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Coming off tamoxifen early to have a baby



  • angelbaby1
    angelbaby1 Member Posts: 27

    Hi all,

    very happy to hear that most of u are making good progress with your baby plans. I have just 2 more months left on tamoxifen before my 2 years are up and I can start trying for a baby... im just wondering a couple of things though.

    firstly, did anyone elses side effects increase with time? I was getting the odd hot flush but they are starting to become unbearable. to the point where I don't think I could keep going with the tamox regardless of my baby plans.

    secondly, what were u all told was a reasonable time to clear the tamox out of your system? I was told I could start trying for a baby 6 wks after finishing tamox but I thought I read somewhere it was 12??

    Thanks, and good luck to all of u, wherever u are in this journey

  • lia13
    lia13 Member Posts: 28

    Hi everybody, I've been following this thread for a while now, though I hadn't posted before (or posted and forgot it! Loopy). I'm inspired by all the ladies here and will keep on reading all the information, thanks so much!

    I'm 37, married and on both zoladex/tam. In a few months I finish zoladex but don't know what will do about tam yet.

    We would also like to try for baby #1 at some point, but it gets difficult to figure out when! Just like angelbaby1, I'm not sure how much to wait till tam is supposedly gone. 

    I'm a bit confused, cause in these boards and elsewhere, I've read anything from a few weeks to 3 months, but my current onc suggested to wait 12 MONTHS (!!!) before start trying.... I've recently moved to Chile and I understand the mentality here is pretty different than Greece (where I'm originally from) when it comes to babies after bc. I've been openly discouraged to have a baby by both my current onc and the dr who gives me the control u/s, as according to them it would up my risk for recurrence due to hormones. After I suggested that ongoing research doesn't support that, I was told that in any case I should wait 1 full year after I stop zoladex/tamo before start trying.

    My BS back home had told me that I could start as soon as 1 year after completion of first line of treatment and I could continue on with the hormonal therapy afterwards. My onc back home, suggested to wait after 2 years on tam. So many conflicting opinions!

    If I wait out the 2 years of tam plus 1 year to clear it out, I'll be a few months shy of 40... Ugh! I'm thinking to consult with either a gynecologist or an endocrinologist? I think any information I may get from cancer specialists will naturally be influenced from their point of view (just like any specialty), and perhaps it's better to get all the info I can get and then make an informed decision...

    I'll keep reading here, I wish you all well and the best of luck! Smile

  • Rutts
    Rutts Member Posts: 50

    Hello angelbaby1 and lia13 i was told by my onc to wait 1 month until we try after coming off tamoxifen, however I do think it depends on your diagnosis and your onc as they all have different views on this subject. I was taking tamoxifen for 2years and 2 months. I've now been off just over a month so we can now officially start trying :) 

    Hope everyone else is well 


  • TreadSoftly
    TreadSoftly Member Posts: 88

    hi ladies, my onc advised me to wait 3 months after coming off tamox before we started trying. 5 months later, I was pregnant! 

    I'm now 38 weeks & counting down the days until baby arrives, we can't wait! Officially began my maternity leave from work yesterday so it's all getting very real! 

    Best of luck to everyone, those who are either making decisions which are not easy, or those who are busy trying! I'll post again when I have some news to report!! 

    Onc wants me back on tamox 3 months after birth to complete the last 2 years. I don't mind though as I had no symptoms at all on the drug. 


  • h0pe
    h0pe Member Posts: 46

    Congrats! Love hearing baby news! 

  • h0pe
    h0pe Member Posts: 46

    Question - did any of you guys do Lupron/zolodex shots if you had to do chemo? I'm not doing any shots and now I'm wondering if I should?

  • lia13
    lia13 Member Posts: 28

    TreadSoftly, that is wonderful !!! thanks for sharing :-) 

    all the best Rutts, I hope it happens soon! :-) 

    h0pe, I made a comment on zoladex on another thread, maybe there could be some older threads and more info in Hormone Treatment forum? 

    good luck everybody! :-)

  • Rutts
    Rutts Member Posts: 50

    wow treadsoftly that's amazing to hear that. Can't wait to read about your bundle of joy entering the world :) xx

  • Cucho
    Cucho Member Posts: 18

    I was also advised to wait for 3 months before trying to conceive after coming off Tamoxifen (by my Oncologist). This article recommends 2 months:

    I gave pregnancy my first go last weekend via AI. The 2 week waiting period is like the longest two weeks ever! I was told the chances are low for success due to having had chemo and being 35 now, but still there is a possibility based on fertility testing results. Anyone else test their AMH levels after having had chemo and before pursuing a pregnancy?

