
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Chocolate lovers tend to weigh less: report 


  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Lol Lago.  You can put me in the chocolate lovers category.  I love it.  So funny how that works in a family.  Me, my mom's mom, and my aunt (mom's sis) all have these fabulous recipe boxes with recipes we love...and the dessert section is three times larger than all the other sections combined!

    I've tried, over the years, to perfect the perfect oatmeal chocolate chip cookie using only HEALTHY ingredients.  Meh.  Some are tolerable, but none are as good as the real deal.

    Speaking of which...have you all heard of the Ohio State University study that came out this year....shows that 2 tsp a day of high-L safflower oil shrinks belly fat without ANY diet change.  (I tried it after my  Ooph because that last little bloat wasn't going away fast enough.  I don't know if it was actually the oil, or natural, but BAM!  Gone.  I guess Dr Oz did a segment in a magazine on OSUs finding because when I went to get my safflower oil from the health food store, they were SOLD OUT!  lol)  I use it on my salads, or in yogurt, or wherever I have my lowest fat of the day.  It's helped me break the sugar wheel ... though it is still hard. :/

    (Edited because for some reason my fingers typed Sapphron when I actually MEANT safflower oil)

    IDC, 2cm, Stage IIIa, Grade 2, 4/4 nodes, ER+/PR+/HER2+, Skin Sparing uni-MX with TE, TCH, Rads

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    TonLee want to try my yummy oatmeal peanutbutter, chocolate chip, banana cookie recipe. It uses less butter/margarine because of the banana. PM me your email and I'll send it to you.  You might even be able to cut out some of the sugar.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    You must not remember...I already have it!!  My oldest son LOVES these do I....peanut butter is my #1 favorite fat!

  • Kay_G
    Kay_G Member Posts: 1,914

    Oh, can you post the recipe?  I'm a peanut butter and chocolate lover too, as are my kids.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Kay pm me  your email and I will send you the recipe. This recipe is my recipe. I don't want to see it on pinterest or ripped off yet I don't mind sharing with "friends."
  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    I just don't get the Pinterest thing. It appears to have no real purpose other than to take up time trying to put stuff on the board, that I could easily do with less work.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    I've been meaning to tell you all about the new machine my BS has at her fingertips. You can get radiation during the mastectomy instead of 6 weeks daily.  I didn't need radiation, but I might have asked for it if the machine had been available.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,250

    fluff - they have this here in Tampa also at Moffitt, but there are only a few spots around the country that have it.  Sounds pretty awesome.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Now THAT is a great innovation, no doubt it is getting the right area, and lost so many side effects . wow, I how they get them into every cancer center!

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    It really does. Here are the qualification requirements.

    Not all women are eligible to receive the treatment. The clinical trials showed the therapy most effective on women who were older than 45 and who had tumors that are smaller than a paper clip. The cancer must be restricted to one spot in the breast and must be located in a breast duct, Lottich said.

    But for those that qualify, the therapy allows women to complete their treatment at one time.

    "From a woman's standpoint, we've told her to get a mammogram every year, so we can catch cancer early. If we find cancer and it's the size of a pea, why should she have to get the same radiation treatment as someone whose cancer was the size of a golf ball?" Lottich said.

    Research from a worldwide study conducted in nine countries has shown that the therapy is as effective as traditional radiation, without some of the side effects, Lottich said.

  • bucky317
    bucky317 Member Posts: 178

    fluff--okay thanksSmile  I feel restricted sometimes just wearing a bra!!! lolTongue outand even that comes off as soon as I get home...I am going to pm you as the "time" gets closer for advice and tips.

    lago those cookies look delicious!!! Trying to lose weight and I would eat too many!!! no control!!!

    Kay I haven't had terrible "hot flashes" or "dripping sweat" internal temperature is definitely "hotter" ie... I never sleep with more than a tank top and short bottoms and even they come off at times. (live in Jersey, so it gets cooooold) Laughing My DH will climb in bed with thermal top and flannel pants on and say he is cold. LOL!!!  Anyways... I believe I have been going through menopause for a couple of years, but was taking a low dose birth control pill ( wonder if that had anything to do with my FC?..) so I had a regular period up until my bmx last March. After that nothing , nadda.  My bw prior to chemo showed that I was already menopausal. I hope we are just "lucky" with not having to deal with the episodes of dripping sweat, and it is not an indicator of the Aromatase Inhibitor not doing its job of halting estrogen production. That will be a question for my dear MO.

  • geewhiz
    geewhiz Member Posts: 671

    Lago the cookies sound similar to something I make at the holidays. I find cinnamon baking chips and add them to the chocolate chips....YUM!!!

    TonLee, you must not be eating too many cookies. I just saw a workout pic you posted on another thread...GEEZ girl!! You are cut! You look amazing! I watched some of the bodyrocks, or whatever, and holy cannoli...that is some hardcore stuff! Inspiring though!

    Hotflashes are miserable. I have to literally change tank tops at night. You can feel the feels HOT! I am doing hot yoga lately, and the flashes seem to be diminishing a good bit. I know I shouldnt do the hot yoga with axillary clearance, but I feel really really really good doing this class.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Geewhiz, I have never done the hot yoga as I was afraid I couldn't tolerate it with the hot flashes. My daughter loves it. I might try it now that I am on effexor. It has made such a big difference that I am actually cold sometimes. I slept in long sleeve jammies last night for the first time, and that included the compression garment I am wearing 24/7. Just a couple of warm flashes.

