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Survivors who had chemo etc and are into Complementary medicine



  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited July 2011

    I never liked using the teflon pans.  I have some of my mom's revereware pans that I use often.  I think those are ok, anyone know if they are not ok?

    I order a case of cut-rite wax paper bags from amazon as an alternative to plastic bags for bringing food to work.  They also seem more eco friendly to me.

  • apple
    apple Posts: 1,466
    edited July 2011

    actually (former chef speaking) one is supposed to heat up the generous amount of oil one wipes on.

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,102
    edited July 2011

    Mine never gets rusty, maybe because I use it all the time! Cindy, great story about the corn bread pan. My mom said her old pioneer great-grandmother referred to cast iron skillets as "Spiders".

  • GirlFriday
    GirlFriday Posts: 203
    edited July 2011

    I wash mine after ever use...and then just put it back on the stove, while it's still wet, heat it up until the water evaps, then do about two turns of oil around the pan. Then I take a paper towel, and rub down the sides and soak up any oil that could drip.  Then I just leave the pan on the stove to cool before I put away...Mostly it just stays on the stove, as we use it so much.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Posts: 734
    edited July 2011

    My daughter bought me a cast Iron teas steeper while I was in chemo, I love it.

  • Belinda44
    Belinda44 Posts: 15
    edited July 2011

    I recently bought a few cast iron pans.  Going to take them out of the boxes today after reading this discussion : ) 

    Was recently given some "le creuset" cookware.  What do you all think of that cookware?

  • kira1234
    kira1234 Posts: 754
    edited July 2011

    A cast iron tea steeper. I've never seen those. I'll just have to start looking for one.

  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Posts: 475
    edited July 2011

    Belinda, I love my Le Creuset cookware.  I have the stainless steel pots and pans and love how the lid can nestle on the handle while cooking.  Not so crazy about the enameled spaghetti pot though.

  • Belinda44
    Belinda44 Posts: 15
    edited July 2011

    Thanks, sewingnut.  The pieces I was given are the enameled ones.  Will have to check out the stainless steel ones (I didn't know they made those....thought they just made the enamel ones).

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,102
    edited July 2011

    Gosh, now I am kind of excited about cookware!

  • sewingnut
    sewingnut Posts: 475
    edited July 2011

    They also make something called a Daufu ( not sure of the spelling). Its a cast iron dutch oven with an indentation in the lid that you put ice cubes on top and it bastes whatever you are roasting inside. Got one for a wedding gift 35 yrs ago and still use it.

  • 3monstmama
    3monstmama Posts: 123
    edited July 2011

    I adore my Le Creuset.  I have a bunch of different pieces--of the enameled cast iron.  yes I know, when you load it up with food, it weighs a ton.  I don't care.  Le Creuset rocks.

  • tedwilliams
    tedwilliams Posts: 97
    edited July 2011

    Love my cast iron and Le Creuset. I have a skillet from when my parents got married---almost 65 years old. I also have the cornbread pan as well. Nothing better than beans and cornbread cooked in cast iron.


  • Merilee
    Merilee Posts: 734
    edited July 2011

    You all are making me hungry. I love  to cook, I love to feed people  and I LOVE to eat. LOL

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited July 2011

    Food as complementary medicine!

  • Carola32
    Carola32 Posts: 44
    edited July 2011

    Hear, hear, Omaz!

    I just threw something together, and it's deelicious! My DH looked at me with big eyes, 'is there enough for me?' Oops...sorry :-D

    Heated some olive oil in my skillet (not iron yet though!), added curcumin and black pepper with some herbal sea salt, braised some red onion and a teensy weensy bit of red and white quinoa. Prepared my plate with small cut tomatoes (cherry are even tastier), some low-fat goat cheese and a lot of rucola salad. You can add some small chopped nuts too, if you're in need of extra fats and protein, and it gets the crunchy thing going on. Back in the skillet I cracked an egg and pressed garlic over it so it wouldn't overcook (heard raw garlic is better for us) and dry rosemary. As a vinaigrette I used pressed lemon and a bit of red vinegar. Yummy! I really like the taste lemon adds to everything, especially salads. I tend to put too much salt on everything so lemon really helps. All organic of course :-D

    Bon appétit !

