ADH Club



  • RDA123
    RDA123 Member Posts: 55

    yes I've heard that. But how is treatment different with the area in question being tiny?? And which opinion do you go with

  • RDA123
    RDA123 Member Posts: 55

    I will be on tamoxifen for sure. Are all people with adh put on a drug

  • Ddw79
    Ddw79 Member Posts: 217

    Yup same thing happened in my case one year ago exactly . Very scary. I sent mine out for second path opinion which confirmed ADH plus other things but not DCIS at the tim

  • RDA123
    RDA123 Member Posts: 55

    what treatment are you doing??

  • Ddw79
    Ddw79 Member Posts: 217

    for tx I have just started on Evista. It took me almost an entire year to start though. I still haven't settled on A surveillance plan

  • RDA123
    RDA123 Member Posts: 55

    thanks!! Good luck

  • Ddw79
    Ddw79 Member Posts: 217

    that's what we need... Some good luck! I don't think anything else is seriously meaningful

  • tinkerbell49
    tinkerbell49 Member Posts: 177

    I'm with you ddw79 with adh you are caught in the middle. All we need is good luck....Really glad you are tolerating Evista at least you are fighting back...

  • Ddw79
    Ddw79 Member Posts: 217

    Thanks Tinkerbell. Happy too I can take it. Does not prove protective against DCIS though, only IBC.

    I hope you get good results coming up!!!!

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929

    DDW, My understanding is that Evista, Tamoxifen and AIs are used to prevent both DCIS and invasive cancers (both lobular and ductal. I also think you meant IDC, not IBC.

  • Ddw79
    Ddw79 Member Posts: 217

    I wish but unfortunately that's isn't correct. Evista will not prevent DCIS. The others can yes

    Oh and by the way Melissa I've been in Dallas this week myself with your lovely weather

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929

    Interesting, I didn't know that. This is from WebMD:

    In the last decade, several studies investigated the effects of Evista and tamoxifen in more than 37,000 women. For instance, one study that involved more than 19,000 women at high risk of developing breast cancer found that both medications had similar results in reducing invasive breast cancer. Unlike tamoxifen, however, Evista was not shown to reduce noninvasive forms of breast cancer. Noninvasive forms include ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS).

    It has been really pretty here. We have had virtually no Winter at all. I don't think it dropped below freezing at my house a handful of times all Winter. My sister's birthday is the 27th and mom always talks about how the wisteria and redbuds were blooming when she was born. I told her a couple of days ago that that wouldn't be the case this year because everything will have finished blooming long before that since everything came out extra early.

  • RDA123
    RDA123 Member Posts: 55

    Anyone taking aspirin to reduce cancer risk??

  • Ddw79
    Ddw79 Member Posts: 217

    Exactlty, for those on Evista don't presume it will reduce your risk of DCIS. I was told by three docs that it won't. Definitely broader protection from the others , also sounds like more side effects.

    I've been here all week. I cannot believe a whole week of fabulous W weather. I've been thoroughly taking advantage of the outdoors and we've been doing / seeing a lot all around Dallas. A great vacation for me and winter break

  • Ddw79
    Ddw79 Member Posts: 217

    I take a baby aspirin everyday and have been doing so for more than 20 years. I do not believe this has the slightest impact on bc risk. Colon cancer maybe

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929

    Yeah, I would have done the Evista over an AI for the difference in side effects and bone loss. Unfortunately, when I had been so sick with the ovarian tumor I got a PE. Even though my surgeon was insistent after I was well (I have even had multiple clotting factor panels run) that I was not at any increased risk of blood clots than the general population the MO refused to give it to me.

  • lmnSeattle
    lmnSeattle Member Posts: 7

    Got my results back today from two more core stereostatic biopsies all in the same quadrant of the right breast. Tissue removed is also ADH, FEA and columnar epithelium, like the first biopsy was. They also want to do a core needle biopsy on firm lump found in left breast--thought to be benign--to confirm diagnostically that it is not cancer.

    I asked my surgeon about a more aggressive approach as I do not want to wait until the very high risk multiple ADH clusters all in one quadrant successfully predict near future cancer. He said he'll go over options and if I want more aggressive we can discuss. No MRI suggestion yet. He said the excisional biopsy to remove the 'majority' (he says removing all would require some reconstructive work) of the ADH in the RB will be more definitive as it will look as a lot of tissue to then see if there is DCIS, etc. He wants to wait and see what the LB core needle biopsy comes back as with lump there, and if it's something he thinks we should remove we'd then talk about plan for doing both breasts.

