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Radiation recovery



  • Elizabeth1889
    Elizabeth1889 Member Posts: 509
    edited June 2012

    stephN, I am so sorry that you lost your dog. Pets add so much to our lives. They are the best listeners in the world.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited June 2012

    Kate,  I'll be in the pocket - order a few extra for me!

    StephN and Lacey, so hard to have tMy aging cat passed soon before BC.  She couldn't go on as she was.  This past winter I longed for he to curl with me on the sofa...keep me warm, straddle DH and me to give equal time....if it had happened during BC I would have been beside myself dealing with another loss. 
     My DGD is sleeping over (she's 4) and I spoiled her to pieces...but she won't sleep as late as I want to.
    Here's to good tomorrow...and good mammo reports.


  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited June 2012

    Thanks for the sympathy and hugs--they are welcome.  I know you all understand.  She was a special little girl.


  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited June 2012

    StephN, I too am sorry for the loss of your little dog. They are special beings that brighten our lives with the love they show. Thinking of you.

    I got treated to a massage by the Am. Cancer Society yesterday. I guess they have a contract with a local massage therapist for bc patients. It felt so good. So healing and relaxing. We discussed me calling in a couple of weeks to see if I would like to do it again. We did not discuss cost but yesterday was free!

    I'm having trouble getting my energy back from water aerobics today! Still feeling shaky hours later. It feels so good while I am there, but the after time is tough. Guess I'll take a nap.  

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited June 2012
    Mac - I know what you mean about the energy crisis.
    I have been trying to start walking for 3 days - finally got 8.5 hours sleep and woke up feeling good.  walked about 3 miles along the shore and felt great.  ThenI played with grandaughters and by then, completely exhausted.  But getting enough sleep seems tomake a differnece for me. I usually do not sleep much.
    I hope you feel better tomorrow! 
  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited June 2012

    Joan, I find that getting enough exercise really helps with sleeping. Conversely, not enough exercise can mean you don't sleep well, then feel too tired to exercise and an evil cycle is born.

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited June 2012

    Joan, thanks for the well wishes. I do feel better today and have a weekend of no appts. I am trying to get some structure back into my life, since my shop is closed. So incorporating the water aerobics class gets me out of the house and into a "social" situation besides the exercise part of it. I am trying to keep some muscle mass going here. Since this lung thing has happened I have a hard time just walking the dog and now with the heat, it is even tougher. Between the prednisone and the nebulizer I am always shaky and weak, but I am bringing the dose down on the prednisone and am feeling less miserable everyday. 

    Momine I get the evil cycle. That's why I'm continuing with the class even tho, it takes a while to recover. I am going to rebuild my stamnia. The instructor gets real concerned for me, but it feels so good while I am there. Like I am just one of the class.

    Hope everyone's weekend is good! 

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited June 2012

    Steph I am so sorry about your beloved dog.  I have two myself and cannot imagine life without them.  I am really sorry for your loss.  Know there are many others here who understand.  Big hugs to you. 

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited June 2012

    I went out to happy hour with my surgeon last night, and had such a good time. It was her treat for my b-day. I am so lonely so this was a blessing. She just sent me an email, and wants to do it again next Friday. She is much younger then I am, and I am so blessed to have found her.

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2012

    Kate,   You are fortunate to have such a good relationship with your surgeon.  You deserve to get out and have fun.

    Momine and Mac,   I've been walking, but get so tired after....that's not usually how I am.  Guess I really do need the rest and sleep I didn't get this past year.  My body is not responding as it usually does and is very slow to give up the extra weight I gained during rads last winter.  I don't want to give up....but it's so tempting to just slip back into old habits!

    Has anyone joined a gym?  I think about it, but I am not sure if I can keep the commitment.  I really need to strengthen my upper body since surgery.  I was told that weight training would help maintain bone health.
    I hope everyone's staying cool this week end.
    Hugs to all,


  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2012

    Thank you Joan. I gained weight during rads, also. I too am having trouble losing the weight.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited July 2012

    Joan, I do get tired often as well. Right after chemo I also had bad inflammation in my muscles which made walking really challenging. Now with the femara, I sometimes have achy feet, which is also very annoying when you walk. Recently I developed shortness of breath as well. 

    After checking for the great evil, which was not present, I am beginning to think that it may be that I am low on B12. I am seeing a lung doc on Tuesday to figure out what the problem is.

    What I am trying to say is that it can be VERY tempting to give up, but if you push on, it does get better, slowly, slowly. Also don't assume that any tiredness or discomfort is "just" tiredness from the treatment. You may be anemic or have some other fixable problem. Get it checked out.

    I just joined a gym as well and plan to go 3X a week. My overall goal is to exercise two hours a day, even if most of it is just walking.

  • truebff
    truebff Member Posts: 322
    edited July 2012

    Ladies, I posted on this before (and took the posts down when I thought they were outdated). But I just have to share again:

    If you are in Michigan or near or can get here from where you are, there is a totally awesome program here: Grass Lakes Sanctuary Women's Wellness Retreats.

