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For Older People with Sense



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    That sounds do you make the custard?

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Lisa, I do much the same. I don't cook the custard. I beat 2-3 eggs, add a cup of milk and whisk and add more milk if needed to cover the bread. We have an up market version. Just use the egg yolks in the custard and when the pudding is almost cooked I put a meringue topping made with the whites over it. You can spread the pudding with berry jam (not sure what you call it - jelly or conserve????)

    Hope that makes sense, will find my recipe, or rather may mothers recipe later. DD has just asked me to go with her to choose new glasses so I had better get dressed.

  • chabba
    chabba Member Posts: 3,600

    Lisa, I use eggs and milk, sometime sub 1/2 and 1/2 for some or all of the milk, 3 eggs to 1 cup liquid.   I also add sugar to taste, depending on type of bread, additions, etc., but always some sugar.  Like all my cooking and a lot if not most of my baking it is a lot of "to taste".

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    yum that bread pudding sounds great. Those cookies, too.

    susgul, hope the firework sales are going well. 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    At last a thunderstorm tonight, which cooled off things considerably at least for tonight.  I walked outside afterwards and could see steam rising from the street!  Tomorrow, over 100 again, but tonight, wonderful.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    isabella: im so sorry you haven't heard back about the operation YET.. i know in the states, it helps if we talk to an administrator, but im sure you've thought of that.. i know in France, they have "nurse navigators" can you get one for you? they seem to be able to get thngs done, and remember for us, when/where ..

       don't feel bad about the wheelchair.. i've used one for YEARS for distance, and thats what you're talkin about.. even used it when we went to the beach with marybe..

      glad the rest of you sound ok.. you guys in aust; and nz are freezing, and we're melting.. sounds about right grrrrr3jays

  • purple32
    purple32 Member Posts: 1,767

    I did not do rads either, but I second that on the NO alum. deo ...for the rest of my life. Use either  TOMS of Maine  or  the Arm and Hammer that says no alum. and make sure all creams and lotions are totally paraben free .

    Good luck to you!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Good Morning Ladies,

    3jays,it is crazy here. 80,000 extra people are here for the week. There is a huge yacht in VH harbor with a small helicopter on board that everyone thinks is Ophrah's. I just hide out at my house. Like I would have enough energy to do anything else. 

    Kathy, I find that if I walk the dog in the evenings I do better with the heat as it is starting to cool down a bit by then. We had a funny rain/thunder storm the other evening and had  a double rainbow afterwards. It was beautiful, of course I didn't think to get a pic.

    purple, good to hear from you. I did rads and find my sweat glands don't seem to be working again yet so no need for deo.  No hair on that side either.

    chrissy, hope you are having fun with those GSs. My DS had a friend come for the weekend. Even tho they are older and have been in the service, it is fun to have someone to cook for and have conversations. They actually cooked me dinner one night. My DS is back to work and will get his staples out on Thursday. 

    chabba, thinking of you and your brother.

    ptdreamers, thinking of you, too.

    ((((hugs)))) for all!

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi Nancy good to hear that your DS gets his staples out on Thursday.  I can't believe that he is back at work already!  Yes I certainly agree it's actually nice to have extras to cook for as cooking for two can get rather always seem to cook more than we need so end up with at least one left over night per week.  At least with the boys here and their hollow legs that constantly need filling, that sure does not  Sure am loving some of the conversations and the humor that comes from these kids.....they seem to be able to have me laughing constantly!

    Purple, I'm another that didn't do rads for the initial DX but I find the arm that had the nodes taken out does not sweat nor does it have any odor.  Also the hair is very sparse which cuts down the need for shaving......that bit I  I use a no paraben/no aluminium deodorant as well.

    L_C I think we must all use the same basic idea for the bread pudding as mine doesn't vary at all from what the other girls have written.  Do give it a try I'm sure you will love it!

    Well we awoke this morning to ice!  It was so cold last night that the bowl of water I keep outside for the animals froze!  Now that's a first for a long time!  Just as well I keep another bowl full inside so they could still get a drink. 

    Take car all!  I know you are all preparing for the 4th July so have a great time!

