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I look for other flat chested women. A rant.



  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Hi Momine, yes very likely there is a bit of lymph fluid with nowhere to go to add to the concoctionTongue Out. Wait a minute, my onco said it was normal, I can't be both normal AND wierd can I? LOLLaughing

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238

    Hi, I'm a BMX and I like being boob less, scars are still healing so I'm not flat yet. I'm not happy with my huge belly, and I'm working to lessen its appearance. My family on the other hand does not like my flat chest. My husband has spent countless hours researching foobs, that I don't want or need. My children keeping telling me that I will feel "better" with foobs. I carried around DD for years, they were heavy, bra straps dug into my shoulders, and I could never sleep on my stomach. While not being happy about having BC, I honestly don't miss the girls. Nobody in my life seems to get it. Since the weather has warmed, I've started going topless around the house, and in the fenced in, backyard when I'm alone. Is it a pretty sight, probably not, but damn it's comfortable and very freeing. You wont catch me without earrings, or lipstick, but shirts have become optional!

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Good for you Gramwe. Perhaps your husband is, in his own way, MEANING to be helpful - but if he really goes on about it you could always suggest he gets a pair of foobs for himself.Laughing

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    No not foobs, fake testicles to pop in his pants......see how comfortable he is then..........

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083

    Gramwe, you are the shizzle.  :)

  • alexandria58
    alexandria58 Member Posts: 202

    Granwe, I'm inspired.

    Maybe I'll go topless on the beach after all.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Feline, it may be common, but I think I would go get an LE therapist to look you over.

  • feelingfeline
    feelingfeline Member Posts: 5,145

    Sincere thanks for your concern Momine.

  • MT1
    MT1 Member Posts: 223

    When I went through treatment I bought a Wii and all the exercise games they put out. I used it 5 days a week while I was able. I changed my diet to include LOTS more vegetables too. Then, after I recovered enough and the treatments were complete, I started lifting weights for less than 45 minutes a day (I work out at home), three days a week. I have gained muscle weight, but my waist is down to a size that it has not been since I was in my teens. Yes, you need to start slow, should have the help of a lymphedema PT, I did, but it is possible to resume all that you did before being diagnosed and more IF you do it slowly and with good form. And weight lifting is a great way to loose fat.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Mel, the shaping was my biggest surprise with the exercise, given that I do weight work 3X30 minutes a week only. That middle-aged, straight up and down is vastly improved. I have a waist again.

  • rockermom66
    rockermom66 Member Posts: 23

    I don't mind being flat but I am not thin and lean.. I think it looks better on those women but it isn't stopping me.
    I have the ample padding that makes no-boobs look strange. I'm curious about when some fat buildup will appear on my chest. I know it takes time. If I could just "fill out" a bit I think I would feel better. I have a skinny lady body from my ribcage to my neck and the rest isn't! 

    Now I'm going through treatment and I'm gaining weight from that which makes the belly worse.. everyone tells me I can lose weight later so I suppose that is what I will do.

  • gramwe
    gramwe Member Posts: 238

    Rockermom. Rock that new body. We may look different, we are a work in progress, no masterpiece looks beautiful with the first strokes of the brush, but when we are finished we are priceless.

  • MT1
    MT1 Member Posts: 223

    Rockmom66, my surgeon told me that I would not gain weight in my chest again, that because they remove as much fat as possible, there is no way to build more. With all the working out I do, I seem to have filled out a very little bit in my chest, almost as if my skin fits better.

    Momine, I was surprised when I saw I gained weight but have a much smaller waist. Maybe it means we are concentrated!

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    LOL, like the idea of "concentrated," except it may mean "pure, concentrated bitch" in my case.

    My chest has filled in a little from the weight work.

  • alexandria58
    alexandria58 Member Posts: 202

    Just want the belly flattened.

  • rockermom66
    rockermom66 Member Posts: 23

    Thanks MT1. My surgeon said I would fill out a bit eventually and that it takes time. Who knows? I do love lifting weights so I will be WORKING it for sure.

    One of my clients/friends had a double a few years ago and she has appeared to fill out a bit, almost like A cups.. we are alike...she isn't a naturally lean lady so maybe that is a difference. We'll see. 

  • crystalphm
    crystalphm Member Posts: 277

    I suspect it depends on the surgery if we fill in or not. I have not filled in at all, and was told the same thing, that I will not fill in because there are no fat cells there.

    I do not like to lift weights and I sure do admire all the women who get out there and exercise...

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Maybe some of those anabolic steroids that those competitive muscle-builders use might help???

    Today I was wearing a plain old long-sleeved t-shirt and felt truly flat, just a little self-conscious again. I have been going flat for over a year except for a couple times, but I have been using scarves, vests, etc to sort of camouflage, and I felt really exposed today. I have always felt a little self-conscious about my body - never quite right - never able to get the clothes to look right - so am wondering if this is just a continuation of my lifelong poor self-image ... I think I won't worry about it any more, just had to get it out and muse a bit. Not that any of this makes any sense whatsoever, just feeling a little awkward about it, I guess.

