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Root canals & breast cancer



  • motheroffoursons
    motheroffoursons Member Posts: 80
    edited November 2012

    I clicked on the link and read the article. One of the "testimonials" was a patient who had a root canal years ago, and now had terrible pain in her tail bone. The dentist applied an anesthetic to the tooth, and the tail bone stopped hurting. I have a lot of trouble with this, and actually find it creepy. Sorry. To each his own.

  • Member Posts: 1,435
    edited November 2012

    Rawgirl, you may not be here to instill fear, but you are posting on a breast cancer website, referring to your breast "tumor" and talking about your decision to remove of your root canals. Intentionally or not, your posts are reinforcing the contention that there is a link between breast cancer and root canals.  As such, yes, you are fueling the fears.

    You have a fibroadenoma.  A simple harmless fibroadenoma.  Fibrodenomas are breast tumors, but like most tumors they are benign and harmless.  However in the context of posting on this board, there is something important that you have to keep in mind. This is a breast cancer discussion board, so here the word "tumor" is immediately associated with a "cancerous tumor".  Therefore by referring to your fibroadenoma as a "tumor", you are likely misleading many of the readers into thinking that you have breast cancer. I appreciate that this may not be intentional on your part, but you need to be aware of your audience and careful in what you say and how it might be interpreted. This is a breast cancer discussion board that you are participating on, so the natural assumption of most of the other participants is that you have breast cancer and you reinforce that whenever you mention your breast "tumor".

    Fibroadenomas are very common.  I had one at 16 and another at 20. I did eventually develop breast cancer, in my other breast. Never had a root canal or any dental problems until decades after my fibroadenomas and years after my BC diagnosis. Fibroadenomas are harmless.  They are not a disease and they are not related to breast cancer and they don't lead to breast cancer. They often shrink - and that's why it's often recommended that they not be surgically removed, particularly in younger women. Why have an unnecessary surgery, if the mass is going to go away on it's own anyway? I did have mine removed, one immediately and one after a few years, simply because they were so large. 

    As for Dental, for those who did not see her earlier post, here is what she wrote:

    Oct 28, 2012 08:12 PM Dental wrote:

    I feel a need to let you know the truth. I do not have breast cancer. However 7 1/2 years ago I had dental surgery that started me on a path to Hell. Every door in the USA closed on me. I was so sick I could not get out of bed. I lost 20 plus pounds when my whole life I was on a diet. My faith was my only advocate and by following my gut I found incredible doctors who told me truths I never would have believed.......because I truly thought the US was the best country on earth. So......if you have been reading about the fungal meningitis......look at the articles....some actually posted my comment. Through Darkfield Microscopy they diagnosed aspergillus in my blood. When fungus is in your is a death sentence. But there is hope if theses victims are told the truth. Those of you who are only focused on your disease, you will not understand this. However, if you can look at the big picture and know that all diseases have similar causes........just no one is out there telling you that....then maybe you can be an advocate across the board to help all of those who believe so much in what their doctors tell them. They need to be their own advocates. When you deal with something so almost wish for a " diagnosis ". I am here for all of you........the direct connection between certain breast cancers and root canals is very real. But, if you are a your own advocate......learn all you can from both sides, then make decisions. Again, I am here for you because I had no one to help me figure out the truths.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644
    edited November 2012

    I have read all this and spoken to my DH, doctor, onco, surgeon and dentist. They all say there is no hard core written evidence.

    I am not going to make myself ill with worry over this, so I'm going ahead with the root canal.

  • Member Posts: 1,435
    edited November 2012

    ali, the last thing you need to be worrying about right now is whether the root canal - which you obviously require - is harmful to you from a breast cancer perspective.  As all your doctors have told you, and as many of us here have discovered, there doesn't appear to be any reliable data to support the theory that root canals can lead to breast cancer.  So try to pretend that you never read this thread, and good luck with the root canal!

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644
    edited November 2012

    Thanks Beesie I will.


