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  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited February 2013

    shane - your TE may never be symmetrical, most PS will do some pocket work at exchange to acheive symmetry.  It is easier to do at that time because the part going on the inside is soft and pliable - the TE are hard and somewhat non-movable - as I am sure you know!  The main purpose of the TE is to stretch that pec muscle and your skin to prepare for exchange so don't worry if they don't look the same.  Many of us don't have symmetry on the chest wall (chest wall anomaly) so the TE sit differently on the each side of the chest - it is more pronounced with TE than with an implant.  This is the case with me and I do have two different sizes of implant - my right is 50cc larger than my left but they look exactly the same.  I got creative with clothes and scarves to make my TE look the same, or just cover them up!  I also had pain between my shoulder blades down the middle of my back, and on the right side of my neck - all of it went away instantly at exchange.  I took a lot of baths too!

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited February 2013

    Shane- mine were different the entire time! Non cancer side was much larger throughout the entire TE time. I would have to pad one side whenever I wanted to look equal. I have yet to see my new foobs, and I know one side is at least 20% bigger due to the extra work... But my PS says they are perfectly symmetrical. Once the swelling goes down, I should be even.

    I have been on low doses of Norco the entire time with the TE's. I had constant tightness and soreness. So much better now and only a week out of exchange.

    See my PS today re: post op and drain removal! I hate having the drain removed!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited February 2013

    DM - if you have a Xanax or Ativan hanging around the house can you take it before the drain removal?  I wish someone had told me to do that in advance - I found my PS much better at removing drains than the BS, he was far more gentle.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited February 2013

    I am SO upset. Went in for drain removal, only to be told that I have too much fluid in breast... Drain not working! Having surgery in 2 hours!

    When can I be done with surgeries and complications! I'm tired...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited February 2013

    DM - oh no!  I guess they have to fix it though - what procedure are they doing?

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2013

    Thought I'd share this with anyone still dealing with a drain...I'm going on a month now, mainly because I've been traveling and away from home. As soon as I got the first fill, draining went below 30.

    I bought large square bandaids - they come 6 in a box  at CVS. I tape them right over the source of the drain and the beginning of the tube and it holds everything in place, making it so much easier to move around. Plus, prevents germs from getting in and it seems to irritate my skin less than tape.

  • lolalee
    lolalee Member Posts: 164
    edited February 2013

    DM13 sounds like they did not position the drain in the proper place the first time, either that or it is blocked further up.  Feel for you going for another surgical procedure, does make you wonder when it will all end!

    Roadwarrior, what a great idea to use the bandaids, I will remember that when it comes time for exchange and more drains.  I got my last drain caught in the recliner chair and it pulled apart at the suction point, this of course being over a weekend.  I sterilized the ends and put it back together but the suction was compromised and the drain was not working.  This was quite late at night so I called for a locum Doc for assistance, he was a numpty and pulled the drain out altogether!

    Monday a.m. the PS was not too happy said I should have gone straight back to the hospital.  The drain was almost done as less than 30 cc's anyhow so no harm done, but I live and learn.  Your bandaids idea will work for me next time plus I will ditch the lovely recliner.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited February 2013

    lola - don't assume that you will have drains at exchange, not everyone does.

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2013

    Lolalee  they're about 4 by 4"

  • lolalee
    lolalee Member Posts: 164
    edited February 2013

    Perfect! I'll take a  Thank you for the info, appreciate it.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited February 2013

    Back at home... All went well! He took out 200cc's of fluid, and put a new drain in...

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited February 2013

    Dm13....lets hope he installed a big wide one to get that stuff out!

    Lola....I caught mine and pulled it after one of my surgeries. It was a Sunday night. I freaked. Texted the ps (he gave me his cell). As luck would have it, he was performing emergency surgery for someone that had hacked up their arm with a chain saw, at the hospital by my house. He calls from the OR, with nurse holding the phone. My husband is inspecting the drain site and the PS says..."oh, don't worry, those things are way in there. You would see a black dot if it was close to the edge."

    Husband: that black dot is sticking out an inch from the skin.

    PS: well you can just pull it out then.

    DH: not a chance. I'm not going to be responsible if she passes out or bleeds to death.

    SO...he has me come to the hospital, bypassing the ER. Sends the nurse out to do it. She gets everything all set up to snip the stitches,etc. Turns around, touches the drain and the whole thing falls out.

    We all cracked up. All she did was swipe it with antibacterial stuff, put bacitracin on it, a little gauze and send me home.

    Here's a tip to avoid getting them caught. Look for jackets that have an inside pocket. Lots of the athletic wear does. Holds those drains great.

  • lolalee
    lolalee Member Posts: 164
    edited February 2013

    Thanks fluffqueen great tip to consider when I have more drains in May.  I carried my last drains in a drawstring bag which had a rather long drawcord so it looked like a cloth shoulder bag...mind you I did not have them in long enough to go out in public so the"look" was not an issue.

    Undecided about the nips at this stage.  My PS tells me he has only lost one implant due to nip reconstruction and I sure do not want to be his 2nd.  My lifted foob looks really good except for the diamond shaped areola.  Now as much as I love diamonds, I don't think I will try and match the other, rather use tats to round it some more.  Might suggest that to the PS to see if there would be any issue with some ways to go.

  • armywife199
    armywife199 Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2013

    After my TE exchange, surgical site never healed.  Spent 6 days in hospital taking IV antibiotics after drain was removed and woke up with purple underside to saline insert right breast.  Eventually, surgical site split in a couple of places leaking lymph fluid.  After 2 weeks stitches removed from surgical site and again 2 places opened up leaking lymph.  I am sooo frustrated.  Asked Dr. to permnantly stitch, but he is not comfortable with that.  He says best option is to remove saline insert, let body heal for 3 months or so.  I will not go back to Tissue Expander weekly torture sessions.  I am so grieved with my  body.

