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Bone Mets Thread



  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,350
    edited April 2015

    Great pic Sharon. You make a lovely couple

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited April 2015

    Cute pix, Sharon!

    I was just thinking about Carla. Has anyone heard from her since her last post, which seems like it was a few days ago now?

  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308
    edited April 2015

    Lovely picture Sharon!!

  • roxyandtaze123
    roxyandtaze123 Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2015

    Hi Ladies - had my CT/Bone Scan today. Long day for sure -- and the Vanilla Cocktail you drink really did a number on my Digestive Track!

    Question - many of you talk about Flare Ups. What exactly is that? Is that something that happens once in a while in the area of your cancer, but then goes away? The reason I ask is: my cancer is in the Pelvic Area -- one day I had that familiar pain in pelvis and radiated down leg -- it felt like Old Times in beggining of diagnosis. Very painful, as you all know, but completely went away the next day. When I told Onc, he was concerned and said we need to watch because this could be a sign of progression! How does your Onc's feel,about this? My DH/ myself are sometimes questioning some things he does. Met with him today and he gave us some info that never shared with us before. He's an awesome Onc and comes highly recommended but lately I just question everything. One more thing and then I'll stop. I do have a "lesion" on my liver. Scared!! Bev

  • LindaE54
    LindaE54 Member Posts: 1,379
    edited April 2015

    Bev - I have pain that comes and then gets milder in areas where I have mets for sometimes days, sometimes weeks.  That's been the pattern since my dx.  New pain that lasts more than 2 to 3 weeks should be checked out.  It could be an indication of progression or not.  Personally, my Onc has been checking pain symptoms that lasts more than 3 weeks with images (xrays or scans) outside of regular routine exams, and mets are stable.  I had a rod inserted in my femur because of a met there, and sometimes the pain gets so bad that I'm sure the ortho material is out of place.  But no.  Pain gets worse if I overdo it and sometimes I can't figure out why.  It is mind boggling for me.

    Praying you get good results.  I hope your GI tract is feeling better this morning and that liver lesion is benign.


  • PattyPeppermint
    PattyPeppermint Member Posts: 8,950
    edited April 2015

    hey all. Went to gp today about my throuh med being off. He increased it and have me something for depression. I forget the name. Big sure ehy I was crying but I sure was. It always comes out at the weirdest times. Feeling totally whipped, exhausted , frustrated. Taking a little break from bco well actually everybody. Just checking in.

    Hugs to all

  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited April 2015

    Hi all,

    Been in Auckland all week; work is full on. Back home now, but our kitty still hasn't come back. Quite sad. Dune - tis ok to cry. Sometimes it just gets to be too much.

    I had a meeting with two of the company directors in Auckland yesterday about this year's budget/targets, etc. I told them several times that I was not in the right head space for it, but they insisted. They put up our targets for the year (fiscal year started 01 April), and I held it together for a while and just was trying to get through it. But one of the directors kept asking "how do you really feel? Be honest with us." Anyway, I had a complete meltdown. Not my best day at work. Good news is that I work for an amazing company and I got a hug from each of them (they're husband and wife). It's not any one thing; it's not even that the targets are going up, etc. It's just everything. And when I get adequately stressed, I spontaneously cry. I really have to get my act together! Like soon! Especially as I know what I'm dealing with is nothing compared to what most of you are dealing with. I just feel vaugely pathetic. At any rate, I think I just need a really good cry, and then I'll probably feel better.

    Sharon - great pictures! You two make a fantastic looking couple.

    Patty - glad things are getting sorted for you.

    Roxy - hope your scan results are good.

    Glad you had good days Myra and Linda.

    Hugs to everyone - hoping for a pain free day for all!


  • cjanet
    cjanet Member Posts: 288
    edited April 2015

    Hi ladies,

    So I just finished my first radiation treatment for my bone met in my neck. Unfortunately, it's in such a place where they can't reach it for biopsy so we don't how it's mutated. I will get 10 sessions of rads on this met. I also had a PET/CT today in the morning to determine if I have mets elsewhere. I am petrified. Even without those mets, it seems that since my cancer returned so quickly and I failed tamoxifen, the outlook is pretty dismal, at least according to some articles I'm reading. I honestly knew it would come back but I was so hoping to be one of those women who talk about having had it "20 years ago" and it never came back. I guess because I'm young it's more aggressive and I have less time. I'm trying to adjust to the new reality and it's been a very rough few days.

  • cling
    cling Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2015

    Is it possible to have bone mets without pain?

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,350
    edited April 2015

    Yes, I have never had pain from my bone met

  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited April 2015

    Hi cjanet. Sorry you're joining us, but glad you found us. It takes time to adjust to the "new normal" but it will happen. The terror, angst, sadness, etc, are unfortunately, part of the process. Don't believe the statistics and articles you read; many are outdated and they encompass a wide variety of types of breast cancer. There are several long-term survivors here. You're not alone, and it's not hopeless.