  • claire_in_seattle
    claire_in_seattle Posts: 2,793
    edited July 2011

    If you find your Le Creuset stuff too heavy or otherwise unsatisfactory, let me know.

    Seriously, it's worth every penny, and I can't imagine using anything else to make a stew in.  I use the large lasagna pan for roasts.

    The small lidded round pot is wonderful for rice and other starches.  They come out perfect every single time.  Right now, I have bulgher (a new discovery of mine) in it.

    I know they are heavy, but one of the reasons I work out.

    As for cast iron, I left most of those with my ex (and didn't take my large Le Creuset dutch oven which I now regret leaving there).  However, I do have a grill pan that I acquired in my friends' moving sale.  I looked quite mangy and was on its way to Goodwill.  I took it, brought it home, then cleaned and seasoned it.  Works like a charm now.

    One more tip, is that it also works like a charm under the broiler, so very handy when i don't want to use the rooftop grill here. - Claire

  • apple
    apple Posts: 1,466
    edited July 2011

    sounds GREAt Carola..

    and Omaz - Revere Ware is pretty great.. they are even and work great if one preheats them before sautee-ing.. hot pan, cold oil, any temp. food.  I wash my pan which I think my sister stole, or I lost it in my vast kitchen, (ha ha) immediately after cooking.

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited July 2011

    Anyone do meditation or biofeedback for relaxation?

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Posts: 4,503
    edited July 2011

    Omaz I do yoga for relaxation

  • socallisa
    socallisa Posts: 10,184
    edited July 2011

    I have an induction stovetop so all I can use those which are magnetic..I have not tested

    wrought iron..can someone just see if a magnet sticks to the bottom??

  • apple
    apple Posts: 1,466
    edited July 2011

    don't see why not.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Posts: 734
    edited July 2011

    Omaz- yes to food as medicine and yes to meditation, love both LOL

  • painterly
    painterly Posts: 266
    edited July 2011

    I just read the disclosure at the top of the page. I mean, I really read it. I think there is something wrong with the use of the word "attempt, or meaning of the sentence:  "Holistic medicine is a term used to describe therapies that attempt to treat the patient as a whole person." I have a feeling the word "attempt" does not belong there.

    When I wrote essays at university, I was never allowed to use the word "attempt" in my thesis or opening statement of my essay. We were told by the prof. that attempt is synonymous with failure. I just googled "attempt" and here is what it means:

    attempt means to "try to do something"

    another dictionary describes it as "trying to do something especially without much expectation of success".

    I have been treated conventionally and now having holistic treatment such as acupuncture to regain (not attempt to regain) my energy back that I lost through conventional treatment. I have had 6 sessions now and I am beginning to feel more like my old self. 

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,017
    edited August 2012


    I'm smiling at our observation, smiling WITH you, btw.  Kind of like Yoda, remember Yoda, wow, I loved Yoda.  DO, not "try" , DO.

    So glad you too are being healed by acupunture.  I Love how it has helped me heal,

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,102
    edited July 2011

    I have a 'reduce stress through hypnosis' CD that is amazing!

  • Ang7
    Ang7 Posts: 568
    edited July 2011


    Would you mind letting me know the title of it?

  • omaz
    omaz Posts: 4,218
    edited July 2011

    sounds like a good one to me too. 

  • ruthbru
    ruthbru Posts: 48,102
    edited July 2011

    How I came about this CD is pretty crazy. I was at a benefit dinner and the entertainment was a hynotist. After the show he was selling CDs on all sorts of topics (quit smoking, lose weight etc. etc.) and I noticed a stress reduction CD ($10), so I bought it and tried it out. If I put it on at night, it knocks me right out! It is amazing. (I had to force myself to stay awake to hear what it actually had to say.) I also bought one for my sister & niece, who both love theirs too.

    So, it's called "Reduce Stress and Tension----plus----Power Napping". The website is and you will think you are on a wrong site because he will be more plugging his comedy routine. Look for the store section of the website.

  • Merilee
    Merilee Posts: 734
    edited July 2011

    I used visualization through my entire chemo. I had a vicious black wolf/dog that I named Taxatere. I sent him in like a drug dog to sniff out and destroy any hidden cancer cells. Then I used the idea of little clean up pack men (cytoxen) going behind scooping up any mess that Taxatere had made. This was very helpful to me as I was at first terrified of the chemo and was viewing it as my enemy not my helper.