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  • alilou7497
    alilou7497 Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2012

    Special K - WOW - 16 months......and I thought I had problems and issues.  I am rushing this thing along because I feel like my life is in a stand still and look what you have been going through.    Well I am glad to hear everything is going well.

    mkw - The ladies of my worship team have helped me along but hearing from someone that actually knows what I am going through and believes that there is a mighty power whose  had is in all.......carries so much more comfort.  Thank you.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    Alilou - If I were you, I would call the office today and let them be aware of the changes.  You are really descriptive and the information you give them will be helpful.  Above all, if you want to go in sooner, let them know that, okay?  It's all about peace of mind.......

    Please keep us posted.......we are here for you. T 

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Hello, ladies! You cannot believe it- now I have my left TE removed next week ... I probably HAVE an infection , and , probably, HAD it all the time, but it was hidden, or smth.It is why it always was red...Any way, what happened- 2 days ago it became very red, hot and swollen, yesterday started leaking again. So PS put me on DURIFEX, took another 100 ml out and covered incision with glue.

    We both agreed on , that we have to remove it, clean it, and scar tissue, and give it time to heal. May be, after another 9 months, I even won't need FLAT and will be able to put TE again. It does look much better now...and I feel much better

    I am confused about TAMOXIFEN. Last time I did not take it till week after operation, but it was just a start. But today MO was not there, RN in charge explained me thet nothing happens , it is not a big operation, and I will be fin, don't stop taking it! I am confused now.

    Also, I told PS that last operation,Febryary 9, he should not rush to put another TE in, because I had redness before...It did not showbacteria, but was not right...

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    olgah - oh my!  Better that it comes out and you have some time to heal.  I can tell you that for me having it out for a prolonged priod was really the best.  I did not enjoy the prosthetic, but it was all for the best.  Once everything has calmed down you can reassess the best course of action.  I am so sorry that you are having these continued issues.

    alilou - yes, it has been a journey!  As I am sure you know - there is always someone here that has had an easier road, and someone who has had more complications!  I have always felt that I was somewhere in the middle!  Nature of the beast.  This thread is great because we all have information to contribute - one of us seems to have experienced whatever someone new to the thread is coming in with!  All told I have had 7 surgeries and chemo during that 16 months - I did great with the surgeries, but chemo knocked me down!  I have early stage lymphedema (one of the surgeries was an axillary node dissection) and it has been hard to come back and get back in shape.  That is my focus now - maximizing my fitness and monitoring what I eat, and products I use, for healthfulness.  You will get to this point too - just take it one day at a time. 

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    I already have a date- next Wednesday, 21st- an operation...uuughh...remove TE due to infection

  • alilou7497
    alilou7497 Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2012

    Olgah - I am sorry to hear you are going through all these troubles.  Let me ask you though, right now I have an infection as well due to my TE, its been three weeks and the doctor is trying to wait for it to close, giving me antibiodics.  The last thing was that last night I the TE had moved and was covering the hole.  Needless to say, my PS says that removing the TE is a simple in his office procedure not necessarily a full blown surgery. 

    Right now I am going through pains, minimal but stabbing pains.  although the doctor said I was fine to wait until Monday it is so frustrating.

    good luck olgah my thoughts are with you.

  • alilou7497
    alilou7497 Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2012

    Tatina, thanks I called, the nurse said it can wait until Monday but I have been working all day and I keep feeling tiny little stabbing pains I don't know if it is psychosamatic or real.  [sigh]

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited March 2012

    olgah - sorry you have an infection.  But, know after they take it out you will feel immediately better, that is after the anesthesis wears off. The only meds I had to stop taking before my surgeries were ones that thinned your blood.  The exception was my TE removal, my surgery was scheduled the same day he saw me and said it had to come out.  Out of all my operations, like SpecialK, they have been numerous - that was the easiest of them all.

    alilou - someone in here had their TE taken out in office.  I personally wouldn't do it.  It did not sound like something I'd want to experience.  Like Tatina said, call your dr, if you are experiencing pains he needs to know.  I had terrible pain with my infection.  I luckily didn't have to wait.  Call.

