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  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2012

    The doctor told me it doesn't look like an infection,just to monitor it. To me it is red,that is the first sign.the md also said it looks fungal or possibly sweat induced,I know that I was lying on my stomach reading yesterday and after that is when I notice the redness....thanks for the thoughts keep them coming.also I went to the health food store and pick me up some chlorophyll to add to my water,hopefully to help my immune system and any bugs(lol)

  • Layla2525
    Layla2525 Member Posts: 465
    edited March 2012

    Got my first fill, almost passed out from the pain and stinging,I told her I was not numb,she put in 100cc,dunno what the hurry is. Got home yesterday and called in sick today,took Tylenol #3 and then eased into Advil. Pain is finally letting up a little. I asked the PS if it was infected cuz it looked like it was getting the ringworm on my leg with red dots on the breast but she said she didnt see it. Now the women drs are telling me its all in my head? I just imagined I had a bmx and TE oh really? Then why is the real hospital tally on real paper on my desk????And why do I have stitches where my boobs used to be? Oh well,at  least its not infected even if it did hurt like falling into an ant pile and then feel like the little alien was gonna burst outta my chest and why are they making boobs under my arms and on my collar bone?

  • sundermom
    sundermom Member Posts: 98
    edited March 2012

    I got another fill today. I think I'm up to 360cc now. The other side has a 475cc implant, so things are moving along. The TE is developing this weird "horn" (that's what the PS called it) on the upper inner quadrant. It's like it is filling unevenly or something. This didn't happen the first time around so it is a little disturbing to me. The PS actually asked if I wanted to stop fills until after my trip because he was afraid it might get more pronounced and make wearing a swimsuit difficult. Ugh! Why is every little thing so hard???

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2012

    Olgah....that was my reason too, but I didnt have a big bag. He just withdrew the fluid with the same kind of needle that he injected into the tissue expander with. In my case though, there was redness and worry of infection, and they were sending it out for culturing. It wasnt any different feeling than doing a fill, which for me, was always painful.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    Hi everyone,

    Just came back home from my LAST fill.  We are done. The receptionist is calling me by Monday to get a exchange surgery date/pre op appointment.

    Ren - I just sent you a private message.

    I am headed off to bed -- need a muscle relaxer.

    Hugs to all,


  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2012

    Does redness always end up being the beginning signs of an infection? Is there any hope that the md could be right that might have a skin issue rather than an internal infection? Has anyone lost both expanders at different times while waiting for the replacement of one? Also the PS said thattheexpander can go on top of the muscle and the implant if they have to go back in. Anyone heard of this before? Please respond I know it's a lot

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2012

    Btw the breast that is bothering me feels wet and as if something is crawling inside-yuck! Psychosomatic? I don't know

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    edited March 2012

    First off, I had no idea this thread existed!!!  I am a late contributor to this madness but I was infected almost immediately after bmx and immediate recon.  I had to go for chemo and I was treated with Cipro for the infection before starting chemo and was subsequently released to start chemo.  A few days before the PS released me to start ***TAC*** chemo he tried to do 1 fill.  HE COULD NOT LOCATE THE PORT TO DO THE FILL!!!!!!   He did not think that was a sign I was still infected and just said he would get it next time!!! is so sad.  Sure enough, between txs 5 and 6 I went to see my BS.  She **did NOT*** realize I was infected, badly, and just sent me on my way.  Two days later I had a temp of 103.5!  I was hospitalized for 8 days and there was an emergency removal of my TE on NYE!  It was so badly infected.  I also had to put off my last chemo for 1 month.  It was a NIGHTMARE.  It is scary out here!

    Psalms: one of the major, major indicators that TE was infected was the fact that it was bright red.  I just did not realize, at the time, that meant infection.  I am not trying to scare you but am letting you know that was my leading indicator.   I was badly infected with cellulitis.  

