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After Radiation



  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Hello sistas

    my news was not good either...not bad cause the only thing i didnt have wrong with my stomach was irritable bowel and now i do...more meds.grrrrrrr and if that dont work its gonna be colonoscopy.SHIT no pun intended.Also i have to go for 2 xrays 1-i have a little ball on my shoulder that hurts and my friend noticed the bone above the wrist has a lump xray #2...just jumpin for joy over this...NOT!!!!!

    Susanella-welcome.We are here for you.BUT you should also join a rads group.they have 1 every month.JOJO.Torigirl and I did our tx.together.You will get lots of good info there too.I joined before i started the rads and it helped a lot.Good luck.I see you come just visiting NJ for the past 5 yrs and i still feel like im in a different country.really i live here!!!!!

    Its snowing in NJ.huggggggs sistas K

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322

    in your pocket, granny.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    thanks true----ya know that the first thing i thought about was bone i said before and ill say it again...always waiting for the other shoe to drop.someone told me "instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop why not put on that shoe and dance....sure,right.easy to say but hard to do.I love to dance but not while im waiting for results on 2 different lumps that i didnt go for the xrays yet.probably friday.

    and the beat goes on.once you hear your name and bc in the same sentence your life will never be the same.AMEN.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    And if you want to know why im waiting till friday its because i walked into a cement corner wall and i did a real good job on my leg.I was comin out of the drs office and my head was up in my ass and my driver for the medical transportation was walkin right next to me...he said are you ok.i never missed a beat but i glanced down and i didnt see any blood but when i got home there it was a huge gash with dried blood.sooo im walkin around with my pants rolled up in the house with anti biotic ointment on it and trying to let the air at it......

    yeah and the beat goes on!!!!!!!

  • susanella
    susanella Member Posts: 18


    I want to thank everyone for the amazing response and support. It is true that I may still need rads even if I choose a single mx.  I'm beginning to think LESS IS MORE so maybe I will just go through the rads and hope that my breast doesn't shrink up too much.  If I am rid of the BC and am just not happy with the cosmetic result I will explore my options at that time.  I have meetings with a couple of PSs in NYC next week who do post rad fat grafting and reconstruction and will ask lots of questions. One uses the Brava system. Thanks again and I'll keep in touch.

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Hey ladies I went to the foot doctor today because I had some fungus on my toes.  Yuk never had that before.  So she checks it out grinds a little on it to see how superficial it was and then tells me she is going to order a pill but need lab work first.  But need to update my chart since I have not seen her in 4 years since I had foot surgery.  She is going over my info and tells me  well the reason you have the fungus is because of radiation.  I asked how that could be since they radiated my breast and she tells me that radiation suppresses your immune system and normally your body could fight off the fungus but because of my immune system it could not fight it off.  I told her yes my WBC runs about 4.1 but was lower than that during rads.  She said it would have helped if I had not been wearing nail polish this last year, which I don't on my finger nails but I do on my toes.  So who would have thought.  Toe nail fungus caused by rads.  DH said that's just what you wanted to hear.  You hated rads anyway.    On a good note when I got home I had the insurance approval letter for my BMX in March.  I was really hoping it would all go smoothly.

  • SusanHG
    SusanHG Member Posts: 455

    Sherry-my toe nail fungus had completely cured up once I started on a no sugar diet after diagnosis, but mysteriously reappeared this past Fall.  I was wondering why, and now I know...ugggh!  i am allergic to Lamisil so it is a very long process to get rid of it...Hopefully by summer!!  Wish someone would get this info out before rads!!!

    I am in your pocket today, Granny!!

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322

    Wow,ladies, more and more about rads that we learn AFTER! Why not before???

    I have noticed (I am 7 weeks out of rads now) that my feet get soooooo cold all the time. Could rads be the cause of poor circulation?

    Also, although minor now, when I first started rads, I had this throat thing for a while - the docs first acted like it was my imagination, but you could *see* the rash on my lower throat (like a tan spot and I never put my throat in the sun). My husband could see it. I could see it. Then one nurse admitted she saw it and a nutritionist said rads could affect the throat and make eating harder during treatments, so they both advised more water, which I took, and it did help. But now, that part of my neck looks aged and now, I seem to have trouble swallowing pills.   !!???  Anyone else with this?

  • bgail84
    bgail84 Member Posts: 38

    I too am having trouble swallowing pills! Who knows could be the rads. I am four weeks out.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Are you ladies ready for this.I GD called and told me to be ready for 3:00.needless to say i could not make my 2:30 Xrays cause they are like 20 miles away and i knew i wouldnt make it.SOoooooooo ill do it next week.Thanks for all the well wishes tho.And for sure my back is killing me today.the 3 hr.trip betta be worth it.