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Hi Cucho, I just wanted to congratulate you for doing what your heart is telling you to do. I wish i had the option to freeze my eggs i am also a single gal and always wanted to have at least a child but Chemo was given to me within a week of seen the onco and i had not time to look into my egg freezing . When i found out i had to do it it was too late and now i am not sure since off course I still did not meet any one and also the test i have done show i am post-menopausal ;( I am one of the crazy ones who refused Tamoxifen do to always thinking there could be a small chance of my fertility still been ok but i am not so sure i will ever be a mom. Anyway i just wanted to encourage you to keep going ;) if i had frozen my eggs I could have the chance to do it on my own. I will keep fingers cross for you. :) 

    Wishing you all good luck and congratulations to the new moms. ;))

  • SKD
    SKD Member Posts: 35

    hi ladies!

    I was on tamoxifen for a year then went off of it to try and have a baby. 4 months later I got pregnant but miscarried at 8 weeks. We tried for 2 years to her pregnant and decided to go to the fertility clinic where I got lots of tests done and they said everything looked fine! We ended up doing a frozen embryo transfer in the summer but it didn't work. We were gearing up to do another transfer for December but in October this year I got pregnant again and I am now 29 weeks pregnant and having a baby boy in July! Just wanted to share an encouraging story with everyone because I know I loved hearing stories of women getting pregnant after breast cancer on this board because it provided some hope! 

  • lia13
    lia13 Member Posts: 28

    SKD, Congratulations!!!! that's just amazing, thanks so much for sharing :-) All the best for you and your family! Nerdy

  • sakura73
    sakura73 Member Posts: 76

    SKD what wonderful news!! Congratulations! I am a few weeks ahead of you, my little girl is due in mid-June. There will be more and more of us having the joys (and pitfalls) of motherhood post-BC, I am sure. Please make sure you come back to update us when your son is born!

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,462

    Congratulations SDK! Thanks so much for your story of hope and encouragement. 

    The Mods :-)

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Congratulations!!! SDK and Sakura that is a wonderful news ;) sending you hugs for the new boy and girl coming soon. 

    Love to read these news, it give us hope ;) 

  • budrfligal13
    budrfligal13 Member Posts: 105

    Hi ladies.  It's been a month since I've popped in and I just re-read some posts.  (Tess, thanks for your reply a while back.)

    Ironically, I have an OB/GYN appt. today for follow/up-routine Ultrasound.  It's been 6 mos out of chemo and no period yet.

    We'll see today how my "thickening" and fsh are.  I've been thinking about aesthetics and sexuality A LOT lately.  I am nearing exchange.   Also, I've been super emotional these past few days, which is unlike me. Crying easily and a lot.   I'm feeling pretty well physically.  I Spin 5 times a week and do Pilates. Adding TaeBo again, finally!  

    Someone posted a while back reminding us that we need to tread softly through the message boards.  I needed to see that post today because I'm feeling emotional and anxious about my new breasts.  I know I can completely ruin my whole mindset for a while by reading some unfortunate, negative posts.  I snap out of it, and keep visualizing a very sexy, "new" me in a few months.  I must get rid of this stubborn chemo belly!  It's ridiculous.  I'm fit everywhere else but have a big pot belly. 

    I wish I could afford lipo!!!!!!  Hey, it should be covered in this case because I didn't have this belly before, Ha Ha.  Wishful thinking.

    For those that have had lipo during their TE exchange (which I keep noticing), was it included because you mentioned it to your PS?   I mean, did you have fat removed from your choice of area to fill in gaps or pockets or something? In other words, if agreed upon by you and your PS that you would benefit from any additional surgeries, would it be it covered under the cancer act as well?  

    Just curious and have a mind-a-racing today.....

