Bone Mets Thread



  • Wendy3
    Wendy3 Posts: 872
    edited March 2016

    Suefit I know how you're feeling. My scans came back and I had progression as well. Was bummed out for about a week or two. Now I see it as okay this battle was lost but I didn't loose the war yet. On to the next drug Faslodex which I'm getting on a clinical trial because the Canadain government won't pay for it. Regroup and continue the fight to get to NED. We can do this we are woman after all.  I have no organ involvement yet either which I see as a bright light. Hugs to you from Canada.

  • Unknown
    edited March 2016

    I appreciate that

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited March 2016

    Suefit-sorry about the progression but glad there is no organ involvement- sending a hug!

    Cristina-you're lucky your DH had honest people find his wallet. This summer I found a wallet with a few thousand dollars and major credit cards in it. After making a few calls, I found the rightful owner. When he offered me a reward I told him that I'd rather that he make a donation to Support Connection (a breast and ovarian help organization that i fund raise for) which he did. He said he was paying it forward which made me feel so good!


  • Wendy3
    Wendy3 Posts: 872
    edited March 2016

    Cjanet that's so cool my boys and my husband are all celebrating a birthday party this Friday as well. My husband is a bit of a clutz as well but I figure I knew that when I married him found it cute then..

    Babs that's such a nice story love the pay it forward philosophy.

    Patty how are you doing? I feel like I keep repeating myself I hope they get your meds right and get you back with your family soon.

    I wish everyone a peaceful pain free evening.


  • 513mgv
    513mgv Posts: 54
    edited March 2016


    When I was first diagnosed they told me 1_5 years max. It has been 51 months and I am feeling better and tumor s are smaller than at diagnosis, don't give up. I take effexor for the depression, it also helps with the hot flashes. I have a 11year old girl who helps to keep me motivated, hugs

  • junieb
    junieb Posts: 945
    edited March 2016

    If anyone is interested, there is another option for mattress toppers. Check out the "Intelligel" website. They are spendy, but I have found mine worth every penny. I've had mine for 15 years and it is still going strong. This product was originally made for astronauts apparently. It is a 3' thick gel topper that sits on top of your mattress. I have a firm bed with the gel topper on it and I love it. The newest ones are supposed to be good for 20-25 years.

    Hope this helps someone.

    Also found this website that discusses different types of detoxing bath soaks and what they are each used for.

  • Maria_Spain
    Maria_Spain Posts: 19
    edited March 2016

    Good morning Ladies,

    Some hope and a question

    Great advance in my mothers back pain. She is much much better

    Do you know how much time does Zometa (or any other bisphosphonate) take to work? My mother had a moderate to severe back pain when walking after second chemo session and first bisphosphonate infussion. Although she had improved a lot since first bisphosphonate infusion pain was there

    Yesterday she had second bisphosphonate infussion and third chemo session and today morning pain has almost disappeared. Just magic?

    Maybe it will give hope to some of you.

    Kisses to everyone from Spain

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited March 2016

    Maria-glad to hear your Mom s doing better!


  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Posts: 821
    edited March 2016


    Your story of rewarding yourself to a five star hotel piqued my curiosity. I LOVE gorgeous hotel and their luxurious rooms. If it's not too late, I'd love to see a couple of room and restroom photos. In my destination wedding planning business I traveled half the globe in search of suitable properties. The first stop I made was the restroom, checking cleanliness, amenities and spaciousness.

    Anyway I don't know when your trip is or if it's passed but if you can, I'd like to live vicariously through you right now. I officially retired from the destination aspect of my business almost a year ago so no more 4 and 5 star properties for me.



  • cjanet
    cjanet Posts: 288
    edited March 2016

    Morning ladies,

    Sueit- my estradiol is going up too despite the Lupron and Faslodex! I just saw my lab results last week. I don't know what that means, maybe I need another increase in my lupron, Maybe I need my ovaries out.

    Jazzy- I soak in Epsom salt baths maybe once per week w my daughter. I had bought it and didn't even realize all the benefits to it, so I'm happy I've been doing it.

    Patty- are you in or out of the hospital?

    Curious to know who is also on FB. I admit that I know some of you are on FB! I am too. I participate in 3 MBC groups online.

    Wishing all of you a wonderful, pain free or lower pain day.

  • Bluefrog76
    Bluefrog76 Posts: 250
    edited March 2016

    Patty: thinking of you and your son's birthday and worrying about you. Hope today brings some light and hope.

    I just spent two hours inside the MRI tube. That is a long time! Treating myself to lobster bisque as compensation.

    My chemo-head is not yet ready for daily outings in our hometown (per my self-conscious 11-year old daughter), but I deemed it ready for Broadway last weekend. I think I'm calling it quits on hats and wigs by Easter.


  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Posts: 821
    edited March 2016

    Bluefrog, I like your picture - you look so happy!


  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited March 2016

    Rachel- you look fierce!!!


  • Kendrasue
    Kendrasue Posts: 107
    edited March 2016

    Hello, dear friends. Yesterday was my birthday, and I'm here to send my love to everyone. I think of each of you every day, wishing for good scans, no pain, home rather than hospital, all the best for all of us. A big loving hug to you, and those who are new, as well. I have been having extreme tension with the new glamour center, as I call the new cancer center, and have had to be my own advocate. I seem to be back on the right track now. I read, and am with you, every day.



