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  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Could you please explain what you mean by " down there"?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Amy - My surgeon had me draw an area on my chest where he could place the port so that my bra strap wouldn't rub on it.  
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Ashla vaginal yeast infection. Don't tell me you've never had one! Tongue out
  • ashla
    ashla Member Posts: 1,566


    Pas moi!

  • Donnas38
    Donnas38 Member Posts: 1


     Ima stage 2 grade 3 her 2 postive and everything else postive they want me to start chemo 2 weeks ago & I have read a lot and not sure what to do help ..

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Donna, take a deep breath. When were you diagnosed? Did you get a 2nd opinion? What type of chemo do they want you on? I assume you are doing chemo first or did you have surgery already.

    Typically women that are HER2+ get chemo and herceptin. They like you to start chemo within 6 weeks of surgery (or within 2 months at the most). I started 5 weeks after my surgery but I could have even started a week earlier.

    So what is confusing you? How can we help you?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Hi Donna, Glad you found us.  There are many here with lots of different experiences.  Some of us finished chemo a while ago and some are in the middle and some just starting.  
  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,797

    Dance......supposedly organic virgin coconut oil has great anti fungal properties. Google it and you can find a bunch of stuff treating thrush with it. Here is a link to the Livestrong site.

    I was on so many different antibiotics with my infections that I had a continual yeast infection going.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Thanks fluff - someone mentioned that one before, but I forgot.  Will add it to my list of things to try if/when the monistat stops working to keep it controlled.  I'm holding out using new things b/c I don't want the little buggers to develop resistance to everything all at once.  Trying to outsmart yeast.  What life I lead.  LOL

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    For your butt at home.

    1.  Wide legged squats.  Spread your legs wider than a regular squat, go down (keep knee behind toe).  Do 3 sets of 15.

    2.  Step up.  Get a sturdy chair.  Place your foot up on it flat, and slowly pull your body up using only that leg (toe behind knee)..try not to push off from the floor.  If a chair is too high, find something a little lower and if you don't "feel" it, add some hand weights...the goal is doing it slowly and using the up leg for all the work and don't forget to squeeze that booty at the top of the movement, and slowly drop back down..(don't drop!).  Do 3 sets, each leg 12 times...

    3.  GLUTE SQUEEZE...Lay on your stomach.  Stack your palms on top of each other under your forehead placing your spine in neutral,  bend you legs to a 90 degree bend, lift knees off floor a few inches maintaining a slight ab engagement and neutral spine.  Do three sets of 25.

    Do all three of these two times a week for a couple weeks and your booty should get hard :)

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589

    Donna and Amy,

    This is an excellent place to start.  Please ask any questions you need answered and someone will be able to help.  So sorry for your diagnosis.

    If you have time, scroll back through these pages.  Lots of good info....or don't...and ask here and now...we don't mind :)

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,255

    tonlee - I am stealing those booty exercises!  Also dispatching DH to the commissary to get PB2.

  • TonLee
    TonLee Member Posts: 1,589


    You will love PB2..but let me know!!  Try it with Splenda and Fage!!  I PROMISE it is yuuuuuuumy if you like peanut butter but hate the fat :)

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,255

    tonlee - we went for a pre-hurricane walk this afternoon and I was explaining the PB2/Fage concoction - he was pretty excited.  He went on listing all the possible foods we could add it to!  Gotta love a man who gets excited about powdered p-nut butter!  And yes, I hate fat - mostly my own, lol!

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    Hi Donna, U couldn't have come to a better place for answers, comfort and just plain talk.  Sorry u'r here, but welcome.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938

    Dance, when I had a horrible time with a vaginal yeast infection Due to abx, I used AZO yeast tablets they helped. I did the monistadt, yorgurt stuff too, but the tablets worked. When I may be getting one, I use them again. I get them at CVS or Walgreens.

    Donna, (((hugs))) this is a hard time, take a deep breath, and you can do what ever this will require. Much love to all

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    With my first operation had to be postponed my surgeon said I had a yeast infection and he had to clear it up. I never heard of a yeast infection except  "down there" as was said--I didn't know and I said OMG what is this world coming to. And my surgeon said Oh great, it's all true what I've heard about u. HMMMM Anyway I took some kind of antibiotic and it cleared right away. I've never had one since---well no bobs either---maybe that's why. 

  • bcbarbie10
    bcbarbie10 Member Posts: 148

    Donna and Amy, we welcome you sadly but with open arms. You're in good company. You just found a gold mine of support and knowledge with the women here.

    Soltantio, it really doesnt take that much trauma for a node to get inflamed. How is it now?

