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For Older People with Sense



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Lynda the knee is doing great!  I am walking normal and going up and down stairs like a normal person once again.  This has started in the last week or so.  It got a good work out while the boys were here this past two weeks as we went rambling up hill and down dale all around the old mine.  I honestly thought I had done too much on it but surprise surprise it pulled up very well the next day and I haven't had a problem with it since then.  Maybe the rambling was just what it  I am to the point I'm seriously considering ringing the doc and telling him to put me on his list for early October.

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Great to hear of good outcomes of surgery Chrissie.  I went to a pre-admission clinic today as a prelude to getting my colostomy reversed next Thursday (26th) and I am extremely nervous about the whole procedure.

    If I hadn't googled 'colostomy forums' a couple of weeks ago, I would be as happy as can be that it will finally be over with.  The saying 'a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing' is quite apt for this event.  I really hope that I am one of the lucky ones who sails through it all without a problem.

    Seems funny that I have had BC to stage IV for 17 yrs, without getting as twitchy about it as I am about something non life threatening.  Neither the nurse, nor the anaesthetist I saw today, could answer how much pain and discomfort I would experience in the days/weeks following as my colon takes up its normal functions once again.

    Before anything is done, I will have to do the 'Fleet' thing the day before which will mean changing bags for hours on the eve of the day and I am glad that I will get to have a big long sleep the next day..........when they're not waking me up for obs every five minutes, that is.

    Along with exercising my rear end 'Kegels' this next week, I will have to drag out my 'strong woman' facade and give it a talking to as it has totally curled up into the foetal position and is madly sucking its thumb.

    "Onward and upward....." she yodels as she raises her fist in a spear to the sky.


  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ooo Sheila good luck with your surgery!  It sounds like a lot of things to be done prior but I know you will get through that no problem.  As for after and your bowel taking over again, I'm guessing they will ease you into that with diet and keep you well sorted when it comes to any pain.  Do you know how long you will be in for?   Good luck girl!  I know you are strong enough to get through all of this.  

    Please let us know how you are getting on after your hospital stay.  We'll be thinking of you!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767


    Best wishes to you will have a  while new body and way of life to look forward to - how exciting!Laughing

    Try to think of it as a clean slate and a second chance if you will.

    I know lots of the ladies here have changed their diets dramatically due to cancer-without even considering wt loss.  For myself, I wont touch any white rice, potatoes, flour , sugar. Havent had a drink since my DX. I am essentially off the sweets, eating lots more veggies and fruits than before.

    Hopefully, your new lifestyle for weight loss will also be a big asset for treating your own cancer.

    Think of food as fuel and delicious medicine!

    Good luck - positive  thoughts are with you.

    * Just noticed you are from MA as well..feel free to PM me.

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    chabba, didn't mean to make you feel bad!! And I DO know you aren't a stupid person, sweetie!!

    Wren, sometimes we buy "ugly" fabric because we feel sorry for it. Or challenged. Or someone "gifted" us with it! hehehehehehe

    Elisimo, aren't grands FAST??? And don't they MOVE so much!!! I get exhausted just WATCHING them!!!!

    Lynda, I am SO excited for you!!!!! What a life changing event!!! I would LOVE to lose 75 pounds and have tried SO hard (no alcohol, more fruits and veggies, etc) but have not lost an OUNCE!! Have even GAINED 23 pounds since diagnosis (no chemo!!). So not fair. You are taking life by the horns and ripping it a new one! You go girlfriend!! Please keep us posted!! How about pics???

    Sheila, I had no idea you'd had a colostomy? For how long? I would be VERY interested in how they get your bowels to work again as I have "narcotic gut", a paralysis of my bowels due to the heavy morphine I'm on. Any good tips would be greatly appreciated!!  

  • Hauntie
    Hauntie Member Posts: 369

    Thanks for your support and words of encouragement. I'll be in the hospital for a couple of days. I'll be sure to post an update, when I get home.

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all

    BIg hugs and prayers Lynda and Kate, surgery is not fun and always scary.

    I have managed to lose almost 21lbs in the last 10 months, so slow but want to lose another 20 before DS gets married next year then will have about 15 lbs to go. I have really struggled taking it off.  When I get there that would be a 77lb loss since dx as I lost about 20lbs about 3 years ago.

    Must go and take something for a sore tooth - can't get into the dentist until next week!!!!