  • 1Rawgirl
    1Rawgirl Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2012


    With all due respect, when I decided to join this discussion group, I looked at the different categories and different topics within each category.  I went with ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE and Root Canals & Breast Cancer because it fits what I am going through.  I haven't joined other discussion boards except for this one.  I thought "wow, I finally found a support group who are open-minded and can have an open discussion about this topic."

    My surgeon was the one who wanted to remove the fibroadenoma.  As she said it could turn into cancer.  Which is why I went on to find a support group and I found this one.

    You have to understand, I've been dealing with multiple symptoms for years.  6 years prior to finally being diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain, I had no idea what was going on with my body!  After diagnosis, I became proactive with the treatment plan and researched as much as I could as Fibromyalgia is already such a baffling and complex condition.  Then when I found out I had fibroadenoma (while still dealing with candidiasis which is a precursor to cancer), I wanted to look for support from people who may be going through something similar.  My digestion and immune system was also failing me so I thought if I have a tumor on my left breast, could I also have a tumor growing in my colon, etc.  I was desperate to find the answer!

    The Body Ecology Diet by Donna Gates is when I realized if my immune system doesn't go back to normal, cancer is only around the corner.  

    Remember, I didn't know what I had for years.  So, I know what it's like to be living in fear because of not knowing what I had.  It took years until a doctor finally diagnosed me correctly and things started turning around.  Slowly.  But things were moving forward.  I lived feeling the pain and multiple symptoms every single day!  I played scavenger hunt for years even after being diagnosed.  I had the root canals, the fillings, etc. in my mouth.  If I went on living in fear, I might as well give in and let myself stay sick.  Instead, I was proactive and did my research.  I wasn't going to let my condition rule me.  And most of all, my faith kept me going!  I'll confess I had many days when I did cave in to fear.  But I got tired of it.  I knew I have hope and I went with it!

    So what I am saying here is basically my experience and letting others know that there is an ALTERNATIVE treatment out there that works.  If you don't believe me, then just don't...but I hope we can agree to disagree in a respectful manner.

    I am only sharing what I think is consistent with the topic of this discussion board.  I am not talking about anything else related to cancer.  I am only talking about root canals and breast cancer.  

    Below are more links to credible websites.  Biological Dentistry is growing.  Slowly.  But it is growing.  My oral surgeon is in his early 70's and I told him we need more of you.  He said, "oh, there are more of me coming around..."  He just came back from a conference.  He belongs to International Academy of Biological Dentistry & Medicine

    According to Dr. Otto Warburg, 1931 & 1944 Nobel Prize Winner, cancer only has one primary cause.  It is the replacement of normal oxygen respiration of the body's cells by anaerobic (i.e. oxygen - deficient) cell respiration.

  • Mardibra
    Mardibra Member Posts: 194
    edited November 2012

    I will never understand why women who do not have breast cancer feel the need to post on a breast cancer board.  Why?  Consider yourselves dont have cancer!  Go live your life!  The rest of us have real worries and concerns that you could not possibly understand.

  • digger
    digger Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2012

    And therein lies the problem, rawgirl, stating these two "opinions" as facts:

    1.  "Letting others know that there is an ALTERNATIVE treatment out there that works." (works for what?  cancer?  another disease?)  

    2.  "Cancer only has one primary cause."

    Blessings and a good night to all!

  • Member Posts: 1,435
    edited November 2012

    "I went with ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE and Root Canals & Breast Cancer because it fits what I am going through."  No offense, Rawgirl, but how exactly does it fit what you are going through?  You don't have breast cancer. You have a common benign breast mass, a fibroadenoma. 


    "So what I am saying here is basically my experience and letting others know that there is an ALTERNATIVE treatment out there that works."  An alternative treatment that works for what? Maybe shrinking a non-cancerous breast mass (although there is no proof whatsoever that the removal of your root canals actually affected your fibroadenoma). But certainly your experience has no bearing on breast cancer. And yet you are here presenting your situation as an example to women who have breast cancer.  Do you not appreciate that not only are you misleading others, but that this misrepresentation of your situation could in fact be dangerous if your situation leads someone with breast cancer to believe that her cancerous tumor can be shrunk by removing her root canals? 