    Dancetrancer, i wish i could chime something in but im stumped. Will just hope things would get better for you.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Dance just to let you know I had a chronic problem with yeast infections in my late 20s for over a year. I even went to a special doctor. He put me on this ridiculous diet, was an asshole and got no results so I quit him. Went back to my gyno who said that my body will eventually change and this will stop. She was right. She was the one who introduced me to the acidophillus pills as suppositories. You are doing all the right things but it might just take time for your body PH to get back to normal. My trigger was always certain antibiotics. I refuse to take Tetracycline because it means instant yeast infection for me.
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    I know my onc retested someone who was HER2+, highly ER+/PR+, g rade 2 again just to be sure. Her first test was FISH. She did test HER2+ in her 2nd test as well.

  • Jennifer404
    Jennifer404 Member Posts: 133

    Kayb and soltantio-I would be very interested in this also since my biopsy came back 90% er and 90% pr and her2+++. I am having a hard time finding any info on this specific diagnosis. It is very scary to me. I did read a few opinions on some previous threads...and those were not favorable...but, I try to remember that those are only assumptions.

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    Jennifer404 here is another link that you should check out. Again Luminal A is the best prognosis, Luminal B 2nd best. Being that you are highly ER+/PR+ it seems you are a Luminal B that is closer to the Luminal A group. Your tumor was under 5cm that's really good too.


    Don't take the opinions of others on this forum as gospel. I don't see any one posting here saying they are a doctor. Take the information & opinions of others and discuss with the woman or man who actually went to medical school in oncology and has years of experience in this field (IE your onc, BS). People can scare the crap out of you here with incorrect information!

    Stick to reliable sources too like National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, (not the forums, the main site) even Komen. Also some top hospital sites have info too like the Mayo clinic etc.

  • camillegal
    camillegal Member Posts: 15,711

    LAGO--U'r crackin' me up--u always do and I don't think u mean to. Everyone (except me) can speak Dr. talk that's for sure.

    One time I gave my surgeon an opinion and he said what med. school did u go to? hmmm- The Univ. of Readers Digest--large print I said, of course he shook his head.

    But when I read all these posts it sure sounds like anyone can talk to any Dr. and hold his own.  But as u said these are not the final words of any DX just some info to ask.

  • rozem
    rozem Member Posts: 749

    jennifer are you referring to the info in regards to ER+ reaccuring later?  please don't let that freak you out, that is a BIG IF that happens.  As per the stats that Kayb posted on her link, the odds are in your favor that that will NEVER happen.  I am highly triple positive aswell and none of my doctors have told me this is a rare combo with her2 -mind you if you don't ask i guess they figure most people would not care to know this info (i am 95% er and pr positive)

     i have a question - does anybody feel bloated since they started tamox?  i have also gained weight (all of what i lost on chemo plus an extra 5 pounds for good measure) so not sure if its the weight gain settling in in my mid section or bloating. 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    camillegal I have typical dry sarcastic east cost humor. I may not tell jokes but you are allowed to crack up at what I say… and remember the next time you ask my opinion you're ask a damn designer :P

    Rosem we all seem to be gaining weight no matter what ESD or EBD we're taking. I think a lot has to do with as we age our metabolism slows AND we are less active during the day. I bet if I had a waitressing job I would be a good 15lbs thinner… not that I need to lose 15 but being contently active most of the day will do that for me.

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Thanks for the encouragement Lago!  I agree, that yeast diet is for the birds - crazy tough!

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    Dance when I told my gyno what the diet was she said "that's crazy, no one can live that way!" No sugar or anything fermented is what I remember. That means no vinegar and just about everything has vinegar or sugar or some kind of fermented something in it.
  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Exactly lago!  I have to LIVE and really am not into any additional torture unless it is absolutely necessary, LOL!!! 

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    And of course that diet means no bread since it has yeast. I think yeast extract is in everything too.

  • Cucho
    Cucho Member Posts: 18

    Hmmm...I havent been on the boards for a while, but I just saw this and I have to share my opinion that the anti-candida diet is really great for seriously killing yeast infections!!! It takes mad discipline but the results are worth it. No sugar at all of any kind (including fruit and starchy vegetables), wheat or anything fermented, including and especially alcohol. You can have apple cider vinegar for a really good time :) But basically you can just drink water and herbal teas, and nothing else for months. Yes it is brutal and yes you will feel ill as your body detoxifies, but then you are in the clear. I did this diet for 3-4 months after chronic and severe yeast infections around the time of my diagnosis last year. It was amazing! I felt great after a while and my yeast infections were totally gone after a matter of weeks. I would see it start to come back when I broke the diet during those 3 months...but after about 5 months, I was clean and could eat anything I wanted, albeit in moderation, without suffering from any more yeast problems. It is just a type of cleanse...that is really good for you. I also lost 15 lbs in 3 months on this diet- I was not overweight, so it really didnt mean much to me, but it is effective if people are interested in losing weight as well. Searcing anti-candida diet on any search engine will give you good guidance. I am acutally of the belief that yeast/candida may indeed be related to breast cancer...but maybe that is just my personal wackiness :)