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Weekly Taxol group



  • ncsue927
    ncsue927 Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2016


    I'm having the same experience with Taxol. I started out okay, but now I am having all kinds of SEs. I have the bloody nose (and my platelets are fine), major gut issues, my pain is more in my back, but also in the hips, and I am exhausted. I have my chemo on Monday and by Wednesday afternoon, i'm tired. By Friday I can barely function.

    My chemo got changed to Tuesday this week because of bad weather today. So tomorrow, I have number 8 of 12. And tonight, I have noticed all kinds of interesting things....I have ugly red spots on both legs, I have a rash of a different kind on both forearms, I have a rash with swelling on my elbow and I'm starting to itch. It all started at once. So I don't know what that's about. I will talk to MO tomorrow and see what's up.

    My MO said rads would start about 4 weeks after final chemo.

    Hang in there!

  • Praline
    Praline Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2016

    Sawyer and ncsue- I just had my first chemo treatment this past Friday. I have been fine except for a "grumbly" tummy. But tonight my back is sore, right at my waist. I also have pain in the groin. I am not in pain, it is just sore. My next treatment is Friday.

  • tesla
    tesla Member Posts: 32
    edited February 2016

    Finished my Taxol #12 yesterday!!! Oh yeah!!! Also got my port out at the doc office with local anesthesia.

    My port incision has not healed since day 1. been doing steri strips and stitches, and my skin still won't heal right. We think the delayed healing is from chemo and steroids. Plus I'm kind of skinny and the port just keep traction on my incision (plus my implant is pulling the skin too). Anyway, glad the port is not. This port has gave me more trouble than chemo!! Crazy right? I'm still have Herceptin every 3 weeks and tamoxifen.

    Wish everyone have minimal side effects, enjoy life, and we will all make it through this 😘😘

  • Sawyer
    Sawyer Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2016

    ncsue927 thank you for the validation that my side effects are more common! I was feeling from the MO that SE with Taxol were so much less and I was better until last week when I started getting slammed...although the muscle pain has been consistent. The bloody noses are annoying! I am going to chat more with the MO tomorrow when I go because I feel I may have inadvertently down played a lot of what I am experiencing. Tomorrow is #5 for me.

    Tesla that is awesome you are done! My port site has been a pain too! its always red and the inside stitches came outside and i had to have them pulled early on.

    Praline good luck you got this!

    Hoping tomorrow my weight is stable; the gaining from steroids is tough on the body image...

    Have a great day!


  • Karenbo
    Karenbo Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2016

    Woot! Woot! Congratulations Tesla!!!!!!

    Sorry about all the SE ncsue and Sawyer. Hope you both feel better today.

  • ladyhumps
    ladyhumps Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2016

    Sawyer and ncsue I had my 4th Taxol last Wed. My se usually last for 3 days over the weekend. This weekend I felt worse than usual, with diarrhea, more body aches and bone pain, and no energy. Sometimes I do have to make urgent trips to the bathroom other days. I almost had an accident at the center last week. I was hurrying to get to the bathroom with my pole! I also get neupogen shots for 2 days after chemo, I'm taking Claritin and ibuprofen for bone pain. By Sunday I started wondering if I was getting dehydrated but Monday and today I've felt better. Ready to go again tomorrow! ncsue let us know what that rash is. Sawyer, I do the same thing when they ask me. Tell them what's going on and say "it could be worse" I feel pretty good by treatment day so I guess as long as I do start to feel better it's ok.

    As to working, I'm not and haven't since I had surgery. My plan was to try to work while doing chemo. After the first 2 treatments I couldn't imagine working and doing chemo. My job is not easy and is stressful at times. I worry if I go and start feeling bad I'd be miserable trying to make it. No way I could have worked this weekend. Another thing, I'm afraid I'd end up losing too much income. I'm on 1/2 pay now, and work a rotating 12 hour shift. If I go back and then miss for treatment or se, I won't get paid for time off.

    Tesla glad you have that part behind you now!

    Praline with my first treatment I had abdominal pain (twinges or spasms) with bloating and several bathroom trips. I also had back and leg pain by Sunday, it was hard to get comfortable. How are you feeling today?

    Birdie56 wow, your 1st treatment really socked it to you! Congrats on the shrinkage.

  • Deaconlady
    Deaconlady Member Posts: 86
    edited February 2016

    I had my first Taxol and Herceptin today. It went well. The Benadryl made me very loopy, so I slept through the Taxol and was awake for the Herceptin. Just a little tired now, so I'll be going to bed early tonight. Hope everyone is having a good week.