    Was going to say had great visit from my US cousin and her husband, do wish they lived closer as we get on so well and she is the cousin who is closest to my age.

  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    hi gals.. your'e ALL right!!had a LONG talk with the dr who gave e such a hard time.. right now, ive got three cultured infections!!and, one of them, thyr'egiving me prednisone, of course my sgars are high!! and, this is the dr. i like jeesh.

      am feeling like crap right now, but am sure when they get knocked out, i'll be in a much better mood.

      don't worry about Barbe, chabba... its just her direct way of saying things.. im sure you were fine.. and you're NOT stupod, by any means..

      i have missed you all a lot, but besides beig in a great deal of pain, im cranky as hell!!!

      Isabella, i hope you haven't floated(sp)?

      mac, pls do send the email. i sent one out. can't understand why you didn't get it.. won der who did hahahahope the can understad the typing.. i can't feel the keys when i tyope, so its all screwed up. sorry..

      a short note tonight, just to letcha know you're thought of, and missed......3jays

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Good Morning! Wow we got lots going on here. You ladies are one bunch of strong women! Getting through life with all it's ups and downs together.

    I'm feeling nostalgic today. It is my son's 27th bday.  where did all the time go? He was a little peanut when born, just 3lbs 10oz. He came 6 weeks early and I was not in a healthy place, but through mercy and grace he was healthy just real little. Now he is a very robust young man. He wants me to take him and 5 of his friends out to dinner tonight. We did the same last year. They all drink and carry on and I am the designated driver. I am grateful to have him in my life and that he and his friends want to spend time with me. (of course I get to pay the bill). Even though I am not feeling well, I will go and have a good time. 

    All the talk about changing life styles and eating habits and losing weight. I have to share this story. I did too much the other day. I am not accepting of my limitations, yet. So I went to the grocery store late in the afternoon to get ready for DS's birthday. Wore myself right out, came home and went to bed at 6pm, woke up at 7:30. My DS came home shortly after with a peanut butter cup blizzard from DQ (Dairy Queen) for me, I promply ate that for dinner and was happy as a clam. Life's little pleasures. 

    My prayers for all!!!! 

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Chrissie, my surgeon told me in Feb that I would be in for 7-8 days, much the same program as when they did the 'stoma.' so that's what I'm planning for undies-wise, anywayLaughing.

    Yes Barbe, I suffered a perforated bowel last Dec due to diverticulitis and, I think, massive loads of stress in the weeks before.

    Had diaorhea ? for weeks before experiencing pain at 2 am Sunday, was in emergency operating room by 2am Monday.

    Spent 2 days in ICU, then woke up on the third day and wished I hadn't!  Never been so depressed as I was that day.

    Surgeon said it was for 3 months, so I at least had something to look forward to, but our health system dragged it out to six.

    Last month I got an app't for 12th July, which was two days before sons wedding last week, so had to cancel, thinking it would be another six months probably.

    I was surprised to get another one so soon.  

    I think all the stress and the side effects of anasthesia wiped out some of my grey matter in the beginning as I couldn't even find other people with the same thing on the 'net, just the sites for the makers of the 'equipment' needed by ostomists. So, I muddled along, learning how to manage my functions with some really crappy experiences along the way.  I did have a 'Stoma therapist' visit me in the hospital about half an hour before I was discharged but, with hindsight, I left there with very little knowledge for what I have experienced since then.

    Until..........I googled "Colostomy forums" after getting the first appointment......and nearly frightened myself out of this world and into the next a bit earlier than I planned. I mean 'they' call the reversal procedure a 'takedown!' If that ain't a depressing term, I don't know what is.

    I will probably start out the same as last time with clear fluids for 2-3 days, then gradually build up with custard type foods until I get 'output' naturally.  Apparently this part can be quite painful for some time afterwards which could make a person want to 'clam-up' if you know what I mean.

    At least it will be nice to have all this nasty stuff behind me (where it belongs) in the end.


  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    I should add that I did not at any time suspect that I had a new cancer (bowel) or one related to BC mets.  I didn't realise that my whole family was waiting with bated breath for the outcome of biopsies done on the removed part of my colon.  It wasn't until I was in the discharge lounge waiting for my official papers, that a young Dr rang to tell me that the tests had ruled out bowel/breast cancer mets.  