    Tatina - It's pouring up here.  Not sure if it's headed your way.  But I am!  Well kinda, I'll be in Disneyland in two weeks. Yah me! :-)


  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    alilou7497: Where is your hole? On the incision line? Sounds like the fluid that is leaking is sebum, which your body is producing in reaction to the TE. I have been dealing with delayed healing for a year and had my TE removed (in the hospital) and it was out for 5 months before I had it put back in. That was 3 1/2 months ago and I have a pin hole that is trying desperately to close. It has not leaked in 48 hours; hoping it is sealing itself. The "dark" area you describe is likely the space between your skin and the TE. Have you taken any photos of the hole? I use the macro setting on my camera and I take close-up photos almost every day in order to monitor my healing progress. If you are in pain, take tylenol or whatever your doc has prescribed for you in the past until you see them on Monday. Does your doctor have a surgical suite that he is using to take your TE out? Because if it is just "in his office" that is NOT a sterile environment...

    Olgah...I have never been told to stop my Tamoxifen before surgery. My docs told me they want me to keep taking it. I know every doc is different. But I had no problems. I think the disparity arises b/c Tamox may cincrease clotting risk in some patients. That's why you have to do what your doc says, since they know your history.

    Tatina, girlfriend, you are addd to the list! Olgah, so are you. Alilou should I put you down for Monday? 

    Specialk: How are you healing? Okey dokey?

  • sundermom
    sundermom Member Posts: 98
    edited March 2012

    I had another uneventful fill yesterday. I only have 4 more to go!!! My PS said we could exchange almost immediately after I get fully expanded so we will definitely be done by pool season. Finally . . . a positive.

    On another note, I got the absolute worst haircut of my life this week. I had been sporting a fairly short cut PFC, but I have been short by choice for the last 6 months or so. longtime stylist abruptly resigned from the salon and I had to go to someone new. She butchered my short hair and I now look like a cancer patient again. I'm really starting to feel like God is testing me like Job!!! Anyways, I made a return trip to the salon to see the manager and got unlimited free haircuts and products for the next 6 months :) I found that getting my hair shaped up every 3-4 weeks when it was growing back in the first time really helped so I am pleased; however, I have to say I'm back to avoiding the mirror again. Thank goodness the multivitamin a take makes my hair grow like crazy :)

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    Olgah-my PS requests that I stop tamoxifen 1 week BEFORE surgery because of clotting, but that I can resume it right away.  My MO says it is not necessary, but asks that I honor the PS's wishes because he is the one preforming the surgery.  I think you need to be asking you PS not your MO and of course it is a Friday so we all know you aren't going to get an answer.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    Sundermom, so sorry to hear this! But good on you for getting 6 months of free hair goodies! ;-) Do you have an exchange date set yet?

  • specialk
    specialk Member Posts: 9,262
    edited March 2012

    alilou - I would not do a TE removal in the office - I agree with ren, it is not a sterile environment.  At the very least an ambulatory surgery center would be better, unless your PS does have a surgical suite.

    ren - doing ok - still tired from the trip.  DH and DD are in Key West, all I am doing is laying around.  I am supposed to go to a baby shower brunch tomorrow at 11 - do I have a gift yet?  No I do not.  My healing is great, no problems.  Knock on wood, right?

    mrochon - have fun with Mickey and Minnie!

    olgah - so sorry, but you will feel better.

    sundermom - sorry about the bad hair experience - I hate feeling defined by my hair but it is the truth that I am!  My hairdresser has been cutting the bottom and we are waiting for the top to grow down to it but man it is taking its own sweet time!  It is finally long enough to be highlighted, so that is a plus.  Glad yours does grow fast so you can get it back to where it was.

  • sundermom
    sundermom Member Posts: 98
    edited March 2012

    On the Tamoxifen issue . . . My PS asks that I stop taking my multivitamin one week prior to surgery and OTC no anti-inflammatories, but does not ask me to stop Tamoxifen. I'd need to double my anti-anxiety meds if he did that!!! I can't tell you how much I look forward to swallowing Tami everyday . . . My little anti-cancer vitamin :)

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Chick, he had no clue, I brought the subject and he sent me to CC to MO,WHO was not there, and I was told by NurSe in charge , that I have to go home. I need to have an appt to come. I told her PS sent me, she did not believe me and called him  to check. Then she came back and told me, that some RN told her not to worry, I will be OK, because it is not a long big surgery ( like FLAP, I guess) I HATE THIS PLACE. W hen I came to social worker crying about diagnosis and operation, what she was concerned about - how did I go to the US...

  • alilou7497
    alilou7497 Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2012

    mrochon - I agree with the office thing.  His office is actually in the hospital and the ORs and suites are on his floor so I am assuming he means he'll put me in one of those, but who knows with the things I have seen. I love anything Disney.  Have a great time I know you deserve it.

