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After Radiation



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    And Torigirl----you should be the first one to are sooo young.

    just remember the words NED FOREVER!!!!!!!!

    OMG.thank you.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Granny...........fantastic news....................there is a God......................Innocent

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322

    We will come from around the world.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Granny that would be so cool if you could participate in the trial

  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509

    Hi everyone, Today is my first cancerversary.  It is not a day to celebrate exactly, but what a year it has been.  Thanks for being there for me this year through all the ups and downs.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Congrats Elizabeth on 1 yr.They say the first the hardest.

    Yes it would be sooo cool if i was accepted into the trial.

    Did anyone else try?

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Granny - Well then can I come stay with you if the vaccine comes out?  I can use that pretty quilt someone gave you to keep warm.  LOL!

  • LovesChristmas-Barb
    LovesChristmas-Barb Member Posts: 504
    Here's to many more years of cancerversaries, Elizabeth1889!
  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455

    The new cancer vaccine, I am proud to say, is coming out of the cancer center where I had my treatment.  Everyone is very excited in Buffalo right now, to say the least.  Keep in mind, it is only phase one of the trial, so 20 brave people will be testing it to see whether it is safe first.  I guess one woman with stage IV ovarian cancer went into remission.  Can't be that bad, can it?

    I guess they are having trouble handling all their phone calls right now...


  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455

    btw forgot to mention, I think my lymphadema is finally gone.  I've been doing yoga, dance, and pilates for at least an hour per day for a few weeks now, and I really think this is what did it.  I think they should recommend this to all radiation patients who have pain and swelling.  It really helps, and it is definitely something most people can do.

    My RO kept mentioning yoga, but somehow I wasn't listening until the last visitFrown

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455

    Everyone-it really isn't so bad here in Buffalo. 60 degrees today and we've had only a few inches of snow this year.  I think it is global warming hitting because our normal snow amount is I think over 100 inches!! 

    We are calling Buffalo "the new Florida"Smile

    Please let me know if anyone is coming.  I can play host!! We would have a blast!

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Susan--when I called yesterday there was no wait.i got an operator right away but she did not know anything but took my name and #.told me i would get a call within 2 weeks.Then an application would follow.I will keep everyone posted if i hear anything.

    Did you hear about it before bco?

    I think this was a well kept secret....why????

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455

    Oh yes! sorry I didn't spread it sooner-I posted it on Facebook not even thinking about!!  I'm not sure why the news didn't get out.  It was on our local news for a week, even before the official announcement.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    here is an update.....I posted it on the other thread but im gonna tell you sistas that they already have the 20 people.They were probably picked before the official announcement came out.I called again today because i told my friend about it and she got a call back .they told her she had to be ned to particapate and she is in active tx.They told me there were other bc trials and they would contact me to see if i was interested.DAMN I wanted this one.It sounds so promising.

    I wish those lucky 20 people all the best.NED FOREVER. IMAGINE THAT!!!!!!!!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Update - Mammo report is in - got THE letter LOL - "We wish to inform you the results of  your recent mammography examination shows no sigh of breast cancer. The area of concern in your breast that prompted this mammogram should be further evaluated by you physician or other health care provider and they will determine the necessary follow-up at that time.  Although mammography is the most accurate method for early detection, not all cancers are found through mammography."  NO SH??#@%#! (Just venting - sorry). My first tumor wasn't found with mammography! 

    I called my primary before the letter came and the nurse called back to say the mammo was normal... Obviously, she meant - no sign of cancer... I am laughing and crying at the same time... I hope the surgeon actually looks at the report and explains to me what it REALLY said..  I figure its the massive amount of scar tissue in the breast (I saw the pictures- asked for a CD after the Mammo). I'm really ok, I know I have scar tissue, its just the way the radiologist put it on the letter that makes me laugh.

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    GMA - Big Congrats on the clear mammo.  Sometimes the way those letters are phrased makes me think this is someone's idea of a very sick joke.  Why can't they just get to the point instead of throwing in all the stuff that can be read between the lines?

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    I agree Jo....

    Also forgot - I called the pain management office today to see if they got my neck x-ray and the nurse said - I think we need to make an appointment to talk about this... I told her I have an appt in 2 more weeks and she said - are you sure you don't want to come sooner.. I told her no, I would wait, what could happen to me in 2 weeks... Just don't want to deal with this one yet - on the other hand... I'm supposed to see my onc in another week or so to restart me on an aromatase inhibitor again... I'm wondering if the neck issue was what was causing the headaches when I was on arimidex the first time???? i am so confused with all these docs and them only treating their specialty...

    Sorry Ladies, I will quit rambling now...

