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Radiation recovery



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2013

    Well I'm off today and maybe I could get something done.Maybe is the word.My son has a doctor's appt(psychiatrist) and that is again at a in patient txt facility.Her office is in the basement.

    I really need to find a new job.I'm not enjoying it anymore and too much stress.A lot BS too.

  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited October 2013

    RunFree - I agree with everyone else. There are a lot of icky things out there BUT they usually show up first. I would however follow GiGils thought about a lyme disease blood test. It started on vacation. You never know. I had to have one a few times when they were looking for stuff. Not uncommon. I do not feel it is a renal thing unless it just started and then you would have those issues also. What does surprise me is the lack of blood work etc with your PCP. Not shocked because mine was the same way till I started to keep my own records and would call her on it. A CBC should be done at least twice a year with a comp panel. That looks at all you stuff including potassium, renal stuff, blood sugar etc. That would point to issues that are just starting. Sometimes we get so wraped up in the BC issue that we forget about other things. Drs do it too. Mine loves to send me out to all my specialists and then do nothing else except collect her office visit. I come with a list. It sounds like it is on the way out finally. Reminds me of that contact dermitis I got from my GB and BC surgeries. Entire torso rashed up and it took about 6-8 weeks for it to calm down.

    Joan - Bags are a real problem at times. Not so much now but when I worked for sure. I had to carry a brief case and that was when everyone had those big planners that weighed a ton. I actually opted for a rolling back pack in the end. It was just too much stuff and travel up and down the coast for training etc was stressful. So I had a black one that went every place I did. I bought a Dooney Burke tote years ago when I retired. It is wide and big and it holds a ton. I gave away all my other purses but a few. Last year it was giving out and I could not find another one. I ended up on Ebay finding the same tote...much cheaper and now have that one.

    Kate - I looked on line and that is the same Killer Shrimp!!! Glad to know it is still out there. When I come back I have to go. Yum. Glad you had such a good time with your friend. I really miss all of mine form LA. They kept me going.

    Josie - Sounds like you had a great time at that perty. I really used to like eating outside. Have not done it here.

    Well ladies tomorrow is the endoscopy. I am a little concerned because I still seem to be dehydrated but I will tell my nurse when I get to the hospital to mention that to the Dr. Maybe they can keep me an extra half hour afterwards and let the fluids go into me more. One of the reasons I am having this is because my stomach is so messed up. Prayers when you can because you know my strange reactive body. Glad when this is over. So tired of tests.

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited October 2013

    Bunkie I don't know if I mentioned that after my dad had GB surgery he continued to have stomach trouble. He finally had a scope and they found stones that had migrated into his liver from his overcrowded gall bladder. They removed those and when he continued having problems they had to keep going in and looking for those stones. They did it three times. The third time they didn't expect to find anything, but when they rotated him on the table sure enough, one more stone was deep and behind! The doctor was shocked and amazed! Dad has had no further problem. That was all done a couple of years ago under light sedation and he recovered immediately. That was the first time I had heard of that! I have known several people who after GB surgery, could not eat ice cream or higher fat foods afterward. People say the scope is relatively easy to cope with. Hopefully it will be over before you know it.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2013

    BUNKIE good luck on the scope.I'm sure everything will be fine.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited October 2013
    Gigi, within the first year or two after I had my gall bladder out, I needed two more ERCP's. The first found stones, the second found small stones and "sand." Still have the occasional horrendous stabbing pain. Not sure whether it's a stone passing or some sort of spasm, but whatever it is, it goes away. Last time I had it, I happened to be in the ER for something totally unrelated. They brought out the EKG, told me I turned "pale." Nice to know the EKG was negative.

    My wallet is an embarassment--all my receipts go in there, and, when it gets to where it is now, I enter them into my business expense program, or ditch them. Should have gotten to it sooner.
    The only time I remember purposely buying a small bag was when the last kid was finally beyond diapers and bottles. I couldn't wait to buy a bag that fit my wallet, brush, lipstick, and nothing else. Absolutely loved the grown up feeling. Currently I'm trying to develop the energy to switch my taupe winter bag for the white summer one.

    We had day one today of a two-day meeting to trot out the new compensation plan. Disaster. Everyone will be stampeding to the poorhouse. Can barely wait to find out tomorrow's bad news.
  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited October 2013

    Bunkie, thanks for your thoughts, and the rest of you too. Such a great group here! I will ask about Lyme and point out that the itching started on a beach in Maine, whatever that might imply. This is what I get for trying to have a romantic weekend! I think my PCP thought my gyn was on top of everything, and so did I. And I think the gyn thought so too. Plus I got some basic data (cholesterol, blood sugar, BP) a couple times a year through my work. Then this BC thing came out of left field and now I realize I may have been a bit underdoctored over the past decade. But I did seem quite healthy in general. My somber mood is lifting somewhat this evening, and my tummy is mostly better. I will probably be able to get sucked back into my busy life over the next couple of days and then I can try to put this on a back mental burner until I have my physical in a few weeks. Big yes to the cake ball idea!

