely have a version of heartburn, which likely only comes along when you lie down.

    My group offered me Zofran if I didn't want steroids. 10 years ago compazine made me think the sky was green.

    My attitude is definitely better after three days off. And I think my leg is better too. Hopefully it's not because I mostly sat on my tush this weekend. Tomorrow I'm going to try 2.5mg of oxycodone with the Aleve (makes it Vicodin). My husband will drive me in so I won't be dangerous. If that's not much much better I'm going to grit it out with no opiates. And if I decide that, well, no complaining allowed. LOL.

    With all you guys about the schedule! Hope everyone had a grand weekend.

  • Jaylea
    Jaylea Member Posts: 440
    edited September 2019

    Pajim, I wondered what the m2 part of the equation was. Shetland's pony comment made me almost spit out my morning smoothie in laughter!

    Yea, Shetland, I think my body did adjust on the nausea front. I still struggle with fatigue and GI issues, but even that has been much improved with the dose reduction. I think you'll find the tx infinitely more tolerable without the Compazine. Regarding feeling drowsy, that's an inconsistent SE with me. Last night (day of tx) I dozed off watching tv around 9pm, but in a light, pleasant way. Some days I take a mid-day nap, other days I have no desire to nap. But with Xeloda added to the mix you're definitely blazing trails. Sending prayers that your body continues to adapt and that you'll tolerate the treatment well.

    Pajim, three days of r and r sounds like it did your leg and attitude good. Here's to continued improvement and lower doses of pain meds!

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2019

    Well I'm done with radiation. Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!! No more lying on the table in pain. Wheeeee!!!!! Of course I've caught someone's cold which I feel is adding insult to injury. Kick me when I'm down why don't you? Wreck my extra week off of eribulin. . .

    Rads has already had some effect. The pain is much less and I'm walking with one crutch and no pain meds. Had a massage yesterday to see if it would help (yes). I've called for a consult with a physical therapist as I'm not sure whether I need that or massage. Or just to suck it up and walk regardless of the pain.

    I don't think the third option is really a good idea. Walking with crutches the last three weeks has done a number on my back and shoulders (as the massage therapist pointed out). I need a stretching routine or an exercise routine or someone to keep working out the kinks until they stay worked out. Any ideas what sort of person I need to figure that out?

    Anyway, trajectory looks to be upwards.

  • Jaylea
    Jaylea Member Posts: 440
    edited September 2019

    Amen to upward trajectory, Pajim! So glad you're done with rads, and sorry to hear about the cold, especially on your precious week off. I think a appointment with a good PT is next on your dance card. They should be able to set you up with stretches and exercises to continue your path forward. Also continue with the massages as complimentary treatment. You'll be in great shape for your trip!

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited September 2019

    Pajim, that’s great that you are done with rads and the hard table. Yes, I agree that you should get a program to work on the kinks caused by compensating for the pain. I think a physical therapist could help. I found a good one who works with athletes and dancers, and she helped me with treatment and prevention of some injuries I got from overdoing it while on an aromatase inhibitor. Another helper could be an Iyengar yoga teacher. The Iyengar teachers I have know a lot about body mechanics and what (adapted if necessary) poses will help with issues. Students just tell them before class what they need help with an they incorporate it into class. They have also done four-session individualized programs.

    Thanks for the validation on ditching compazine as an anti-nausea. I’ll try zofran.

    I went with the reflux idea and decided to leave more time between dinner and bed, and to just start the night on the wedge. So far so good.

  • pajim
    pajim Member Posts: 930
    edited September 2019

    Glad your reflux is better.

    I see a PT tomorrow. Ask his advice on whether PT is what is needed. Friday I have an appointment with a neuromuscular therapist. According to the person who recommended him, his specialty is figuring out exactly what is wrong, which apparently is not always what you think (and in this case I'm pretty sure isn't actually my leg). Presumably if I work with both of them I can get rid of this crutch.

    Yoga is a great idea except that right now I can't even get to the floor, nor stand on the left leg. There's a studio near me so once I can stand on two feet. . .

    Chemo tomorrow. Oh well. But I have tickets to the IgNobel Awards on Thursday!! That's been on my bucket list for a while now.

  • ShetlandPony
    ShetlandPony Member Posts: 3,063
    edited September 2019

    Oh, that should be fun, going to the IgNobel awards. For a long time I have wanted to go to a live stand-up comedy show. I think I will look for one and do it. If you do want to try the yoga, know that a good teacher can help you even if you cannot stand or get on the floor.