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  • MaryToU
    MaryToU Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2017

    I am not sure if it makes a difference that this was the second time with the TS, and he only had to put it in place. So he was placing something into a flat area. I have no idea if placing a drain in is normal procedure or not in that situation. I decided to remove the drain today myself, it was very easy and did not hurt at all. My PS want it out is three days after the last appointment, he would do it for me if I was not comfortable with it. I am having weekly appointments with him, so we will see what happens.My brain was thinking that as long as I keep removing the liquid, I may have been making room for more liquids it fill back in.

    The poking issue is feeling better, I have been leaving the TS alone, and keeping a sports bra on 24/7. I have come to realize that maybe I over did it putting up Christmas decor. So now I am trying to be a lot more lazy.

  • MaryToU
    MaryToU Member Posts: 5
    edited December 2017

    Crossing my fingers, everything is looking good so far. PS did the last TE fill the other day. Look at making the switch after Christmas. The best part of it all, the last fill took the folds out that were causing the poking issue. Now as long as I can keep any serum and infection issues away, I can finally head to the light at the end of the tunnel.

  • Ghionik
    Ghionik Member Posts: 39
    edited December 2017

    marytoyou, that’s great news! These TE’s are really uncomfortable and I can’t wait to be rid of them.

  • ps0705
    ps0705 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2018

    I've been reading these posts but still have some questions. I had TE's put in at my BMX on 12/21/17 and have had 1 fill of 1 ounce each side 2 weeks ago. That seems to have set me back and I've not been pain free since. It started on the left side and now the right is joining in.

    Is it normal for the muscles to constantly ache under your breasts? The pain is where the underwire support would be in a regular bra. I've only been wearing sports bras so I know underwire is not the cause.

    I'm really scared to go in for my second fill this WEds. The PS said he was planning on adding TWO ounces each side. I don't think I could handle that. I'm still in pain from the 1 ounce.

    Any suggestions - does it get less tender as you go? The pain at the bottom of my breasts - will it go away or do I have to wait until my exchange (not yet scheduled)?

    What is usual wait time until exchange surgery?

    Thank you

  • ps0705
    ps0705 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2018


  • sitti
    sitti Member Posts: 89
    edited January 2018


    I'm sorry you haven't had any responses yet and I can't really help since I didn't experience this problem but there were a couple questions that, if answered, might help someone else answer. Are your TE'S sub pectoral or pre pectoral? Are your incisions along the fold line of your breast (Inframammary)? Is the pain on your ribcage or actually hitting where the TE'S are? You should certainly tell your PS that you can't tolerate another fill right now though. I'm sorry you are experiencing so much pain. Hopefully you'll get an answer.

  • ps0705
    ps0705 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2018

    Thank you Sitti,

    Good point. My TE's are under the pectoralis muscles. They cramp along the whole muscle but that isn't unbearable. It's the pain underneath, along the breast fold line/rib cage. Also have pain along my sternum where I used to have cleavage if I wore a push up bra. The skin on my breasts is all numb though.

    I've been doing my stretching but it really pulls at the muscle at the base of my breasts to the point of pain that persists for days.

    My question is - Is this a necessary evil to get to reconstruction?

    Thank you to anyone with insight.

  • Jennyannk73
    Jennyannk73 Member Posts: 5
    edited January 2018


    Did you have any radiation? I did and the TE expanded poorly and fractured 4 of my ribs on the right. I found out why the fills hurt so badly but only on that side because they gave me a CT when I recently had a gallbladder attack. Radiation can make ribs brittle and they just caved in.

  • ps0705
    ps0705 Member Posts: 14
    edited January 2018


    Thanks for the reply. That sounds horrible. I'm so sorry. It must have hurt so badly with each breath. ugh!!

    No I didn't have radiation. I just went Weds for a fill and am now (surprisingly) so much more comfortable. I think they were folded over and poking/scratching or something, since they were lacking volume but the fill corrected that.

    I hope everything healed up ok for you.

  • Elliott1985
    Elliott1985 Member Posts: 7
    edited January 2018

    hey all,

    I posted for the first time back in November and wanted to see if anyone had experience with my ongoing challenges. I'm 32 and in good health aside from these surgical complications.