    Bunkie, I hope your scope tomorrow is easy and revealing, and I hope you incidentally get rehydrated some too. Maybe they will really figure some things out from this. You have been through the ringer for sure.

    Josie, I do hope you can find another job! This one sounds like it is taking too much out of you. And Brookside, wow, this sounds pretty scary. A compensation scheme that takes two days to explain? Too complicated and not likely to be in your favor, or they wouldn't work so hard to explain it. I hope you can find a way to win at the new game.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2013

    Your right RunFree, this job is really running me into the ground and it just isn't worth it.Unfortunately I need to get moving on the job search.It's just so hard to start over again.But when you start the morning with your boss coming in and talking to you it's not good.I find myself worrying constantly about things at work Even when I'm not there.My memory really seems to be going lately and I think it's from all the stress.I have a much needed appointment tomorrow at my counselor.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2013

    On a good note though.I actually finally got caught up on my phone calls and other outside bone densities today.I felt accomplished today as I left.There was only 5 bone densities all day so it was my catch up day.

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited October 2013

    Hi y'all

    Bunkie - hope all went well today and your results bring good news!

    Joan - love the new bag! Changing bags is so hard...I tend to use the same bag until it's death...doesn't natter how many our in their pretty shelf bags crying out remember me, take me, hubby points them out, but it's just too much work to change:)

    RunFree - queen of denial off with the rash! GiGil maybe dx right! The dr is in...5 cents please :)

    Kate - yippee friend back a good weekend! Glad you met the survivor to encourage the survivor that you are!

    Brookside - I'm dreading the benefit reality thus year...ugh! Hubby withdrew from class and has been missing reads and shots...I stopped being the reminder...not going to enable.

    Josie - yippee, that caught up feeling :) glad you are seeing a counselor so you can vent share and redirect. Home your resume is out there and the right position is coming soon :) until then a calm appreciated week.

    GiGil - hope dad is comfortable and enjoying hugs family! Hugs to Cole:)

    Been working on our CA fixer that has been in a semi gutted state during our cancers ugh:( I'm a neat freak! Painted, new beveled glass in front doors, confirm floors to be laid, courtyards to be poured and tomorrow work on ceilings to be scrapped rep mastered and painted...I want my next done by least not using my laundry room as kitchen...ha. My dad has brought holidays to us 20011-2012 do to surgeries illness...this year I'm back to hosting...bring it on!



  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited October 2013

    Bunkie, I hope your scope went ok and that you have good results.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited October 2013

    Bunkie I am thinking about you and hoping you are ok.

    OMG I gained so much weight when I was on chemo. None of my clothes fit. I am able to diet now so that is what I am doing, but it is no fun. I much rather have chips and margaritas.

    Have a great weekend everyone

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited October 2013

    Pretty quiet here. Bunkie, I am wondering about you as well. Hope you are doing okay and the results were good. What is everyone up to? I am working on my taxes that I filed an extension on in April. Kate, you need to be able to have some things you like. I hope you aren't being too hard on yourself. I gained 6 lbs this summer and things are not fitting as well. I can't seem to lose a pound. On a short person, 6 lbs can be a lot. I don't think you are very tall either, are you? I haven't exercised enough lately. That is my next goal. Hope you are all having a nice beginning to the weekend. Back to work for me.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,980
    edited October 2013

    Hi Kate, how are you doing this week?

    Cindy, that is a very good sign that you are hosting holidays. I don't know if I ever will again now that kids are more spread out...easier for us to go to them since we travel more easily. It must be difficult to let DH make his own choices...My DH does not take care of his diet controlled diabetes. He's not testing and eats sweets...I don't understand. It's OK to make choices but when they affect others' lives, it doesn't seem fair. I don't want to become the food police.

    I love hearing about everyone's wallet and bag stories! Made me laugh...I was carrying my black and white fabric summer bag and didn't want to give it up. I am trying to get down to one bag so I look less like a bag lady at work. I have to fit my laptop in (easy...about 13" wide and under 4 lbs.) And I sometimes carry papers just grows.