    Sherry-wasnt it you that when i had that fungus between my toes you told me something with baking soda.Mine was between 1 toe and i think whatever i did went right away.AND YES I DID WEAR NAIL POLISH ON MY TOENAILS THEN. Funny that this is the first time in my life for the winter i said no more.good luck with that.

    Its now 4:00.and i keep on forgettin my GD is always late.

    enjoy the weekend back either mon or tues.hugggggggs K

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    granny no that was not me.  But my fungus in on my toe nails, yuk, yuk.

    I had a good MO appt on Friday.  He told me the lamisil would be fine to take with my tamoxifen, but he suggested a little different way to take it because of studies.  That man is so dang smart, I told DH he must read medical journals all the time.  Anyway we talked about my neck and he told me I had sever arthritis and a pinched nerve in my neck.  He said my nausea is from all the meds I am taking but unfortunately right now I can't go without any of it.  So he gave me something for the nausea and told me I really need to comment to stretching 5 minutes in the morning and 5 at night before bed.  Said this would be the best thing for the arthritis and hopefully it will get better so I can get off of some meds. I told him I had decided to have the BMX with reconstruction and that I was scheduled for March and he said that I made a very wise decision and that he was glad I had made it. Glad he agrees that this was the best decision.  It has been snowing here at my son's most of the day.  Not use to this weather, but it is pretty outside with the blanket of snow on the ground.

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Hi everyone, trying to catch up on posts....

    Jo, dare I say neuropathy....I'm having issues but my hands are extremely sensitive to temperature changes, painfully so.  But I did start seeing a chiropractor last year, after surgery and rads and all, I really figured it couldn't hurt.  She's been amazing.  I go every two weeks now.

    Sherry I know you are a tiny beautiful lady, and we live in Texas....but have you considered not eating beef for a spell and sub in some more veggies?  My family doc explained how I was really boosting my immune system.  I knew I was "fighting cancer" with the vegan diet, but I didn't realize I was fighting off the colds and all the other stuff that "back door" you as she said, when you're body is busy with breaking down the other stuff.  I have added fish back in my diet, and have not been 100% sugar or preservative free in the last couple of months, and I can feel the difference.  I think I might go back to the vegan diet mostly and just supplement fish in....

    Oh, heck, how bout we just see each other for lunch and eat whatever! I think it's the hugs we give that make us feel better anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    Well I came back from Pa uneventful thank GOD.Went on Sat to the Homeopathic remedy class.basically this lecture was for animals but as time went on it turned to humans.very interesting to say the least.My GD is gonna be learining about all these different oils that they swear by.These people are sooooo low key and in i fly and the owner gave me a lill glass of rose water.sooo good.and then at the end of the class she suggested to do a workup on all for it.she rubbed some oil of compassion on my palms and told me to gently rub it into my heart.When we got to my GDs house she said to me you look sooo calm.its like it really calmed me down.i did it again on the trip home this morning and i did feel kinda not so up tight.I think i could get into it.

    oh i forgot!!!she was talkin about the calendula and how good it was and i did tell her along with the class how much i loved it during the at the end of the class a lady came over to me with tears in her eyes asking me about the cream.I asked where she was at this point and she just had a lumpectomy(the worst part and is waiting) so i asked her what her dr.told her to do and she said he didnt ell her anything.

    YA KNOW WHERE I SENT HER DONT YA!!!!right here.

    remember when???????????

    hope every had a great weekend.I did,my GGson had his 2 yr.old BD party....Today he woke up with a running nose and a beat red im scared shit that he is gettin sick.and wondering if my immune system is strong enuf to fight it off.


    glad to be back.hugggggggggs K

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Welcome back granny.

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393

    Jo and Bgail

    Have either of you considered going to a chiropractor?  Sometimes they have their place and can give relief.....I speak from personal experience...

    Just a thought..


  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Vickie - Others have also mentioned a chiropractor.  I am scared to death of them.  I had a friend who went to one and she ended up in bed for 6 months.  He really screwed up her back.  How do you know if you are not getting a quack????  I am going to see what the pain specialist has to say before I do anything else.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Member Posts: 734

    Granny Dukes- I love aroma therapy, most definitely can be very calming.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Hello ladies, Need you back in my pocket today - 1:45pm Pacific time... Pain Management doc today with a rash on my neck... (One of the places I was putting the lidocaine cream) I find out what the x-ray report really meant today ... I'm so tired these days.. fulltime work is really part of that - but you do what you have to do  :-) 

    Good news is we finalized the Refi on our house!  We get to stay here a little longer - it cut our house payment by $1000. Thank you God!