    Sending hugs,


  • annieoakley
    annieoakley Member Posts: 653
    edited April 2015

    cjanet, I would not agree that your outlook is dismal. And you did not fail tamoxifen,  it failed you! As it did me, and I recurred within the 2 years as well. There are other anti-hormonals that work better and differently than tamoxifen. I am currently on letrozole and my tumor markers went from 137 to 16. Between that and rads my last scan showed all of my mets healing. Don't give yourself a poor prognosis,  there are alot of success stories, just take one day at a time. Wishing you all the best, Annie

  • screech
    screech Member Posts: 63
    edited April 2015

    cjanet-I can tell you I was a wreck when first told I was a four. I still have my moments and days, but it does get better. Others will tell you this-once you have a treatment plan in place you will do better AND once you get some results from treatment you'll be able to catch your breath. Edited to fix typos

  • LindaE54
    LindaE54 Member Posts: 1,379
    edited April 2015

    Hi c-janet - I echo what the other gals said above.  Best wishes for your CT/Pet.

    Hugs - Linda

  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308
    edited April 2015

    cjanet, I too had tamoxifen fail me, but I was in your place exactly one year ago. I am now on a different drug & am stable. I read those statistics & came here & all these lovely women supported me & told me those stats are old news. This is the hard part, once you have a treatment plan you can get on with the new normal. Like Annie, my tumor markers went from 68 down to 11.

    Cheers, Dee

  • dunesleeper
    dunesleeper Member Posts: 1,305
    edited April 2015

    Terre. I hope you don't mind, but I got a kick out of "just feel vaguely pathetic." That's EXACTLY how I've been feeling the past couple of days. Today was a bad one, kind of an angry one. It was one of those one-thing-too-many things. I had a couple of tears: imagining saying goodbye to my great-nephew when I'm laying in my death bed. And of course, in my imagination, he has a cold, so he can't come into the hospice room, so I have to wave to him. Oh pahleeeze! I really never knew what a drama queen I was. LOL

    cjanet, I too am focusing too much on the dismal possibilities. All day long people have been telling me I can't allow myself to do that, but I couldn't stop. Every once in a while somebody could get me out of my head. So that's what we have to figure out. How do we move out of that way of thinking? We still have lots of treatment possibilities. I think it is natural to be afraid. When I called my friend today, she said she'd be worried about me if I WASN'T afraid. For myself, I need to eat right and do some walking. That's a fact. Those are 2 things I can do for myself every single day, 2 things that will help make my body stronger to fight this horrible disease. I'll be thinking about you -- and praying.

    Beautiful numbers Annie. I mean really beautiful, lovely, sensational, wrap-your-arms-around-them-and-love-them numbers!

    And Dee, I love your numbers too. I love love love love love them. Yay!!!!!

    I had my pre-op this morning. A blip that should go up went down on mine. So I had to go back to the cardiologist. He didn't just sign off on it. His office will call and schedule and appointment for me for a stress test, echo cardiogram, and something else. They know it has to be done before Wednesday. That's when the port goes in. I didn't want this extra thing to to, this extra drive to the hospital. Plus I have to get over to a friend's house. He's not happy with the way his computer is working -- and he paid me $100 to fix it. I don't even charge that to strangers. Anyway, it's one more thing. I have no idea how I will feel the following week. I start chemo Monday, May 4th. Possibly I am in such a state because of all these unknowns. I trust that I will be pretty much ok once I actually get past each thing: get past the port placement, get past the first treatment (and week of first treatment). Then there will just be the hair issue -- for which I should be well-prepared if the scarves and stuff get here before the hair loss.

    OK. I love you all. I can't seem to be myself anywhere else. I pretend to be braver than I am. I'm going to have to grow into that skin.

  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited April 2015

    Oh Dune - glad I made you smile! And I don't mind at all! Sorry you're dealing with so much crap - and then more on top of it. Just what you don't need!

    Just had a 6.4 quake south of us. The house rolled, then rocked, then rolled, then rocked. Went on for some time. Always makes me feel a bit queasy for a while afterwards.

    Hugs to all,


  • annieoakley
    annieoakley Member Posts: 653
    edited April 2015

    Dune, you're an amazing woman, even with all you are going through you manage to keep your sense of humor. I send you big hugs and all the positive energy I can muster. You can do this, I know you can! And you are right once you get past each of the unknowns you will adjust to a new normal and kick some cancer butt in the process.  

    Terre, oh my not the kind of rocking and rolling I like to do! That must be scary, we've had a couple very mild earthquakes here and it's nerve wracking. Believe it or not it damaged our house a bit too, as it was swaying from side to side it pulled the chimney away from the house. I hope all is ok, and please fill  me in on the missing cat? Did I miss a post somewhere?

    Hugs to all, Annie

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited April 2015

    cjanet, I'm so sorry about the met in your neck. Just curious... if you're just now getting a PET/CT (both?), how did they find what is being treated in your neck? Was that a more localized scan for specific pain? Hopefully, yesterday's scan will reveal only good news, and hope maybe they won't make you wait through the weekend for those results.