    I am working on getting doubles for my office on the "stuff" I carry back and forth (meds, cords, water bottles) It's getting lighter :-)

    Josie, have you put your resume' online at Monster or Linked In? Maybe there is a medical job posting site...time to reach deep and think if you have any connections...I agree the job is stressful. About memory loss...I am 60+ but was fine until Femara. I just added the Crestor (statin) back 3 days a week and cognitive impairment is worse again. And tinnitus too. But overall, I am thriving. And, I didn't realize it until you said it - my wallet is starting to weigh more than my purse. I just switched from a change purse to a clutch wallet with lots of room.

    Brookside, it is hard to imagine that you will be expected to give back more and more each year. I hope it isn't as bad as you are expecting. While the pols and media talk about our "recovery" we see that corporations and individuals are still struggling.

    Bunkie, hugs and prayers for your results...I hope things turn out to be boring and uneventful ... When I hear you talk about CA, I can picture you just thriving there in the sunshine. I hope you can resolve things in MI and then make some life choices that will favor your health. I haven't graduated to the rolling backpack [except for the airport]...I am saving that option!

    Gigi, that is quite a story about your Dad. I had only one surgery before BC - gall bladder - and I had pancreatitis. I was afraid of stones that may have migrated but nothing in 9 years. I eat fat but my body usually yells at me. My clothes, too. I LOVE Zappos, their videos, and their return policy. I got 3 pair of flats for work and they all fit...that never happens.

    Janis...hi wherever you are. SAB...Sew...Susannah...and all the missing friends...hugs!

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited October 2013

    Gigil I am 5 feet 3. How tall are you? I hate being overweight. I was always very petite until I quit smoking.ThenI gained 20 pounds, and now I've gained weight from chemo too. I am trying to eat 1200 a day during the week, and 1500 on Fri. and Sat. Now I am worried that might be too many calories for me to lose weight. I need to start exercising. I was a total couch potato when I was doing chemo.

    Joan I feel a little better this week, thanks for asking.

    I have an appointment with a GI specialist Monday to see what is causing constipation and cramps. I am nervous about the exam. I am guessing that it is uncomfortable.Before I got bc I just about never went to a doctor. Now I can't seem to stay away from doctor appointments, and I can't stand exams.

    Psychologically I am doing well. At least today lol

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited October 2013

    hi Joan. I have heard so many people say that gallbladder surgery renders them unable to eat fatty foods. Like you, my house is never the place my kids go to for holidays. We go to them, and they don't always agree to get together. It gets tricky. Sometimes I am tempted to drag my hubby off to Florida and just do our own thing. I think the grand kids would miss us though. Zappos, my favorite. I love their VIP status where the postage is free both ways and it is next day delivery.

    Kate I am 5 ft. 2 inches. You are an inch taller than me! I don't like going to doctors either. Not at all! Hope they can help the constipation though. I am hypothyroid, so I have that problem too. Fresh fruit, especially an apple a day helps more than anything.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited October 2013

    Gigil I eat a minimum of 5 servings of fruit and veggies a day. My fruit of choice is grapefruit. Hope you have a nice weekend.

    Cindy I am thinking of going to see a urologist at USC for a third opinion. My original urologist thinks I should have partial lbladder removal. My 2nd opinion urologist thinks I should not do surgery, so i think I need to hear from another urologist. Would you recommend your hubbie's urologist, and if so what is his name? I hope you have a nice weekend too.

  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited October 2013
    Had a couple of post-treatment checkups yesterday. I'm still getting tired in late afternoon and having a lot of trouble processing paperwork. Was kind of assuming that I'm a pretty unique case. Not at all. The NP told me that about 50% of patients have this post rads funk, and that those who have it the worst tend to be those who (like me)really dig into all the intellectual stuff--research results, statistics, treatment decisions,and all. Last time I saw her she indicated that this particular form of PTSD lasts about six months. Well, I'm six and a half months past rads. Now she says it can last about a year. It's certainly way, way better than it was, but it's not history. Can't wait to hear what she has to say in another six months if this doesn't lift!
  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited October 2013
    Also saw my MO who indicated that one of the reason he pushes the 30 minutes of exercise/day is(I know I have this at least partly correct)exercise makes glucose go to the muscles rather than the liver, where it would just make fat which could make more estrogen. I asked him about a target BMI (mine is about 28), and he said it would be 25, then continued, "But you (ER positive) really can't be too thin." Sigh.
    To continue my medical marathon, I'm having an endoscopy on Monday. Sorry, work. No time for you!
  • brooksidevt
    brooksidevt Member Posts: 1,432
    edited October 2013
    If y'all are wondering why so many posts from me--the system for some reason would not let me send a long one, so I just cut it up. Learned long ago that I have to hit "copy" before hitting "submit" if the post is lengthy.
    Kate, so happy you can focus on your girlish figure now, and sure hope your new diet leaves you room for margaritas!
    Gigil, I never thought I had trouble with fatty food after losing my gall bladder, but now that I've pretty much switched to a lean and mean diet, I notice I feel kind of funny when I do eat fat. strangely enough, it's a feeling I always enjoyed, but now it makes me aware that I'm eating something I probably ought not.
  • BUNKIE10
    BUNKIE10 Member Posts: 670
    edited October 2013

    Hi Everyone - Just stopping in. Will read everything tomorrow. Thanks for all the support.

