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experiencing rib sensitivity under masctectomy, worried!

gutsy Member Posts: 26
edited June 2019 in Pain

I had a mastectomy on left side about 1 yr ago with reconstruction, I just find the ribs right under the incision very tender, different than my left side. I am starting to get into my scared mode. Anyone else have this sensitivity in that area?


  • brooke
    brooke Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2012

    I also have tenderness on my right side, (rib cage area) thought it may have been caused by radiation. Docs have checked it out, but can't find anything wrong. 

  • 1Athena1
    1Athena1 Member Posts: 672
    edited June 2012

    I had a BMX and I both "feel" and "don't feel" my upper chest and rib area differently. I used to get scared and anxious frequently but now I know it is just that things have been pushed, pulled and shifted in my body.

    Have you always felt this tenderness since the MX? If so, I wouldn't worry. If it is new and you exercise, that is another explanation.

    Sorry I can't be more helpful. Hoping it's "nothing." I know that fear and anxiety, as we all do. I get a bit more stoic with time.

  • wrsmith2x
    wrsmith2x Member Posts: 127
    edited June 2012

    I'm only 4 months out from my mastectomy and my ribs are tender under the BC side.  I was going to mention it to the surgeon next time I see him.  WOW, to still have pain after a year?  I think I would get that checked out.

  • Ellie1959
    Ellie1959 Member Posts: 73
    edited June 2012
    I had a double mx and rads and multiple reconstruction surgeries to my left side, where my cancer was and it STILL hurts after 6.5 years! I've had lots of scans etc. and it is just most likely scar tissue pulling and inflammation. Not sure if that will make you feel better but that has been my experience. Frown Ellie
  • J9W
    J9W Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2012

    Gutsy,  I just recently spoke to my surgeon about this and she told me that it's normal because she cut away under the breast and lower towards the ribs.  Here's hoping that's all you are dealing with - it sucks to have to get super nervous about every little ache, doesn't it???

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007
    edited June 2012

    I am 4 years out and my ribcage on the cancer side is so tender sometimes I can't wear my (foobs).But bonscan showed it is only arthritis.Thank god.

  • gutsy
    gutsy Member Posts: 26
    edited June 2012

    Thank you ladies for sharing your stories, it helps me tremendously. I keep pressing on it to try to see how different it is from the other side. Which probably does not help matters.

  • midnight1327
    midnight1327 Member Posts: 1,331
    edited June 2012

    Yes i get that rib pain, i did not have a mascetomy, it was left breast and had lumpectomy, they just did follow up mamograms and yesterday i had to do more as they saw changes in R one, this was six month after rads and they say they not too stressed, and i will get results in few days. they could not really give me a straight answer really, as i guess they not allowed to, been the radiologists, but from her i was getting the messge  it was not too bad. so just wait. i get pain in knees, esp cold nights and i put electric blamket on 3 and the other night it was my ankles, i feel it may be SE of tamoxifen. last night i put sox on and took two pain tabs as it was quite painful.

  • Laurie08
    Laurie08 Member Posts: 2,047
    edited June 2012

    gutsy- About a year out from my BMX I was having back pain issues, tight muscles etc.  I was ok with it and then I had rib pain on both sides and I thought the worse as well.  My Dr (primary)  thought maybe it was a muscular issue and sent me to a physical therapist.  Talk about putting your mind at ease.  With in the first session she fixed my rib pain, it came back but the fact that it could go away gave me confidence that it was not BC related.  She does massage therapy and stretching and was a tremendous help to me.  She explained how your muscular structure works and why I was having the issue.  I saw her for about 6 months twice a week and am now on a break (insurance)  and can't wait to go back.

    Try PT, your body has been through a lot.  I hope this helps.  (((hugs))))

  • 1openheart
    1openheart Member Posts: 250
    edited June 2012

    I'm a true blue believer in myofascial release PT.   I am almost exactly a year out from my UMX and 7 mos out from my lift to natural breast and a pocket revision to the Mx side.  I have had Mondor's cording after the second surgery and perisistent pain in the reconstructed breast since the MX.  My therapists have been such a huge help with all of my aches and pains both pre and post surgery. I don't know where I would be without them.    I am finally at a place where I have had a few stretches of  2-3 weeks pain free after having pain 24/7 for months.  Sometimes the discomfort starts up again, but now it only lasts for a day or so before it settles down again.  I am so grateful for their skill and support.

  • Galsal
    Galsal Member Posts: 754
    edited June 2012

    much as I hate to say it this way, I'm so glad to hears others have this phenomenon so I don't feel like such an oddity.