    "My surgeon was the one who wanted to remove the fibroadenoma.  As she said it could turn into cancer."  I'd suggest that you find a more educated surgeon.  A fibroadenoma is compromised of some of the same tissue as breast tissue, and as such, breast cancer can develop within a fibroadenoma, just as breast cancer can develop within any other are of breast tissue.  But fibroadenomas will not turn into cancer.   Fibroadenomas are solid, noncancerous breast tumors that most often occur in adolescent girls and women under the age of 30.... 

    ... Fibroadenomas are one of the most common breast lumps in young women. Treatment may include careful monitoring to detect changes in the size or feel of the fibroadenoma, or surgery to remove it....

    ... If your doctor is reasonably certain that your breast lump is a fibroadenoma and not breast cancer — based on the results of the clinical breast exam, imaging test and biopsy — surgery may be unnecessary.  A fibroadenoma is a smooth, round, nonmalignant lump, which feels hard, like a marble and moves around easily within the breast tissue. It is often found near the nipple but can grow anywhere in the breast....

    ... Fibroadenomas are usually distinct on a mammogram or ultrasound test. They are harmless in themselves and don't need to be removed as long as we're sure they are fibroadenomas. 

    Some doctors will insist on removing all fibroadenomas on the theory that a cancer might be present. It's not a very sensible attitude, especially if a core biopsy has proven that the lump is a fibroadenoma, because of both the rarity and the lack of danger....

    ... Fibroadenomas in no way predispose you to cancer, and they don't turn into cancer. They're a nuisance, and they can scare you into thinking you might have cancer, but that's the worst thing about them.

    Edited to Add:  digger, we were posting at the same time, and thinking the same thing!

  • Member Posts: 1,435
    edited November 2012

    It's nice to know that the two of you who don't have breast cancer have found each other and seem to agree.  

    "yours like mine is a cancer in the worst disguise. But, no one understands that until they go through what we have." Wow. Saying that on a website where everyone else is dealing with a diagnosis of breast cancer shows who's really living in a bubble. Dental, I truly hope that neither you nor Rawgirl are ever diagnosed with breast cancer, or with cancer of any kind.  Because if you are, in addition to having to face what it's really like to hear - and live - the words "You have cancer", you will also be mortified when you think about the comment like the one above. 

    Dental and Rawgirl, I wish you both only the best.  And I hope that you are both able to find discussion boards that are suited to your situations, where you can discuss your concerns with others who have similar problems. This is a breast cancer discussion board. 

  • juniper
    juniper Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2012

    Well thank you Dental for coming here to help broaden my mind and try to help me feel what fresh air feels like.  I'm sorry that you are in ill health, but you came here under false pretenses and it sucks.

    I wonder if you are always this arrogant and self-righteous.  

    Again, when you have evidence that is credible and not based on findings from 1910 or by discredited, non-licensed dentists, I would be more than willing to listen.  

  • digger
    digger Member Posts: 74
    edited November 2012


    My suggestion to you and rawgirl is that you should look in a mirror.  The two of you are living in a pretty nice bubble yourselves right now, one that is cancer-free and full of fresh air.  Enjoy your health.


  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,344
    edited November 2012

    Self righteous and arrogant and very insensitive. This is a discussion board for women and men (as well as care givers) who actually have breast cancer. We are all stages but many of us, including myself, are stage IV. Your proclamations put you beyond the pale when it comes to lack of sensitivity.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited November 2012

    Dental, Godspeed to ya! I am guessing that means you will put your socks on when you leave.

    "Cancer in disguise," good grief!

  • juniper
    juniper Member Posts: 12
    edited November 2012

    Wait. Stop. Don't go.

  • Member Posts: 1,435
    edited November 2012

    Dental, I haven't seen any vicious comments directed at you. I have seen some outrage in response to some of what you've said, but considering what you've said, I think the responses have been pretty subdued. 

