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For Older People with Sense



  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    The best rendition of the National anthem I ever heard was a single trumpet playing beautifully

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184

    The best rendition of the National anthem I ever heard was a single trumpet playing beautifully

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Kathy, Raven will grow to about 25 - 30 kg so that's about 55 - 66 pounds so she will be a biiiiig dog!  You are right though, right now is the perfect cuddle

    Mani all done and nails once again look gorgeous!

    Time for dinner as the belly is staring to grumble....catch you all later!

    Love n hugs.     Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    My sister has lived in the USA for over 30 years now and we used to all gather in the summers at a lodge in Canada (before my Dad died). One night at dinner we asked her four (teenaged and older) kids if they knew the words to "Oh Canada". They said no, and why would they??? The rest of us began to sing the US anthem and blew them away with us knowing all the words and keeping the tune!! Like we only hear it thousands of times during sports games! I know more of the US anthem than I do of Canadas' as I think they changed some of our words years ago. We had the younger nieces sing Canada's theme to showcase them and to not have to admit we didn't know all the words.

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184


    Speaking of other anthems..they played both USA and GB ones at the Davis cup this weekend..

  • socallisa
    socallisa Member Posts: 10,184


    Great Britain was fortunate to have Andy Murray playing for them...the US was whipped..

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    well girls, I just arrived home from the city, it is 12.30pm..........I'm bushed but I need to relax a little after the long drive and solid concentration as the kangaroos are very active at night and for some reason like to jump in front of cars so you have to keep a keen eye out..........guess it's like the deer over there.

    The ENTs report says I am officially deaf........yes I need a hearing aide particularly for social functions if there is background noise as it is far worse then.........I literally cannot hear a thing.  I totally flunked the hearing test........never was any good when it came to now begins the process of getting the aide.

    I used to know all the words to our National Anthem but it's so long since I've sung it that I have forgotten all but the first verse.  I do know a lot of the words to the American Anthem but not all although I do know the tune note for note.

    Time for a hot shower, cup of tea and then bed.  Take care all!

    Love n hugs.     Chrissy

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    Chrissy, I failed my hearing test this year, too. I hated how the doc covered her lips and talked to me and expected me to hear her instead of reading her lips. lol I love having hearing aids, It took a little while to get use to them, but now I don't want to be without them.

    My dog is now up to almost 65lbs, but she still wants to snuggle sometimes. But puppies are wonderful.

    I'm watching the pre Olympics show. 

    I am going to post some pics of my house remodeling I hope you gals don't mind. I had started talking to barbe about this on a different thread which is now not active.

    The roof was cut off last weekend in between snow storms. 

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    imageIt looks really sad here, but it will be great! I hope the weather clears up some so they can get on with the reconstruction.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    OMG Nancy! That looks like a complete wreck!  I would love to see more pics of the remodel as it progresses so please feel free to share!  It's great when you see things coming together and things turning from a thought into reality.........very exciting!

     Oh I'm not worried about the hearing aides if fact I'm excited to actually be able to hear properly again as find it really annoying to only get part of the conversation..........doing that and answering can get me into trouble if I'm not careful so unless it's a written conversation I'm afraid I've been a little quiet as I'm never as I'm never lost for words, that has been the hardest thing of all!

    I rang the place where I was recommended to go to get the aide to make an appointment and was told that seeing as I am on disability I should qualify for the governments hearing program which means that the aide will cost me only cost will be its maintenance.  I rang that department and requested an application form to be sent so now it's just waiting till it arrives so I can fill it out.  I must admit, I'm very happy about that as I know the newer aides are very expensive.

    Well I need to go put a load of washing's a shame we have to wear cloths,just think of the water we'd save if all we had to wash was our bodies.........hahahahaha!

    Love n hugs.      Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Mac please post your remodeling photos, I will love to follow along.   It is good to hear you all talking about hearing, I miss a lot of conversations and use the closed captions on the television. The measles left me hearing damaged in one ear and my friend blew up a firecracker between our two heads. Coupled with loud music I will someday need to go ahead and get aides. It sounds much less scary hearing you talk about them. 

    Hugs Ginger

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ginger don't be afraid of them, the hearing test is a breeze and all you have to do is listen and press a pain, no sticks and the end result is being able to catch all of the conversation.  The newer aides are really so small that they are really not noticeable when being worn.  I remember the one my Gran used to wear as she was deaf as a post.  She had a humungous bussom and the box that controlled the volume she used to put between them.  It was so funny as in order to talk to her you first had to make sure the volume was turned up!  That was over fifty years ago and technology has gone ahead so much that the latest aides sit so well in the ear it's almost impossible to see them at all!

    It's so important to take care of all aspects of our health and that includes hearing.........never bee afraid to ask questions or insist on tests that could improve the quality of our lives.  Ageing does not mean that we deserve anything less.

    Take care all!