  • ncsue927
    ncsue927 Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2016

    I had number 8 Taxol today, 4 more to go! 4 sounds so much more do-able. Well, seems I have two rashes going on. My MO isn't quite sure what the one is...chemo rash, eczema, a bad bottle of lotion...I have very sensitive skin and I try not to change products and I did get a new hand soap. But the other rash....I can't believe a fungal infection, ringworm. Now we all know that ringworm isn't really a worm, but a fungal infection like athlete's foot. The incubation period is 10-12 days and 11 days ago I was at my brother's in PA and I was petting and touching his dog. And people can get ringworm from animals. I can't believe it. As if I don't get every single SE possible with the chemo, i have to pick up something totally unrelated!!!!!! Really?!

    One thing I have noticed, my SEs are worse the end of the week and weekend, but when I go for chemo, I'm feeling much better. So I play down the SEs when I see my MO. I think i,too, need to put more emphasis on what I'm feeling when I feel my worst. So today, my MO restricted my work. I can't travel and he cut me to a 6 hour work day. Which is fine with me. I'm not going anywhere until I am done with this. My job requires me to visit doctor's offices and lab patient service centers, but I am not going to any of them!!! I am going to my office and home for the next 6 weeks. 4 weeks of chemo and he is giving me 2 weeks to get started on recovery from chemo. For that time, I am becoming a recluse!!! My boss is being very accommodating and said he is fine with my restrictions, he's just happy to have me back and able to do what I can do.

    So today I feel pretty good, but I'm still jacked up on steroids. I probably won't sleep well tonight. Still having the bloody nose, some back pain, occasional explosive stools. But much less than over the weekend. I've noticed that once the diarrhea subsides, I get explosive gas. I feel like one of those really old ladies that just farts all the time no matter where! Pair that with the variety of pill bottles on my bedside table and I could pass for 90! I was looking pretty good at 62 before this all started!

    Good luck to everyone this week. Wishing you few SEs.

  • Deaconlady
    Deaconlady Member Posts: 86
    edited February 2016

    Hi ncsue927. Sorry about all your problems. Hope they subside quickly! Are you in NC too? What days do you go for chemo?

  • Praline
    Praline Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2016

    Ladyhumps- Backache was just about gone today, tummy still feeling rumbly, pain in the groin too but no bathroom issued so far. It seems like whatever I eat does not digest right. I drink Ginger Ale and it makes me burp then I feel okay.

    Deaconlady- The Benadryl made me feel very lightheaded.

    ncsue- So sorry to hear about your rash issues. I have a bit of a rash between and under my breast but it is not chemo related. It started a while back. Not sure what causes it. BS's PA looked at it but ??? It is not itchy. I find the best thing for it is Gold Bond powder.

  • teach6
    teach6 Member Posts: 16
    edited February 2016

    Yesterday was 7/12. The nurse came in all excited because she scheduled my last 5 treatments- yea!

    SE's have been getting worse, but like a lot of you I know it could be worse. My MO always acts surprised when I mention aches, pain, bloody noses, rashes, bloated and upset stomach and most recently, major weight gain. (5 lbs this week) he is happy my liver enzymes have returned to normal. They spiked after my 2nd infusion and had to cut the dose of the 4th. Returned to normal after and back at full dose. Thank you for sharing your se's- This helps me know it isn't just me. MO reassured me that I am doing great under the circumstances.

    I take Claritin and Aleeve daily. I use coconut oil and saline spray in my nose. The rash is itchy and has spread a bit on the inside of my elbow. I was prescribed a steroid cream- told it was an opportunistic infection. I take left over- from surgery pain meds when the muscle and joint pain get extreme- takes the edge off, but doesn't take it away like you would think. Massage, acupuncture and hot baths are bonus gifts. I take a sleeping pill more and more to allow some deep sleep opportunities.

    I do yoga at least 2 times a week and take a stretch/strength class after the yoga. I walk a few miles every day. Because of earlier health issues, I eat a gluten free/dairy free diet. This weight gain is concerning, because I know it isn't because of my eating exercise choices. The possibility of adding 4-5 pounds a week for the rest of my treatments makes me cringe!

    Healing hugs and prayers to you all- keep being awsome!

  • CarolinaAmy
    CarolinaAmy Member Posts: 215
    edited February 2016

    d_lighted and Sawyer: I definitely had cumulative side effects that I wasn't quite prepared for. My MO and nurse seem to think that after AC, Taxol is no biggie. Not quite accurate. The chemo nurses had a decidedly different opinion and warned me for the cumulative effect. I just had my #12 yesterday and have noticed the "Mack truck" effect since #11. Ugh. It's going to take some recovery for this one, and I need to remind my hubby about that since I was getting more active and taking back more responsibility.