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    GMA - Don't apologize and rant on all you need to.  This is the place to do it.  If the headaches were a result of the Arimidex, I would be surprised if anyone admitted it.  It has been my experience that a lot of MOs will deny such SEs.  I am keeping my fingers crossed that the neck x-rays are nothing serious.  Would you please keep us posted?

  • Sandeeonherown
    Sandeeonherown Member Posts: 1,781

    grannydukes-  groupon is a can sign up for it locally, in Canada anyhow, and you can sign up for different things they offer randomly...i have two massages for $39 each ready to go!

    question for the gang.- how many months after radiation did your swelling/edema in the chest area finally go away? my use of arimidex seemed to hav ebrought it back and now that i am off it is going away but not completely....any time lines you can offer up?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Gma congrats on the clear mammo

    Sandee I finished rads a year ago and still have swelling in the rads breast.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734

    I sent a letter of interest regarding the vaccine yesterday. When it goes to phase 2 it will most likely be at the major medical universities of which we have 2 in Michigan. Just the thought of not having to worry about a recurrence makes me want to weep with joy. I have had 2 recurrences since my initial diagnosis-very stressful to say the least!

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455

    Granny-Just to make you feel better, if you had been one of the 20 people, you would have been part of a blind study:  so not only would you have not known if you were taking a placebo, neither would anyone else know. happy that you had a clear mammo.  good luck with those neck results!

    Sandee-I started with my sweling in October (finished at the end of May).  Seems to finally be gone.  I used to have orange peel skin underneath my breast and this has miraculously disappeared!  But I am going to knock on wood here just in case Undecided Mine was a pretty tough case of breast lymphadema...

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Hello ladies,

    Just before I went to bed last night, I got a call from my breast surgeon and he said everything looks good. All that shows is all the "results" from radiation.  That if I am going back to the onc to do the AI's, just come back to see him when the Onc is done with me... They surely don't want to step on each others toes, do they?  This will be the fourth try on an AI.... I had bad SE's with arimidex, femara, and the other one that I can't remember the name.   I might try them again thinking that maybe this neck thing had something to do with the headaches...

    Have a great day Ladies... I sure hope someday, this will all be behind me and feel good enough to move on with my life..painfree.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Susan---i did not know it was a blind study.Im glad now that i was not chose.

    Yrs.ago i went into a blind study for migraines.Botox.when you are desperate you do anything and i was.i took over 100 needles in my head neck and face.the study also lasted a yr.i never got the botox but they did pay me which i had no idea that would happen.

    Merilee-did you send them a email?

    Hello everyone!!!!!not a good day for wellness center pharmacist was talkin to me about the 90% ER and not takin the ALs.killing my stomach so he said try the DIM or the 13C.lots of sistas take it and i tried it.just like goin for a damn colonoscopy.cannot take the meds,cannot eat the veggies...i think im a walkin timebomb!!!!

  • bgail84
    bgail84 Member Posts: 38

    Well I got my bottle of Aromasin today. My BS said he no longer prescribed Femara for his patients as they would not complete treatment due to side effects. Suppose to be fewer SEs with Aromasin.  Anyone have any firsthand experience with either of these? Have not been able to make myself take one yet. BC sucks!!!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    bgail - Out of the three choices I had, the Aromasin was the one that was better. I actually lasted a month before the Onc decided to give me a break - Was too toxic from trying all three, one after the other.. I probably start back on it this month.  We shall see.  I was a little achey after 3 weeks and my thumbs and hands were a little swollen but wasn't real bad. There is an actual forum for Aromasin under the Hormone section. Lots of ladies there to give you pointers.

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322

    Susan H- So cool! Both your disgnosis and your invite! Yippeee!

    Gama, Still in your pocket, lady!!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    bgail84, I am on Aromasin. Have been on for several weeks. I take after dinner in the evening. Some minor aches but nothing major. Good luck.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    we gotta bring this thread back to life....NEW SUBJECT....just for a little while.

    I hate Komen!!!!I hope they have a long ride on the KARMA train!!!!!!!

    I hate Pinktober!!!!!!!! lets give it back.....what do ya think?

    I dont want this political cause there are threads on it and they are battling it out.I just want to know what ya think of the pink? and those money hungry Komen who i never liked yoa think they are goin down????? I do!!!

    any feedback!!!!! need some ranting here!!!!!

    im goin to play cards but ill be back later.hugggggggs K

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322

    I thought they made people pay a lot to run/walk with them. I wished I could just have walked to support them, but it was a pay-to-play (and a LOT of money too!!), or, at least that's what the websites inferred bback when (before my bc) I wanted to play too.

    My friends who walked paid for their own training, flew to the city they walked in, had to pay their own airfare and hotel, get $$$sponsors. It was thousands to participate.

    How about the people walk for it ?   I know, maybe not enough $$$, but still, it's something.

    But maybe I'm not informed enough on this???