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Chrissy, it sounds so funny to hear you talking about freezing water and coal fires in July. Keep up close to that fire if it stays cold.

    I must admit I miss my log burners roaring away all winter... I still have oil heaters on in kitchen ( for the dogs!!).....the sitting room ( for me) and my bedroom all's just so damned cold. I have a 24 hour electric blanket on my bed, and I've only switched the thing off twice since Christmas. I am a bit of a softie !

    Have been sick as a dog today...3 times ... just been looking for a small bucket to take to bed with me...I don't want to do my carpets in ! I keep thinking 'anything else' ...tried to get an appointment with my GP , But was told no go for 13 days...this is beyond ridiculous ...I suppose the best thing to do is to make up random symptoms to get the appointment...sit it out for the 2 weeks... then see what's matter with me on the actual day of the appointment !

    I have done absolutely nothing today, it's raining, can't hobble around the garden, only sport on TV, have no interest in anything much at all. I ache all over so have been curled up in a chair by the electric heater. I didn't even get to the newspapers read today, and that's not me. I think the dogs were loving it, having me with them all day. They kept having a scrap here and there as to who should be curled up with me, and who shouldn' by this evening I smelt strongly of dog ! The weather forecast says rain, rain, rain for the next 7 days... Four days into July, and it still feels like we've been tricked out of Spring, and now looks like summer is going the same way. I have lots of silly little projects to do. Like paint a stool with metallic purple paint ! Make a sports bag for Gdaughter, (she started 5 half days at nursery at Easter, and will be going fulltime in September, and is asking for a sports bag with a donkey on it. ) I have no interest in being creative at the moment.

    I will have to stir myself tomorrow, and go out for groceries, only 2 slices of bread left, so it's hard cheese if I want a sandwich ! I have a flat tyre...2 nails in it...I managed to get it off the car last night..with difficulty..and sent it to DDs garage today to be mended. Hope whoever brings it back will put it on for me. I am as weak as a kitten !

    Must fly now. I am nearly asleep now.


  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Hope you US girls have a great July 4. The other day I wondered why someone was getting fireworks then I remembered it is your big day.

    Big hugs

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Isabella - so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. You need to take care of yourself and not be out changing tires!  Have whoever comes to pick them up to take them off the car.  And they should put them on for you when they bring them back.  Ask you DD or better yet ask DSIL to make sure they know to do that for you.  Hope you can get to see you GP soon and get all this business about your back surgery straightened out.  It has been way too long in getting this done, even with your medical care there in the U.K.

    Chrissy - stay warm and enjoy those GSs. They are so talented in their own ways.  Still would like to see you post more of the drawings that one of them does.  Missing you and hoping to see you before too much longer.  I really am planning on coming to see you at least for a couple of days. 

  • Leah_S
    Leah_S Member Posts: 1,929

    Isabella, take care of yourself! And insist that whoever brings that tire back puts it on!

    A mixture of sadness and joy here. My dear friend passed away Sunday night (bc). I was with her just before the end. Several of us went to the hospital, and since she had once been with us in a small choir her dh asked us to sing for her. We did this, and I take comfort in the thought that it eased her passing.

    My mother is not doing well at all. The deterioration from the Alzheimers is rapid. She was hospitalized last week with pneumonia and a UTI. She's home now on hospice care - she can't swallow liquids, only foods that are about the consistency of yoghurt. She's not really responsive and it looks like it's only a matter of time. My sister is going to have a talk with her docs about whether or not I should come now. My feelings are mixed - on the one hand, I want to be at her side, but on the other hand, she wouldn't know and it could be a long time (my sisters and my parents live in Los Angeles). They're telling me not to come yet, and I trust them to tell me to come when I need to.

    But there is also happiness - a very dear friend called to tell me his wife just gave birth to their 2nd child, a beautiful girl. They have a son who is 2 1/2, and 2 teenage daughters from her first marriage. Our friend was almost 51 when he got married and didn't think he'd ever find the right one. I am very pleased that I was able to help him with this match and I get so much pleasure in seeing his happiness and seeing his family grow.


