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ER-, PR-, Her2+ Roll call



  • maryannecb
    maryannecb Member Posts: 74

    Hi cocbean...almost same stats!

    I always loved the longtime survivow posts as a come back to let you all know , it happens!

  • marjie
    marjie Member Posts: 365

    Tomorrow is my one year anniversary for being "deported" Tongue Out

  • Graceembraced
    Graceembraced Member Posts: 86

    Marjie Congrats! Love the deported description...

  • Vickiss
    Vickiss Member Posts: 2

    DX March 2011 and still fighting after a 5 month remission.

  • Graceembraced
    Graceembraced Member Posts: 86

    Vicki's, praying that you stay strong and know others are praying for you.

  • Botany1967
    Botany1967 Member Posts: 2

    Hi everyone, I'm new to this group.  My diagnosis in the 'land down under' was late 2012, and the upfront shock of it all is slowly, slowly easing.  My second round of TCH chemo is tomorrow.  Wishing all of you the best with your treatments and for moving on with life as much as we can.  It's been a comfort to know I'm not alone with this 'beastie'.  

  • Graceembraced
    Graceembraced Member Posts: 86

    Welcome Botany1967! Stay can do it!

  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Member Posts: 475

    Please pray for Volleymom. She is in the hospital again.  She said it was OK to share my PM with you guys.....                              yes I am still here with Flu B so says the culture and taking tamiflu
    and lots of pain meds, They did stop the antiboditics. Head feeling
    alittle better neck still stiff. Will be asking for all my test results
    when I leave. Honestly I think am little better,  Who knew what the flu
    and chemo don't mix, PLEASE POST I AM TO  WEAK TOO, THIS IS DAY SEVEN.

  • Botany1967
    Botany1967 Member Posts: 2

    Thank so much, Graceembrace, look after yourself well too, especially if you're still having your radiation treatment.

    Volleymom, sounds as if you're having a truly awful chemo cycle, but hoping the tamiflu has kicked in and you are slowly getting some energy back.  Fingers crossed you're out of hospital soon.

    Vickiss, long may your remission last, sending you loads of positive thoughts from below the equator.

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396

    I had my first brain MRI since I was diagnosed with recurrance and mets to my brain and liver in December of 2012 today.  I had gamma knife on the brain and have been on tykerb and xeloda.  My scan came back with no new mets  and the two lesions I had were gone.  Just posting to give you all hope.  I was in a very bad place in December.  Now,  things are looking up.  Keep up the fight.

  • maryannecb
    maryannecb Member Posts: 74

    GREAT news.Bet you are super pleased.Laughing

  • CameraKim
    CameraKim Member Posts: 33

    Hi everyone, just saw this and wanted to add my name to the list. I'm Kim, a 46 year old mom of two and an elementary school teacher by day!

    Started this journey back in September. My husband and I were watching Parenthood, one of our favorite shows. One of the main characters was diagnosed with BC and my husband playfully reached over and poked me to ask if I did self exams regularly. As soon as he touched me he got a worried look on his face and said he felt a lump. I had an ultra sound the next week and within a few days I was diagnosed with BC.

    We actually thought I was TN, and my surgeon was pretty excited when she found out I was Her2+....although I was scared to death. I had read how aggressive her2 could be and was really depressed for about a month.

    As I write this, I've just finished my chemo of A/C & TH. I have scans and meet with BS next week to figure out what surgery I'll have and what comes next. We can't feel the tumor at this point so I'm hopeful. My MO said that if cancer was still remaining in my tumor or lymph node we could talk about using the TDM1 drug as a trial. A little chemo added to the Herceptin sounds promising.

    I'm off to start on page one of this thread and read through them tonight. 

    Best wishes to all!!


  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Member Posts: 210

    Hi all - I was diagnosed in January of 2008 - multifocal (7mm and 2.2 cm) ER-/PR- Her2+ idc plus dcis. Did 6 TCH, Herceptin, and was in the Neratinib trial for a year. Unilateral mastectomy (after two lumpectomies).

    My point here is....that was 5 years ago! And although this continues to be a scary diagnosis (sorry you have to join us, Kim, but welcome), the number of treatments and trials that I've become aware of in the last 5 years is amazing. Our doctors have so many options today and all of the trials hold the promise of many more. 

    I'm looking forward to the birth of my first grandchild (my avatar was taken at my now-pregnant daughter's wedding about a week after I finished Herceptin), my son's hs graduation, and my other daughter's wedding this summer. Oh, and my own retirement after 36 years of teaching! I had no idea 5 years ago if I would be around to enjoy all of this. Here I am, appreciating every day. 

    I wish everyone here ALL THE BEST. 


  • CameraKim
    CameraKim Member Posts: 33

    Sue, you filled me with a lot of hope! I've been reading through the older posts and recognized your picture right away! My MO told me that the 5 year milestone for those of us with Her2+ is a really hopeful place to be! Congratulations! Hoping I can post the same message 5 years from now!