    Rennasus - my hole is not on the incision line and it is sebum but the hole is now bigger because of the expander. I am assuming that's what it is because when I move the excess skin a certain way the black disappears and I can see the black space that was there before.  When I let go the black comes back.  Its a little uncomfortable it feels like pinching but I think it will be okay until Monday.

    sundermom:  sorry to hear about your hair....I know how that feels.  I stopped chemo November 24th so my hair is now showing.  I can finally move without a scarf.  its wierd I have never had short hair but I'm dealing.  I know the feeling of JOB....I've been feeling the same way lately.

    Special K - you are so right about the suite thing - Glad you are doing better.

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    Olgah I am so sorry.  I think the general consensus here is that tami is OK.  I think I have an overly careful PS.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Alilou, sorry for your troubles. Honestly, I have no idea about holes. I had DMX on September 1 and since that I am struggling with left TE. It always was red, but never fever, or swollen, or bacteria in  the blood. Then it started leaking inside, from TE under skin.I had an operation on Feb 9, they exchanged it  to the new one and then it started... redness, leakage outside... weird yellow spots. I had a hole in the incision, but I did not see it, so he put glue on it.He told me if in my case it opens- no good.Doyou have temperature? Is it red?Mine was hurting too, but after PS removed almost everything and put me on antibiotics, is better now, but still red...I am so tired of it. If they put new one in JanuaryI will, probably get my squshies, if I will 2 years after mastectomy! wow!

    wish you good like , my thoughts and prayers with you...

  • alilou7497
    alilou7497 Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2012

    Olgah - Wow you've been through the ringer as well with these things. I am so sorry, I hope that all of this will work out soon.  I am glad you feel better.  I had fever for two days and it was red and really swollen until the fluid broke through making this hole.  Its not in the incision the incision is fine it is actually about an inch and 1/2 from the nipple.  I just can't wait to see the doctor on Monday morning and at least put any questions I might have to rest.  After being on this site, which I am glad I joined and should have joined a long time ago, I think they should just take it out and let me heal because I can't deal with the seepage.  My thoughts and prayers are with you as well.

  • DLL66
    DLL66 Member Posts: 448
    edited March 2012

    Sorry to hear about your continued troubles, olgah.

    alilou, hope your weekend is uneventful as far as your TE is concerned.

    Sundermom, sorry to hear about your haircut, but glad the owner is hooking you up.

    Renn, hope that pinhole goes away for good! 

    Oh, & I was one that had a TE as well as an implant removed in my PS' office. Laughing My PS has a procedure room where he does minor office surgeries.

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited March 2012

    December 27, 2011, I had a uni-mx. My plastic surgery then put in an implant. From what I understand, he is in the middle of a study using botox on the pec muscles to eliminate spasms and pain. After the first week, my mx breast, with TE has been painless. It now has been three months since the surgery. One week ago, I began experiencing new sensations in the breast area from itching, to pain. It is not yet severe. I' was told the botox last about 3 months. It's been 3 months since the mx so it's interresting I'm beginning to experience pain so I suppose the botox is wearing off.

    Fortunately, I am having the TE expanders removed next Tuesday. I wonder if the PS will use botox to put in the botox?

    I do know that my plastic surgeon is one of the best. He is proactive in regard to making sure you don't experience pain. I've already picked up my pain meds for after surgery...hopefully I won't need them. I've been told that I will spend the night at the hospital.  I'm glad he's not looking at this surgery as a simple procedure. I also have 4 post opt appointments...two the week of the surgery. I will have a third surgery for fat grafting around the implant and clavical area.

    I'm not sure how the implant will feel in comparison to the TE.

    Anyone else part of the botox study.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    Evebarry: No but I've heard of them using botox for recon and you're right, it lasts 3 months so you are likely feeling normal twinges.

    DLL: So far still good on the pinhole!

    Ailou, the hole I have is also not on my latest incision line. It's smack in the center of my foob, the path of greatest resistance. My body over-produces serum and I guess did not want to absorb it so the skin broke. My suggestion to use is to NOT use a bunch of antiobiotic ointment. Just a small amount. And use the high-absorbant thin medical-grade gauze pads. They absorb and draw the moisture away from the skin. Seems to be helping me this time. Good luck this weekend. Try not to use your affected side; movement seems to increase the sebum production.

    Specialk: Enjoy the shower! Everyone, have a relaxing weekend... 