    BTW, no mama bears with cubs here. What we get are wild boars.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Leah, wild boars scare me silly.  We do get bears here and our garbage is never left outside. Someone, a road over, had a mother bear sleeping in his garage so the wildlife people scared her away from his house. They couldn't relocate her because she was lactating and needed to get back to her cubs.  

    I am sorry to hear about your mothers decline.  She sounds to be in very similar health as my mother was near the end. Perhaps you will want to talk with one of the hospice workers about her progression. They may give you a clear picture of when you need to go to her side. The medical personnel that worked close with my mom, the nurses aids especially really knew the signs.  It is a hard time in ones life and will take some healing and grieving to move on from. Be very gentle with yourself, however you respond please give yourself permission to be whom ever you need to ba for then. My mom is gone 5 years now and the grieving still comes at me in unexpected ways. So also do good memories or insights that are both new, deeper, and healing. 

    Isabella, I am sorry you are having to still go around to get your surgery. When I had surgery for acute L4-L5 pain I had already been in pain for 1 1/2 years. Bad pain but not like it turned into the week before I had surgery. One funny thing is the Doctors aren't sure by what they see how bad the pain is, sometimes the scans look bad but a person won't have symptoms. Conversely bad pain doesn't necessarily look like the worst herniation they have ever seen. Perhaps you need to have an acute attack, with lots of pain that even prescription codiene can't knock down (relieve).  I had been in the hospital for a week when the Doctor pressed down on my foot one evening and I couldn't press back. That made it an emergency, and I had surgery at midnight that night.  Now all of my symptoms were authentic. However I realize I received the care and treatment that I did, when I did because of the pain (a 9 or 10 on a 1 to 10 scale) and the inability to press back with my foot. You seem to stoic and I wonder if they think you don't hurt as much as you do? I have written all of this out because I was in agony and hate the thought of you being in that position too. 

    DD and DSIL and DGD are coming over to grill some brats. we get to play with little Granddaughter. She gives us a real workout. On a recent visit she ask my DH to take her "outside, walk, carry me" 

    Love you all Ginger 

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Happy 4th of July to everyone in the USA!  With this heat I prefer to watch fireworks on TV, but some neighbors down the street are blasting away.  DD, SIL, DS, DIL, and DGS came over for a cookout tonight.  We have a lot left so I won't have to cook tomorrow, and that's always good.

    Leah, my sympathies on the loss of your friend.  I'm so very sorry also about your mother's condition.  Alzheimer's is a very cruel disease, I think mainly for the families, and it's heartbreaking.  Ginger had some good suggestions about calling Hospice personnel, and what she said about grieving is also very true.  My mother died at 63 after having a stroke at 58. That was 29 years ago, and I still miss her.  My dad remarried eventually to a fine lady and she died of Alzheimers, so I saw it's progression with her.  

    Isabella, hope you made it to the grocery store today, or better yet, had someone go for you.  And no, you don't need to be taking off tires!  Or putting them back on either.  Surely whoever brings them back will do that for you.  I'm so sorry you're in so much pain and not feeling well otherwise also.  Hope you can get something sorted out with your back surgery very soon,  as this whole thing has been a nightmare for you.  

    Good to see you, Elisimo.  I know you're as hot or even hotter than I am!  Right now, I envy Chrissy and Alyson, a lot.

    Love to all,


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    Good Morning ladies -

    Leah, condolences on the loss of your friend - but what a wonderful gift to sing at someone's passing.  Sympathy at your mother's decline but congratulations on the matchmaker job... BTW: wild boars scare me silly too.

    3jays I hope you've found some relief.

    Isabella, what can I say - you are such a trouper. I'd just go park in the middle of the hospital and then faint or fall down and make a big fuss or some such nonsense to get my point across... You need some help from the medical system!  A pox on your d*H for not getting the surgery message to you at the time!!

    Mac, glad you are some better and that things are going pretty well at your end of the world.

    Chrissy, what fun to have your DGSs around.  We had neph1 & 2 here Mon-Tues, helping DH with the shed - some real heavy hard foundation work. Neph2 is home on leave (he's the one that was in Afghanistan) and came to work with us for 2 days - a huge help.  AND I agree, the younger ones are funny, even in their 20s and 30s. 