    I never heard of TEs and/or implants on top of the muscle.  What I would encourage you to do is if you are concerned about TEs and implants, consider a FLAP or microfat grafting.  In this way they are just moving some of your own body tissue around and you don't have to spend the rest of your life with implants.  All things to consider.  I wish you well.  It is so much to deal with and 2 years later I STILL have NO breasts and now I have uptake on a PET scan.  BC is not for the faint of heart!  

  • Rennasus
    Rennasus Member Posts: 642
    edited March 2012

    Lizzy: Welcome to the TE party. So sorry to hear what you have been through. A nightmare indeed. What is your recon plan at this point?

    Psalms: You may have some fluid building around your TE which is why it may feel "wet" — If you can get in to see your PS tomorrow, I would push for that. A weekend is coming up and you don't want to worry more than necessary. I swear these things always hit at the end of the week! 

    Tatina: Thanks, girlfriend!

    Fluff, sorry to ask again, but can you explain more about your PS removing the fluid? Did you have a fill after that or did you wait, and did the fluid come back or did removing it seem to solve the problem? Timeframe? Thanks !! 

    Sundermom: Why is everything so hard indeed! Never heard of a "horn" but I'm sure there are women out there who have! When do you leave for your trip?

    Layla, hope you are feeling better.

    SpecialK: Hope you are healing OK!

    To those I missed, have a great weekend! 

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    Man I don't like to get on here and see that trouble is starting up again for a few!  So frustrating.

    To whoever asked about the wet feeling...I didn't have that, even when my expander was leaking.  I did however have an itch that I could not scratch enough to make it go away.  It felt like it was from the inside.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited March 2012

    Renn...They put the drain in at the hospital, and PS specifically asked them to leave it in when I went home. When I went in to see PS about 4 days later, she left the drain in and gave me a fill to push the rest of the fluid out into the bag. Then she took drain out and I continued with weekly fills to get rid of the space around the TE in the pocket. It seemed to help a lot, and it quickly took care of the fluid problem. Makes sense, although I wasn't fond of the drainage bag. I told my PS I would never, ever complain about the JP drains after that experience lol.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Psalms: I have been red ( left TE) since my BMX, which was on 09/01/11. They don't know why. I t

    is bigger or smaller. Even after they exchange TE due to leakage Feb 9, still there. 

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    Psalms- I had redness twice. A TE infectioon 5 weeks after my BMX where the outer portion of the foob was a hot, angry red. The second time was a reaction to brown medical tape. I had little red raised lumps, too. If you have any concerns, which it sounds like you do, call your ps and ask to be seen today by them or the nurse. Let us know what happens.

    Lizzy- sorry to hear about what you've gone through. What are your plans now as far as recon?

    Olgah- let us know what's next for you.

    Special K- how are you feeling?

    Cyberspace waves to DLL66, Chick, Renn, Fluff, Sundermom, and to you all!


  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2012

    Thank you to everyone,I am very concerned. I was in the office yesterday to no avail. However today the redness has decrease but I am still suspicious! The feeling of wetness and itching are there. I will try to deal with this one minute at a time. Deep down I have a feeling it needs to be removed.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited March 2012

    Hello ladies, things have definitely ramped up in here again!  I've been really busy but have been reading all the posts.

    I had/have a seroma on my left side.  I had LOTS of fluid.  My PS was not concerned.  In fact he said he actually preferred that because it kept my skin pliable, which is not the case on my right.  He said if it made me uncomfortable he could drain it.  But I did not want a needle in me if I didn't need it.  When he filled the left side (only once since June) it did push the fluid out and my body absorbed it.

    When I had my infection on the right side, the one thing I now remember besides the usual bright redness and hot to the touch was the texture of my skin looked like an orange peel.  You know how pourous and tough an orange peel is?  That's what it looked liked.

