
  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653

    SpecialK did you mean

    Thanks everyone. I'm actually enjoying the no fuss short hair especially since  it's been hot/humid and the AC is being repaired in my building. My blow dryer hasn't seen any action since October.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    lago - thanks for the save - yes, that is what I meant!  I am a little sleep deprived at the moment!

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324

    Lago, you are beautiful! Short hair looks great on you! Speaking about sleep depravation, I have not slept for more than 2 hrs at time since March, it's the hot flashes. Any advice?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218

    nmoss - I have been at that place since last Sept.  I finally resorted to an old style antihistamine plus 3mg melatonin.  I think there must be a better way.  Maybe sleeping meds?  I caluclated that I have had over 4,000 hot flashes since Sept.  I have them pretty much hourly during the day.  Then at night every 2 hours or so.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    nmoss - I am the wrong person to ask, I don't think I have slept more than 2 hours at a stretch since 2001 - also hot flashes, after surgical menopause from a TAH/BSO.  I have adapted to a permanent state of sleep deprivation, with varying degrees of success depending on the day!  It seems to me that I have read from the ladies who have finished chemo their flashes lessen over time.

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324

    Wow! I will try the melatonin. Man cancer really does take everything... Not even a good nights rest..

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    nmoss - do you have any Ativan?  Some use it at night, both for nausea and sleep.

  • grammytotheboys
    grammytotheboys Member Posts: 14

    Took my first tamox today thanks to the support and positive support from you guys. For those of you going through the A/C, Taxol etc treatments, just hang in...don't think of it as poison but medicine. All of these pain in the *ss SE's are better than having cancer. We are actually lucky to be living in the time that we do, as so many of these treatments were worse or non-existent just a few years back. BTW my hair started to grow back while on Taxol. Thanks everybody for being here.


  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324

    I do have it, it gets me to sleep but doesn't keep me there. Maybe I should take more?

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    nmoss - try adding the melatonin, maybe that would help.  GNC also has a time release melatonin.  My onc nurse recommended it to me.
  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    nmoss - what is your dosing on Ativan?

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324

    .50 MG and I have 1 MG

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    nmoss - same.  I have never taken it so I can't advise about taking a higher dose.  I don't know if they prescribe dosage based on height/weight - I know you are fit so I would imagine you are proportionate, but I can't tell how tall you are from your avatar!

  • nmoss1000
    nmoss1000 Member Posts: 324

    Lol! 5"1. I just took a tramadol because the bone pain is back with a vengeance

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    Oh man - bummer!  Do what you gotta do to feel better.  I have you beat at 5'2" - I don't get to say that very often!  Short people unite!  I should say petite people unite, right?

  • lago
    lago Member Posts: 11,653
    That would be short people because I'm petite but 5'6". I've have a short body that fits great in petite clothes except the arms and legs are too short. When I sit down I'm the shortest person in the room. Tongue out
  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    slousha - I never had the red face with my herceptin only treatments, only the treatments where I got the dexamethasone.  Maybe everyone is different.  Congrats to everyone getting closer to the end!!!

    grammytotheboys My onc says that most of his patients have very few SE's from tamoxifen or AI's, and most of the women that I've talked to in my support group, at treatments also have had few side effects.  So I would definitely give it a try 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    lago - OK I will go back to short!  Ha!  I am short, but a size petite only from the waist up, with short arms and small frame.  I am 5'2" but have long legs and can't wear petite pants.  I too am pretty darn short when seated!  My family always laughs when I drive up in the car because I look like a child!

  • bucky317
    bucky317 Member Posts: 178

    Hi Ladies!!! I am back and on my steroid buzz. just had my second bowl of mini wheats and I am sure there is more in the future !!! (like before midnight with my prunes)

    NMoss and Special K--- I am just like the both of you. I sleep rarely more than 3 hours w/o waking up and then I toss and turn for quite awhile and them maybe doze a little and then its time for the kids to get up. My sleep pattern has been abnormal ever since my first was born (10 years ago) but esp. bad now.  I do take Ativan at night .5mg. which helps me to relax (which by the way my chemo nurse says they call that med "Mommies little helper". 'It is probably prescribed to Moms who are in need of something to calm them down so they don't go postal on their kids or husbands, god knows it has helped me from doing that. I do have Ambien 5mg. which knocks me out for a few hours also, maybe I will double it up. I really don't use that med though. Maybe I should. I know I will up all night watching the Oprah Network or E, or Beverly Hills Housewives ( that show is so crazy, these ladies are so over the top, esp. Kelsey Grammer's Ex.) That show is one of my many guilty pleasures!!!

    Thanks to Everyone for all the buzz cut advice. I feel empowered now!!!