    First time ever, I didn't hear fireworks in our small-town-in-the-woods.  Yippee!!! We have been trying to get the "forest fire potential" point across to some of the folks. Either they got the message, went somewhere else, or were too broke to buy fireworks. In any event, it was uneventful here.  Just right.

    Thanks everyone for the bread pudding recipes & suggestions.  I'll try it.

    Ginger, Chabba, QCA, all -- my best to everyone.  I hope everyone has power, not affected too badly by the storms back east or by the fires in Colorado & Utah & Arizona &..... (Isabella, you might think about a canoe with all your rain)

    I am just too scattered right now, worrying about getting this lipoma removed.

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    tons of fireworks here. We are right next to a reservation. Up until they decided to quit about 1 am

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Ginger. Didn't know you'd had spinal problems...sounds so much like mine at the moment..and, as you say i AM downplaying it ! I always do when I am ill, don't know what it is, I just sit there grinning , saying 'I'm OK. I'm OK..just don't dare come over to try and help me...nothing wrong !!!' when I am rolling about on the floor in pain. Which means, I suppose, I'm the boss around here, I can't be ill!

    My L3, L4 and L5 are in a real mess , from the MRI images. How long were you in hospital, and getting over this op ?

    It is thundering like mad here, real cracking and banging, the dogs are all huddling around me, a couple are howling, and the birds have stopped twittering...I do like to hear my birds chattering away all day, I never feel alone when they sat watching me and making a racket. It's come all dark and creepy now, just hope the power doesn't pack up...better go and look for some candles just in case. I have some sort of box thing on a pylon in one of my fields, and when we get big bad thunder it invariable gets struck, and down goes the power. The power people just come and throw a switch, in this box, it's as simple as that, and we're back on again .


  • Dilly
    Dilly Member Posts: 394

    When there is a thunderstorm rolling in, just beforehand, the woods get real quiet - birds just go mute.  My last big dog hated storms & was underfoot, anxious.  This one isn't fazed. We're not likely to see a drop of rain until October.

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    I wish we were not seeing rain until's absolutely miserable here. We have 29 flood warnings in our region alone, and the rain just goes on coming down cold, wet and unrelenting.

    It's the height of the show and festival season, and each time I turn on the TV there is something else cancelled. All the fields around my house are standing in water, the farmyard is a mud bath...lots of soil is being brought down the fields from my neighbours fields, and is spreading nicely over my yard ! I don't think a hen has even put its beak outside I have sent instructions out to shut their doors range or not I don't want them drowning ! No doubt this will be THE afternoon for the dreaded hen/egg inspector to make her swoop, if she dares to moan at me I shall end up pushing her down the stream...which is really in full spate !! If I were a child I would be having SO much fun playing in this stream, making dams, and blocking it here and there, but suppose I'd look very stupid if I got togged up and went out to play in the stream !! I've just sent all my girls home early, no use them getting soaked to the skin!

    I was up wandering around at 3am. I could smell fire, pretty badly, and got up to look round the wasn't raining but there was smoke swirling around the security lights, and the smell was fire. Just HAD to check out all electrics whilst I was outside, you never know, but nothing. Funny, there definitely was this awful smell of burning, plus smoke about THEN, I happened to look across to my neighbours farm , quite a way across the fields, and guess what, he had the glow of a pretty big fire at the edge of his farm. This is the neighbour I do not get on with, so goodness knows what he was up to. He is prone to lots of fires,which are illegal, but he usually has them on an evening...must have been something that shouldn't have been for him to burn in the middle of the night. 

    Vanishing, the doorbell is ringing off the hook, whoever it is must like getting wet.


  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    Who was it Isabella?? Our news here is carrying stories about your rains..looks scary

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639

    Hopefully not the poultry inspector.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    yes, hopefully not the dreaded hen checker!! Isabella hope it is drier there today!

    ptdreamers, don't remember which thread we were talking about the Sister Study. I got in touch with them. They were very grateful.  I got my sympathy card from them yesterday. They had me scan and email my path reports to them. (which tested my brain function. LOL)  I suppose they will send me a form to release my medical records for them also. Hey if they can learn anything from my diagnosis, all for the cure! I miss my sister everyday!!!

