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Does Dimpling Mean Cancer??

SunnyInFLA Member Posts: 13
edited October 2017 in Not Diagnosed But Worried

I have been looking in to dimpling on the breast and EVERYTHING I have read says it is a sign of breast cancer. I am scared to pieces, and want to run straight to the doctor but have to wait one week until the insurance kicks in. 

My right breast has gotten bigger then the left in the past few months and upon self breast exam their is a dimpling at 6'clock more prominent when I do the bend over method of exam, def, indentation.

Is a sign of breast dimpling a sure thing for cancer?? anyone ever have dimpling and breast enlargement and not have cancer?? I can not find a single thing about this that says anything but cancer.



  • Wabbit
    Wabbit Member Posts: 68
    edited November 2011

    I think that dimpling is a sign of something pulling on breast tissue and is an indication that you need to be checked for breast cancer.

    But a benign tumor or cyst could do the same thing so it does not mean it is definitely cancer ... just a sign that something is going on.

    Hopefully you will be able to get checked out soon.  We all know that the waiting and wondering is the absolute pits.  Sending you some (((hugs)))

  • leaf
    leaf Member Posts: 1,821
    edited November 2011

    No.  I had a very faint dimpling and breast enlargement after my breast excision, and it ended up being scar tissue (after a biopsy).  The dimpling was hard to see except in a certain direction of light when I held my arms a certain way. 

    This abstract opines that breast dimpling can be a sign of either benign or malignant processes.

  • SunnyInFLA
    SunnyInFLA Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    Thank you ladies. I have never had any breast trama, nor have I had a biopsy. 

    And Yes the waiting is the worst part. Running over things in my head and it is spinning. I should just step away from using google and the web, it is so hard to not work myself up in to a frenzy. 

  • leaf
    leaf Member Posts: 1,821
    edited November 2011

    Here's 8 causes of breast dimpling, some of which are benign. Some benign conditions are not particularly associated with trauma or biopsy.

  • SunnyInFLA
    SunnyInFLA Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    I guess the scariest part about the dimpling is that my breast is also more enlarged then the other one. Having two symptoms weighs heavier on my head.

    I was told I needed a script to get both a mamo & u/s by the breast clinic. My insurance kicks in on Dec 1st. On Dec 2nd I have an appointment with my Primary Doctor. Should I just scratch that and see if I can get in a breast specialist right away like day one my insurance goes in to effect? considering I do not need a referal for specialists but I do for the diagnostics. 

  • starbeauty
    starbeauty Member Posts: 106
    edited November 2011

    Sunny... Sounds like a good idea... Get to someone who can start making things happen... Perhaps even get you in for an urgent mammo/us.

  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905
    edited November 2011

    Yes, it can be a sign of cancer.   It was how  i found mine after recent mammo failed to detect it.  Not saying you have it, just that it can be a sign of it.

  • SunnyInFLA
    SunnyInFLA Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    How do I find a breast specialist? We have a breast clinic in town but that seems to be just for diagnostic. I plugged in breast specialist in to google for my area and I get a bunch of Breast Augmentation Doctors. I found a breast surgeon, but I am assuming that I probably need a referral to see him, or no? Is there such a thing as a specialist, that deals with breasts.. or are those breast Surgeons, the one I found seems to deal with all sorts of body parts. 

  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905
    edited November 2011

    Sunny, where in Fla are you?

  • SunnyInFLA
    SunnyInFLA Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    I am in St. Petersburg

  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905
    edited November 2011

    Sorry, I can't recommend anyone there, but depending on your insurance you may not need a referal to a breast surgeon, which is who I would start with.  

  • SunnyInFLA
    SunnyInFLA Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    I have a PPO (goes in affect on the 1st), which does not require a referral for a specialist. I just don't know how to find a "breast specialist" 

  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905
    edited November 2011

    If you have a gyno, you can call them and ask.   Most can recommend a breast surgeon.   Otherwise, I would just go down your list of oncology surgeons and just call and ask.  One of them is bound to be a breast surgeon. 

  • Fearless_One
    Fearless_One Member Posts: 905
    edited November 2011
    I found in St Pete
  • SunnyInFLA
    SunnyInFLA Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    Thank you sooo much, so a surgeon is a breast specialist.. I never knew that. 

  • thefuzzylemon
    thefuzzylemon Member Posts: 631
    edited November 2011 dimpling was significant. A doctor looked at it and set up every appointment after that. A friend asked me to check for lumps in my armpit...while I was on the phone with her, I checked...yep, swollen lymph node.

    Get check...go from point A to point B ASAP.

  • reesefoggy
    reesefoggy Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2011

    Sorry to say it meant cancer for me. I thought it was cellulite. Then it got larger and my breast started to shrink as the tumor was tugging at the outer wall. Then I felt around more and found a lump and off to a mammogram I went. My healthcare lined me up with all the doctors that were needed after that. If you need any more info feel free to ask. 

    Also, I have known some who had a dimple and it was benign. Good luck but get it checked asap[

  • Suzanne3131
    Suzanne3131 Member Posts: 2,000
    edited November 2011

    Hi Sunny~

    I am in St. Petersburg.   My Breast Surgeon who did my biopsy and subsequent surgery (with wonderful results) was Dr. Thomas Tirone, who was recommended by my OB/Gyn (Laura Politz).  He is in Bardmoor (Largo) 727-446-5681. I have since been going to St. Anthony's Breast Center, which is really great, if you need a place to start.  Best of luck in your journey....PM me if you need anything!  Best, Suzanne

  • SunnyInFLA
    SunnyInFLA Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    Thank you for the replys. I have a mamo scheduled at St. Anthonys Breast Center on thursday (the day my insurance kicks in) but they won't do an U/S without a script. I think what I may do is when I see my primary on friday get the referral for both and call in to the Breast Center and see when the soonest is they can see me. Though, on friday I will have to wait another agonizing weekend before I can do anything. UNGH, this is so scary.