  • lolalee
    lolalee Member Posts: 164
    edited February 2013

    Gulp! armywife that is so awful.  Did you have incision issues whilst the TE were in place or did this all happen only after exchange?  I did have healing issues immediately after Mx as the skin was so thin in that spot.  Also necrosis which has taken a good 2 months to heal.  Incision still looks red but is holding and I am at 2nd last fill at 600 cc's.

    Next week final fill of probably 50 or 60 cc.  I am now guessing the exchange surgery in May could become complicated with a whole new set of issues to worry about.  I am so hating this!

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited February 2013

    armywife - hello from an air force wife - sorry to hear of your healing problems.  Since you already made it as far as exchange can they not just remove the implant, let you heal and do a straight to implant again in 3 months?  I had my left TE removed after 2 months due to non-healing so I did have to start over with a TE because it was never expanded, but I have to say everything healed very well and I went on to exchange with no problems.  Wishing you the best - I know you must be disappointed to have come so far and then have problems.

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited February 2013

    Army wife - what a bummer! It seems there is always some issue! I'm thinking SpecialK might be right. Your pocket has already been created. Once you heal, should be able to go right back to implant.

  • armywife199
    armywife199 Member Posts: 3
    edited February 2013

    Dr. stated that during the 3 month rest for skin recovery that skin would go almost flat.  Also, he said that he would have to cut back from origional site until healthy skin that could be stitched and hold.  He did say that essentially that I would have to start all over again to expand the skin over the insert. 

    Surgery went well, no I have not yet looked at it.  No drain tube but there is like a vent to allow accumlated fluids to drain easily.  You girls rock!  Thank you for listening.  Just knowing that someone understands means so much!  I thought I was in the clear but will set out the 3 months and then make a final decision.  Thank you again for replies and ideas!


  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited February 2013

    army - glad to hear things went well - hoping the time will pass quickly and then you can start on plan B.  Take care!

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited February 2013

    DM13: I am just now reading that you had to go back in to surgery! OY VEY! I'm so sorry to heaqr that. Did PS share why the first drain did not work? And how is your LE with all this extra fluid buildup? I understand your frustration. How is it draining today?

    armywife: Once your body heals (and it will!), you may feel differently in 3 months about starting the process over. Be sure to eat lots of protein to help your body heal (you too DM!)

    Lolalee: I hope you are over the healing hurdle and the rest of the "process" goes smoothly for you!

    Fluff: Yup, most zip-front hoodies have pockets sewn into the inside that are the perfect size and placement for drains. (I NEVER noticed this feature until after I had BMX!)

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited February 2013

    DM glad to hear everything is OK. 

    Saw PS today.  She wants to see me in another month, then will give me the paperwork to get the tats.  Getting there.  One step at a time...

  • LeeA
    LeeA Member Posts: 1,092
    edited February 2013

    That sharp corner that had me kind of worried is no longer a sharp corner after today's expansion.  And it turns out that the right side is definitely sans Alloderm (I wasn't sure if he had replaced it during the infection surgery - turns out he had not). 

  • roadwarrior28
    roadwarrior28 Member Posts: 161
    edited February 2013

    A month and 1 day later my drain is finally out!!! Such a relief not to have this cord hanging around anymore. And I got another at 350 on both sides :)

  • CrystalAnn
    CrystalAnn Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2013

    Yeay, Roadwarrior28! I had mine in nearly as long as you (27 days!) It was horrible, but once they were out, I was so much more comfortable.

    My exchange is on Wednesday. Woo hoo! Thought the day would never come. Now I am nervous, but excited at the same time!

    Yesterday I found what feels like a little round lump on the left incision line. It moves all around when I press on it. Don't know if it scar tissue or the edge of the TE. Guess it won't matter since it is coming out in two days!!😊

  • cheryl_e
    cheryl_e Member Posts: 111
    edited February 2013

    roadwarrior28: Congrats!  What a relief, huh?  I had my drains for only 6 days (don't hate me!), so I cannot imagine having them for a month!

    CrystalAnn: Hey, my fellow school librarian, I will be praying for you on Wednesday.  By the way, you asked me in a previous post what grade level I serve.  I am a middle school librarian, so I have a student aide each period, and they can help me lift heavy equipment, boxes, and books after my exchange, which is next month!  I am getting so ready but nervous as I am sure you are feeling.

  • Harrysowner
    Harrysowner Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2013

    I'm so relieved to find this forum. Has anyone had red livid streaks on both breasts following a t.e. insertion (six days ago)?  I know that sounds a bit trivial compared to what many people here have gone through but I'm worried that it's an infection. Thanks for any response!

    Best Nicky (aka Harry's owner - Harry is my labrador and such a darling)

  • survivor11
    survivor11 Member Posts: 430
    edited February 2013

    Hi ladies. It has been so long and I'm sorry I disappeared. Just needed some time to be BC free ( as if I ever really could). I've thought about many of you many times. Praying some of my old friends are doing well. In a nutshell, had final implants put in May 12, nipples reconstructed Aug 12 and tattooing done Nov 12. Very happy with final results. Now my only real problems extend from post chemo side effects- a subject for a different thread. Will be going back and reading old comments over the next few weeks to try and catch up with you all. Turns out, that even when all is said and done, I still need my BC sisters, guess I always will. Love to you all, the ones I know and the ones I have yet to meet.

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,800
    edited February 2013

    Harrysowner....I would call your PS first thing just to be safe. It could be nothing, but it could also be an infection.

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,258
    edited February 2013

    harrysowner - definitely talk to your doc - your description wories me.

    survivor - Hi!!!!!

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited February 2013

    HI Survivor!  Great to hear from you!