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,958

    I'm going to need them very soon. They are hideously expensive here. New sofa? Hearing aides? The sofa would be cheaper. Medicare does not help with them, so I may have the ear trumpet after all. My silly father would not have his ears checked and he was quite deaf. It was probably just wax; he used to have lots of wax.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Wren they are really expensive here as well but there are scales........the really tiny ones are the most expensive, about $3000 scaling back in cost and rising in size from there.  I should qualify for the governments program, I'm

    Yes, sometimes it's hard to decide between a new chuck and things like hearing much more comfortable sitting on a couch than a hearing aide.

    Love n hugs.     Chrissy

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Thanks I will ask questions. My Dad got a hearing aid and then wouldnt wear it. He lost a lot of hearing from metals hitting metals over his years of work as an iron worker and things related to that.  

    Do they work if there is bbackground noise? I might as well be stone deaf if I am out in a noisy place as I can't make out hardly any of the conversations. 

    I will try to look up the costs here since medical products cost the earth here. 


  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    Well, Chrissy, I hate to do laundry and maybe clothes-free would be okay in the summer like you're having now (said she who only puts on a bathing suit reluctantly) but not lately here!  You have a great positive attitude about hearing aides and I know you'll do fine.  I'm excited for you.  How wonderful it will be when you can participate in conversations with confidence again!

    Nancy, yes, please do post pictures of the remodel as you go along.  I can't wait to see what it looks like along the way.  

    GS#2 is having his 1st birthday party Saturday so I need to shop a bit tomorrow.  We took his birthday present (a toy chest) on his actual birthday (Dec. 23) but there was no party then since DGS#1 was sick, it was 2 days prior to Christmas, etc.  I'm personally looking forward to the pizza!  DH and I've been on a diet and pizza is a no-no, but it certainly wouldn't be polite to refuse it at my grandson's birthday party!



  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Ginger the background noise is my major problem, if it's just one on one or there is no interference from music, loud conversation of other, dishes banging together, traffic noise, you know all those other distractions I do fine.   My ENT assures me that the aide will definitely allow me to hear properly in noisy situations.  They do, by all accounts, take a bit of getting used to so it will take perseverance but it's like everything else, if you want the benefits you just have to keep on keeping on.

    Kathy, wow!  Your daughter (DIL ?) didn't time that very thought my GS was close at just seven days before Christmas!  Enjoy the Pizza and the GS's!  Diet or no sometimes we need to have a treat.

    Love n hugs all!     Chrissy

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    I got hearing aidS years ago. Yep 2. Cried when I first listened with them. Made the tech cry, too. My DH stood behind me and told me he loved me and I HEARD him!!!! Very emotional for me, but too much stimuli. I had programmable ones for different situations car, movie, phone, crowd, etc. It would cut out the background noise to allow me to hear the louder voice I needed to hear. I loved them at first, but when the battery died there was a BIG vertigo issue as one ear could hear and one couldn't! Nauseated me a lot and I had to keep extra batteries on me at all times. Also, mine went INTO my ears and I sweated a lot and had to take them out and dry them off!!! Gross!!!! I also hated at night when I took them out and the world was so I use ear plugs to replicate that lack of sound - go figure!!

    Mac, why does the building look like it's made out of cement??? Was wondering how you were doing on it. Can't WAIT to see it as it goes along! I will live my reno-experience vicariously through you.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200

    barbe, the building is made of concrete. Most of it anyway. It was an old carriage, stable house.hence the big garage type doors. There were two in the neighborhood. I think they were part of an old, old estate. The other one has been renovated all ready. It now looks like a normal shingled house. We are going to keep the bottom part stucco like it is with shingles on the top. We've had two good days in a row. I'll get over there today or tomorrow to take pictures. 

    My DS just called and caught me down in the shop. It is so hard to stay out of it. I am having some veggy soup now and will get out in the fresh air for a walk with the dog before an afternoon nap!

    I put my hearing aids on when I put my jewelry on. I love them, they actually stop the ringing in my ears. I hear the real sounds instead of the tinnitus sounds. Yes, I now have to carry the batteries with me constantly because they beep when they need to be changed. I can only turn mine up or down so far. She is breaking me into the hearing aid world slowly.

    Here is another pic!


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,958

    The aides take some training to use properly. We avoid some restaurants because they're so noisy. It helps to sit in a corner or against a wall with the restaurant at your back. DH and I can't hear each other if there's background noise or we're not facing each other. The audiologist said "you could get hearing aides if you're motivated". I have no idea what she meant.

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Nancy, you naughty girl!  You know you are not supposed to be in the shop! I do understand the need to be  As long as you were 'just looking around' than that's okay.

    I can't wait to see what you are doing with that building, I used to love to do renovations but I can barely hold a hammer now let along any other still doesn't stop my imagination from going wild when I see so etching that needs work.  Give us a description of what your plans are please........I for one would love to know.