    I do love yoga though. I go to my oncologists class, and every time I do the sun salutation like 13 times saying the mantra, I wonder if I will be triggering a LE episode of some kind. So far I don't appear to have it.

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Lago:  Can't wait to get the recipe and make the cookies.  Thank you!

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    hi ladies

    can everyone who is finished herceptin chime in here...does your hair grow back faster???? mine is taking FOREVER, i finished chemo end of december and i only have about 1.5 inches - maybe less than that

    when did you guys color your hair once it grew in?  i am almost all grey even tho i am only 43


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,250

    rozem - you have more hair than I did at that point.  I have not noticed any difference in speed of hair growth since finishing Herceptin.  I colored mine when it was about an inch, and started highlighting it at about 2 inches.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Rozem my hair always grew fast. It grew at a pretty good rate even when I was on Herceptin but picked up after I was off. I know a few other women that didn't get herceptin and their hair grew out much much slower than mine… but it did come back. I colored my hair at 13 weeks when I went topless. My onc said I could color it any time. Mine came in more gray (I was 49 so I had some) and black! My normal color is dark brown. Oddly enough my eyebrows still seem to be darker than they were before. 15 months PFC
  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Can someone repost the link to the study recently mentioned somewhere on this thread about daily aspirin and recurrence prevention? I asked my MO if I should be taking a baby aspirin every day & she said there's no proof that an aspirin regimine reduces recurrence risk. She said aspirin therapy should not be used lightly because of risk of bleeding. I may be recalling what I read here wrong. Or is my MO wrong?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Shore I ask my NP/ONC yesterday and they said that there needs to be more studies. Not enough proof yet. Your MO is correct about the risk of bleeding and damage to stomach lining. I'm in no rush to take it unless there is good evidence.

    This is the problem every time there is a conference and new studies are presented. The media starts posting them and everyone thinks this is the way to go. That's why it's always best to discuss with your MD.

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780


    I have 2 more herceptin to go.Yippee!!! I coloured my hair about 3 months after I finished TCH (Nov 2011). Ive since coloured it again (black)  and I love it. last week I went for my first haircut a few days after having a herceptin tx. Can you believe it, I had an allergic reaction to the salon shampoo and conditioner! Think it couldve been the Herceptin attacking the invading chemicals or am I just making this up as I go along!!!! 

    Sincerely hope the hair does speed up post herceptin as mine seems a little thinner on top than Id like.


  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Shore - no wrong or right answers - all decisions must be made with knowledge that we don't know everything and the jury is out it seems on everything for years.  Due your due diligence, there are risks with low-dose aspirin, for sure, as Lago said.   I am the one who posted the link b/c my doc suggested I start the aspirin.  However I have gone off of it while on chemo and am unsure if I will do it afterwards or not b/c of reflux issues.   Here is the link to the studies:

    Daily aspirin could help prevent and treat cancer: The Lancet 

  • jackboo09
    jackboo09 Member Posts: 780

    Almost forget,

    For those of you ladies on Tamoxifen, are there any of you tolerating it well. I am but wonder if this means its not working. Along with my hair, my periods resumed 3 months after chemo in Nov 2011. Here in UK, docs are a bit cautious about OS. My onco says the studies are inconclusive about whether OS is beneficial. I almost wish this decision had been taken out of my hands with chemopause.

    Finally, is it better to be Her 2 and ER + or Her 2 and ER -


  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    jackboo - i am tolerating tamox well , just some joing pain (or is it herceptin?) and hot flashes (or is it chemopause?)  my onc told me that if my periods came back after chemo that they would shut down my ovaries with lupron shots first to see how i tolerate that then they MIGHT consider an ooph if that is tolerated well.  Both my oncs are hesitant on doing an ooph aswell, they said bone loss/ heart issues need to be factored in.

    with your periods returning i would ask them about lupron or surgery 

    as for being ER+ or -  my understanding is that ER+ is better b/c we have targeted hormone therapy (tamox/AI) in our arsenal.  However if you are ER- and her2 your chance of reaccurance drops dramatically at 3 years whereas with ER positive i was told up to 5 yrs

    thanks for the hair tip ladies - i am going to try a vegetable dye first in a month or so

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    jackboo I won't be the one that says it's better to be triple positive than ER/PR- HER2+. The one thing we have going for us is that we have endocrine therapy as another gun to use. Once ER/PR- HER2+ have finished with chemo/herceptin they are done. We have another 5 years of this extra gun.
  • shore1
    shore1 Member Posts: 591

    Dance & Lago - thanks, that is what my MO said about further proof being needed etc. I just get scared when I think there might be something out there I could be doing to prevent recurrence and im not doing it. Good point about the media jumping on things Lago -- hopefully I will someday get back to my prior logical rational self and see things for what they are without the cloud of paranoia im under now.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

     shore/lago/dance  - I have presented a lot of "studies" to my MO who never seems as excited as I am!  metformin, aspirin you name it, NO and NO was what i was told.   I am totally irrational when it comes to this stuff and i get frustrated when they say No because i am SO hoping (as we all are)  there is something else in our arsenal. 

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    I asked my bs if it was better to be er pos and definitely!

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    I'm having hair anxiety too. Peach fuzzy now 7 weks pfc....Kelloggs... who just posted the best news on the TCH forum...her lung mets...which she hadn't told us about completely disappered after TCH chemo......said the onc nurses suggested s he shave her head completely so it would grow in evenly and thicker.

    Not sure I can handle losing even this little fuzz.

  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566
    I asked my bs if it was better to be er pos and  he said definitely!