  • Abby20
    Abby20 Member Posts: 11


    Wish you many more healthy and happy years. How nice to hear hopeful stories.

    Love to all,


  • maryannecb
    maryannecb Member Posts: 74

    Great post Sue!

  • gingergirl
    gingergirl Member Posts: 1

    Just want to sign in.....2 years post-mastectomy and looking forward to a long, happy and healthy life!

    Positive wishes for all you amazing ladies!

  • Shasha10
    Shasha10 Member Posts: 212

    Congrats Suemed8749!! We need to hear about your success. I wish you you the best. Wink

  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Member Posts: 210

    Thanks so much, everybody. Maryannecb, you were one of MY inspirations to have hope when I first came to! It's always good to see you. And how wonderful it feels that my story can offer hope to newcomers. 

    As always, wishing ALL the best to my Her2+ sisters. 

  • maryannecb
    maryannecb Member Posts: 74

    Sue,I love when the newbies get older! haha...seems surreal that i am an oldy now...and loving it.

  • maryannecb
    maryannecb Member Posts: 74

    Bumping this for Sophie786

  • lkc
    lkc Member Posts: 182

    Hi There Ladies,

    It's been abit over a year since since I last posted. I am now almost 8 yrs from my " nasty diagnosis" and living LARGE with NED.

    BC is now a fading memory and I am so thankful to be enjoying life. It is truly sweeter now.

     I wish the Newbies a gentle journey down this road.

    MaryAnne, So Good to see you!

  • maevictor
    maevictor Member Posts: 2

    First time posting, can't tell you how many threads I have read through.  I am post chemo, post surgery and mid-way through radiation.  Been having some bad cancer days.  Thought of reoccurance is the hardest part after the treatment is done.  My red blood count is still low and last FEC treatment was in November and surgery mid-December 2012.  Reading these survivor threads is really helpful.  Best wishes to all.

  • leftfootforward
    leftfootforward Member Posts: 1,396

    Maevictor- hang in there. Radiation can effect your RBC and other things. If you aren't feeling well, talk with your radiologist about taking a radiation holiday.  Your body might need one.  They are ok to take and sometimes go a long way.  

    REcurrance is a scary thing to think about. I know, as I was diagnosed with metastatic disease in December of 2012.  I can tell you that I am kicking some butt and that the new therapies out there are working. I am living a normal life being a mother of 4 while on chemotherapy.  LIfe is ok.  It is hard for me to think about the future, but my everyday life is filled with joy and I am enjoying being a mom.  

    good luck

  • Sassa
    Sassa Member Posts: 98

    It is now official.  I saw my oncologist today for my 6 six year post chemo (5 Herceptin) anniversary. All tests were clear and I am still NED.

  • suemed8749
    suemed8749 Member Posts: 210

    Congratulations, Sassa! Great news. 

  • jocanuck1951
    jocanuck1951 Member Posts: 214

    That is so great Sassa!

  • ssimmons66
    ssimmons66 Member Posts: 11

    I was diagnosised on June 1, 2009....Praising God he has kept me cancer free since then and for giving us herceptin! I want to encourage everyone going thru treatment right now to hang in there. You can do it!

    Saying a prayer for all of you!

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,264

    I'm back for round 2.  I've read the first & last pages and will be reading the rest. 

    I had BMX Feb 2011 for DCIS w/large tumors.  Two SNB both sides were negative.  Clear margins & all stats showed no chemo or rads.  I was going along fat, dumb & 'happy' with my Allergan 410 gummy implants and only mild truncal LE.

    A new biopsy last week showed IDC in a chest wall mass, fairly large tumors, ER neg, PR neg, HER2+ (now they're doing a HERFISH).  Grade 3/3.  Possible mets. MIB1-75% proliferation rate.  Next week will be PET and MRI.  Onco says I need to start chemo 'yesterday' and will have to cancel a planned Alaska cruise in May w/my son and probably a NYC trip the end of April.  Tentative plan is 3-4 AC, then 3-4 THC.  Maybe rads.  Then more surgery.  Feels like I've been punched in the gut.

    I've been on BCO for 2 years and now will be finding new threads. Thanks for the information on this one.

  • lwilson
    lwilson Member Posts: 1

    I am sorry to hear that you are having some bad cancer days.  Keep going along.  It gets easier.  I have had a couple of scares just recently, but thankfully all is well.  All we can do is live each day to the fullest and be thankful for what we have.  I know I spent too much time not being grateful for what I had.  I now realize how very blessed I am.  We all get scared once we have a diagnosis of cancer that it will come back.  It is normal.  I wish all of you nothing but the best.  However, I know that I beat it once & if I have to I will beat it again.  None of the process was fun.  I didn't like being sick to my stomach, losing my hair, being tired all the time or losing part of my breast, but I am stronger now than ever because of all that I have been through.  I survived some pretty rough treatment - I can survive just about anything if I put my mind to it.  You can too!  Rely on friends and family & don't be afraid to say yes to offers of help.  Most important - stay positive.  It really does help!