Brain Mets Sisters



  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited April 2012

    Banjo.. I just have to say I've been listening to

    it is so so joyful

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited April 2012

    o dear.. saw the onc. today. I have an MRI on my birthday (5-9) of all days and that may show the brain mets are shrinking but the onc was not optimistic... She said things are 'very grave'.. Of course my husband chose that onc. app't to attend.  He did pretty well.

    We'll see i guess.  She also told me to quit driving.. so there goes my jobs eventually (i do have a son or two so i can carry on for a bit.

  • JillThut
    JillThut Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2012

    Sh&@!t! Very grave is not good to hear. Hope u prove them wrong.

  • bestfriend05
    bestfriend05 Member Posts: 70
    edited April 2012

    apple..i dont know why she said things look grave when u have not had an MRI as yet..!! just seems she being really pessimistic..!!

    hope u r not letting her comments let u down..big hugs coming your way..stay strong,i am sure u will sail through..!

    much love xx

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2012

    Apple, arent in the middle of WBR?   Isnt that when your neuro check would be bizarre?    Im confused.   Oh my gosh.

    Do you feel like this is real, what she said?   Can you ask to have the scan moved up?

    (Not  driving is a hard thing to adapt to.   I was so depressed just for two weeks of not driving.)

    I hope you are sleeping at night and I hope you find something to give you peace in this turbulence.



  • LuvRVing
    LuvRVing Member Posts: 2,409
    edited April 2012


  • banjobanjo
    banjobanjo Member Posts: 187
    edited April 2012

    Apple, glad you liked the Monteverdi.  Stage IV is 'very grave' - you just keep up your usual attitude and wait for the MRI; we don't know anything until we know...  Thinking of you often.


  • JillThut
    JillThut Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2012

    Yes..i think banjo said it best. Keep your usual attitude and deal with things as you have to. I was also wondering why the grim statement minus the MRI? Maybe she/he was going by symptoms?

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited April 2012

    she's usually so positive... i guess she is as worried as i am.

  • minustwo
    minustwo Member Posts: 13,398
    edited April 2012


  • jodimomoffour
    jodimomoffour Member Posts: 258
    edited April 2012

    Hi Apple.  I am so sorry your DR chose those words.  I figure I was told this was 'grave' the day I was diagnosed.  I knew this was incurable.  I certainly didn't expect it to move this fast....Oh well.  You will ultmately decide when this is over.  Let's wait on the MRI before we let 'news' be the decider.  I think of you, your music, your bratty kids etc.  Don't you have some planting to do?  Tight hugs.

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited April 2012

    been planting.. figured out the hoses and got them running, had a piano student, cleaned..

    time for a nap.. yeah!

    (first time ever with those words)  incurable was the word for stage 4.

  • formygirls
    formygirls Member Posts: 154
    edited April 2012

    ((hugs))) apple. I hope you can move up the scan. I am surprised you onc used such words without the scan results. All our situations are grave and in curable but it is hard to hear them from our docs. Yesterday, I got a copy of my STD forms in which my onc had "patient will never improve and can never work". It was hard to see in writing even though I obviously know that. I hope the MRI will bring good news and will be a great birthday present.

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2012

    Yes, its a double edge for me:  the reason I get to live anyway I want with checks coming in is because I have a terminal illness.   Dont tell anyone....   I got it good most days.

  • jodimomoffour
    jodimomoffour Member Posts: 258
    edited April 2012

    Oh.  I was diagnosed stage four.  I just assumed all of us were.  My bad.  This is quite a journey.  Mine was already on my liver and decided to keep moving till it reached my spleen.  Next thing I know, brain mets.  It has moved fast.   Bastard.

  • jodimomoffour
    jodimomoffour Member Posts: 258
    edited April 2012

    Ps.  I think mine might be everywhere, but I don't want anymore radiatian and I do not want to be parted out.  I have never been sick in 51 years.  I can't figure out how to do this.  I think it's sicko.

  • JillThut
    JillThut Member Posts: 97
    edited April 2012

    K-lo...i can totally relate...i have SS disability...not a lot....but do have it good most days and can and do work when i can find it..part time and very flexible.