    Wren she probably meant that if it bothers you and want to make the effort, aides would probably be a good thing but like all things we need to have a reason, hence 'motivated', to get the ball rolling.  I hear you on the can't hear DH unless you are DDs both cracked up laughing when I told them I was deaf they both commented that the would like to be a fly on the wall watching our non conversation.......hahahahaha!   I guess yours is the same if you can't hear each other.

    The heat has returned with a vengeance.......ugh!!!   We are due one day of relief in the next week so roll on Autumn......please!!!!  

    Take care!  Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Just stopping in to say hi to everyone.  I love the pictures of the baby giraffes.  I wish I could get pictures to turn out even half that good.  Had a rough couple of weeks with a lot of changes to meds and new issues that have really scared the silly out of me. I have added another doc an this one is a shrink!  Just someone else that will soon know how crazy I really am. :)  

    Hope everyone has a great weekend. 

    Hugs, AJ 

  • chrissyb
    chrissyb Member Posts: 11,438

    Oh AJ I'm really sorry that you are having a really hard time right now, I know there are loads of things that are hard to get your head around so a shrink could really help you with that.  Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love n hugs.    Chrissy

  • Elisimo
    Elisimo Member Posts: 1,262

    Thanks Chrissy, you know I love you.  My emotions have been all over the map and I get sort of derailed very easily, DH does not know what to do so he just holds me close.  Which of course makes me cry more. I love him so much and feel like such a burden to him.  He says I am not, but you know me, kind of stubborn.

    Later dear sister.

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    AJ, I too am so sorry you're having such a rough patch right now.  A shrink is an excellent idea, I think.  You'll have someone to talk to who isn't emotionally attached to you and also that you have no emotional investment in.  We tend to be so close to our DH's and families that we simply dissolve when trying to tell them how we feel.  I know that's how I am too.  I think this is a very good step to take and it will help you.

    You're in my thoughts and prayers.


  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    AJ, I wonder if you are on "head meds" as well? Just as much as we take Tylenol to help our arthritic joints, we may need an anti-anxiety or stress med to help us cope. I have a chemical imbalance and have taken something for probably the last 30 years or so. I know I will never be without something to help me cope with anger, loss, stress, overwhelmed feelings etc, but I still need extra emotional chemical support when in a dark place. I've also been seeing a "counselor" between visits to my shrink. The counselor is great as I can say anything to him and he doesn't get angry or sad for me. It really helps to say some things out loud to someone and have them answer. Family and friends just aren't the right people sometimes as they are emotionally attached to us and will never forget what we said in our darkest moments. Sometimes I cry when I see my counselor and other times not. It doesn't matter, but I do honour myself by digging deep. Yesterday I cried for almost the whole hour and other times I only see him for 20 minutes and then say "I'm done." We know our bodies so well by this age, by now we have to accept that we know our emotional limitations too. ANY med is tough to take at the beginning as it may make you woozy, but your body adapts. I'm writing all this for anyone else reading who it may help. It's like treating a weeping wound until it heals. That's all.

  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    A humble request. Please do not post Olympic Results on BCO. We are just now starting the segment that will show the Slopestyle competion. Itis 8 PM Saturday night here/  Some areas are getting these competitions nearly a full day ahead of us.    

    Thank you 

  • barbe1958
    barbe1958 Member Posts: 7,605

    Gingerbrew, that is a GREAT request!! Some people may PVR the event as well. There is probably an Olympic thread anyway....

  • QCA
    QCA Member Posts: 1,150

    I agree too, Ginger.  I'm watching a lot of it and it's all delayed, so it's much better without spoilers.

    We're gearing up for another snowstorm, apparently, and this one's supposed to be a major one for us.  I've heard anything from 3 to 8 inches and I can hardly remember the last time we had that much, other than the fact that the power went off.  I know those of you who have lots of snow every winter are unimpressed with this, but this is the South and we don't have the equipment to deal with it.  We don't even get mail, despite the "through rain and sleet and snow" thing!

    Hope everyone had a good weekend!


  • Gingerbrew
    Gingerbrew Member Posts: 1,997

    Yes, the time delay leaves me thinking we live at the end of the world!   Watching men's team long program now. I am a little behind.      I do love Jason Brown from the US, he makes me smile. Isn't it wonderful when an artistic athletic performance can make you smile!  :)

    We had snow here last night and are at an elevation where we held onto it today. I am supposed to go get this back brace tomorrow but I am not going if there is still any ice on the road. I am supposed to wear this thing for three months. I have never seen one before. A poster suggested I might want to use valium for a muscle relaxant to adjust to the brace. I hope I don't need it because my DH asked the surgeon if I needed pain killers and he said no. Hm.  I wonder if I will be able to drive? A web site says you will not be able to sit in all chairs any longer.

    I really wish the ER had figured out I had this L1 problem in the ER. They did a cat scan of my neck but not my back. Whine, whine, complain. I am lucky there is anything to be done. 

    For balance I should point out I have now seen every TV show I have ever had any interest in. :) lol

    I look forward to going into my sewing room again. I read all of your posts and view your photos with great interest. You all are so very creative. 

    Hugs GInger