    That anasthetic stuff is surely a powerful thing.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    WOW! Sheila...did I know you were going through this?????? Did I forget or were you off the boards? Or maybe dropped some of the threads you were on??? You've been my soul-sister on a number of threads so I can't belive I missed this. Oh, poor you!!! How absolutely frightening it must have been...and 'takedown'...seriously??? Take OFF maybe? Gentle hugs to you sweetie, I can't stand the thought of you suffering through all that crap (literally)!! Please let us know how you are doing and we want to celebrate the first output with you if you don't mind sharing??

    With love, 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Sheila:  So sorry you have to go through this...hopefully it will go without too much pain and you will be on the road to recovery in no time.  It certainly doesn't sound pleasant.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Sheila, I'm praying every thing goes smoothly for you, your colostomy experence experience sounds horrible  and I do hope this goes much better.

    I did have to laugh at your post though.  The last sentence really cracked me up.  Were all those puns deliberate or did they just flow naturally? 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,927

    Sheila, Hoping all goes well. My friend had colon cancer with an ostomy. He was successfully reconnected 6 mos later. Remember, it's like here. People with horror stories are more likely to post than those where everything was smooth and relatively easy. Good luck.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767

    macatacmv said:

    "I am grateful to have him in my life and that he and his friends want to spend time with me. (of course I get to pay the bill). Even though I am not feeling well, I will go and have a good time. "

    I don't care what stage we are in, I believe this is one thing we all have in common - being so much more grateful for family and friends and life's little pleasures.

    Enjoy your night out with your son... it is awesome he wants you to spend this kind of time together.

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767


    My husband had stage 4 colon cancer with ostomy bag and reversal ( 9 mos later)  he functioned so well it  was amazing.  Adjusted very nicely.  Never missed work due to the bag either.  Nobody knew.

    We thought he would eat applesauce , rice, bananas etc .

    The man eats terribly!

    He eats sausage, bacon, pasta, pizza, chili- you name it.

    At first the DRS said that he should ( he had lost so much wt thru chemo etc ) plus I dont think they thought he was going to make it. Dont forget - stage 4 and dirty margins too. His prognosis was poor.

    Today he is THE picture of health.  He is 3 yrs out with NED, looks and feels absolutely fabulous.  His stamina is akin to those 25 yrs younger.

    Please freel free to PM me anytime.

    Not all stories are those of horror.

    Best wishes to you.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hi all

    Think I am still relatively sane. I have spent far too long today at my MiL's trying to show her how to use her new phone and just now had her on the phone for ages as I tried to be very patient and talk her through what to do. Will have to change one of the setting but now understand how her old phone broke, she thinks you have to bash the keys not just touch them!! And I am not sure why I got the job, one of her DGS(my nephew) will be home on the weekend so will delegate the task to him.

    Think it's going to be another chilly night here, looks like frost already.

    About to go to Weight watchers then we are out at the orchestra tonight.

    Big hugs and prayers for all that have need at present.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oooo Aly I don't envy your task of trying to teach her trhe mobile phone......particulaly at 88.  I tried to teach my mom years ago and she was only in her early seventies.  No matter how many times I went through the fact that she did not need to turn the darn thing off she insisted on doing that and then forgot hoe to turn it on!  Needless to say that after a couple of months she gave up and gavt the phone back to me.

    Enjoy the orchestra!

    The air here is so cold it feels like it is snowing sonewhere close.....thank goodness for the fire! 

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Thank you ladies for your kind thoughts for me, I really do appreciate having such positive empathy from you all.

    Barbe, I wrote about it in 'Stage Four Nightmare' just after I came out of hospital.  On re-reading that whole thread

    I was in a bad way for quite a few weeks before-hand and, even though I did go to my local hospital a week before, 

    the Dr didn't seem to think I had any major problem so sent me home with a verbal script to get some 'Buscopan.'

    My GP told me that I had one of the best surgeons available in that he had done his training in South Africa during

    the apartheid troubles.  A normal shift was a conveyor belt of patients who had been knifed, shot and/or burnt so,

    like a military Dr during war, he could fix just about any type of wound.  I think I lucked out that day on two counts!