    Dune, I hope you're feeling better today. I remember thinking after my first chemo infusion, that was it? LIke all the big fear and panic and it was like no big deal. But I also used a really helpful guided imagery CD I think I still have and would be happy to send you if I can put my hands on it. I'll PM you if I can find it.

    Terre, that was a sizeable earthquake! How close was the epicenter? Have you been having aftershocks? The ones that go on long enough so that you start to wonder if they're going to taper off or build in intensity are the scariest!

    I think we all get the occasional need for a break from BCO, Patty. Hope it accomplishes whatever you're hoping it will do, especially if it makes you feel stronger. (((Hugs))) Deanna

  • GG27
    GG27 Member Posts: 1,308
    edited April 2015

    Hi All, we had a 6.1 earthquake here this morning, north of us on Haida Gwaii. Was thinking about KCM's house rocking & rolling!

    Off for my pamidronate infusion today. Got a call at 8:30pm last night that the lab didn't do the calcium & creatinine??? WTH? so now we have to go over early to get it done & that doesn't guarantee that I can have the infusion. Wish everyone would just do their job. This is the second time that the lab has screwed up my blood work in less than a year. I have to take a ferry to go, it's not like I can just pop in to the hospital.

    Not a good way to start my day.... Dee

  • Myra1211
    Myra1211 Member Posts: 532
    edited April 2015

    Oh my goodness Terre and Dee, those are substantial earthquakes! Stay safe.

    Dune you are in my thoughts. Hope the cardiac stuff gets straightened out. Last week when I asked my MO about an occasional glass of wine he said it was good for my heart, and I responded, "Can we deal with one life threatening disease at a time",,,,,Enough is enough.

    Be happy all. Myra

  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited April 2015

    Myra - love the "one at a time" and "enough is enough". Exactly.

    Dee - copycat! :) Hope all is well after your quake. Hope your day goes better. What a pain in the behind!

    Everything is fine here. It was a really deep one near the top of the south island (we're at the bottom of the north island). It was felt nation-wide - from the top of the north to the tip of the south - because it was quite deep. It wasn't that violent here, it just went on and on. They're saying 40 seconds, but it sure felt longer than that. Our house is built on a sand dune, so that probably makes things jiggle more. There were items tossed off store shelves near the eipcenter, but no significant damage otherwise. Deanna - this thing started, let up, then got stronger, then let up, then rocked harder, etc. So I know what you're referring to. They're saying lots of aftershocks, but we probably won't feel them because of the depth and we're far enough away.

    Annie - a lot of people here have replaced or gotten rid of their brick chimneys after the Christchurch quakes. There was a quake when I lived in Vegas and my house was fine, but everyone across the street had minor damage. It seems random. And no, our baby isn't home. We're just heartsick.

    Sending hugs to all,


  • cling
    cling Member Posts: 263
    edited April 2015


    Cats don't like to move.  Have you thought about driving back to the old house and check if your baby insists on staying there?

  • Bosco19
    Bosco19 Member Posts: 177
    edited April 2015

    I'm sure you've already thought of this but...Might the cat have gone back to your old home?

    I don't think I have posted on this thread before but I read it often so hope you don't mind my jumping in - so sad to lose a pet.

    Had brain mets, then one bone met and most recently chest nodes.

  • MusicLover
    MusicLover Member Posts: 777
    edited April 2015

    Kiwi, I am so glad that everything is ok.

  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited April 2015

    Thanks Cling, Bosco and MusicLover. We have fliers up at the old place and do drive bys. To get there, she'd have to cross a major river and there's only one bridge, which is very busy with traffic. But one of our vet's techs lives near the old house and is doing drive bys as well.

    These things happen...haven't had a cat go missing for over 40 years, but I do know that things do happen. The good news is that we don't really have predators here - just dogs and people.

    At least it's a beautiful day here and a 3 day public holiday weekend!

    Hugs to all,


  • MusicLover
    MusicLover Member Posts: 777
    edited April 2015

    Kiwi, I do hope that she turns up. (I forgot to post something about her - I am so sorry. This thread is so busy it's overwhelming to me.)

  • LindaE54
    LindaE54 Member Posts: 1,379
    edited April 2015

    Don't give up Terre - I once had a cat that came back after 3 weeks.


  • KiwiCatMom
    KiwiCatMom Member Posts: 2,337
    edited April 2015

    Thanks Linda & Music. I haven't given up!

  • annieoakley
    annieoakley Member Posts: 653
    edited April 2015

    Terre, my heart is breaking for you, I know what it feels like to lose a pet after a move. Our cat went back to the old house. The people who bought the home from us returned her to us and a day later first chance she got to escape she was gone again, and you guessed it, back to our old house. I hope your baby returns soon, my thoughts are with you. Hugs, Annie