  • Chocolaterocks
    Chocolaterocks Member Posts: 94
    edited June 2012

    Hi it's been 1.5 years since my bilateral and the weird rib pains drive me crazy. I keep trying to convince myself this is my new normal. It,s almost comforting to know that these pains are the result of surgery. Thanks

  • hotandcold
    hotandcold Member Posts: 70
    edited June 2012

    I'm 3 years out from a bi lateral .   4-5 weeks after surgery I still  had horrible pain on both sides and esp bc side.  Dr. did tests and scans. Nothing showed up.  He offered me more vicodin.   Went to a physical therapist and after working with me for  3-4 times she suggested it could be my intercostal muscles.. The muscles  that connect the ribs. Not just my pecs which we all think of. She worked on the intercostals and it really helped. I had tightness, twinges and pain for almost a year.  I went to the physical therapist for a full year to regain my range of motion and decrease pain. I still see her on ocasssion for a "tune-up" as I  call it. 

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Member Posts: 4,671
    edited June 2012

    hmm, no mastectomy for me, only 3 lumpies, 4 years later and I am getting pain in my boobie near the scar (believe it or not, 3 lumpies were done but all at the same place and only the one scar)

    actually had an xray done of my back ribs as thought they might be broken but not

    my boobie aches and not sure why so off to the BS next week to see if she knows what is up, had my 4 year-mamo last week and some new calcifications so more than a little nervous

  • jclarsen
    jclarsen Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2012

    I too have experienced pain in my ribs directly under the mastectomy breast.  I notice it most often when bending over.  At times it's been so sharp it's taken my breath away for a bit.  I've been told that this is likely my floating rib which we all have and it can get displaced and really hurt.  I'm thinking that the surgery and healing may have made the rib more sensitive as I never had this issue before the mastectomy.  As with anything, it makes sense to have a doctor check it out. 

    I'm having issues with the breast itself hurting after not having any pain at all for a while.  Not thrilled about this.  I guess we all have to deal with this type of thing off and on.

  • Hindsfeet
    Hindsfeet Member Posts: 675
    edited July 2012

    I'm having a lot of pain on both my lower ribs. Not sure where the pain is coming from. I also have pain around the right implant. I feel it sitting on my ribs. It bothers me the most when I work, drive and cook. I feel the edges of the  implant. Hurts. I am hoping with a little implant around it that the pain will go away. Has anyone else had fat grafting around their implants? Is so...did it work to relieve the pressure and pain? It feels like nerve pain.

  • ruthevans41
    ruthevans41 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2012

    Hey Eveberry, I understand the intensity of the pain you are going through. Not sure if fat grafting around implant would help. You should have the opinion from the surgeons and doctors as to what would help you in decreasing the muscle pain.

  • BikerLee
    BikerLee Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2012

    I just went to see my breast surgeon about this, and he diagnosed it as probably costochondritis - inflammation of the cartilage linking the ribs to the sternum.  But, as he said, he wanted us both to sleep well at night, so I also had a chest Xray - results pending.  I'm hoping that looks just peachy.  HIGH PROBABILITY it looks just peachy, but my brain keeps wondering - what if?

    It makes me feel much better to know that lots of women seem to have this pain issue.  Mine, I think, is associated with way to much bike riding in the last week or so (my family was out of town, leaving me with only work and bikes to keep me occupied).  So, the doc thinks it's overuse.  I think he's probably right...  I hope he's right!

  • BikerLee
    BikerLee Member Posts: 78
    edited July 2012

    Wow - doc office just called - I'm all good.  Well - my ribs still hurt - OWWEE!!!!  But that's it.  No signs of bigger problems.

  • Shrek4
    Shrek4 Member Posts: 519
    edited March 2013


  • dispatcher906
    dispatcher906 Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2012

    I've had pain in my ribs since before I was diagnosed. I believe it was from a lymphnode that was involved in the cancer, but the rib pain has spread to the side now and there are times when I can not sleep on my side because the pain is so intense. I am 11 months out from surgery and 5 months out from my last radiation treatment. I've spoken to my doctor, had a chest xray, and am scheduled for a CT scan at the end of the month. I also take arimidex but had the pain before I started that. I'm just going on the "this is the new normal" statement... I made it through the treatment and I can make it through this too. I am alive...

  • Hopeful3
    Hopeful3 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2019

    I have had rib pain and what also feels like swelling under in and around mx site. Giving me a lot of anxiety. It’s bern 3 years since my surgery.

  • dtad
    dtad Member Posts: 771
    edited June 2019 don't give a lot of details but from what you said you could have something called costochodritis. Its an inflammation of the rib joint where it connects to the strernum. Its not uncommon after a mastectomy and reconstruction. I had it and found that a lot of docs don't seem to know a lot about it. Please let me know if you want more details. Good luck and keep us posted.

  • christiekoe
    christiekoe Member Posts: 11
    edited June 2019

    I also had this rib/back pain and it hurt to take a deep breath at times. Dr. did a chest x ray and said that it is costochondritis. I have been going to a chiropractor on a regular basis and it has helped so much with this issue.

  • Hopeful3
    Hopeful3 Member Posts: 2
    edited June 2019

    Thank-You ladies....I’m always thinking the worst with every little pain that comes along....I e been doing a lot more outside now that the weather is nicer so maybe that has contributed. Also I have a lot more feeling in my chest wall numbness is slowly going away.

    I appreciate your responses