    I am now hoping he gets to do the reversal but I have no guarantee of it.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Oh Sheila, I try to follow my Stage IV friends when they post in that forum as I care and want updates. Something must have been going on at the time on the boards for me to stay away. I am sorry I wasn't there for you, but I know you would have been cared for by your sisters over there. Now that I know what's going on (I guess we all do here) please keep us posted! I LOVE purple32's story of her DH, what a hoot!! Now remind us, when is your surgery?

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Next Thursday (26th) Barbe, I've got to be there at 7 am and am hoping to be 'done' by noon. . You did post there in the beginning Barbe, but it was before the Colostomy part, more into the stress I was going through which probably led to the operation. You were probably getting into the swing of Xmas at the time, as most people do.

    Like you Barbe, I currently have an aversion to being blocked up and do remember having constipation problems this time four years ago before mets dx.  As the pain in my bones worsened, I got into the aspirin, Ibuprofen and Panadol etc., which resulted in three to four day blockages.  I had not had this problem for quite some time, in fact, the opposite, so I would sit on the loo and strain myself trying to dislodge something!  I think I probably made the diverticulitis I had, much worse than it would have been otherwise. Oncologist put me right about taking meds and the constipation connection......not that she offered any solutions.

    These days I am on Oxycontin and Brufen and petrified of blockages so I start each day with a glass of orange juice full of pulp.  Then I have a bowl of "Weeties" which has always given me the runs, followed up with pro-biotics and a large fish oil capsule at set times of the day. I make sure I have a few hot drinks (tea, coffee) through the day and then, last thing after my evening meal, I have three or four pieces of natural licorice with a hot drink. 

    It's funny, but at one time when I got nervous, I would get the runs......these days if something is upsetting me, my body clams up.....and then after a couple of days, I get an explosion while I'm out and about and need a bathroom to deal with it.  I don't mean 'bathroom' as a euphemism for 'toilet' either........I literally need a complete bathroom....along with a change of clothes too.  Even in the hospital I go to to see my Onc, I had to search around looking for a disabled toilet because they are the only ones with hand basins inside the cubicle.

    This might make you laugh.......I refuse to change stoma bags in public toilets because...........I have to stand facing the toilet to do it 'safely.'  Usually, there is a row of toilets in these places with rather high doors and I know that when I go into them and the doors are shut, I look under those doors to see if there are feet in there.  Imagine you looked under a door and saw someone in 'trousers' facing the pan Surprised What would your first thought be?  That's what I'm afraid I don't do it.

    I'd better leave some space for others,



  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sheila, it's funny what we worry about!! If I saw "toes facing the loo" I'd assume they were changing a sanitary napkin!! What do they call those down-under? Same thing?

    I've had "Favourites" drop off my list every once in a while. Sorry I lost you sweetie, but you have my full attention now!! Does your regime keep your bowels loose? Is that something you have to do with a colostomy? You must be nervous/excited about eating 'normal' food groups again then. What an adventure in store for you! I would think that the extra 3 months gave recovery insurance before "take down", but what was the docs excuse? I hope you're not scared "shitless"....sorry...'ostomy humour....hehehehehhehee 

    Hugs and love to you! 

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    barbe, I've come to count on you for at least a giggle, more likely my laugh for the day!

  • AussieSheila
    AussieSheila Member Posts: 439

    Yes Barbe, we call them the same name.  In reality Barbe, I only have to avoid foods like nuts, corn, mango and things that don't process well normally. As things stand, a stoma is a very small, pencil-sized outlet and I have a fear of producing something larger and not being able to down load it. Ouch....that could hurt!

    I will have to wear adult diapers for a while until I get a grasp on all those muscle functions again.........which means I won't be going any where while that is an unknown factor....nor will I be following my current diet as rigidly either.

    Our health system here does not have enough medical staff, to keep the waiting lists at a reasonable level.   A lot of the nurses are asked to do double shifts and, even though the hospital I am going to is in another town thirty minutes away, most of the Drs are foriegner students who can't do the major surgeries etc., just like the one (in my local hospital) who let me walk out a week before the bowel burst. I also find that I can't understand what they are saying due to their lack of English language skills.

    In '95, I had my mastectomy done here in my own towns' hospital by a general surgeon, not a breast surgeon, but they have down graded that whole complex to an aged/mental health service with a small accident and emergency section.  I waited there for hours while they tried to find a surgeon to do my operation last December. Even though I was in a toxic state, they wouldn't send me to the other hospital until a surgeon was found.