    • July
      • Double mastectomy for DCIS (no radiation/chemo needed) with TE placement
    • September:
      • Finished with TE fills, I found them uncomfortable but I finished and scheduled my exchange surgery
      • Soon after started getting really bad pain on my left side and a red spot appeared on my left
      • Antibiotics didn't help and the pain worsened. We decided to do surgery, since my PS was unsure if it was an infection or not
    • October
      • Had surgery on Oct 4th, the right side was able to successfully take the implant. The left side wasn't an infection, but there was blood/puss and some inflammation
      • So my left TE was removed
      • First 2 weeks after surgery I felt great, then fluid started coming out of my left incision where the TE was removed
      • Soon after I had to start packing my wound 2x a day
    • November
      • MRI showed signs for "potential" infection in this area
      • All cultures of the fluid were negative
      • 2nd hole opened up, which connected to my first open wound
      • Went to a wound care specialist and infectious disease specialist, both of who were kind of at a standstill since my cultures were negative
    • December
      • Decided to do a 3rd surgery and take cultures while my PS re-stitched me
      • Cultures were inconclusive for an infection
      • Had a PICC for 2 weeks and then switched to pill antibiotics for 2 weeks
      • Started hyperbaric oxygen treatment
    • January
      • Stopped antibiotics all together (developed C-Diff from that, but seem to be okay now)
      • Finished hyperbaric oxygen treatment

    This past week I've started to experience more pain in the same area and it feels like this could be the start of this all over again which I cannot handle.

    Overall I'm very frustrated that no one seems to have answers and that infectious disease feels like they just throw things against the wall to see if it works or not. From what my infectious disease and PS have said; there are no clear tests for me to take to see what's going on.

    Has anyone experienced anything similar? Any recommendations are appreciated :)

  • raven4mi
    raven4mi Member Posts: 215
    edited January 2018

    Elliott1985, yes, I experienced something somewhat similar, in that I "appeared" to have an infection but there was nothing conclusive on any cultures. I will say, though, that I did NOT have the same experience with incisions opening up or open wounds appearing, which sounds way more serious than my situation. In my case it started out with pain and redness. They put me on abx even without a definitive culture and the pain resolved but the redness still persists to this day albeit to a much lesser extent.

    With the amount of time you were on abx I'm not surprised that they can't find anything conclusive on the culture results. If it's happening again, insist that they get a culture BEFORE you start any abx which can skew the results.

    Having said that, I also want to say don't give up hope! Even after my ID doc told me he was certain I'd have a failed outcome and wanted to remove the TE (great bedside manner, eh?), I persisted in keeping the TE and ended up having my final exchange in September of last year. Four months later all is well (so my ID doctor can suck it.) I had stopped taking all abx in June of last year as it seemed time to "fish or cut bait" (as the ID doc put it) on the abx which I had been taking for 8-10 weeks and no more pain appeared although, as I say, the redness persisted. But I wasn't otherwise "clinically" sick - no fever or pain, not hot to the touch, able to exercise. At this point I just have to assume it is a by-product of radiation damage on that side.

    Good luck; please keep us posted on what happens next. I'm so sorry you're going through all this. Believe me, I know how extremely frustrating it all is.

  • Elliott1985
    Elliott1985 Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2018

    thanks for posting Raven! And glad to hear you’ve had a happy ending in this :)

    I went to IDC and PS yesterday and neither seemed too concerned with my new pain and splotchy redness.

    Now tonight I woke up to drainage coming from the problematic area. UGH. And ironically the pain/redness is better.

    Did you have drainage or just pain/redness occurring?

    Now I’ll need to go back in to get them to take a culture today. I just really hope this doesn’t mean I’m at risk for another open wound.

  • Pupcake
    Pupcake Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2018

    Elliot, I've been searching all over trying to figure out why I am not healing as well.

    I had a small problem with my original implants (immediate reconstruction) 2014 One had to be removed and a TE placed. All healed well. The only problem with the implants was I have pigeon chest and implants under the pec's made me look like a man. 800cc implants but because of Doc told home health care that I must be picking at the woundsmy chest configuration I looked fat and flat. I also had deep seams across the middle, visible under a bra! 800 cc are the largest approved in the US so I thought I would just have to put up with it. When they really started looking funny I decided to go back to the PS and see about fat grafting or something.

    I went back to the PS this summer & lo and behold there was a study put on by Mentor for larger implants. I was so excited, I really needed some projection (800cc & a C cup!)

    Surgery 9/10/17 replaced 800 with 1025 and put above pec's.

    Looked good- I finally had a figure- it made me look slimmer.

    Drains out by 2 weeks, but I had an allergic reaction to the glue and had areas of necrosis under the foobs.

    Next broke out in a guttate psoriasis rash over upper body- never had psoriasis in my life.

    then started "spitting sutures" my body was kicking into some autoimmune stuff.

    Doc went in and cut football shapes of bad tissue and stitched shut.

    about a week later pus started rolling out. and I had 2 holes on R and one hole on left. Was given oral augmenten.

    holes started opening up. and stitches coming out

    11/20/2017 silver algenate "megasorb" dressings were tried

    12/6/ 2017- dressings made wounds worse so wound vac placed. Doc told home health care I must be picking at the wounds.

    I asked doc if we should culture wound- wondered if I was anemic-needed vitamins. I am needing a reason these aren't healing.