    They offer FREE three day retreats for women after they have finished treatments where you are pampered, massaged, given all kinds of different healing tools, fed gourmet healthy food, can swim, walk in the woods, meet other women.

    I just got back from my own experience there and I am CHANGED! Cancer breaks us and then we have to go on as if it never did that. This place is run by grants by professionals, by people who give, ALL of them volunteering. It offers women ways to let the experiences release from us so we can heal our hearts and lives on the deepest levels.

    I am a woman with many tools in my toolbox, but this was outstanding help that I needed. It was just so much kindness and so healing and so much FUN!

    Check it out.

    PS AND there are STILL OPENINGS FOR THIS SUMMER in July and August retreats!!!

  • ptdreamers
    ptdreamers Member Posts: 639
    edited July 2012

    turebff, We have a simialiar program in washington called Harmony Hill.I would encourage anyone in the western US to check them out.

  • Scottiee1
    Scottiee1 Member Posts: 1,790
    edited July 2012

    Wow, Truebff, sounds wonderful and I'm happy you found this place but a little jealous.

    I'm in Toronto, Ontario and don't know of such a place so if anyone from Toronto is reading this and does know, could you please post for all Torontonians who could benefit from such a lovely experience.

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2012

    Truebff I am jealous too, because I don't know of a place like that near Santa Monica, California. I am very happy for you, and so glad you feel so refreshed.

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2012

    Truebuff I am so very happy you had such a great experience.  You are lucky to have been able to attend.  It sounds wonderful.

    Yesterday was my one year cancerversary.  My one year mammogram was clear.  However right now I am having a very difficult time with several issues.  I could use some cheer.  This is one of the few places I feel safe.  You have all been so good to me.  Sending love to all!

  • macatacmv
    macatacmv Member Posts: 1,200
    edited July 2012

    Happy all clear mammo, janis!!!!!!

    Truebff, you deserve all the healing that you received!!!!!

    Has anyone been bruised during acupuncture before? I've been going to this woman for a month now, and this last time I got quite the bruise on my abdomen right below the bra line.  It doesn't hurt. Just wondering.

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2012


    Man, I'm jealous too. What a great experience for you, I'm so glad you could go. I was at my primary dr. Today, he was asking if I was depressed. What, just because I cried when after discussing everything else he asked....and how are YOU? I told him I didn't think I was depressed, and his take on it is that it's almost impossible to go thru all this, then get all your estrogen removed via arimidex and NOT be depressed. Felt to me like he understood this cancer business! I thought we had great offerings out here, but they don't include a retreat! Perhaps a visit to Harmony Hill or Michigan should be put on my list of things to do this summer.


    Sorry you're having more issues....perhaps you should just concentrate on hanging out around here. We don't allow issues....just more challenges. And if there's one thing we can all handle, its another CHALLENGE! And I, for one, am so happy you've gotten thru your first mammo. That's a great milestone and worth a celebration. Got any of your wonderful baked goodies laying around? I'll bring wine. We'll party and as long as it isnt Friday night Kate can join us.

    Joan, as far as joining a gym, that's definitely out for me right now. A waste of money! This arimidex is totally affecting my energy level and I never know when I'll just have to collapse. I do still walk with a friend weekly, and my hubby on weekends but we're having to take a sort of less strenuous route. The good news is that my blood tests show I don't really have any muscle damage, and this erratic heart beat ive now got is probably more related to caffein and thyroid than any particular problems. So....a gym is out, but I do exercise daily, just at my own speed. Didn't you just get back from climbing around Yosemite?

    Momine, wow, what a great objective to exercise 2 hours per rock girl! I'm happy when I consistently make 30 minutes per day. Hmmmm....perhaps I should up my goals.....

    So....while pondering all this, think I'll go have dinner! That'll take my mind off it all...

    Have a great evening everyone.....(Kate, you joining the party at Janis's? it'll be low cal, I promise!)

  • MostlySew
    MostlySew Member Posts: 1,311
    edited July 2012

    Ptdreamers....I see from the other thread you're having your mammo tommorw. I'll join that pocket party...just don't let them kick me out as a stranger. Course, you could always come on over to Janis's tonight and by tomorrow you won't be worried at all! Hugs....

  • Lacey12
    Lacey12 Member Posts: 2,895
    edited July 2012

    Janis, for sure we're here for you....congratulations on your clear anniversary mammo. Yea!! And (((((hugs)))))to support you through the other challenges. I'll join the party if that's okay. You ladies have the best "events"! I'll bring the carrot cake with cream cheese icing.....all calorie free!

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2012

    Sew maybe a party would cheer me.  It sure sounds like a good plan.  Right now I just feel...well, depressed.  Did your doctor suggest an anti-depressant for you?  I was just wondering as you mentioned he seems to really understand the many layers of BC.

    I am considering therapy.  I will have to talk to my PCP about it when I see him next month.  I go August 3rd.

