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Coming off tamoxifen early to have a baby



  • BayouBabe
    BayouBabe Member Posts: 1,467


  • Rutts
    Rutts Member Posts: 50

    TessmereldaC thank you :) I'm 22 weeks. Baby princess is due 6th July. This certainly happened at the right time as it's given my mum something to focus on after loosing my dad last year.

    Tatasister10 that's fab news for you, will be a very exciting year for you :)

    Hope everyone else are well?


  • Penzance
    Penzance Member Posts: 39

    That thread really cheered me up. Bearcat/Lisa, I love your profile picture, so glad things worked out for you!

  • tatasister10
    tatasister10 Member Posts: 42

    Thanks guys. Still no period yet. Met with my gyno. ..She said the longer you took lupron, the longer it will be for your period to return. Well close to 3 years is a looooong time, so praying for one soon. Cross your fingers! Every friend I have is pregnant right now. I hate comparing myself, but when will it be my turn -are my thoughts right now...glad to hear all the babies are doing well. Life back on tamoxifen is never fun, but so glad we have it in our arsenal. Also wanted to report that my bc friend just had her baby post dx. A healthy baby boy. Take that cancer.

  • andreamia
    andreamia Member Posts: 37

    tatasister- someone correct me if I'm wrong but I know a lot of women who have not had periods while on tamoxifen. That might be what is contributing to your lack of periods, not necessarily how long you were on the lupron. While periods on tamoxifen are possible I think most women do not have them... And when they stop tamoxifen they usually come back.

  • tatasister10
    tatasister10 Member Posts: 42

    Hmmm I haven't considered that. 6 months after chemo and while on tamoxifen I got my period back....then went on lupron to stop it. So I know it's possible to get it on it, but I just wonder if it is hindering it now. Lookout google, here I come! Thanks andriamia!

  • Cuculi
    Cuculi Member Posts: 82

    as I always say, I love these stories! I am glad that all babies are doing well. 😊

    Regarding fungal infections, I used replens for a while. I think it helped. Don't want to comment more since it is not a discussion forum for that. 😉

    Regarding periods I have heard the same. Tamox stops the periods and after they come back. It is so hard to be patient but with patience and good attitude I am sure we'll get pregnant.

    This week I have my annual exams! 😁

    Take care!!!

  • tatasister10
    tatasister10 Member Posts: 42

    LADIES! My period just came back!!! Almost 8 months after my last lupron shot. I'm still on tamoxifen because I want to see if I'm regular for a couple months and then it's baby trying time. I have an ultrasound to check out all my parts in 2 wks. I'll let you all know how it goes!

  • Rutts
    Rutts Member Posts: 50

    tatasister10 that's fab news. Just make sure when you stop the tamoxifen you give it a good month to leave your system before trying. I didn't and I fell pregnant very quickly but unfortunately miscarried that pregnancy, the doctors didn't say that me not waiting a month was the cause but I believe it was. Good luck with the trying (and enjoy 🙊) xx

  • tatasister10
    tatasister10 Member Posts: 42

    Great advice! I will take it to heart. Thanks so much!

  • Cuculi
    Cuculi Member Posts: 82

    I love good news! :)

    My mamo, ultrasound and CT scans came fine. However my estradiol is really high above 900. :( besides the CEA is a bit high. Estradiol , I understand, is important for conceiving. When it is too high it is dangerous. My appointment is next week but have been looking up in google... Maybe too much. :( has Antonella gone through something similar? Take care!

  • Youngwithbc
    Youngwithbc Member Posts: 45

    Hi. Just wondering how long you all were told to wait after going off tamoxifen, before trying to get pregnant? Have heard everything from 2-6 months, so curious what the average is.


  • tatasister10
    tatasister10 Member Posts: 42

    Ok ladies...I had an ultrasound today. Everything looked good with my girly parts. The said I had a tiny cyst on my left ovary that could mean I ovulated. They said I should come off tamoxifen now if I want to do this. I will hit 4 years in october since diagnosis. I need some extra encouragment to not put the pill in my mouth lol. Its so routine and I am scared of stopping it. BUT I soooo want to. How long after you all stopped did you get pregnant? I can do this right? :)

  • tatasister10
    tatasister10 Member Posts: 42

    This is not an April fools joke...I stopped my tamoxifen! First night down...