    What I've seen are people, myself included, who've asked you to provide scientific proof about the theory that you've been expounding, i.e. that root canals cause breast cancer. Personally I stayed away from this thread for as long as I could, but finally I felt a responsibility to speak up. You've been fueling a lot of fear and as a result, some here are starting to take action, removing root canals or refusing root canals. And yet you've never provided any evidence that supports this theory. So I, and others, asked for that evidence.  If you'd provided something, we might have had an interesting discussion.  Instead, your reaction to being questioned about this has been to lash out at those who've asked the question. You've also tried to turn the tables on us, saying it's our responsibility to find the data to support your theory about the harmful effects of root canals. Now seriously, does that make any sense at all?  

    I've also seen questions being raised as to your motivation in being here, since this is a breast cancer discussion board and you don't have breast cancer.  Your response to that line of questioning has been to suggest that those asking the questions shouldn't be here. But we are the ones who have (or have had) breast cancer.  So again, does that make any sense at all?

    Reading this thread, I felt compelled to speak up and ask the questions that I felt needed to be asked, but I have always tried to be polite and respectful.  As I said before, Dental, I wish you only the best.  Of course last time I said that, your response was "Beesie, you are a disgrace".  I have to admit that I actually got a good laugh out of that.  In any case, despite your response, I truly do wish you the best.  And I also agree with you that it would be best for all concerned if your last post really was your last post on this site. 

  • 1Rawgirl
    1Rawgirl Member Posts: 13
    edited November 2012

    I had no idea sharing my experience would instill so much fear.  I came here thinking I could get help and find like minded people in the Alternative topics related to RC & BC Connection.  I didn't mean to come across "I know it all" and insensitive.  If anything, I'd be the first to admit I don't know everything that is why I am researching and reaching out to other people who may have info I don't know about.  And, again, I picked the ALTERNATIVE section so I thought what I was saying is consistent with the topic, etc.

    Beesie - You are right in saying I don't have breast cancer.  I am in the process of being checked by my doctors to make sure I don't have it or any kind of cancer as I recently started showing symptoms similar to someone with cancer.  But I don't really want to get into the details as we're still in the early stages.  Which is why I thought I'd go to a board like this one.

    I am surrounded with friends who are cancer survivors and have a dear friend fighting brain cancer stage IV.  And have been helping him get some info as I am a research kind of person.  So, I apologize to those whom I may have offended or if I have fueled some kind of fear.  God knows my motive was to help and only bring awareness.  As what I've been learning from these bio-dentists and NDs I've been talking to.  Even my MD at Kaiser is open to hearing me out.  We try to balance each other out as she tells me to make sure I check these dentists' backgrounds also and she checks up the things I've been researching, etc so I do my research and I get 2nd, 3rd, 4th opinions from dentists and other doctors and specialists to make sure I'm making an informed decision.

    I only hope for the best to all of you and have so much respect for all of you.  You are going through so much already that if I have said something to cause negative reactions for that I truly apologize.    

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644
    edited November 2012

    So I took two happy pills and sat in the dentist chair, he said I didn't look happy.

    It took me 5 mins to open my mouth I was so scared. the first injection under the teeth hurt like hell. I started kicking my feet like a naughty child and he told me to stop or it would be more painfull. The injection on top was ok I then tell him don't let me drown with all the water.

    It was horrible but I felt no pain only tugging and metal clips being put in. Now all this time I kept thinking it will be over soon and done with.

    Omg, after I sit up I'm all smiles and say I felt no pain. He then smiles and says " that's because I didn't do root canal I gave you a large filling. Keep that in for two weeks and if it doesn't work I'll take that out and do root canal. Then he says my mouth is too small and I couldn't open my mouth wide enough for him to get three fingers in.

    I was so angry a month I have had sleepless night with worry and he should have just done it. I told him to stick his treatment I'll suffer if I get any pain.

  • lucy88
    lucy88 Member Posts: 100
    edited December 2012

    On a related topic, my oncologist is recommending my root canal be removed. She has had invasive breast cancer and Paget's disease herself. After seeing the root canal slide presentation she had her own root canal removed. The hole where the tooth was had a lot of clostridium difficile bacteria which was antibiotic resistant. There was also a tiny tumor in there which turned out benign.