    The endoscopy went ok but I had a reaction to the anesthsia or my adrenals failed. I did ok at the hospital but 3 hours later at home I woke up from a nap freezing, teeth chattering, kidneys in bad pain and shaky. I would have called the Dr but could not focus to remember his no. So I got some hot tea, blankets and wrapped up. My temp was 96.0. My normal is 97.6. Not that low but felt awful. It took about an hour to get back to normal. I was exausted for 2 days and finally felt better yeaterday. I should have had a steroid boost going under but they did not seem to agree. If I get another test like that I will require it.

    I have acid reflux, a small hernia and some stomach inflamation. No ulcer, cancer etc. So my issues are most likely GB surgery aftermath (dumping syndrome) like GiGil said or celiac. The biopsy was sent out. Will know in a week. I made an appt with that endo I have been seeing to discuss adrenal failure and testing my cortisol. There has to be a way to see what is happening there. If he can not help I will have to get a referral to U of Mi.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited October 2013

    Bunkie so sorry you weren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon

  • SAB
    SAB Member Posts: 1,121
    edited October 2013

    Here I am Joan! Reading as often as I can (soooo frantic at this job) and sending good health wishes to those who need it...that's you Bunkie, and you Kate, oh heck I wish all of you and those pesky dhs good health too! I bought a new bag too, but I don't like it enough to take a picture...I'm just "using" it and waiting for the right one to come along....then I will keep it close and commit :-)

    Brookside you made me laugh. I lost 55 pounds after bc, and went to the doctor when I was at my lowest (too low) point. Last month I went to see her and she said "I see you're carrying an extra 5 pounds." Sigh.

    Hugs to all!

  • rmlulu
    rmlulu Member Posts: 1,501
    edited October 2013

    Hi y'all

    Bunkie - ugh sorry testing was so difficult! Fingers&toes crossed biopsy has answers and your body will respond well to necessary adjustments!

    Kate - hubby's USC dr Desai you can check him out on their's to getting answers and enjoying life...try cycling your food/carbs carb up with an extra serving after 4pm and thu/sun carb down 2 carbs before 3 pm...Wendy Chant Crack the Fat Loss many years ago...interesting...our fierce petite warrior!

    Brookside - a sliding date...PTSD doesn't slide it lingers as we grub ourselves out of the trenches..princess warrior dust over here please...will be in your pocket Monday for the scope! BMI let's try the rack...stretch our way to lower numbers...ugh!

    Josie - Have a former college that appreciated your work review your resume...then get it out there! Hoping you have a fun stress free family weekend!

    GiGil - how's your sweet dad? Hope you are having a good fall weekend with him! Are you going to do a funny Halloween party...all dress up in something that reminds you of a great father moment...fisherman, skier, tennis star, plumber, fix-it man, the answer man with old pics if him & you all as kids!

    Joan - over the years I have hosted the holidays...only child ensures he returns and brings all family...once we moved to TX sort of ended then 2-3 yrs of illness...I'm not missing out this year...Im Flexible and I don't care how large I want family! The more the merrier :D. The shuttle driver shared how he let hugs diabetes get out of control and lost his big toe...our best friends son may lose his foot...sinking in...raining hard in the oak trees...porch time...

    Palm Srings TSA security scan did not like my PT compression goodies...a silicon gel strip on incision with steri strips, a foam shape cut to caress the girl&3rd girl too, and the new trunk corset...I look at my girl had three big yellow areas! Thought I was some mule! Ha! I explained they asked if the could pat we didn I said yes but very tender...they decided I was not a threat and on I went!



  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2013

    BUNKIE , glad to hear from you but sorry you had that problem after anesthesia.Did they give you any fluids during or after the procedure?

    Kate so your trying to lose weight too?I have about 15 to lose myself.I have a free app to use called my fitness pal .com.They have way to tell just about how much calories and fat is in almost any food.Like a food calculator.You just keep track of your foods and it tells you as the day goes on how many calories you have left.

    My biggest problem on Sunday when I started it after lunch it said I only had like 400 calories left and we were going to my in-laws for a big Sunday dinner.So there goes that day of calories.I haven't been on it since.