    Marg, don't apologize for long posts! They're often very informative and helpful to someone else. I'm having fluid retention issues as well and didn't really put it together. I'd lost about 13-14 pounds on AC, then started getting my appetite back on early Taxol and it came flying back on. But this time my feet and hands are so swollen that they're uncomfortable. I assumed it was quick weight regain and hoped my rings would start fitting loosely the way they are supposed to (they're super tight now), but it is likely FR. Hopefully some of this weight is, too.

  • Angtee15
    Angtee15 Member Posts: 72
    edited February 2016

    Hi there weekly Taxol ladies--

    I think most of you are AC vets. I'm about to finish Taxol and will move on to AC. It seems the consensus is AC is rougher? I am thinking I would be going into the office more with AC because of the increased recovery time and neulasta shots to keep the immune system up. I did tolerate Taxol and Carboplatin about as well as one could. Anyway I am hoping AC doesn't kick my behind.

    Hugs to you all!

  • ncsue927
    ncsue927 Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2016

    Deaconlady, yes I am in Raleigh. My treatment day is Monday now...I went Tuesday last week due to bad weather on Monday. I'm definitely having a better week this week. My tummy issues are better this week, I think I have the rashes under control. Just a bit itchy. My MO restricted my work schedule this week for the next 6 weeks which will get me through the rest of the treatments and 2 weeks after. I already feel better. I think I was pushing myself too hard at work and just adding to the fatigue. I can already tell a difference from the additional rest I am getting with the shorter days.

  • homeschool4us
    homeschool4us Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2016

    Angtee, AC is rough. It has all kinds of SE'S that seem to crop up on different days of your 2 week cycle. With the neulasta, your immune system should be better than without it, but your counts will still probably be lower than with taxol. They worry much more about sickness and infection with AC than with taxol. hat being said, I think I had more good days on AC than on weekly taxol, just because of the 2 week break in between. The first week is super rough and then you will begin to feel better the second week. Unfortunately, that second week is when your immune system is at it's lowest.

  • Deaconlady
    Deaconlady Member Posts: 86
    edited February 2016

    Ncsue, I'm in Winston-Salem. Since this was my first week, I'm trying to get an idea of how tired I will get and what day will work best. It doesn't help that I got a sinus infection, waiting to hear from my MO nurse to make sure I can get the right antibiotic. I'm a gastric bypass patient, so no nsaids, and my MO won't let me have tylenol. I'm crossing my fingers for something soon!

  • Praline
    Praline Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2016

    I am getting ready to go to my second chemo treatment today.

  • Birdie56
    Birdie56 Member Posts: 19
    edited February 2016

    I had Taxol/ Herceptin infusion + 3 yesterday and so far so good. My Onc has kindly provided nausea prevention patches (Sancuso) that the nurse applies before we begin and I keep it on for 5 days. It's miraculous! No diarrhea. Slight continuous headache. I'm definitely fatigued, even more so after day 3 and come off my "steroid high." I asked if the steroids can be reduced a bit and he said "Let's not mess with a good thing", and I agree :) Have a good weekend brave ladies! ♡

  • ladyhumps
    ladyhumps Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2016

    Had #5 Wednesday, have numbness in my left hand today. I talked to the nn today, she said if it doesn't stop they'll be reducing my dosage next week. I think it's getting worse as the day goes by.

    Praline I hope your treatment went well today. Kill that cancer!!

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2016

    Gaining 4-5# a week??!! I'm visiting this thread, looking ahead to my taxol in April. Not liking what I'm reading here. :-

  • LM070917
    LM070917 Member Posts: 68
    edited February 2016

    I found AC to be hard going, days 4 to 6 in terms of feeling a bit spacey, metallic taste in mouth and generally unwell, but found it didn't last very long at all- 3 days max.

    I thought taxol would be easier, but I found it wasn't for me. I'd get terrible muscular aches and pains in my legs and fatigue days 4 to 10, which would last a lot longer than AC.

    In retrospect I preferred AC just because it wouldn't inhibit me physically or for as long.

    Now I've finished chemo, my mind has magically blocked out the general unwell feeling of AC.

    You do move on, all the best for everyone going through it 😀 It will become a distant memory!

  • Praline
    Praline Member Posts: 101
    edited February 2016

    I had my 2nd chemo treatment today. Everything went well. I was lightheaded and shaky. The nurse said it was the Benadryl and the steroids. Then I came home, made something to eat and got so sleepy! I was sitting at the computer, it was only about 6:30 pm and I was dozing off. I sat in my recliner and fell asleep. I slept for 3 hours. Now I am wide awake.