    NMoss--did you try Percocet for the bone pain?  I hope your pain goes away soon with the Tramadol!! I got the bone pain ( which I assume was from the NEULASTA) the night before I got my port put in. I was given Percocet for the surgery pain and took it when I got home and it really helped alot!  My MO just gave me another rx for 30. I hope I don't need them this time :( The nurse said it might not be as bad this time, but I wonder if they just say that to make you not think about it? I went into my first tx,knowing everything that could happen, and thinking it was not going to happen to me, wrong!!!, now hopefully I am better prepared. 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    bucky - the marrow expansion (bone pain) from your first Neulasta is usually the worst because it is the first time it happens.  The larger the bone, the more pain because it contains the most area that expands.  My experience was exactly that - I was most uncomfortable on the first one and subsequent injections have caused me less problems.  That being said - on tx#3 I did forget to take Claritin until 30 minutes after the shot, and that was a mistake I didn't make again.  It makes a difference for me to take it an hour before and then for several days after.  I too am guilty of watching the Housewives or cleaning like a madwoman all night!  Try to rest though - so you are ready!

  • bucky317
    bucky317 Member Posts: 178

    SpecialK-- Thanks for the info, it makes sense.  I have been very good and have been taking the Claritan for the last week and will continue to take it until I am done with the Neulasta.(can't remember who recommended that) I am going to take my next dose of Steroid and climb in bed and try to rest :) oh yeah and an Ativan:) 

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262

    Hope it works! :)

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Bucky:  My onc said to not take the steroids after 4 pm or you won't sleep but I'm like everyone else, I don't sleep either.  Watch the tube till 1-2 and then up with the chickens.

    My arm really swelled up last night and this morning I called the doctors office and the nurse was supposed to talk to the doctor and call me back.  By afternoon, no call so I called again and got another nurse who checked my record and the morning nurse had just put a note in my file and no follow-up and boy was this nurse upset since it was late in the day and now they were rushing to get me in for an ultrasound.  We live in a small town 90 minutes from Vegas but we do have a small hospital and one of the radiology groups from Vegas is here so they squeezed me in.  WHEW, no blood clot.  The technician was sure thorough and he immediately called my doctor's cell and I talked to her...good ole Taxotere.  With #4 coming up Monday, I hope I don't swell any further.

    Good luck again tomorrow Bucky!

  • omaz
    omaz Member Posts: 4,218
    Arlene - I can't remember, it's on your port side right, not the surgery side so it can't be LE?
  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Yes, Omaz, the port side.

  • slousha
    slousha Member Posts: 181

    Sorry, LINDA KR you are right! I remember now, I was saying to my Onco red comes from Herceptin probably, but he said from Medrol (metilprednisolon) and I shouldn't worry about because I will look prettier with red chicks...I really haven't had any difficulties  with chemo infusions..

    Best to all sisters!


  • libraylil
    libraylil Member Posts: 325

    The nurses always tell me I look flushed when I go for my herceptin I fusion. I tell them that ahppens whenever I see the hot oncologist.

    Grammy today is one week on arimidex, So far no side effects I can isolate. The last two weeks of school so any headache, nausea, or homicidal thoughts I attribute to that. Libraylil

  • bucky317
    bucky317 Member Posts: 178

    ArleneA- Gosh I didn't know you can get swelling and a possible blood clot from the Taxotere!  Thank god it was'nt!!! Did they tell you what it was? You are done after this last 4th treatment with the chemo right? and then just the Herceptin right?  You are going down the homestretch now!! Wishing you no more crappy SE's!!!!  Oh by the way, you were right, my rash cleared up yesterday as well as the face acne. Had my 2nd one today, went alot faster as I had the "loading dose" of Herceptin last time, so it only took 1/2 hour for that today, instead of 1 1/2 hours. Feel good, just still speeding from the steroids that they infused me with today. Still have my hair, wore it in a ponytail, shaving still to come ;) Now to drink , drink , drink, drink!!!  (water that is :))

    PS  Love Lake Tahoe!!! It has the most bluest water!! We were there a few years ago and went hiking. What a great time!!

    Hope your arm is better and tell that nurse that filed your medical complaint away that she needs to find another occupation, because shes in the wrong one!!! That was so wrong!!!

  • arlenea
    arlenea Member Posts: 1,150

    Hey Bucky:

    Glad it went so well today.  I read on here about the blood clot too so I was prepared when the swelling started.  My onc says it is just from the Taxotere and possibly the blood just isn't moving as fast as normal.  You know it will clear up just in time for the next and HOPEFULLY my last chemo.  I haven't had the Herceptin since the first chemo so hoping they don't have to do the loading dose again.

    Amazing how the rashes clear up right at the 3 week point.  My eyes and nose have stopped running too.

    You have such a positive attitude - keep it up as it really, really helps get you through all of this.


  • bucky317
    bucky317 Member Posts: 178

    Arlene  My nose is better too!!!  and yes I too believe a positive attitude does help, although we know that we do have "our days".  We are entitled to them every once in awhile. Have a great day today! My son and DH r off on a school field trip to the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island now (left @6:45 am) today!! My DH is a 9/11 survivor he worked for the Marriott which was between the two twin towers. He was one of the lucky ones that made it out, unfortunately he lost quite a few close associates and friends and a cousin. He was looking forward to this trip to talk with our son and show him ground zero up close. Which by the way we were there 2 weeks ago and they are building away, one building is almost halfway done. It will be beautiful when finished!!  Oh boy, I am going on and on, time for my morning steroid ;) and Zofran etc..