    Any of you think I should just go ahead with the mamo, and then go to my scheduled primary Dr appointment the next day and see what he says?? or should I cancel the mamo, get the script for both mamo and U/S from Primary Doctor on Friday and bang them out at the same time? 

  • marie5890
    marie5890 Member Posts: 111
    edited November 2011


    Dont know which order to advise you in what to get when. Personally, however, I think getting both mammo and US is always a good idea. Each technoloy shows different things. Two different tools in the tool box if you will. 

    Dimpling does mean "something", but not necessarily cancer.  

    Waiting really REALLY SUCKS but keep forging forward until you get the answer to "why" 

  • Tenmom
    Tenmom Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2011

    My mammo did not pick up my lump and it was diagnostic. They had to do ultrasound. My advice is to schedule appointment with breast surgeon. My fear is if you go to doctor before insurance kicks in , it could be cOnsidered pre existing condition. Those test would not be covered. The 1st is Thursday. I know it's a longer wait but be very sure about insurance

  • SunnyInFLA
    SunnyInFLA Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    Both appointments are after the insurance kicks in, The mamo I scheduled for the 1st of December, The other appointment I made in advance is with my Primary Care Doctor for the following day Friday. 

  • cycle-path
    cycle-path Member Posts: 64
    edited November 2011

    I think you're fine with the mammo on Thursday and the GP appt on Friday. Possibly whatever you have can be diagnosed with the mammo, and either way it's a good first step.

    Write down the name, phone number, and fax number of your GP as well as the time and day of your appointment. When you go in for the mammo, give the info to the office person and ask whether it might be possible for a report, whether preliminary or final, could be made available to your GP prior to your appointment the following day.

    Frequently it's not possible to get to the bottom of these things with a single appointment or even two. It may take a little bit of time and running around before you have a definitive answer. OTOH, you might get a benign diagnosis by Friday. You just never know. 

  • reesefoggy
    reesefoggy Member Posts: 24
    edited November 2011

    For me I had to get the mammo first, then when they found something, they ordered the US, then biopsy. The wait sucks but they were quick once the mammo results were back. I had the US two days after the call about a bad mammo, then a biopsy two days after the US. Good luck

  • SunnyInFLA
    SunnyInFLA Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2011

    The fear is all consuming me now. It has even infiltrated my dreams. If it was a lump, I would not be so stressed because there are stats out there that say 80% are benign, but nothing of that sort of stats for breast dimple. ungh. Mammo scheduled for Thursday. I am taking xanax which is zapping the life outta me because I am hardly sleeping at night. 

    All google possiblites all point to cancer. Even the cyst and dimple search says cysts don't cause dimpling because they are movable and would not cause a dimple.  I am scared to pieces. 

  • Tenmom
    Tenmom Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2011

    Sunny, I was just diagnosed with fat necrosis. I am 37 and well that was the last thing I thought it could be! But dimpling is a symptom of fat necrosis. Which is benign.

  • leaf
    leaf Member Posts: 1,821
    edited November 2011

    I'm so sorry.

    I know that probably nothing I say will stop you from worrying, because there definitely is a chance that it could be breast cancer. But note that it could be due to fat necrosis, and several sources that I've seen say that most women with fat necrosis do NOT recall any trauma to their breast.

    Its totally understandable to be worried.  If antianxiety meds and distraction aren't working, then you may want to consider getting some counseling.  I wish I did  when I was undergoing diagnosis.  They may be able to propose different avenues you may choose to help you with anxiety.   Sometimes people try things like vigorous exercise.  But I totally understand how the worry can be all-consuming.

    Of course, feel free to vent or ask questions here.  Holding out my hand to you...

  • Hope60
    Hope60 Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2011

    Hi Sunny, I just came across your post.  The waiting and not knowing can be terrifying, and our imaginations take us to the worst possible place.  But as others have said, dimpling can be a sign of cancer, or it can be a sign of something benign.  I did not have dimpling....or any other symptoms.....but I had BC, which was picked up on a routine mammo.  I know other women who have had lumps, enlarged lymph nodes  and other very scary symptoms.....but they didn't have BC. The truth is, you won't know anything until you have it checked.  In the meantime, I would try very hard to stay away from the internet (except for these boards) will only get yourself more worked up than you need to be at this point.  Hang in there, and best of luck to you.

  • Hope60
    Hope60 Member Posts: 150
    edited November 2011

    Hi Sunny, I just came across your post.  The waiting and not knowing can be terrifying, and our imaginations take us to the worst possible place.  But as others have said, dimpling can be a sign of cancer, or it can be a sign of something benign.  I did not have dimpling....or any other symptoms.....but I had BC, which was picked up on a routine mammo.  I know other women who have had lumps, enlarged lymph nodes  and other very scary symptoms.....but they didn't have BC. The truth is, you won't know anything until you have it checked.  In the meantime, I would try very hard to stay away from the internet (except for these boards) will only get yourself more worked up than you need to be at this point.  Hang in there, and best of luck to you.

  • Tenmom
    Tenmom Member Posts: 6
    edited November 2011

    Leaf is right! I don't remember hitting my breast. I meet with the surgeon today. I will ask him for sure about that!