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited March 2012

    Put me down for TE exchange to an implant March 20th. Thanks..

  • Flintviolet
    Flintviolet Member Posts: 33
    edited March 2012

    Ok ladies, this is a minor question in light of the recent conversation but just curious: does anyone experience difficulty and pain sleeping in a bed...lying flat?? I had my double mastectomy (te's placed immediately) back on Dec 8, 2011, and I am still sleeping in a recliner. I have experienced a lot of pain in general and a lot of pain with the fills as well(in fact, my fills now are only 25cc's every two weeks due to the level of pain). My happy thought is that it looks like I only have about two more and then will hopefully have have my exchange surgery the end of April! But it is getting really old sleeping in a recliner. I try to lie down flat on the floor for 30 min or so while watching TV but it is way more than uncomfortable! Has any one else had this problem?

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    Flint: Yes, me too! I hope things are better after the exchange.  I sleep in bed but have to prop myself up with pillows.  

    Olgah:  You have been through so much......and to think this could have been an infection all along.  How are you holding up?  When my infected TE came out I felt better right away and I had a drain for about 5 days or so.

    Sundermom: Sorry to hear about your hair!  Are you leaving for a vacation soon? 

    Michelle: The rain is on its way!

    SpecialK: Have a good time at the party.

    Hope all of us have a good weekend!  I think I am going to spend half of the day napping -- my body is exhausted and I think I need to listen to it!

    Take care,

  • tfee
    tfee Member Posts: 8
    edited March 2012
    Flint: I also had BMX with TE on 12/8/11, and am having the same issues with lying down, so I also sleep in the recliner. I am grateful that the ONCA DX showed that chemo/radiation would not improve my chances, so I am on Femara for the next 5 years. I'm also grateful for all the other blessings that have come from this. But.....
    The medial (inside) ends of both incisions refused to close, so my PS surgically debrided and resutured them. The right side still refused to close. We have found a few "soluble" sutures that didn't dissolve, and sure enough, one of them was in that opening. Took it out, but there was little progress. We tried antibiotic ointments, Silvadene (to debride the wound and to provide antimicrobial protection).
    I have become so frustrated that I talked to a friend that happens to be a CWOCN (Certified Wound Ostomy Care Nurse). She suggested using Promogran covered with Tegaderm. My PS approved the suggestion, drew 50cc of fluid out to reduce stretching, plus prescribed minocycline (an oral antibiotic used for dermatologic issues) for a month. I've just started this treatment plan this week, but would be interested to hear from others that have had issues with closing.
    Mostly I just want these uncomfortable TEs filled and OUT OF ME, but we aren't filling since I'm not closing. I have 150cc in the left and (now) 100cc in the right.
    Any advice?
  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited March 2012

    Flint, it was awhile before I could lay flat after mastectomy. It hurt. I get fills every 6 weeks of about 30ccs a time. I'm 200ccs in the left and about 60 in the right. I've got a long ways to go but maybe not after my second opinion in May. I had a lot of soreness when I had a fill a few weeks ago. Tightness and pressure in my chest. I can't wait to get this over with either!

    We have a break in the storm today. It was nice hearing the rain last night. So relaxing. Off to a purse party today! Have a great Saturday!

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited March 2012

    You all should check out botox. I've been able to sleep on my tummy with the TE'. I began sleeping on my side a few days after surgery. My surgery was Dec 27th. Up until of recent I have had no major complaints with the TE's...although, I'm ready for the soft implant.

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    tfee... you've come to the right place! Are you leaking serum from the areas that are not closing? Does the unhealed area have a yellow or green cast to it? I have never tried the products you mentioned trying, but am curious to see if they work for you! Please keep us posted. Also, I cannot stress this enough, take closeup photos of your healing, it is the only true way to monitor whether things are improving or not. I take pics every other day.

    It does not sound normal to still be sleeping in a recliner or propped up so many months after surgery...have any of you (Flint, Tatina, tfee) asked your PS's what they think of that? Sounds like the muscles are being stretched more when you are lying flat... just a thought. Maybe others can comment? I only used an incline pillow for a week, could not wait to sleep flat.

    So happy to see the rain today! 

  • ginger48
    ginger48 Member Posts: 1,437
    edited March 2012

    I was in a recliner for a very long time after BMX but LE specialist said it is not a good position and can cause swelling in the abdomen and trunk so I now lie on my side cushioned by pillows with a special pillow for my neck and it is getting better.