    1/4/18 wound vac removed- 3cm x 1 cm x 0 on Right. 1.5 cm x 1 cm x 0 on L. Dressed with vasaline and gauze. Tape is causing tons of open areas so I tuck the dressings under the foobs and hold in place with bra. after a week the were 2cm larger so I skip the bra and hold in place with a camisole.

    1/23/18 Doc not happy, wounds even larger. Started a collegenase to debride the areas (even though tissue looks good.) -this seemed to make things smaller for a week, now I'm stagnant.

    I'm 4.5 months out of implant surgery and still have open wounds. My pea brain has decided I have cancer somewhere else and that's why I am not healing. But:

    Wound has never been cultured

    Labs haven't been drawn

    I did start taking "Juven" a wound healing supplement.

    I'm really tired of all this, if anyone has ideas or has gone through this I would love any suggestions

  • Pupcake
    Pupcake Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2018

    Elliot, I've been searching all over trying to figure out why I am not healing as well.

    I had a small problem with my original implants (immediate reconstruction) 2014 One had to be removed and a TE placed. All healed well. The only problem with the implants was I have pigeon chest and implants under the pec's made me look like a man. 800cc implants but because of Doc told home health care that I must be picking at the woundsmy chest configuration I looked fat and flat. I also had deep seams across the middle, visible under a bra! 800 cc are the largest approved in the US so I thought I would just have to put up with it. When they really started looking funny I decided to go back to the PS and see about fat grafting or something.

    I went back to the PS this summer & lo and behold there was a study put on by Mentor for larger implants. I was so excited, I really needed some projection (800cc & a C cup!)

    Surgery 9/10/17 replaced 800 with 1025 and put above pec's.

    Looked good- I finally had a figure- it made me look slimmer.

    Drains out by 2 weeks, but I had an allergic reaction to the glue and had areas of necrosis under the foobs.

    Next broke out in a guttate psoriasis rash over upper body- never had psoriasis in my life.

    then started "spitting sutures" my body was kicking into some autoimmune stuff.

    Doc went in and cut football shapes of bad tissue and stitched shut.

    about a week later pus started rolling out. and I had 2 holes on R and one hole on left. Was given oral augmenten.

    holes started opening up. and stitches coming out

    11/20/2017 silver algenate "megasorb" dressings were tried

    12/6/ 2017- dressings made wounds worse so wound vac placed. Doc told home health care I must be picking at the wounds.

    I asked doc if we should culture wound- wondered if I was anemic-needed vitamins. I am needing a reason these aren't healing.

    1/4/18 wound vac removed- 3cm x 1 cm x 0 on Right. 1.5 cm x 1 cm x 0 on L. Dressed with vasaline and gauze. Tape is causing tons of open areas so I tuck the dressings under the foobs and hold in place with bra. after a week the were 2cm larger so I skip the bra and hold in place with a camisole.

    1/23/18 Doc not happy, wounds even larger. Started a collegenase to debride the areas (even though tissue looks good.) -this seemed to make things smaller for a week, now I'm stagnant.

    I'm 4.5 months out of implant surgery and still have open wounds. My pea brain has decided I have cancer somewhere else and that's why I am not healing. But:

    Wound has never been cultured

    Labs haven't been drawn

    I did start taking "Juven" a wound healing supplement.

    I'm really tired of all this, if anyone has ideas or has gone through this I would love any suggestions

  • raven4mi
    raven4mi Member Posts: 215
    edited February 2018

    Elliott, I never had drainage or any kind of split/open wound, only the redness/pain. Have you gotten results yet from the latest culture?

    Pupcake, wow! You've really been through the ringer too. I'm sorry I can't be of more help to either of you.

    Have either one of you looked into hyperbaric oxygen treatment? It can be effective as a treatment for wound healing. It's time-consuming and expensive and I'm not sure it would be covered by insurance - you would have to research that - but at this point you've both been through so much it might be worth considering.

    Good luck and please keep us posted on how things progress.

  • moonflwr912
    moonflwr912 Member Posts: 5,938
    edited February 2018

    pup acke, you have really been having a hard time of it. So sorry. I had many infections and am allergic to many abx, so it was alway hard for me. But my TE was removed every time.

    Others on this thread, have had to pack open areas, before they could go ahead. It can take even up to 6 months. Dont rush trying again if they have to be removed.

    Much love and hugs

  • ToughCookie101
    ToughCookie101 Member Posts: 119
    edited February 2018

    I had my NS UMX Feb 1. My TE is filled to 125cc and is VERY lumpy. I have one spot that the PS calls a knuckle (and it looks like a knuckle sticking out) that caused a blister like wound (not a deep wound, kinda like a yellow circle). This knuckle is apparently from my expander being folded there. I am putting anti microbial cream on it in hopes it heals. I do fear however that when we go to do fills, this knuckle will cause more issue down the road. Also, now my nipple is very dark purple, so I am applying nitro paste in hopes to save it. Has anyone had similar issues and had it turn out ok in the end?

