If you are not Stage IV but have questions, you may post here
Citrinetiff - I can't tell you how lung mets are found, but I can tell you sometimes it isn't mets. It sounds like your oncologist is doing all the right things for you. I just had a CT scan & then a PET scan. I was in a panic & then in a funk. There were spots on my bones; they turned out to be just spots, not mets. & it seems the spots in my lungs are not worrying the doctors. (They are going to re-check them after some times passes.) I hope all your test results bring good news. If not, your medical team and the people on these boards with experience of mets will be able to help you cope. You are not alone.
Sending hugs & looking for those with more experience to answer your questions.
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I just found out that I have a new 1 cm nodule in my lung and they aren't even looking into it! See you in 5 months my onc said!?!?!??!
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Barbie, Citrinetiff, lung nodules are very very common. They just sit there. So long as they don't grow, they're not cancer. I have one that has been unchanged for 8 years. Infections can cause them, all sorts of things.
Lung mets are usually found either by accident, or because one has symptoms -- shortness of breath and the like. Accident is that they were doing a scan for something else.
Citrinetiff, that 2mm your nodule grew is really in theory. Each scan is different and is read differently. The nodule might have been slightly bigger to begin with. Your docs are doing all the right things. Could it be cancer? Yeah, maybe. But it could just as easily not be cancer. My [absolutely layman's] view is that if it were cancer, the chemo would have shrunk the nodule. Chemo does kill cancer cells.
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Thanks for the positive thoughts, everyone.
I have a copy of my CT and it states: Increased size of the left upper subpleural nodule, which also appears more irregular than before. Short-term radiological follow-up recommended.
I have an appointment tomorrow for a PET scan, so that should show more. From what I understand, lung nodules can grow very quickly, so perhaps this started growing once I finished chemo the beginning of July? I don't know. I know that I just want answers as quickly as possible.
Barbe, can't you ask your onc for a follow up CT or PET before that?
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My nodule is brand new since May. I have to get my pacemaker switched out for an MRI compliant one and then get an MRI. I have no idea how long it will take to get the switch done.
Keep us posted Citri
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I will, Barbe. I hope you get your MRI as quickly as possible.
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Citrinetiff, I am glad they are giving you a Pet scan. Hopefully it is a combo CT/Pet, it is the gold standard for determining . wishing you the best outcome. Keep us posted.
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Bevin, thank you. I will keep you posted.
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Bosum thanks for letting us know!!! Here's to tears not mets.
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Hello Everyone! I am concerned for my mom- she had breast cancer with lymph involvement 8 years ago - had mastectomy, chemo and radiation and then NED for 8 years. We have follow-ups with Onc every 6 months - we have an appointment coming up this Friday so my mom did a blood test and some of the results are 'off' - she also has congestive heart failure due to chemo therapy. My concern is are these numbers off due to her hear condition OR possible mets? We also have an appointment with Cardio tomorrow so will discuss with Cardio and with Onco on Friday. But my mind is very restless. Please shed some light if you can. I like to go prepared at all of the appointments.
LDH is 260 (normal is <180) - in May 2016 it was 207
RBC, Auto 3.83 (normal 4.2-5.4) - in May 2016 it was 4.6
Direct Bilirubin 0.2 (normal < or equal to 0.2) - in May 2016 it was 0.1
AST 31 (normal < or equal to 30)
ESR - 53 (normal 0.30)
Immature Reticulocytes 0.42 (Normal is 0.20-0.40)
Calcium 8.9 (normal is 8.5-10.7) in May 2016 it was 9.6
Ferritin 35 (normal is 20-400) in May 2016 it was 38 - in 2013 it was 67
Pleas HELP! Thank you!
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np, I don't see anything in the numbers you posted that are overly concerning. The test results to be most concerned about because they could portend a possible metastatic recurrence would be a CA27-29 (tumor markers) and a full liver panel including an AlkPhos. It that one is high, it can possibly be due to bone or liver mets. The ones you shared do not normally have anything to do with breast cancer, nor are they even high enough on my layman's opinion to be concerning for other serious issues, although some (like the calcium) probably should be watched, as it may relate to her decreased heart function. Also, if she is on any meds, they can often play a role. Hope this helps. Try not to worry.
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Thank you Deanna. My mom's Onc never runs CA 27-29 tests - has NEVER DONE IT. Her AlkPhos is 74 - In April 2016 it was 158 - then May 2016 123 and now down to 74 which is where her numbers have been all these years. She was little concerned last May when ldh was little elevated (at 207) and now it is even more so that is why I am concerned. All the test I posted were ordered by her Onc and NOT Cardio.
Thank you for your response - appreciate it.
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LDH and ESR show tissue inflammation and damage. That could relate to her heart problem. Is her ESR 53 or .53? Could be she has an infection or the result of one somewhere in her body. Does she have arthritis?
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Barbe - ESR is 53 (normal is 0 to 30) - sorry for the typo above
Yes she does have some arthritis and no infection.
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Hi everyone,
I have had parasthesias for over 2 months now (tingling like pins and needles) on the back right side of my head, back left side of my head and down my spine. Did anyone have this as one of their symptoms for Stage IV? Thanks in advance
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Thank you so much, Bosom Blues! I have had neck surgery and the doctors thought that the position of my head during radiation aggravated my nerves. Thanks for sharing your experience and calming my fears
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Hi Everyone, I'm about to start radiation and my MO ordered a bunch of labs. One was to check Vitamin D level...anyway...mine came back VERY VERY LOW at 9.7 when the normal range is 30 to 100. I googled this and read that low vitamin D is associated with metastatic breast cancer and/or poor prognosis. Now I'm wondering if it's only a matter of time before it metastasizes or maybe it already has but did not show up on the scans?!?!? I *hate* this disease.