  • formygirls
    formygirls Member Posts: 154
    edited April 2012

    Did those of you who had Gamma knife have to also get a high res MRI in addition to the regular brain MRI? The team here made me get another MRI before they could finalize tx plan. I am still waiting to see if they can do steroactic radio surgery or if I will need to do WBR. It has been almost 2.5 weeks since they found brain mets and I am still waiting.

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2012


    Yes, I had a high resolution MRI for planning.  However things did not move that slowly.  If you ask, you may find that the Neurosurgeon is out of town or something.  But his/her assistant should be giving you a date to show up for Gamma.   At least that's ho wit is here.  I have learned to ask, politely, but ask whomever is the closest assistant for info.  We have a pretty important guy running gamma here, and he does not linger for long discussions, but his nurse is always available.

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2012
    Bump......    Embarassed
  • formygirls
    formygirls Member Posts: 154
    edited April 2012

    K Lo,

    I love your pic(is it new? I remember one with the gamma mask). Thanks. I will bug the nurse again tomorrow. This dr does not have the time or bedside manner of my onc! Three doctors came to the appt and completely overwelmed me and started by showing me everyone of my lesions. I hate looking at my scans! My dr has told me to be prepared for new ones to show up in future MRIs. But he is a big gamma knife advocate. I was surprised they were considering me for it as I have so many lesions. I hope they can do it as I would not have to miss chemo.

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2012

    FMG, really with ya on the not missing chemo! Hope it will be so.

    (Thx for noticing my new wig...

    ..... why can't I look like Meryl Streep in Prada? She had cool white hair.)

  • apple
    apple Member Posts: 1,466
    edited April 2012

    i bet Meryl Streep could look like you.. it's all in the makeup.  you seem too cheerful to look like Meryl.  (what a career).  i like the wig.  I ordered one after saying i would NEVER order one off of the internet again and I actually really like it. it looks more like me than any other.

    I need to read up on signs and symptoms of breakthru seizures.  i hope my mind is not playing tricks on me.  ha ha

  • EnglishMajor
    EnglishMajor Member Posts: 122
    edited April 2012

    Hi K-Lo

    I did notice your new wig--very flattering! Laughing

  • sueopp
    sueopp Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2012

    Me too, K - noticed the photo and didn't know it was a wig.  You look great!  Gives me hope for when I next lose my hair.  Never did a wig before, but if I could look good like you, I'm willing to try it.  Best to you - SUE

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2012

    Aww, you guys!   

    What a week.   Eye tumors have grown and MO wants to hold off on Rads.  Ophthalmologist, Neurosurgeon and Rads Onc say they would irradiate.  So I'm meeting with Rads to plan in a week.  What a conflict.  

    Jee, Apple, Is there a device perhaps that can detect seizures?   I guess they have dogs who can.  It's scary not feeling that you are in control of your own mind.   My DH warns me of things like leaving stove on.  Now I see how our elderly parents felt when we wanted to make decisions for them, take their cars away, etc.

  • PJB
    PJB Member Posts: 150
    edited April 2012

    Hi girls, I'm joining up this very cool group! I start 10 WBR on Monday, got my mask and CT today, start the stupid steroids tomorrow. Just told my son a bit about what's up and warned him to expect cranky mom for awhile. I'll start reading through the many pages of this thread so I can get myself educated. 

    Rad onc is literally 1 mile from my house (my regular onc is about 45 minutes away). Supposedly,I can continue to drive (I was worried about that) and really have no restrictions. I'm sure I'll learn what the reality is as I go through these posts. 

    I'm bummed about the hair, as it's really just come in nicely (and still in the curly stage) from the Taxotere that I stopped in late August. I'm glad liver and bones are in stable mode (fingers crossed) so I can get on with this next lovely surprise.

    Thanks to you guys in advance for helping out a brain mets newbie.


  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2012

    Oh, Paula, I feel you about the hair!   Im so sorry.

    You are being a real trooper, but we all know that it is a slammer-shock.  I too am glad the liver and bones are stable.   Lets all hang in there, baby.   :- /

  • K-Lo
    K-Lo Member Posts: 826
    edited April 2012
    Glass half-full:   MRI today showed no brain new mets.  First time since Gamma started.   Wink
  • sueopp
    sueopp Member Posts: 238
    edited April 2012

    Hotcha, K!  "No New" sounds great to me - rooting for you all the way. SUE