  • river_rat
    river_rat Member Posts: 317

    Linda, I'm over six years out and I still find that I feel better wearing a scarf, vest, jacket, something with gathers or drapes, whatever. If I wear a plain flat t-shirt with nothing over it I find myself thinking about it too much, wondering if people notice. If I wear something just slightly concealing I go through my day without thinking about it and I just feel more like myself.

  • mumito
    mumito Member Posts: 2,007

    Ricky Lake show yesterday was all about the breast and how important they are to our self worth.What load of ####.Believe me she got quite a tweet from me.I could not even stand to watch the show.She had the nerve to interview men about breasts.😖😖😖

  • crystalphm
    crystalphm Member Posts: 277

    Linda, Same here, nothing is flatter than wearing a t shirt or tank with no foobs. I get hit with the same feelings,back to square one with feeling self conscious which is only one step away from feeling bad about myself. But yet I know in my heart I would not be happy with recon either, no point to that in my opinion.

    Today I wore a scarf and I got so many compliments on the scarf, I became convinced that people saw I was flat, instantly *knew* I had cancer and were complimenting the scarf to lift my spirits. So you see how down on myself I can get at times.

    Momito, I am glad I didn't see it so I can avoid being angry about it. What a dis-service to women.

  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    So what do we do in t-shirt weather???? I LIVE in t-shirts in the summer - what else is there???? Scarves are too hot for summer. I don't really remember last summer and what I did then - I was still basically recovering from surgery, in so much pain I didn't really do much or go much of anywhere .... it's all sort of a blur now ...

    Am having a bit of a bad day - had lymphedema confirmed and found I cannot see LE specialist for another 2-3 weeks. What the h*** am I supposed to do until then? Let it get worse? I was told by my BS that IF I got LE, they could manage it, don't worry, etc. Now I find it isn't all that simple. I have a sleeve, HATE it!!! Makes my hand swell, hurts my arm, etc. This body is taking WAY too much effort to take care of some days!

    So I am going to take another art class tomorrow to lift my spirits. May wear a t-shirt.

  • lisa-e
    lisa-e Member Posts: 169

    I wear tee shirts all the time.  No one recoils in horror or stares at me.

  • happyraccoon
    happyraccoon Member Posts: 105

    Hey.  It's been a while since I checked you gals out.  You're still looking good!!

    Me too.  No foobs, no nothin.  Except I was having an AWESOME day until I tried to leave the house.  What to wear?  Oh dear!  Boy clothes are still the only thing I'm comfortable in.  Men's t-shirt XL and 501s.  Or sweats.  Everything else is beyond me. 

    My nightgowns look good though.  Too bad I can't wear those into town.

    Linda (((hugs))) you brave one

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,956

    Linda, I think having your hand swell after your sleeve is put on is not good. You should have a glove thingy or a less tight sleeve IMHO.

  • LindaKR
    LindaKR Member Posts: 1,304

    Linda if your hand swells more and/or your pain increases when you wear your sleeve DO NOT wear it until you see the LE-therapist.  Try not to over use your arm, keep it elevated when possible, no hot tubs or hot baths, until you see your LE-T.  Sometimes even taking a walk and letting your arm hang can make it worse, so just be careful, your LE-T will tell you how to manage it.  Good luck.


  • Linda-n3
    Linda-n3 Member Posts: 1,713

    Thanks for the advice on the LE - I can't see a specialist for another 2-3 weeks unless the BS can pull some strings and get me in sooner. I don't want to hijack this thread so will stick to the topic of boobless shirts, but I am appreciative of your help. The LE threads are so enormous right now that I couldn't really find the info I needed for right now - I will need to take some time and do a lot of reading. Tomorrow. Or the next day.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845

    Linda, not a hijack, come on! What others have said is correct, do not wear sleeve without a gauntlet. I don't know where you are, but if you are in or near a major city, see if there is a good surgical supply store somewhere near. Go there and ask for help. The ladies who sell the sleeves can often help fit you in an emergency.

    You can also try these videaos for self-massage. When I had swelling issues, I used to do the first one 2-3 times a day.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748

    Linda there is a specialist group set up by women with experience of LE, they are real experts on it, maybe the moderators can post a link to it?

    Dont wear your sleeve and do stretch your arm up and keep elevated as much as you can, good luck

  • river_rat
    river_rat Member Posts: 317

    Binney just started a thread that might be an answer for those who live in their T-shirts. The thread is Elegantees--anybody tried them? Many of the T-shirts at the link look like they would work with a flat chest. Remember to keep clicking on Next to see all the tees. There are a lot of them.