    My own root canal was done at least ten years ago. I hate to have it removed but I don't want to take the chance by waiting much longer. If anybody has had a root canal removed, please send me a private message and I'll get the automated email notification. Thanks.

  • ali68
    ali68 Member Posts: 644
    edited December 2012

    I have had no pain since the filling so no way am i having root canal work.

  • Member Posts: 1,435
    edited December 2012

    ali, it sounds as though your dentist did the same thing mine did. Even with xrays it's difficult to know if pain is being caused by an infection that is in the root or by a crack in the tooth.  My dentist would prefer that his patients not have unnecessary root canals so as a first step he tries to find and fix any cracks in the tooth. He drilled my tooth and sanded away any of the cracks he could find, then filled the tooth and put on a temporary cap. He told me to give it two weeks to see what happened.  I had no pain over that time, so he put a permanent cap over the tooth to protect it and completely seal it. That was close to two years ago and it's been fine since.  I think there might still be a tiny hairline crack somewhere in that tooth - I can feel just a small ache if I press against the side of the tooth in a certain place - but I have no pain from eating - even crunching on something hard - no jaw pain, no swelling, etc.. All the pain I'd had cleared up once the tooth was filled and capped. So obviously the problem I had did not go down to the root and I was able to avoid having the root canal.

    Hopefully you remain pain free and you are able to avoid it as well. 

  • jojo68
    jojo68 Member Posts: 336
    edited December 2012

    I have never had any root canals...BUT, I had a nasty abscess in my jaw bone two years ago and had toothe extracted.  I had that infection for a few years was on the same meridian as my breast that now has cancer!  I cannot help but wonder if there is a connection.  I have heard you can get a thermogram done to see if thre is a red line connection between tooth area and breast....has anyone here had that done?  has anyone here had infection removed and cancer cleared up?

  • 1Rawgirl
    1Rawgirl Member Posts: 13
    edited December 2012

    Hi Lucy88,

    How are you? I got your private message and responded back. Thought I'd let you know here in case the email notification hasn't prompted you. Things are going well with my RC extractions. In the process of waiting to see an MD who specializes in complementary/alternative medicine and is familiar with oral chelation. I hope you're able to find a BD to get info on your RC. Dr. Rau, Dr. Mercola & Dr. Huggins websites are good resource. I wish you well!!! And Merry Christmas & a Joyful New Year :-)

  • ninap7
    ninap7 Member Posts: 11
    edited December 2012

    I had two root canals - one on the left and one on the right which is where i had bc

  • Mom2ABoy
    Mom2ABoy Member Posts: 125
    edited January 2015

    Emergency root canal, left side, late 2013.

    DCIS diagnosis, left side, late 2014.

    Right side unaffected.

    Could be a complete coincidence but it's certainly interesting. I suspect the folks who answer this question will be self selecting creating a selection bias in the results. (In other words people who had a RC but no BC probably wouldn't be here in the first place, and people who have BC but no RC might not ever find their way to this question or bother to answer it if they do.)

  • kareenie
    kareenie Member Posts: 97
    edited January 2015

    no root canal. ever.

  • KCL45
    KCL45 Member Posts: 9
    edited January 2015

    I just happened to see this post and couldn't resist responding. This time last year I was scheduled for my second lumpectomy for right side IDC. The week prior to surgery I developed severe right jaw pain. I needed not one, but two root canals! Go figure.. it made for a very bad week!

  • pipers_dream
    pipers_dream Member Posts: 187
    edited January 2015

    No root canals but lots of mercury fillings, which thankfully are out now. One thing I've read about what side you get BC on though is that if you're premenopausal, it's most likely to show up first in your left breast and if you're post meno then it's more likely to show up in the right breast. I'm pre meno and it showed up on my left side.

  • Lolis
    Lolis Member Posts: 294
    edited February 2015

    I have a root canal on the left side same side as my breast cancer. I have had mercury fillings as well. My older sis has a root canal and mercury fillings but no diagnosis (thank goodness). 

  • new2bc
    new2bc Member Posts: 254
    edited April 2015

    I have root canals on both side of my teeth and my left side had cancer. Is there anyone with breast cancer who does not have any root canals?