    Brookside I'm sorry to hear your still having some fatigue.I think over all we would probably be still be recovering if we were men.They tend to baby themselves a little more than us.We don't have time to be sick and tend to want to just get on with our lives.I know I did.I wish now I would have taken a day or two off after Rads ended just to recover a little.I just kept going though.Now I'm stressed and tired .I'm also not looking forward to finding a new job.I hate starting all over again.I know I need to get my resume out there .I have it on Monster . Com

    Tonight we went to dinner at Dennys and we took the kids for ice cream at Cold Stone creamer for dessert.Where else can you feed 4 for like $43 at a sit down dinner.Not my favorite place to eat though.We started the morning off with Dunkin donuts.Yeah....there goes the diet for sure.

  • josie123
    josie123 Member Posts: 1,749
    edited October 2013

    Cindy sorry to hear about your TSA problems at the airport.Glad they didn't have to pat you down though.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited October 2013

    Cindy thanks for the info

  • gigil
    gigil Member Posts: 916
    edited October 2013

    Cindy, Dad is doing okay, thanks for asking. I cooked for him and my sister and husband yesterday. He requested scalloped potatoes and ham and apple crisp. I was happy to oblige. He watched football with my husband, while my sister and I drove through the woods and looked at the turning leaves. She needed to get out a bit and we needed to have a quiet talk. The caretakers were taking care of each other a bit. It was a good day.

    Cole got to get out on his scooter for the first time all summer yesterday, and also he was able to get into the bathtub. He has a roll in shower, but he loves a bath. I will post a picture later. It was a glorious moment for all of us who have watched him with his poor leg elevated all summer. Things are definitely looking up for them.

    I am a bit of a wreck today, trying to unscramble taxes and getting them sent in. Hubby and I are working on them together which always provides a lively exchange. Yikes! He has a mind that is so complicated. I have to run to keep up with it. Wish me luck!

    Oh, and I have had my boob patted down by TSA security also. It showed up as a little square on the x-ray - probably all of those clips in there. She just stuck her hand in my shirt and pat, pat, pat! Slam, bam, thank you ma'am! Ha! Ha!

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited October 2013

    GiGiL and Cindy, it would never cross my mind that someone would or could just feel up my boob going through security! How alarming! The least they could do is buy you dinner first! That's great news about Cole's progress, and I love the story about your day with your dad and sister and husband. Just quiet normality is so precious. I hope your taxes settle down and behave.

    Bunkie, I was sorry to read about your rough time at the hospital. At least the results were relatively benign, though I know the path hasn't come back. It would be so good to get some answers. Finding out about cortisol and adrenal function would be very revealing.

    Kate, speaking of answers, I know your big appointment is today. I'm hoping for a good clear plan that's in line with what you want to do.

    Josie, I know a lot of people who have done well with myfitnesspal. My sisters use an app called, I think, loseit. One has the free version and the other bought the upgrade. They are both finding it very helpful. I'm a pen-and-notebook calorie counter myself, although I use the internet to look up counts rather than turning to my large diet book collection. I have to get back to running regularly too.

    I am itchier this week than last, and a bit discouraged. I have some renewed pinkish areas around the edge of my radiation field, and it crossed my mind that I might have brought that on by shaving under my treatment arm with a straight razor. It's a very gentle one, but I am suspecting that my cranky lympathic system is still annoyed with me. I did remember--by which I mean, Brookside reminded me!--that I had baseline blood tests in January when I was first diagnosed. I was able to look up my test results and send them to my MO. She agrees everything looked good! Big phew on that. I'm still waiting to hear whether there are other tests my MO will recommend before I see my PCP in a couple of weeks, or whether I should redo any of the ones from last winter.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited October 2013

    Gigil it sounds like Cole and your dad are more comfortable, and I am glad.

    Runfree I am sorry that you are feeling itchier.

    I canceled my appointment with the Gi Dr. today. It was me who suggested that I see aGI specialinst and not my MO. After more research on the net regarding constipation, change in the shape of stools etc. I think it is all a part of my bladder tumor problem. I did not want to put myself through uncomfortable exams. I know I don't have colon cancer, so I thought why go through with this if I don't have to.

    It is an absolutely gorgeous day in Santa Monica today, and I am going out for a long walk. Enjoy the day everyone

  • RunFree16
    RunFree16 Member Posts: 649
    edited October 2013

    Kate, congrats on a beautiful day without a doctor. A long walk might help with constipation, I would think, and in any case I bet it was marvelous. I've been chained to a desk all day, grading student papers, so I will live vicariously through your sunny California promenade.