    Lost Creek  (((hugs)))

    Leah, sorry for the sadness in your life, but glad there is happiness to help the balance even up. Life certainly is an adventure.

    I still am trying to get out everyday and  do something! Yesterday it was a BBQ with my DS and some old friends. I lasted 2 hours and then headed home, but i am glad I went. 

  • Isabella4
    Isabella4 Member Posts: 1,352

    Lisa...nobody in particular at the door, but I wouldn't open it as I didn't know who it was !!!

    I have  a big sign at the top of my lane, and another right by the side of the back door, giving the name of the farm, plus a sign for the kennels with opening hours on, but STILL some people ring the bell and ask for something totally different to what is written on sign only inches from their heads.  I can see thru' my windows, and no-one can see me looking, so if I don't know who's around I don't go to the door. I always keep myself locked and bolted in when everyone has gone home for the night, so I just hang around 'til I see them go ! Luckily for the person ringing the bell it was still daytime and the guard dogs were not loose....come 6pm the dogs are always let out , and I wouldn't like to meet them if I didn't know them !! ...2 Rotweillers, 2 Alsations.....soft as butter with me, but they do not like strangers.

    We are still having rain. Big bad rain. Everywhere is soaking. I had ordered a machine today to come and harvest some peas, but no way would the machine get on the fields, so may just have to let the crop rot.....I think it's time for me to pack up! I used to thrive on problems over the years, nothing bothered me, I always saw a silver lining, would stay outside every hour there was working, but now I just get disheartened, and want to get back into the house, and potter about with my dogs.

    Still having hot flashes, I HAVE an appointment with my GP, but it's not for 9 which time I hope the hot flashes will be gone. I must be using gallons and gallons of water hopping in and out of the shower so much, probably be cheaper to stand out in the rain, but it's so damned cold outside. I have pulled a pile of my rugby shirts out, which I normally wear in winter, Ts and sleevless tops just are stupid in this weather.


  • 3jaysmom
    3jaysmom Member Posts: 2,604

    i've had so much to catch up on, forgive when i miss you, as i sure lyh will..

     havig trouble with the neuropathy lately, so typings hard. i have the voice program ready for the comouter, but i believe in using your hands, as much as you can.. so, scue the typos that are sure to come.

      Leah, my heart aches for you, over the  miles.. my mom took a long time to pass, and wen i tried to get there, i missed the moment.. should've been there days before, but didn't go, was a holiday, and she was doing ok.. i think she chose a time when most of us weren't there .. just my nephew, who didn't leave her side, for days at a time.. bc he wasn't seeing eye to eye with my sister, y mom got the company.. which is to say G d has His ways.. don't beat yourself up if you don't go, or don't go "in time".. i believe there's a reason for it.

      i am gla that there was a bit of good news, in the middle of the bad...the wheel of life goes its own way, and doesn't consult us...

      Isabella: im so sorry you're so sick, and its rainy.  gew up in Boston, with constant rain.. we didn't even bother with it, after awhile.. but the wet cold is awful!!!

      i hope your flat tires fixed, and put on.. you've got to get over being the "tough" one.. it used to be my schtick, too, but i've give up on it.. i need the help, i ask, no insist on it now...

      been really sick.. lots of complications, but none of them cancer, thank goodness.. right now, a ragin UTI and a systemic yeast infection, from hell.

     have le bad, and neuropathy is kicking up.. good thing Marybe and Barbara A didn't make it down, i was too sick to visit, and really, still am..

      had a day with the grands, put me in bed for 2 days, but they are the only thing i consider worth t, anymore...

      its sure good to reach you ladies.ive missed you all. hoping that the new stove is warming the kitchen for you, chrissy. you can have some heat and rain, from e, and i know isabella would gladly share her rain...

      i'll get back, as i can. missed your friendship, all....3jays off to bed....

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Hi girls!  Phew!  One week down and another just GS's returned home and GS number three has been picked up and is spending his first night of a weeks stay as I  I am definitely going to need a holiday or something after this week finishes and he is returned home as well.  The other two are a little quieter but this one has asperghes and is a right chatterbox!  Even his mom says she just wishes for some quiet at times.........I know what she kept the chat going all the way home and my poors ears are really looking for a long quiet night.  Don't know if I'll get it but I sure hope so.

