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Mastectomy Sept 2011



  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Tell me about it. I don't think ive made 1 decision about that I haven't re-thought about.

    Glad I'm not the only one!!

  • TML
    TML Member Posts: 10

    Hello all.

    Noticed quite a few posts regarding decisions UMX vs BMX.  Here was my decision.  I started out in July with IDC and was told I needed a lumpectomy.  Had an MRI b4 the BS did the ultrasound to determine if lymph nodes were affected when he told me I no longer 'qualified' for a needed a UMX.  Left breast affected only.  No history.  BRCA -.  But after reading the list, discussions with the breast cancer navigator, my PS and others, I have decided to do a BMX - immediate reconstruction.  I know how difficult it will be to match 1 breast to the other, and I NEVER want to go through this again with respect to my 'breasts'.  I have 'kept my dukes up' as my sister warned me....every step of the way has been bad news after bad news.  Surgery is scheduled for September 12 and I am ready.....I think.  Undecided

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    The needles! I am terrified of the sensation created by a needle stick particularly in the breast. the idea of dye coursing through me doesn't thrill me either. I am almost sick before blood draws and don't even ask how I got through two biopsies. The breast care coordinator emailed me today and said she would speak to the surgeon to see how we can resolve this. She will call me tomorrow. Beside that issue, I'm a bit overwhelmed with trying to prepare my sub for the next 6 weeks. I switched grades this year so I am still not in the "rythmn" of my new grade level. I am very lucky that my grade level team have promised to support my sub (and me!) in any way they can. Still, I'm very particular about my class and I want each and every child to have a great school year. I just need to believe that that can happen without my presence for a few weeks! -Caryn

  • momma_of_3
    momma_of_3 Member Posts: 6

    Caryn--OMG!!! You are experiencing the same thing I went through. I was excited about my bmx...wanted them gone! I knew they were doing the SNB and I called the office to ask, will I be awake. The nurse said no...everything under general. Woohoo!! The the DAY BEFORE surgery the hospital calls and tells me to be there 5 hours earlier than I was previously told. They had to schedule the SNB dye that general. I totally freaked out!! I had to leave work early. Sobbed all day. My ps was like "this is so minute in comparison to the surgery. What is wrong?" I said "have you ever read what people say about the injections?" she gave me xanax...3 of them...and ordered numbing cream. The Xanax helped far more than the numbing cream. It was a stinging sensation, it was quick, and afterward I like totally conked out! With all that nervous energy gone those Xanax kicked my butt!!! I slept very peacefully and barely remember going to the OR!! I would insist on whatever makes you most comfortable!!!

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    odie16-- sorry you have to join our group, but we are all here for you.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    olgah34 ---  good luck tomorrow with your surgery.  I hope all goes quick and easy.

  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302

    momma of 3 --  I haven't thought much about the day of surgery yet since I was just finishing up my chemo.  Now that is done surgery is more to the front of my mind.  My surgeon's office has told me I will be getting the die injected the morning of my surgery.  What is the process like?

  • Caryn, all - I've just gotta say I don't think there is ANY REASON why you should not be given Ativan/Xanax/whatever if you're really nervous about the SNB dye shots. Your docs should be acting like members of you team - ready to assist you and help you get thru this in the best form possible. Keep knocking heads - this is such a small and simple request for them - I cannot believe they're delaying/questioning this! It pisses me off so much. I mean, we've all got enough anxiety from having the dx, prior treatment, the specter of a UMX or BMX. I know this might seem like a small thing to some people, but whatever - everything is magnified when you're going thru something like this . .. and again, it's not like you're asking for some hard-core narcotic (which, BTW, they will give us like candy after they remove our breasts). Ugh. Please. Don't get me started (again). Keep pushing and know you're in the right.

    So what are women saying about those injections? Again, I do NOT remember them as horrendous. Not comfortable, and yes, the thought of injections in your breasts is awful, but honestly, not one of my worst memories from surgery and treatment. I had no numbing cream and I think I took .5 mg of Ativan before I left for the hospital. The good thing is they are over quickly!

    Olgah34, I'll keep you in my thoughts tomorrow! 

    Hugs to everyone. 

  • odie16
    odie16 Member Posts: 1,415


    Will be thinking of you tomorrow and sending prayers & hugs. You'll do fineSmile

  • MegM
    MegM Member Posts: 16
    I had read horror stories of the SNB process, but mine was really really easy, maybe because my injection was up higher, I imagine it would be more painful if your area is near the nipple.  Anyway, just wanted to let you know it was the easiest part of the day for me.. the hardest was just getting my IV started, I am always hard to get, but especially when you can't drink the night before.  BMX girls with TE's, take the pain meds.. I thought I was doing great on day 2 and let them wear off, wow did I pay for that:(  I had mine July 1st, and now almost done with my fills and finally almost sleeping on my side again comfortably.  These TE's are a real pain in the a##, but they almost look better than my old saggy post breast feeding real boobs.  The cleavage is pretty amazingl Kiss  good luck to everyone!
  • MargieC
    MargieC Member Posts: 302


    You will be in my thoughts tomorrow that all goes well. 

  • groovygirls
    groovygirls Member Posts: 100

    Olga34- many postitive thoughts and healing energy your way

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Olga34 - thinking of you tonight and tomorrow - positive thoughts!!! 

  • Silia
    Silia Member Posts: 265

    olga -  will keep you in my thoughts tomorrow.  report back to us when you're up to it.

    I decided to go with the BMX because I do NOT want to have to go through this again at a later date and I don't want the stress of alternating mammos and MRIs every 6 months on the "good" breast which is very dense and lumpy as a starting point.  That ongoing stress and strain would do a number on me...  It's a personal decision for each one of us.  I don't think the bs should be deciding (but that's just me).  God bless us everyone!