    The breast surgeon I have is the medical director of breast surgery, and was the same in Texas, where he came to Seattle from. Not sure if I want/need a 2nd opinion or not. He says he's not particularly worried about anything we've found. I've also shared with him that I don't necessarily want to be on Tamoxifen, and we'll discuss more.

    Thoughts on mastectomy option with multiple ADH sites confirmed in one breast quadrant?

    Momoschki, do you think a 2nd opinion on biopsied tissue is best, or maybe waiting to get majority of ADH removed to then have analyzed by one or two pathologists?

    Robinda, welcome aboard! We need team jackets. When they say "questionable for DCIS" that would make me ask for excisional biopsy of all for testing, then potential mastectomy. But I'm a newbie!

    Ddw79--agreed that it is telling that insurance covers surgery for ADH removal. Makes me think it's covered due to risk of developing cancer, which would cost insurance company much more.

    and GrandmaTexas - I hope you're recovering well. Your input has been very helpful. Remind me of what was found in your biopsies that triggered your mastectomy decision?

    And to all, anyone who starts up Tomoxifen, like Tinkerbell49, let me know how you feel when you begin taking it.

    Thanks all and good health to you!

  • lmnSeattle
    lmnSeattle Member Posts: 7

    Chickenpants--Hoping you still post, though your last was in 2015. Could you share how you're feeling now, and if you have considered preventative double mastectomy?

    I read the following that you posted in 2014 and wonder about doctors saying they're not particularly concerned, only to have your self-advocacy turn something up!

    "Vague appearance of something small that they wanted to follow up on in six months, but I insisted they do a US biopsy sooner and not make me wait. Well, blow me down, if it wasn't DCIS with IDC, so my next lumpectomy (Dec 2011) also required the removal of 7 nodes (all clear). Tumour was under the wire for chemo, but I took two lots of radiation each session (5 weeks), plus 5 boosts at the end."

  • Ddw79
    Ddw79 Member Posts: 217

    Imnseattle are you premenopausal ? Can you start on Evista? I know it isn't as protective but it may be easier to take. I have no side effects from it at least .

    When I got DX of ADH bordering on DCIS I did get a second opinion at a specialized cancer hospital. That confirmed original diagnosis of ADH

    Please keep asking here. I certainly do. This is a nice grou

  • RDA123
    RDA123 Member Posts: 55

    would the treatment be any different though if it's borderline??

  • momoschki
    momoschki Member Posts: 218

    Yes, in some circumstances I think tx could differ. In my case, the first pathology analysis came back as grade 2 DCIS. I was discussing mastectomy vs lumpectomy w radiation as options. When slides were viewed by 2 more pathologists at 2 other major teaching hospitals, the results came back as "borderline" ADH-DCIS, and pure DCIS. There was a concensus that mastectomy or rads were not warranted.

    Seattle, I think in your situation I might wait to see what the excisionalbiopsy reveals and proceed from there. If the resulting dx is more clear cut, perhaps a second opinion might not be needed?

  • RDA123
    RDA123 Member Posts: 55

    ok. My first biopsy was borderline and then I did lumpectomy and got same Dx. Curious, if s needle biopsy shows just adh is a lumpectomy even necessary?? Or can it be left in there??

  • melissadallas
    melissadallas Member Posts: 929

    I think an excisional biopsy is usually done to make sure there is no DCIS or invasive cancer associated with the area

  • RDA123
    RDA123 Member Posts: 55

    ok gotcha. I'm in such a grey area. Only adh with a tiny bit they say is adh but close to dcis. This is what needle biopsy and lumpectomy showed.

  • Ddw79
    Ddw79 Member Posts: 217

    Pretty much my situation too Robinda but they don't want to take any chances with this uncertain DX, I had the lumpectomy.

    Pathology from that showed"strong ADH" not borderline DCIS which is what stereotactic showed.

  • RDA123
    RDA123 Member Posts: 55

    When were you diagnosed? Are you taking tamoxifen??

  • RDA123
    RDA123 Member Posts: 55

    Oops! Sorry ddw79. Just saw you said you're on evista..

  • Ddw79
    Ddw79 Member Posts: 217

    Yes but it took me a year to start it. Now I'm due for my second six month follow up but two MOs say I shouldn't have an MRI. Pretty confused as far as continued surveillance goe

  • RDA123
    RDA123 Member Posts: 55

    just saw my final report...adh with 3 mm dcis which they were saying was borderline. Next step is to see an oncologist. Most likely I will be taking tamoxifen,.,what is the treatment difference between adh and 3mm of low grade dcis??

  • Ddw79
    Ddw79 Member Posts: 217

    Good luck Robinda. I hope you have an easy ride with the Tamoxifin. Seems like many do. Not sure if the follow up on your DX would be much different than mine but I'm no expert here