    Isabella....Oh my!  all that rain!  I sure hope it stop or al least slows downs for you soon and you begin to feel a little better.  Take it easy girl and don't push too hard.

    Leah I'm really saddened by your news.  Hoping you make the right decision for you on when to go.  Prayers for a peaceful passing for her.

    3jays you take it easy girl and rest up as much as you need.  I am saddrned to think that you are having to cope with all this extra crap with no end in sight.  Post when you can and know that you are always being tought of.

    Nancy, how's the breathing?  has it least a little? Sure hoping things are getting better for you as well.

    Aly are you sick again or still hanging from your last cold?  hope you are staying warm!

    Oh, the sixth month checkup went just fine and I'm still hanging with the stable boy.....Yahoo!!  Doesn't want to see me for another six months so I'm happy with that.  He also gave me some vaginal estradoil to use twice a week only to try and solve my dryness issue and the SE's of a little sick of having a sore twot when I sat so I finally gave in and mentioned it.   Needless to say my GP was not happy about it but relented and said no more than twice a week also so I'll give it a go.  I shall give you an update when I've used it a few weeks.  

    Love n hugs.  Chrissy 

  • Alyson
    Alyson Member Posts: 3,737

    Has been a busy week here it seems and it has been realy cold. Think flu, which it was, has gone but I was good and stayed in and kept warm. I can't have any vaccinations these days so no flu jab.

    Leah, sending really big hugs. I was in Prague when my mother died, it was sad not to be there but I had seen her just before we left. Mum and I had always had an agreement that I was not to wait around for her and if I was away I was not to come home. I had spoken to her 24hours before she became sick but it still was very hard.

    Been a funny old day. DGD has chicken pox poor honey, spots started yesterday has many today. DD brought children round as she had to get some ointment for DGD from the chemist. Then this evening DGS fell over in the bath (helped by his sister) and put his teeth through his lip, blood everywhere. DD had enough at that point and Granny was called. By the time I got there all was well except for the lip. This week I have made a skirt for DD1 who is off to Wellington tomorrow as she is singing in Der Valkyrie. It is a concert performance so outfit needed, she purchased a lovely jaket and I made the skirt. 

    Must get to bed.

    Big hugs to all.

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Alyson:  So sorry about your mom...I'm glad you were able to see her and have some quality time before she passed.  It sounds like she had a great attitude about life!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Hey Everyone, I'm hanging in there with the breathing. As long as I take all my meds and do the nebulizer 3xday I can function. So I'm getting out  a little more and trying to stay as active as I can. Still very low energy and taking naps everyday. I feel like my life is controlled by drugs, but it is what it is. 

    Anyway, I brought my hummingbird feeder up to hang off my deck last night and already a little hummer is out there sipping away. It used to hang down on a hanger from the ground so I could see it from the shop. But since I spend most of my time upstairs now, it made sense to finally move it. So I can watch the squirrels, wood peckers, finches, sparrows and now hummers all at once. Life's little pleasures.

    I hope everyone is enjoying their time with loved ones wherever you might be. I can't believe my DS is turning 27 next week. Time certainly seems to slip thorugh our fingers. Seems like just last year he got the chicken pox on the last day of school. I think he was in 1st grade. Of course, his sister got it the next week. So I remember those days well, what a good granny, Alyson to help out in the pinch.

    Chrissy, glad you got a good report and have some time to enjoy before the next appt. Hope DGS is not wearing you out. 

    Kaara, back from your trip? Was it cooler or hotter in Michigan (?). What funny weather we are having. It is extreme all the way!

    I've got to get ready for my Water Aerobics class, so have a great day, all. 

  • Kaara
    Kaara Member Posts: 2,101

    Chrissy:  Good for you on the positive report.

    maca:  I saw hummingbirds for the first time on my deck this morning.  I think it has been too hot for them but it is cooler today and overcast.  NC was so hot...record temps 106/108...the worst!  I'm going out to do some gardening while the weather is cooperating.