  • TracieN
    TracieN Member Posts: 13

    Olga- you are in my thoughts tonight, and will be tomorrow as well.  Speedy recovery and as little pain as possible.

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092

    @ TML...just wanted to say that I just went for my post bmx visit today and recieved final path on both right breast was "clean" according to all test signs of anything suspicious at path disagreed and said that I hat multifocal areas of atypical lobular hyperplasia and in situ lobular much for clean and glad she is gone before she could harm me too.  Not trying to make the decision for you but I know in my case the bmx was just a better option for me --esp with TN--never looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life wondering if the right side was gonna get me later.


  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    Olga-positive thoughts and energy coming your way. Will be thinking of you tomorrow and wishing you a speedy recovery. I had my pre-op crap done today. As I answered 8 to my pain tolerance, I thought, screw it, I'm not gonna try to be a hero. I changed it to a 5 or less and told them to just keep the drugs coming! Hopefully I'll just be loopy until I feel better!

  • Lady-di
    Lady-di Member Posts: 74

    Olga- I am thinking of you tonight and will be tomorrow also.

    Wishing you a speedy recovery

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Mags - what does TN stand for? 

  • mags20487
    mags20487 Member Posts: 1,092

    dancetrancer TN means Triple hormorne therapy for me :(

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461


    Thanks Mags.  

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Just went to a local post-MX store where they fit you for bras, etc.  I was able to get 2 post-surgical MX camisoles with the pockets for the drains.  The lady met with me privately in a room, measured me, and picked out what products she thought were best for me.  They will file with my insurance; I only had to pay ~$17 for the two camisoles/bras (I have a 20% copay).  Sharing this in case others haven't thought about it.  

  • dancetrancer - that sounds great! So awesome that your insurance will pay. Did I mention that I went last week to my hospital's "boutique" - same deal, she showed me what they had, etc. but then told me that b/c of the immediate reconstruction, I may not want one of those tanks - to see what my surgeon would send me home in, and that I might want to get inexpensive tanks at Target and a drain belt instead. Sure enough, my PS said she'd be sending me home in some compression bra thing, so I'm sending back the cami's I got thru ACS (at something like $50 a pop!) and today at Target found soft, lovely stretchy tanks in nice fall colors that I can step into for $7 each. There were some marked down to $3 each, even - I just decided to splurge. Anyway - letting people know this, too, b/c some insurance is better than others (ours, not so great) and I hate spending $ on stuff I won't need . . . .

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Oh yes, you definitely don't want to spend more than you need to...especially on items not needed! How nice of your hospital's boutique to give you other options.  

    I think the size of the ones I purchased will be just right, because my first fat grafting isn't going to get me very big - I'm guessing just shy of an A cup.

    GREAT deal on the Target tanks...might have to stop by there soon! Smile 

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250

    I bet those Target tank tops are the same ones I bought! It's funny how each surgeon wants the patient to wear different things after sugery. It also seems that most insurance/health care providers cover some type of post surgical garment or bra. -Caryn (Less than a week to go. Reality is making me nervous)

  • stjude10
    stjude10 Member Posts: 230

    I went in for my pre-op and the nurse showed me the bra thing that they'll be sending me home in. It has velcro holes all over for the drainage tubes. Since I've never done this before, I was thinking what an ugly bra! The nurse told me that a former patient had designed it knowing what would work best. That's good enough for me!

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    I would like to join the Sept. group - didn't see an October surgery group.  I have BMX scheduled for Oct. 3 for local recurrence just one year after initial diagnosis.  I had lumpectomy and chemo, thought that was all I needed because everything looked great in January and again in July, but when I had my routine follow-up a couple of weeks ago, the MRI showed new cancer.  So I have been through all the scans and testing, and it does not appear to be anywhere else, so surgery is planned for "cure."  Still have to see the PS and RO, and a few other appointments.

    I will go back and read all the posts to see if some of my questions are already answered.  I have lots, just don't even know where to begin really.  This is still somewhat of a surprise to me.  I know UMX is probably all I really HAVE to do, but I already have dense breasts, scarring on the left breast from previous surgery, masses have never shown up on mammogram, just MRI, and I just don't want to go through this again.  BS is quite understanding and supportive.  Initially I wasn not interested in any reconstruction, but am seeing the PS just to get information on it.

    Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers, especially those in surgery this week.


  • fredntan
    fredntan Member Posts: 237


    I just joined a guess a few weeks ago. my single Mastectomy-oh this is so many abbreviations- with TE this thursday sept 8. decided to keep the left one, bx came back clean on that one. but right was all positive, LN's positive too , think I had like 4 breast bx's.

    I still havn't gotten my Brac? test   back yet. maybe my doc has it. it doesn't show up on my online portal. It was originally ordered from first surgeon I saw. left message for them to forward it to my new docs. and I think insurance sat on it for while-had no idea it cost so much.

    Am freaking out somewhat about losing part of body.

  • olgah34
    olgah34 Member Posts: 300

    I am home!

    Thank you everyone for support and prayers..Operation was4 hours, I woke up in recovery room and I was no nauseaus, because they gave me a lot of medicine...always ask for it. Well, the second day was harder, because anestesia goes away, but they gave me muscle relaxant, so I slept. Actually, it was not that bad. I still feel some pressure in my chest, especially when try to lay or stand, but it is tolerable.I have 2 drains and hope my husband will do it ok..Tueday go to see my PS.TALK TO YOU LATER....

  • dancetrancer
    dancetrancer Member Posts: 2,461

    Welcome to the new people, and THANKYOU Robo47 for the pep talk and very helpful advice!  

    And Olgah thanks for checking in, glad to hear from you!!!