    But chemo is boring compared to the commotion in front of my house about an hour ago. ( around midnight) lol I was sitting here at the computer by myself when I heard an argument outside. I looked out the little window in my door and I could see and hear a man and a woman arguing. They were LOUD! They were shouting at each other. He was yelling at her, " Get back in the car" and that sort of language. This is a quiet little street where people roll up the sidewalk at sundown. I knew these people did not live on this street. So I called 911. In about 3-4 minutes there were 4 cruisers in front of my house. I could hear them arguing with the cops, blaming in each other, then after a while, they all left. Now I am up and not a bit sleepy. so back to my Kindle.

  • ladyhumps
    ladyhumps Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2016

    LoveMyVizsla I've had 5 treatments, haven't gained, but haven't lost either.

  • LoveMyVizsla
    LoveMyVizsla Member Posts: 526
    edited February 2016

    Thanks, Lady

  • ncsue927
    ncsue927 Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2016

    Deaconlady, I get really tired by Friday. But I used to be exhausted by Wednesday afternoon, so I'm doing better. This week was much better with the shorter work days. But by Friday, I was done. I came home early and went to bed and slept off and on for the rest of the night. I feel better today, but my back aches really bad and the cramps and diarrhea are back. And still pretty tired. The thing I have noticed is that you don't know from one treatment to the next which SEs are going to hit you when. It never seems to be the same.

    Good luck!

  • Sawyer
    Sawyer Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2016

    Hi all;

    Feeling for everyone with the SE..... We are strong and we can do this ! One of my good friends said " after this you will either be the most compassionate person or a total badass". I am thinking a little of both!

    So I had #5 taxol Wednesday .... Stayed home from work Thursday and Friday and was just tired ... Today I am completely over come by the SE.... The hip and thigh pain is bad, headaches and just overall yuck. Not sleeping well and the bloody noses are bad.

    The MO as well as all of you say these are common and there is so much support and validation on this group; I appreciate it.

    I too am frustrated with the weight gain ..... Steroids are tough.

    Had a follow up with my surgeon this week and she suggested reconstructive surgery after this is all over ... I guess the radiation will shrink and lift the already smaller from surgery breast . She also told me the radiation will add to the exhaustion so to be prepared for that.

    Hang in there everyone and thanks for the support.


  • Deaconlady
    Deaconlady Member Posts: 86
    edited February 2016

    I went to the minute clinic Friday and don't have a sinus infection, so I'm just using Flonase and zyrtec. Went to get a wig today and I really like it. I've been taking it easy today and will tomorrow as well. Second treatment is Tuesday and I should get a better idea of my energy level throughout the week. I will probably try Thursdays so I can rest over the weekend and hopefully feel better by Monday. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

  • homeschool4us
    homeschool4us Member Posts: 74
    edited February 2016

    I had taxol #10 on Thursday. I almost always wear socks and hadn't looked at my feet too closely. Well, I dropped a dish on my toe and had to put a bandaid on and noticed my little toenails on both feet are lifting off. Yuck. I also noticed the other toe nails are looking a bit strange and this week I also had to cut my fingernails really short because the nails were curving in and also look weird with horizontal lines in them. None of it is painful at all though, so no big deal I guess. I have a tiny bit of neuropathy in my index fingers and some of my toes. It's barely noticeable.

    I have gained about 10 lbs in these 10 weeks. I hope it comes off easily.

    I agree with ncsue that it's hard to track the SE'S on taxol. It seems to change each week which days are my worst, the intensity, and the duration of the se's.

  • ncsue927
    ncsue927 Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2016

    Sawyer, sounds like we are having similar issues. I had my Taxol on Tuesday. I went home from work early Friday and slept most of the rest of the day and night. Saturday was the worst. Like you, the bloody noses were back, my back pain was horrific all day, cramps and D all day and the fatigue was awful. I didn't much get out of bed. Better today, back not so bad, nose better, and I was actually able to do some laundry. It's comforting to know I'm not alone. Good luck this week!

  • Sawyer
    Sawyer Member Posts: 33
    edited February 2016

    ncsue927 yes we are pretty much the same! I felt better today too; was able to grocery shop. Today the only real bothersome SE is the leg and hip pain, that's where I feel it not my back. I thought I was getting a sinus infection but the MO said try sudafed and it has helped. Going to try to work the next couple days until #6 in Wednesday .

    Take care all.