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Hi Scared, deep breath lovely, having a very low vitamin D seemes to be very common in women with BC and it doesn't seem to matter if it's EBC or ABC (early or advanced). Please do try not to stress about it as you can raise your levels with a simple hight dosage supplement and it doesn't necessarily mean that your status has changed in any way.
Love n hugs. Chrissy
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Thanks again, BB! Since I have metal screws and a titanium plate in my neck now, I unfortunately can't see a chiropractor anymore. I used to love mine
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Thanks Chrissy!! I really appreciate your very kind words!!!
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Scared - I take 8000IU of vitamin D per day. Some people take 12000. It's a cheap supplement and cheap to have your Vitamin D levels tested periodically. You don't want them too high either. It is good to see a naturopath with cancer experience to advise and monitor on supplements.
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Thanks Z! Do you, also, take Vit. K2 with this? I read on the internet that it helps absorption of Vit. D.....
Also, do you take Vit. D3? (I read it's more effective than D2 - so I'm guessing that Vit D3 is the one to get)
Thanks again! :-)
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Interesting, BB. I have had no pain in neck or head (except one day a clear migraine). And I usually get neck pain after a long day at work. I will take tingling over pain any day
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I have been an idiot, and I really don't like what I am thinking now. I have had blood in my urine for a year. My first thoughts were kidney stones, because I have had the "joy" of that experience over a decade ago. I went off of Aromasin last January. I can't believe I just read the symptoms of Ovarian cancer, and ... I have every symptom plus some.... Do I waste time with my OB/GYN or go straight to my oncologist? I can't tell my best friend. She just lost her dad to Lung cancer. We have been BFF for almost 30 years. I am not saying anything to my husband until I know.
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Hi MelsMontie, I would see you Gynae first asap..........he/she will be able to give you a definitive dx and set out a treatment plan should you indeed have Ovarian Cancer.
Please don't beat yourself up, we all often take time to respond to things we really don't want to face .
Please let us know what your Gynae says.
Love n hugs. Chrissy
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Mel'sMonte you are not an idiot . My sister has a good friend who TEACHES women how to watch for symptoms of ovarian cancer. It's her JOB. She got ovarian cancer after a short spell of ignoring all her own symptoms. Her diagnosis came fast with a bloated stomach finally which she tried to ignore until it was pointed out to her. She was treated and is fine now after rads and surgery. Your symptoms have been around for a long time to be ovarian cancer. I would see a Urologist if I were you to be checked for bladder cancer. Good luck sweetie we are here for you.
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Melsmonte, the symptoms of ovarian cancer are do vagu that they can be from a lot of things. Call your Gyn and get checked
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Well, thank you everybody for your input. My OB/GYN has moved too far away for me to use. I called my oncologist and got in the next day with a nurse. They pulled blood, (not from my portacath, because it refused to give) and all the blood work came back normal. Tumor markers were good. They gave me a CT that day. Nothing appears on it. I have already seen my urologist, and it isn't coming from that "system". My husband was frustrated with me over weight loss and lack of appetite for any food, asked me why I thought I had such a problem. I asked him if he really wanted to go down that road, and when he did, I told him my thoughts. I had an Endoscopic Ultrasound and biopsied on my stomach. I was told I would have the results in 4 working days. I have never been so frustrated getting results. One person who answered, said she would pass the message on. Anyway, finally had my husband and Oncologist call the a-hole... and within minutes, he finally called me back, 3 days after my results were due. Everything he biopsied came back clear. So, my oncologist is trying to get me an appointment with another OB/GYN closer to home. Hopefully quickly. What "was" spotting, has now turned into bleeding. I haven't had a period since my first chemo in October 2009. My pelvis tenderness is all time high. I have lost 30 pounds per my oncologist, who having been told by the nurse I was seeing, about me, she came and talked to me. I have blurry vision frequently. Besides being so concerned about my current health, I am terrified of what insurance companies are going to do. If they have a $13,000.oo deductible, I might as well just plan my funeral. Every year, $13,000.oo deductible... but that is something I just have to let go of. I am so distraught about it all, I am not getting anything accomplished. Binge TV watching... mindless games on my ipad. Trying not to think. Waiting impatiently for my appointment with an OB/GYN, preferably before the new year, since I have met my deductible this year.
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Still in my prayers....we're here for you. Gentle hugs, sweetie.
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Good morning all. I'm a little confused about my staging actually. DX with mets to liver and lung July 2016. Did 12 x Etoposide and Cisplatin along with 6 rads to my chest to zap a 7cm tumor on my heart, specifically my supra vena cava which was the jumping off point for the whole DX becuase of major swelling to my upper body. In October my MO said I had a complete response to TX which is wonderful. He then had me meet with the RO to talk about WBR to prevent brain mets. I'm scheduled for December 5 for 10 TX over 2 weeks.
My question is really side effects from WBR. Long and short term. I've been doing some reading on the brain mets boards but don't feel right chiming in because I presently don't have brain mets. Any comments or advise is greatly appreciated.