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Letrozole Dreams???

gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

I have been taking letrozole (femara) for about 5 months now, and have started have the most amazing insane dreams.  Some of them are really great, and some are excruciatingly bad, but all are astoundingly vivid and carry into my day after I wake. (Last night I had a panic attack while asleep, the dream was that intense!)  I was wondering if anyone else is or has experienced anything like this on letrozole.  If you have, did it last, or was it a temporary situation?

Thanks for any comments.


  • tenaj
    tenaj Member Posts: 365

    gardengumby, When I first started femera I had very vivid dreams for about a month. my sleeping was very disturbed initally, very restless.  I am no longer having those type of dreams and actually only get up once now. (usually) I've been on it for 6 months.

  • gardengumby
    gardengumby Member Posts: 4,860

    How long did the vivid dreams last for you?  They've only just started for me, and as I said, I've been on it for about 5 months now.

  • Ashweb901
    Ashweb901 Member Posts: 19

    did you end up continuing to have the dreams? Did you stay on letrozole? Mine started not even two weeks into letrozole. I already was taking effexor. When I have missed effexor dose on accident I have had wild dreams but now letrozole is the culprit. They are distressing dreams and they go on and on. So either I have a wakeful night where I can't sleep well, or I sleep deeply but have long drawn out crazy and distressing dreams.

  • tinarhall
    tinarhall Member Posts: 1

    I have only been taking Letrozole a week and I am having extremely vivid dreams. So far no bad ones but they are tiresome just the same. Most of the time I forget my dreams but with these I remember every little detail.

  • mavericksmom
    mavericksmom Member Posts: 1,275

    gardengumby I have been on Letrozole for about 2 months. I always dream and remember something about them the next day, but I haven't noticed anything different since I started taking the Letrozole. I actually don't think the Letrozole is working for me because I have had no side effects, or at least nothing that I think is from the Letrozole. Sorry I can't help you. I hope things have gotten better for you!

  • Bethadein
    Bethadein Member Posts: 1

    hello ladies,

    I have ER+ and I have been on letrozole for only 2 weeks (after i switched from aromasin which i only had it for a month - cant tolerate the nasty side effects) and i have had vivid dreams last night and it was crazy that was my first time though, but before that, mý sleeping was disturbed and i have the carpal tunnel syndrome effect as well? anyone has experienced this? How did you guys manage it ?

  • threetree
    threetree Member Posts: 1,647

    I've been taking Letrozole every other day now for 4 months. When I first started it, I had some very vivid and weird - even "creepy" dreams. I wouldn't go so far as to call them nightmares, but they were intense, vivid, and extremely strange and disturbing. They woke me up a couple of times, so I remember the general nature of them, but not specifics at all. I hardly ever remember any dreams. After those few days during the first week, I did not have any more until a few days ago, and then that was for another couple of days.

    My experience with Letrozole side effects has them being much varied in their frequency, duration, and intensity. I can have a mild back ache for a couple of days, then no back ache for weeks, then an intense back ache for an afternoon. Likewise, I can get sore irritated eyes for a day or two, then not again for a couple of months, then it happens again. Same with all the joint and muscle aches - sometimes they are bad and frequent; other times they subside a bit and aren't quite as bothersome. Likewise with the brain fog and cognitive problems. I don't like the dream thing at all, nor do I like any of the side effects, but what else are we supposed to do?

  • Sleeplessinomaha
    Sleeplessinomaha Member Posts: 1

    have the dreams stopped? I’m experiencing nightmares and some joint pain, I can deal with the joint pain, but the nightmares are horrible.