  • Lolis
    Lolis Member Posts: 294

    Good luck tatasister! How are you feeling?  

  • tatasister10
    tatasister10 Member Posts: 42

    I feel surprisingly better than I thought I would mentally. I think the idea of stopping is much worse than stopping itself if that makes any sense. Now I feel ready. Before I wasn't quite there. It will go down in history tho as one of the hardest if not the hardest decisions I've ever had to make. I pray for God's protection and I'm officially excited to start trying once it's out of my system. I had lupron through chemo, so I'm praying everything is still working great. Physically I feel the same...I mean it's just been 1 day, so I'll let you all know how that goes. I'm a bit concerned with tamoxifen withdrawal. Have any of you had that?

  • TreadSoftly
    TreadSoftly Member Posts: 88

    tatasister - yes I agree. The hardest part is deciding to stop, rather than actually stopping taking the tablet every day. I stopped in Jan 2013. Started trying in march & was pregnant by September 2013!! I didn't notice any real effects coming off the drug. I'm back on it now again since having my baby girl 10 months ago. Best of luck!!

    Young with BC - I was advised 2-3 months before actively trying.


  • Rutts
    Rutts Member Posts: 50

    tatasister - wow good luck with ttc :) it was defo the scariest thing I have done too, tamoxifen was my security blanket! But I didn't want 'cancer' to rule my life any longer. I stopped in the march, had my first bfp in May then sadly miscarried in June. Started trying again in September and got my bfp in November :) that pregnancy is still going strong and I'm due my lol bundle in July :)

    Young with bc - i was told to wait a month or until my first period.

    Treadsoftly - how long have you got to do on tamoxifen now your back on it?

  • andreamia
    andreamia Member Posts: 37

    My period returned 4-5 months after chemo. I have been having monthly cycles since last June and have been trying TTC for the past three months. Although I have had monthly cycles, they are not regular and have been anywhere from 28-40 day cycles :( I had some hormone testing done and it turns out my FSH is high (14.6). My ob gyn referred me to a fertility specialist, because she said it will be unlikely that I will conceive on my own. I am so sad and disappointed right now. Especially since I have been having periods. :'(

  • Abby20
    Abby20 Member Posts: 11

    I am almost 2 years out of treatment and we are TTC. I was at the fertility clinic this morning and had the results of my blood work, the nurse said my platelet count is very low and was wondering if thats due to chemo :( I never had this problem before.. anyone heard about this side effect before? 

  • kiwikid
    kiwikid Member Posts: 64

    hi girls

    Time for me to chime in... I was initially told 2-5 years on tamoxifen and 2 years on zoladex. My last zoladex was 25 February and I stopped tamoxifen on 25 March so we can TTC!

    In November I consulted with the leading obstetrician / gyno physician who said after my first period I'm good to start trying.

    However, last week I started acupuncture to get things moving again and my acupuncturist said she needs to work on two areas, one being my cycles and the second being the thickening of the lining, and she'd like me to wait till after my second period to TTC specifically because the womb lining needs to be ready. She agreed this is longer than western medicine but that western medicine only look at cycles and not at lining health. She said to get pregnant before my second period would increase the chance of miscarriage.

    Both the obs and the acupuncturist agree that the eggs will be fine after the first cycle.

    I am having my second acupuncture on Tuesday and will be seeing her twice a week until I am pregnant.

    As for coming off tamoxifen, I have been feeling like sex and have a few pimples on my forehead, hooray! Hubby is also happy that I'm initiating again, not so pleased about condoms tho ha ha.

    Wishing you all the best on this journey, it's a crazy ride that's for sure.


  • tatasister10
    tatasister10 Member Posts: 42

    To the girls on here having testing done anywhere remotely close to treatments dont. If any tamoxifen is still in your system, you can't get accurate results. All it will do is depress u. I am 2 weeks off tamoxifen today. I'm waiting for my 2nd period post lupron, but yesterday marked 1 month since my last cycle, and I haven't had another one yet. How irregular were you ladies coming off tamoxifen? Kiwikid, let me know how acupuncture goes, I'm considering it now. Abby20 my red counts went way down during chemo, so low that I almost needed a transfusion. I still struggle to keep them up and take supplements to try and help. I don't think anything is the same after putting our bodies through so much. Andriamia, how are your periods doing now?