    Things certainly aren't the way they were when we were kids, it was all free then and there were plenty of Drs and nurses to go around. I am lucky that they found a time slot for me this time....I just hope oneof my favourite nurses is still working in the same area.


  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Sheila . will be thinking of you for your upcoming op....crikey, if it's not one thing it's another. Just hope all goes well. I am another who gets the bungs from all painkillers I take. I too drink fresh orange with loads of pulp, and then just constipation tablets as needed ! WHAT we come to !

    I have been misbehaving the last two days, been on a demonstration...yes..unbelievable, I thought all my ban the bomb, and animal rights picketing days were well and truly over.....but... no !

    Our dairy farmers are being short changed by the monster supermarket's been going on now for some months, the price they are getting for their milk is going down and down, and costs are going up all the time. A week ago another 2pence per litre cut was announced, and the farmers had had enough. So, they started blockading processing factories with tractors and farm implements, and wouldn't let the milk waggons in or out of their depots.  I got a call from a couple of friends asking if I was interested in swelling their ranks, so off I went . I've been 2 late nights, and it was damned cold I can tell you standing in the middle of a road stopping waggons !! Everyone stayed until it got light, but I only made it 'til about 2am...lightweight that I am ! I think they're off again tonight, but don't know if I shall make it..I am too old for this sort of thing! I though if my kiddo's see me walking up and down causing trouble, on TV ( the cameras were there, ) I shall never hear the end of it !! Being a farmer myself I thought I would go and support the younger generation of farmers.

    Time was years ago we would picket university animal experiment labs, and places where intensive farming of calves was going on...we used to stick a tent up and stay days on end, and I'd be shouting along with everyone else. Wow, those were the days....I had boobs then !!!!

    Having a lazy day today, doing nothing much at all, just pottering around the house. I have 3 families coming to bring their dogs ( and a flippin' pet rat) this afternoon, for me to look after while they are away. Sent my girls off home, I think I shall be able to deal with this myself, as long as they don't all come at the same time and throw me. All my family are off this weekend, so no Saturday morning get together, some have gone to a car show, DD has taken my grandaughter to the coast for a few days, just the two of them , for a 'paddling ' break !! and others are off to France for a holiday, so nice and quiet this w/end.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Sheila, I didn't know mango didn't process...and a pencil head!!! That seems awfully small to cram a meal through. When I think about what I've produced in my constipated state, rocks the size of my fist that hit the bottom of the toilet with a SOUND and have to be snaked through!!!! I shudder....

    How do they keep your bowels so smooth? 

    Was at my heart specialist yesterday, a "new Canadian" and had to give him shit for the report he gave my doctor!! Apparently this doctor is often mis-understood in translation when he dictates...sigh. Doi!! Said I had LOW blood pressure (been on high blood pressure meds for 19 years!) and that I refused one of his tests!!! Idiot! Turns out I need a pacemaker and will be getting one in a couple of weeks! Boy will my doc be surprised to see this second report. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Isabella:  Good for you...never too old for a cause that you believe in!

  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Shiela & Hauntie - best thoughts sent your way for full and quick recoveries, good hospitals and staffs! One of the things I like about this forum is the understanding, support and caring - from people we'd not otherwise have met...

    3jays, I am glad to see you popping in from time to time, and continue to send you healing wishes.

    Isabella, how much does milk cost in UK?  I can kind of calculate liters/quarts...Our midwest, where much of our grain is grown, is suffering a severe drought and we expect all food prices to rise accordingly in the coming months.[edited to add: In Calif. our cows don't get the BHa or whatever hormones anyway, even in commercial milk; but I pay about $8./gal for organic.]

    I am enjoying the garden - some vegs, flowers, and now blackberries. Yum.

    Had onc visit this week, we talked about my bone density - still osteopenia & not yet osis. but I'm of slight build. Ortho & PCP recommend drugs, but I promised onc some lifestyle changes - more good stuff, less bad, and we'll see in 2 yrs.  I hope it's the right decision.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Lost Creek:  If food prices rise much more, I am going to have to start eating cat food or something:(  Wish I had a place where I could grow my own veggies and be sure that I'm eating organically.  Are you taking Vitamin D-3.  It's good for your bones, so if you haven't had a test done, it should be tops on the list.  I take 5,000 IU's daily and I'm still low.