  • Rutts
    Rutts Member Posts: 50

    wow SKD and Sakura that's fab news to hear :) congratulations to both of you. 

    We're still trying (only been a month) but I have had some more signs that my period is trying to come back so that's good :) xx

  • TessmereldaC
    TessmereldaC Member Posts: 81

    oh fab Rutts!!!  fingers crossed now!!

    30 weeks tomorrow and the size of a rather large house!!  Was back with my onc last week and he was SO emotional when he saw me.  I was his first patient when he moved to our city (Cork. Ireland) 6 years ago and he was so chuffed to see me pregnant.  In fact so much so he wasn't as pushy about going back on Tamox as he had previously been.  I was sure he would write out a prescription for same to take with me the minute I give birth - instead he told me to come back in a year for a chat - which will be my last appointment with him!!  Was on a high after my appointment - in to see him before me was a lovely Hodgkin's lymphoma survivor - with her 2 week old baby boy!!!  There is most definitely life after our shocking dust to one and all xxxx


    Very excited to hear news soon from Treadsoftly and SKD!!!!

  • GowanusGal
    GowanusGal Member Posts: 25

    Tessmerlda, CONGRATULATIONS!  I love reading this board.  It gives me some hope...even at my advanced age of 40.  I really would love to have just one more baby and am hesitating on the Tamoxifen because of it.  The OBGYN said with chemo, I'd definitely go to menopause and with Tamox, it was a lower chance but still I might.  My MO said if I wanted, I could try for a baby right now and hop on the Tamox PS said I'd have to wait 3 months before trying.  I am nervous either way.  Do it at 40 just post surgery and risk a recurrence or take Tamox until 42 and risk menopause.  Sigh.  But again, love to hear these wonderful stories!

    Budrfli - yes, if your PS appeals to your insurance, fat grafting is part of reconstruction.  I am having a second procedure done and part of that will be fat grafting to my new "foobs".  I went from a full B to a tiny A.  So lipo is possible in the future. :)  Good luck to you on that. 


  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Thanks for sharing all your blessings ;) 

  • TreadSoftly
    TreadSoftly Member Posts: 88

    hi ladies!

    My beautiful perfect little daughter arrived on the 15th may (only 9 days late!) weighing a healthy 8lbs 1oz! We are so in love with her!

    I had made no plans pre birth to breast feed from my 'good' side. But, my little girl just loves breast feeding! She has a great latch & feeds happily from my one breast! When I look down at her feeding away, I am filled with such love & happiness, I just cannot describe how wonderful it is! 

    Girls, there is hope & lots of success stories after BC, wishing you all every good wish. Tessmerelda, best of luck these last few weeks, it gets so hard waiting for your little bundle to arrive!! Xx 

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    TreadSoftly Thanks for your note, and congratulations, i am happy for you and all the ladies who are been blessed with a baby. ;))

  • GowanusGal
    GowanusGal Member Posts: 25

    Treadsoftly - CONGRATULATIONS!! :)

  • h0pe
    h0pe Member Posts: 46

    Congratulations! :)

  • andreamia
    andreamia Member Posts: 37

    Hello everyone. I was diagnosed at age 26 with Stage 1, Grade 3, IDC, triple positive, BRCA-, no node involvement. It has been almost one year ago now (wow!) since diagnosis. Had lumpectomy, chemo with 6 AC, 12 Taxol. I had 30 ish radiation treatments on the affected breast and have been on herceptin for six months. 

    Right before my diagnosis my husband and I had talks of starting a family last fall so that I would have the baby after I graduated with my masters. Well, cancer treatment obviously put a halt to that :-/ I was heart broken when I learned that tamoxifen would delay my wanting to start a family even longer. My onc wants me to do at least two years. I had a pelvic ultrasound done because I had bladder pressure and they found a small complex cyst which we decided to just keep an eye on. Then, I started tamoxifen and in one month I developed two new cysts and my first one got a little bigger. Two of the three cysts are complex. I think I may have even had a fourth cyst because I had free fluid in my abdomen and horrible pain/cramping a few weeks ago which may have been when it ruptured. Since cysts are a common side effect of tamoxifen my onc had me stop it for now to see if the cysts resolve on their own. This is all so very frustrating. Now that I have been off tamoxifen for two weeks I started my period today - the first one I've had since I went into chemopause! Yayyy! I am afraid to go back on the tamoxifen because of the cysts and because I don't want to lose my cycle again… I finally feel normal! Also, because the thought of waiting two years before my first baby is just so heart wrenching for me. I want to start trying to conceive pretty much asap which would be in November when I finish my herceptin… There is nothing more important for me than to have my own family and I want more than one child. I am torn on what to do and I know there is no easy answer.