    I'm seeking a second opinion for reconstruction.  I really like my PS but I've got questions in the back of my head.  I'm waiting to get my referral.  Hopefully I can get that scheduled in the next couple of weeks.  I'm very concerned about the right side.  If this doctor reinforces what my current PS says, then ok, I'll stay with my orginal PS.  I feel so guilty.  I feel like I'm cheating or he might feel I think he's incompetent.  :(

    I'm off to Santa Cruz today.  It's opening night for The Vagina Monologues, my oldest daughter is in it.  Also started back with my personal trainer this week.  Ohhhhhhhhhh my legs...squats and split squats is not something I've done for a year!

    Michelle :-)

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Back from PS office. Today instead of expanding, he pulled some liquid out of the TE. H e explained me, that left expander pushes muscle and skin very tight, so blood vessels are pushed too and it can end up with open wound and dead skin. I had 2 lumpectomies and BMX back to back, so not that much skin left. He also took some liquid from under the skin, but , mostly was not a liquid, but blood. Sorry for all the details. He told me to come and see him on Monday. I probably, end up with size A, which is OK, I am fed up with all that. I t is what I told him.I used to be 36DD, but now I really don't care. I just want to be over with all that.

  • Lifeafter
    Lifeafter Member Posts: 298
    edited March 2012

    I forgot, psalms, I had that same issue a month ago when I went in for my partial hysterectomy.  The TE was causing skin irritation because it was rubbing back and forth against it.  That's when he removed saline and the redness went away.

    Also, I think my TEs are above the muscle.  Is that bad?


  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012

    Special K, how are you?/

    Cruth, what is going on? Did everything get better?

  • theBCavenger
    theBCavenger Member Posts: 172
    edited March 2012

    Renn - looked at your pictures... looks like me before removal. Have appt Monday to set date for next TE, and freaking out that it will happen again!

    Michelle - I think it is so brave of you to get a second opinion! I feel the same way, and too guilty to cheat on my PS. Dying to hear your outcome, please post after!

    BTW - I was told all my procedures were covered... payed my $100 deductible before each surgery. Now, got a bill for $1200 because they are saying the TE's were not covered!!!! I thought they had to be as part of recon? Now, I fear a bill for the next TE (once installed, & pray it keeps) then another bill for squishies (which seem a lifetime away) I am PISSED! 

  • chickadee521
    chickadee521 Member Posts: 423
    edited March 2012

    DM13 is it a bill or an EOB?  I'd be pissed too.  All I have paid is $50 before my 1st 3 surgeries and then $75 before this one (co pay went up this year).  I did get a letter from BCBS after my TE swap where they were trying to get out of paying for it because they thought it was caused by something else (car accident).  Have you called your insurance to see what the hell is up?!?

  • 1WonderWoman
    1WonderWoman Member Posts: 1,796
    edited March 2012

    Psalms: I tend to agree with your "feeling" that it probably has to come out.  That "phantom" itching is awful and even after removal, you may still have it. Consequently, a lot of these PSs are very lazy and don't want to do anymore than they have to.  If you feel this person is resistant to the idea of taking that out, go elsewhere.  I don't know your back story but all I know is BEFORE I started chemo my TE should have been removed but instead the lazy, "this might kill you" road was taken.  Be careful and be your own advocate.  Also, make contemporaneous, and copious, notes.  You might need them ;)

    As for my plans, I am considering a flap.  I have been battling the flu and bronchitis lately.  Also, I had uptake on a PET at the cancer site that was 4.2 and I was almost 5 months out from a failed microfat graft attempt at recon.   Most docs that I talk to now are fairly confident if it was under 2.5 and I was closer to the surgery we might be dealing with a light-up due to the surgery/inflammation etc.. but a 4.2 nearly 5 months after surgery is most likely indicative of recurrence.  For this reason, I have to deal with that first.  All I know is there are so many doctors out here that suck, it makes having a dx like this that much harder.  

    I will post about what my next moves are but I know there is no TE/implant business I am interested in.  It will be my own tissue definitely.   In my opinion they have a very long way to go to offer us better recon options.  I also hope the future holds more PSs that are dealing strictly with bc so we don't have to go to these circus-like offices where everyone is puffed up, looking like pathetic cartoon characters with humongous lips and asses!   It does provide some comic relief, however! 