    Tomorrow I have to go back to the GYN who did my surgery in April.  OMG....having problems since he 'fixed' my problems.  Okay I'll be forthright.  Sex...well, it hurts like hell and I bleed!  My poor DH has been the soul of patience, but is almost terrified to touch me now.  He feels SO bad, and it is not his fault.  Something is definitely wrong down south.  I am also leaking tiny amounts of urine.  Just great.  I am so unhappy.  I had to buy pads the other day when we went on a day trip with some friends.  Seriously...I am almost 58 and have had a complete hysterectomy 16 years ago.  Buying pads for vaginal bleeding when I have no parts.  If this is going to require more surgery I will be homicidal.  Or suicidal.  I'll let you know........

    On top of that I have been dumped on by two people who have hurt me deeply.  One lied completely about money she owes us.  It is not much, just $60, but we need it.  She has owed it since last summer and I finally mentioned it to her.  I was stunned by her e-mail.  Absolutely flat lied.  Then I am having issues with my niece.  I adore her and she is angry at me and sent me a pretty nasty mail today.  I just don't need this now.  I am so hurt.  Today is one of the first days since my diagnosis I really feel hopeless.  It won't last, but I am just hurting.  There are other issues I am dealing with and just don't feel like I can take much more!  I need something good to happen in my life.

    I can't believe how long I have ranted on.  Sew, wine sounds good.  No, it sounds great.  I haven't had any in ages.  Yum.  Thanks.....always!  You are such a rock.  :)

  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2012

    Janis I truly understand your pain. I have been through hell myself with a husband who deserted me physically and financially. One minute I had a husband and a comfortable lifestyle the next minute I was single with financial difficulty. The next minute I had cancer with breast reconstruction surgeries going bad, and doing it all alone.Thank God I am resilient and what works for me is therapy, therapy, and more therapy. I hope you can get help. Hugs

  • justmejanis
    justmejanis Member Posts: 1,474
    edited July 2012

    Thank you Kate.  I know you have been through a lot.  I am so sorry about your husband.  I am glad that you are in therapy and it is helping. :)

  • stephN
    stephN Member Posts: 133
    edited July 2012

    Thanks for the sympathy.  I miss my little dog.  She was my snuggle buddy during all the days on the couch this year.

    Janis, I'm on an anti-depressant.  I started it during radiation.  It really helped then.  I take Effexor because it supposedly helps with hot flashes.  I would hate to see how many I would have if I didn't take it.  ;o)

    I'm sorry you are dealing with so much right now.  I know the skies don't suddenly clear and everything bad disappears, even though I sometimes wish it worked that way.  I'll be praying for peace for you.  You are such a lovely, sweet person.  You deserve something good to happen!

    I do pray for all of you ladies.  It's hard to overcome all the stuff we've been through and deal with all the things that are different now, much less just deal with having had cancer.   Sending cyber hugs to all of you!


  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2012

    (((((Janis))))) Are you up for a happy dance for your clear mammo?  If not, just watch!  So glad for your good news.

    Meanwhile, I think we all have had feelings of hopelessness or helplessness at times.  It is frightening when we don't see a path out of it.  I have sort of come to recognize depression as a visitor and I try to shut the door....if that doesn't work, I try to get distracted (retail therapy works for me - if it's a sale)....I know you have other issues that are clobbering you all at once.  I will send a PM about therapy and drug therapy.
    You deserve all the hugs you can get...wishing a complete recovery from the recent surgery. 

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2012
    OK ladies...I just typed a 3 part response to your comments above....and my computer went "back" without my wanting to.....and lost the entire post.  This has happened to me multiple times and it is very frustrating.
    Momine, you reminded me that there could be good reasons for my mental and physical fatigue. It makes sense.  It's been almost 2 months since my CA trip and I only hiked one long day....but I walked a lot in SF too. 
    Sew, I think we know when we are ready to push a bit....the thing is, when we are feeling better, then we have tokeep on fighting to get back what is ours. 
    I had very low Vit. D and am taking mega supplements - will see if it helped soon.  I am not sure I need the calcium with the D, as my bone density is "normal" right now.  I wish I knew what my body really  needs.
    PT - sending hugs and positive thoughts for your mammo - may it uneventful.
    Truebf, the University Hospital has a survivorship program and they offer free exercise and yoga classes.  But nothing so wonderful a you have described!  
    Kate, you really have been through so much in a short time.  You sound very strong and determined and I know you will soon be looking back on these months as a bad memory. 
    beautiful day here in the East - I hope you all have a beautiful tomorrow!
  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2012

    Joan you are always so supportive, and I thank you so much for that. Hugs!!

  • joan811
    joan811 Member Posts: 1,982
    edited July 2012
    HUGS for you too....I feel the same about you.  I really admire your persistence and the patience you have developed.
    Good night Smile
  • katehudson25
    katehudson25 Member Posts: 1,939
    edited July 2012

    Janis I am hoping you will choose therapy. I think it would give you the tools you need to cope. Joan I so much admire your strength. We have something else in common. I went back to college later in life and didn't graduate till 1995. I passed the CPA exam in 1997.