    According to my adjuvent results, my 10 year survival rate with chemotherapy alone is over 90 percent. Hormone therapy raises it to about 93 percent. My chance of recurrence with chemotherapy alone is less than 20 percent. With both chemo and hormone therapy (tamoxifen) my recurrence rate would be around 13 percent. So it does bring it down a little for recurrence especially… These results also DO NOT take into account radiation treatment or herceptin. Therefore, my odds are even more in favor and I should have a higher survival rate and lower recurrence rate than indicated on the results. I have no idea by how much is the only problem. 

    Congratulations to all the post BC moms on this thread. You do give all of us hope :) Thank you for sharing!

  • Rutts
    Rutts Member Posts: 50

    wow treadsoftly what amazing news :) congratulations to you and your family. 

    Andreamia I took tamoxifen for just a little over 2 years with no major problems but do have a friend that developed cysts thro tamoxifen so her onc changed her medication. I can't remember what to but I could ask if you wanted me too?! Also I think it is completely yours and your DH choice on whether to start trying for a baby. Maybe have a really good chat with your docs and see what they advise? I'm planning to go back on tamoxifen once we've had a baby but my onc was really supportive with our plan to have a 'baby break' 


  • sakura73
    sakura73 Member Posts: 76

    Treadsoftly  congratulations to you! Breast feeding is such a wonderful thing, and so healing to the soul after a BC journey.

    Andreamia I have posted my own deliberations on Tamox vs child bearing at the beginning of this thread. It is not an easy decision and a very personal one based on your risk levels and your personal risk tolerance. For myself I decided to live with 18% recurrence risk rather than 12% and to go without the Tamox. I am now 5 years out from surgery and about to have my second post-BC baby. I send you many warm thoughts as you deliberate. Feel free to PM me if that would be useful to you.

  • Enerva
    Enerva Member Posts: 2,985

    Sakura Thanks for the info. I am also not taking Tamox. No baby yet but i am happy not to deal with SE from another drug. 

    Nice to know i am not alone. My P did not come last month and it makes me a bit worry but other wise i feel very healthy 


  • andreamia
    andreamia Member Posts: 37

    Sakura73, thank-you for sharing. That is almost the exact same recurrence risk as me… about a 6-7% difference between hormone therapy vs. no hormone therapy. And my results do not include my herceptin which should make it less than that according to my onc. I wonder if my onc would be willing to put me on tamoxifen after a baby. She told me there was no research to support that tamoxifen helps after pregnancy, but I wonder if I could get it as off label. Wouldn't hurt… (unless the cysts became bad again).

    I am just so tired of these drugs… ALL of my problems (besides the original tumor) have been side effects of these drugs :( I just don't want to take anything anymore so I can feel normal again.

  • sakura73
    sakura73 Member Posts: 76

    Feeling normal is really important. I think one of the reasons I was able to put the whole cancer thing behind me so much quicker than many of those in my chemo cohort is precisely because I did not take Tamox and so my treatment ended in November 2009 instead of running for years and years while I took a drug which, while it may be protective against breast cancer, carries its own risk of other complications like cysts etc which further reduced its net potential benefit to me. My treatment was DONE and I got on with life.

    Of course that means I live with increased recurrence risk but so far, so good. You have given Tamox a go and it has caused problems for you. In your shoes (though of course no one but you is in your shoes) I would not go back on it.

    Remember that if you do conceive and if you breast feed from your non-cancer side you get lots of the benefits of that which are themselves protective.

    My oncologist offered me Tamox when I went to see him after my first child, but I refused and he did not push. I think both he and my surgeon are following me as an 'interesting case' now since I have refused Tamox which apparently hardly anyone does, plus I have had one (and nearly 2) children.