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    GMA - I also have to go to the pain specialist today at 1:00 Central Time to find out if I have a pinched nerve in my lower spine.   Had MRI last Thursday.  Tell you what, you go with me and when I am done I will go with you.  Is it a date?  LOL!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503

    Jo and GMA I'm in your pockets.

    Jo I think the best thing for a chiropractor is to ask around and see if they are on your insurance if you have coverage for it.

    Gina--yes girl we need to get together for lunch.  Went to see my new grandbabies this weekend will post pictures later.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Member Posts: 9,646

    Ladies..............I swear by "massage".........for one thing....................and have you ever tried is the best..............I have this little chinese Dr. who does mine, and she is wonderful.............I recommended her to many people, and she helped everyone of them......they are all pain free now, in the area's where they were having daughters neck, my son-in-laws neck, and back (serious neck pain), another daughter's back, and all are pain took 1 treatment for my daughters, and about 3 for my son-in-law..............his neck was bad (from work) it is worth a try...............before letting anyone "inject" you with anytihng................try it................

  • Vicks1960
    Vicks1960 Member Posts: 393


    I would suggest you ask around and see what friends and acquaintences have to recommend.  It is possible that even one of your doctors might have a suggestion.  Many years ago, when I was having a lot of lower back problems, before my internist sent me to an Orthopedic, he had me try a Chiropractor, because sometimes if the disk is bulging (not ruptured) the manipulation can help.  Thru the years I had 4 lower back surgeries (2 of them fusions) last surgery there in 1983,  Have some residual neuropathy in legs/feet but better than the pain before...(was in body cast for 16 months)

    Enuf of my chatter..

    Good luck with your appointments!!!! Continue to think of you...

    Keep us posted..


  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Sisters, Good luck with your Dr appts today. I am in your pocket, corner and wherever else you need me.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    I went to Chiro.loved it but its like forever!!!

    I also went for the shots in pain mgmt.a bandaid for me.

    I also went to PT for a long time.forever!!!!

    ya gotta move.Im gonna try the aroma therapy that will be custom made for me.Im real excited about that.With my GD workin there i could get a lot of info.Some of my friends think i went off the wall!!!!!!

    Good luck sistas.Im with ya..hugggggggggggs K

  • jo1955
    jo1955 Member Posts: 7,545

    Back from pain specialist.  There are 4 areas in my cervical spine that are herniated.  Some are against the spinal cord some are not.  He did 5 trigger point injections in my neck and then 15 minutes with a hot pad.  Go back in a month.  It is hell getting old. 

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Member Posts: 5,978

    Thank you for being in my pocket.. I had a good appt with my pain specialist.. - BTW - I do see a chiropractor and my nerve spaces are clear... I am having degeneration in the lower cervical and my facets are starting to meld together.  He was going to suggest anti- inflammatoriesbut I can't take them so he came up with a topical prescription.. I'm going to try that and if that doesn't help it is physical therapy time. I don't have money for that otherwise that would have a first choice.

     That was the good news - I talked to him about my breast damage and wanted to know a "time" span that he thought I could start getting off the gabapentin... He basically told me we are looking at YEARS before the nerves would possibly be healed.. He went on to tell me that in 18 months if I asked to get off of it, he would recommend me to stay on it for another 6 months before weaning off. 

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Jo- Glad that they took some action. So glad that no surgery seems to be required. I hope the shots make it feel much better. Hugs.

  • Ceeztheday
    Ceeztheday Member Posts: 246

    Gma- Glad that you had a good appointment, but sorry that the breast damage will take so long to heal. It seems to be never ending sometimes. Arggggg.

  • FireKracker
    FireKracker Member Posts: 5,858

    I use a all natural anti inflam.for muscular and joint works but its expensive.its called Traumeel.3-4x a day.

    IMO they all work cause i did most of them.I wish both of you find the right thing.

    Stretching and walking is major along with plenty of water.

    We are getting snow flurries back is killing me!!!!!

    Damn dont get old.....hugggggggs K

  • sagina
    sagina Member Posts: 849

    Hi everyone, just checking in.

    For Texas girls close to Seguin or San Antonio, I have the perfect chiropractor if you are looking. She is amazing, she doesn't think she's above medince or doctors and is the first one to tell you to go get something checked.  I know some of them try to cure everything....

    7 months out of rads and I still get shooting pains, take you to your knees it hurts so bad pain, but they are few and far between now.  

    Now an off the wall question, do you all really think stress can bring on cancer? I have been so stressed out at work - which I CAN'T facebook about, and in the back of my mind I hear stress and cancer....