  • fluffqueen01
    fluffqueen01 Member Posts: 1,801
    edited March 2012 experience as fairly similar to mom of 3 on the fluid removal. I just didnt have a drain bag. He puttheneedle in and withdrew fluid while pushing o. The foob to get it all out. Then, another needle into thenport to do a fill to hopefully fill in the space. It all seemed to be working well until the culture he sent out for the third time finally grew pseudomonas after reporting negative every day for six days. Then boom. That pretty much solidified the removal. He said he had no idea how I contracted it, although it was proably in surgery durgery BMX/recon, but it was nothing to mess around with and resistNt to antibiotics. So out they came and I was on a high dose of antibiotics.

  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    Olgah - Used to be a 36DD, too.  I'll be much smaller now.  On a positive note, I am having less neck and shoulder pains -- carrying around those big boobs were a workout and not good for my back!  I hope things are brighter for you on Monday.  As of now, it looks as if I will be a small to mid C cup -- at one point I thought I'd be an A but that all changed with the fills as they moved along.

    DM13 - That's odd about your bill.  Definitely inquire about it -- majority of our breast reconstruction should be covered so I would fight, fight, fight.

    Lizzy - It sounds like you have a new plan of action.  I agree, I hope the reconstruction process gets easier for women -- this is just too hard!

    Mrochon - Don't feel guilty about a second opinion, ever.  It's the next best thing to a third, fourth, and fifth opinion! How was the play?

    Take care everyone,


  • ShaeG45
    ShaeG45 Member Posts: 21
    edited March 2012

    Hello All

    How long can or should a JP drain stay in? I had surgery (capsulectomy of the left TE) on Feb 21st.  I went this past Tuesday (2wk follow-up) she removed my stitches but would not remove the drain. I am still putting out about 60ml/day and they want it to be less than 30.  What makes one person drain more than others?  I've read some have their drain(s) removed at like 4 or 5 days!! 

    I go back Wed to see if she will take it out then however, I'm not optimistic!  Plus, it is annoying to have to work with this thing, it's hard to hide under clothes.  I only have so many 'big' tops so I've been rotating them.  The good thing is nobody really notices what other people wear or how often. :-)

    On a good note this left side still looks great! Weird how I am ready to start back with my fills on that side. I am ready for all this to be over.

    I hope all of you get better soon!!

  • Ralsper
    Ralsper Member Posts: 131
    edited March 2012

    I have a red spot at the tip of my foob right at the incision. I finishes rads 12 days ago and I am not sure if this is still burn inflamation or the beginning of an infection. I do not have fever. The rest of my foob is peeling and dark brown.  Has anyone had similar experience? Thank you.

  • momof3infla
    momof3infla Member Posts: 333
    edited March 2012

    Shae, I had my last drain for 17 days.  It's just different for everyone.  What you don't want is for it to be pulled too early.  That could lead to fluid problems or an infection - I learned that the hard way. Try to have patience, it will be out soon. 

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300
    edited March 2012
    TatinaSmile thank you
  • Bogie
    Bogie Member Posts: 79
    edited March 2012


    My PS told me for removal of capsular contracture I will go in Thurs and back to work Monday no drains. Kind of worried about no drains. Anyone else go drain free for CC removal and TE replacement surgery?


  • Tatina123
    Tatina123 Member Posts: 312
    edited March 2012

    Okay, it's official.  I believe I have "Post Traumatic Tissue Expander Disorder." Yes, I just made up that term. I discovered a scratch on my foob and flipped out in search of Neosporin and a band-aid. Where's the Valium?

  • psalms91
    psalms91 Member Posts: 93
    edited March 2012

    Thank you Michelle and Lizzymac I will be my own advocate. I am watching it. No change,we will see what the next minute brings and next week.

    Michelle you had the scalping and ooperectomy prophylactic ? How are things going. Iam 43 and scared......I am thinking of my mental state