  • raven4mi
    raven4mi Member Posts: 215
    edited February 2018

    ToughCookie, I did have the same issue with my right areola after my initial BMX with TE placement, which led to a second surgery where the PS though he was going to have to remove it. I do know that prior to the surgery he prescribed some cream but I don't remember whether it was abx or what it was. Were the abx cream and nitro paste both recommended by your PS? Once I went in for surgery the necrosis was not as bad as first thought so the PS managed to save some of it, but not all.

  • ToughCookie101
    ToughCookie101 Member Posts: 119
    edited February 2018

    Hi Raven, thanks for the response! Both creams were prescribed by my PS yes, and the nitropaste worked! I’m not out of the woods yet, however it is waaay better. The black layer peeled off and my nipple underneath is pretty pink. It is still healing but it looks like it will make it!

  • ps0705
    ps0705 Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2018


    I have had my tissue expanders in since Dec 21. I am still going in for biweekly fills although I have a question. Are they supposed to feel hard as rocks. Solidly hard, like you can't push them in at all. Completely solid as they are made of wet sand.


  • ToughCookie101
    ToughCookie101 Member Posts: 119
    edited February 2018

    Hi ps, I haven’t had any fills yet, however I have two friends who had TEs and they both said they were very hard. One did describe it as hard as rocks. I think if they weren’t they wouldn’t expand the chest muscle and skin as well.

  • b001528
    b001528 Member Posts: 9
    edited February 2018

    Hi, posted on another board. Had BMX with expanders on 2/2 and one drain removed Thursday. Now in hospital for possible infection on IV antibiotics. On piperacillin and vancomycin. Has anyone had success on either of these and been able to keep expander? Thanks

  • ps0705
    ps0705 Member Posts: 14
    edited February 2018

    Thank you ToughCookie - I appreciate you :)

    b001528 - I'm sorry to hear you are having complications. I didn't get an infection but I've seen other posts where people have had similar complications so I'm sure somebody will be able to share their experience. Hugs.

  • Elliott1985
    Elliott1985 Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2018

    thanks Raven. Yes my Culture finally came back positive for pseudomonas aeruginsoa. I just finished 2 weeks of oral Cipro and am hoping it was cleared. I’ve been packing this small hole and my plastic surgeon wants to now switch to putting a gel in it to help it close instead.

    I’m worried that the infection will return but since my MRI didn’t indicate a bone infection I’m just hoping for the best at this point

  • kjones13
    kjones13 Member Posts: 662
    edited February 2018

    heading to my exchange surgery now! Nervous/excited. Not looking forward to recovering from both boobs being tweaked...but praying for no infection and maybe everything will be alright!!

  • Ghionik
    Ghionik Member Posts: 39
    edited February 2018

    Good luck Kjones! I’ll be doing the same thing 2 weeks from today. Xox

  • b001528
    b001528 Member Posts: 9
    edited March 2018

    thanks ps0705 - cultures came back clear but still sent home on antibiotics. My breast is still red and I think that is it’s natural state now

  • Leatherette
    Leatherette Member Posts: 272
    edited March 2018

    Toughcookie, can you tell me how your “knuckle” issue is going? I have one that seems to me to be really bad, and I could see it doing what yours did, or even breaking through my skin. My PS said it was not a big deal and not to mess with it, but I think it’s worse since they drained 200ccs of fluid around my TE. Sometimes I don’t feel it, and sometimes it hurts so bad I feel nauseous.

  • Denidom
    Denidom Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2018

    Something I wonder in those that had redness and sore with no infection did anybody consider that you were reacting to it like an allergy. I have problems with allergies and rubber some material's, food allergies, a lot of medications, and metal allergies which from what I understand the TE''s have built into them is some metal.

    My concern for mine right now is how am I going to be able to tell if I'm having a reaction to these things. Reactions can cause pain and they can cause swelling and they can cause your body to spew out shit but that doesn't mean that's an infection. It can certainly cause you grief.

    Anyway I think doctors should start thinking about the possibility of allergies to the product itself the metal within the product which is usually the valve and rejection your body will do what it has to to get rid of a foreign entity in it which probably includes creating pus and redness and a window opening so that it can get get rid of whatever is festering inside it much like a sliver.

  • Denidom
    Denidom Member Posts: 5
    edited March 2018

    I had a brain tumor removed last year and they use Vancomycin to fight the staph infection so that's something you picked up in the hospital. Penicillin or that type of penicillin is probably to fight any additional infection that they might have got I'm hoping they cultured everything for you so that they're targeting it properly because Vancomycin is very hard on your system.