  • andreamia
    andreamia Member Posts: 37

    Tata, I never took Tamoxifen because the one month I was on it I had very bad side effects (cysts). I have periods every month, but they are anywhere from 28-40 day cycles which is strange. I am still having periods, which can happen with a high FSH, but that does not necessarily mean that I am ovulating. I went to the fertility specialist this week and he said that I am in premature ovarian failure and that if I want a chance at using my own eggs I have to act now and undergo aggressive IVF :( I was quite shocked as I was told my odds of having children after chemo was good since I was only 26. I guess odds have never been good with me though so I should have known better and harvested some eggs beforehand. Coulda, shoulda, wouldas…. I will find out more in the upcoming weeks. I still need to get my AMH levels checked and they will also look to see how open my fallopian tubes are with an imaging study. I can always hope for a miracle.

  • tatasister10
    tatasister10 Member Posts: 42

    How did the determine the premature ovarian failure? My amh was really low, my Fsh high but that's because I was tested on tamoxifen. They want new texts done when ive gotten tamoxifen out of my system more. I did lupron to protect my ovaries during treatment, but who knows if it worked. I can only pray it did. My cousin went through in vitro and had success twice with It. She about to pop with twins next month. Also there are organizations to help cover the cost for ladies like us, should we need it. Keep us posted. And also pray for my second elusive period to make its appearance!

  • tatasister10
    tatasister10 Member Posts: 42

    Ok girls, starting to freak out...still no send period. I'm sitting at a week late now. I know they can be irregular coming off tamoxifen, but how we're all of yours coming off?

  • tatasister10
    tatasister10 Member Posts: 42

    2nd period * not send period lol

  • Cuculi
    Cuculi Member Posts: 82

    Hi girls!

    I think we must be patient... and patience sucks!!!! It is so hard to wait. However, from all the stories I have read in this thread, lab tests dont have the final word. We all have to wait hoping to get pregnant. There are soooo many beautiful stories that started with so much worries coz of lab exams that I think everyone of us is able to get pregnant.

    Who was on accpuncture? I believe it does help. As I said before I am working on my soul, my mind and my body. I am sure it is working out for me.

    Have a great week!

  • rgiuff
    rgiuff Member Posts: 339

    I've heard of some women having success with herbals, like Evening primrose oil and Chastetreeberry, also known as Vitex. Some women have had their hormones come more into favorable balance for pregnancy with taking these supplements. It's worth researching.

  • clarrn
    clarrn Member Posts: 160

    Hi! New here (to the baby thread) but rather obsessed with getting my life back on track which for me means baby time! I have one daughter who turns 4 in a month and I am desperate to give her the sibling she begs for. I finished chemo sept '14. During that I had 2 line induced blood clots and will have to be on a blood thinner the whole time I am on tamoxifen. I was supposed to start tamox in oct but I cannot inject anymore tinzaparin into my gut. I did it for 6 months and it just got harder and harder and I can't make myself do it now :( And I am too scared to take tamoxifen without the blood thinner. I see my Onc tomorrow aand I don't think he will like that I haven't taken it. Anyway I got my period back 5 weeks after chemo and have been regular since (dont hate me I've had enou g h complications). Thinking I will ask for TSH and AMH labs before I start tamoxifen so I get a baseline. Hoping he will let us start trying sooner than later. For most of you was it 2 years after dx or 2 years after the antihormonals? And any tips on how to convince hubby that I am not destined for recurrence and death if I get pregnant? He is terrified. Boo breast cancer, I hate the chaos it causes.

  • Lolis
    Lolis Member Posts: 294

    Hi Clarrn,

    My MO was saying 2 years after start of hormonal therapy.

    If you find a way of convincing hubby that pregnancy wouldn't mean recurrence please let me know. Mine is totally against it and doesn't even want me to mention it. My family thinks the same. I sort still hope that somehow I will change his mind. 

    There is study that you can show him (if you haven't done so already). Also, if your ER/PR+ is low that's something else you can use to convince him. 

    Young survival coalition has a lot of stories of women having babies post bc with the same Dx as you and they are still NED. Worth checking it out.

    Good luck!!