  • LindaE54
    LindaE54 Posts: 1,379
    edited March 2016

    Valerie, so happy to hear from you. Happy somewhat belated birthday!

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited March 2016

    Happy Birthday Valerie!!!!

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Posts: 2,701
    edited March 2016

    Happy Birthday, Valerie! Hope your day was filled with everything that makes you happy! And I hope whatever issues you had with your "glamour center" are forever in the past. But good for you for advocating for yourself!

    Patty, where are you???

    And Bosco, how are you doing???

  • GG27
    GG27 Posts: 1,308
    edited March 2016

    Hi everyone!!

    Valerie, Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a good one & were pampered by someone other than your "glamour center" ha ha!

    Called my MO yet again today regarding the genome program. Boy I'm getting frustrated. My PCP says he will write her a terse letter if I don't hear from her within a week.

    I got outside again today to rake up all the tree litter at the back, so while it feels good to get out in the fresh air & get stuff done, I'm bushed (pun intended)

    Patty, are you home yet?? I know there's others I should be asking about, but my brain is mush, so please forgive.

    Take care all, cheers Dee

  • DecisionFreak
    DecisionFreak Posts: 435
    edited March 2016

    AmyQ, when I worked, I traveled quite a bit and stayed in some wonderful hotels. The Peninsula Hotel in New York City was one of the most lovely hotels I ever stayed in. The Ritz Carlton at Dana Point. California and the Four Seasons in Hollywood were truly fine. KiwiCatMom, I have stayed in some dumps especially when I lived in Arkansas. The worst were motels that rented rooms by the hour for working girls and their johns.

    everybody, great big sigh of relief, I started Sunday working on a plan to get my amazing 85-year old mother who has mbc out of the horrific long-term care hospital. I got a marketing person from a very good rehab hospital started working on Sunday to see if that hospital would take my mother. I started Monday trying to get my mother's doctor on the phone to talk with him about releasing my Mom. The rehab hospital worked with the acute care hospital to review my mother's case and decided that the rehabilitation hospital was willing to take my Mom. I heard from my Mom's doctor today who said she is medically ready for release. He said he would write orders to send my Mom to rehab if the rehabilitation hospital would take her. I said the rehab hospital had already reviewed my mother's case and agreed to take her so he said he would write up consult orders. I went to Wal-Mart today and bought my Mom new exercise shorts and tee shirts, new little night gowns, athletic shoes and socks, new comb, new brush, and some other personal care items. My Mom is way out of it, depressed, and disoriented since being in this acute care hospital for two weeks, and she has gained 50 pounds in water weight since her lungs collapsed on February 4 and the doctors gave her steroids, antibiotics. and oxygen. It takes two big male nurses to walk my mother to the bathroom now. She could get up and use her walker to get to our bathroom on February 3, but not today. The doctor does not know when and if the water weight will be released. I hope the rehab hospital can get my Mom back on her feet and find a way to help her heal and get strong so we can get back soon to see her oncologist.

    Keep the faith, great women. Some days are very hard.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Posts: 821
    edited March 2016

    DF, I'm so happy there's finally good news for your if she can get ride of the fluids. Have they tried lasex? Not sure how it's spelled but that seems to be standard procedure. Good luck to you both.

    On the topic of hotels, I've never stayed in those you mentioned but the Ritz is a consistent brand and I've loved the ones I've been fortunate enough to stay in

  • babs6287
    babs6287 Posts: 1,619
    edited March 2016

    DF Great news that your mm is being released-thank god she has you s her advocate!


  • Wendy3
    Wendy3 Posts: 872
    edited March 2016

    Valerie happy belated birthday I hope you made yourself some great memories and ate lots of cake🎉🎉

    Dee I'm sorry but that kind of funny Canadians when they get really mad write letters. I hope they get back to you on this one I would be interested in this as well.

    Df your mother is a very lucky lady to have you, and your right some days are just harder. However that makes the good days that much better.

    Patty let us hear from you are you home now?

  • cjanet
    cjanet Posts: 288
    edited March 2016

    Valerie- Happy Belated Birthday!!! I"m glad you got things straightened out.

    Patty- where are you? Shall we contact her husband? I noticed she has trouble typing sometimes, so maybe it's too hard for her to write.

    DF-glad your mother is home.

    Tomorrow is my son's birthday. He's only 4, so at least it isn't a high pressure birthday! I have a few gifts all wrapped and my husband will get cake and balloons and we will have cake tomorrow night. This is a photo I took of him this morning. He was angry about wearing stripes.


  • Bluefrog76
    Bluefrog76 Posts: 250
    edited March 2016

    Cristina: what a cutie! Happy birthday kiddo!

  • LindaE54
    LindaE54 Posts: 1,379
    edited March 2016

    Hi all,

    I just got a text message from Patty asking me to forward a message to you all. She got out of the hospital after 14 days yesterday. Still exhausted to do much but doing better every day. She thanks everyone who enquires about her, and those who called or sent pms, but she is too tired to respond right now.

  • AmyQ
    AmyQ Posts: 821
    edited March 2016

    LindaE, thank you for the update -

    Get better soon Patty! We miss you.


  • auroaya
    auroaya Posts: 784
    edited March 2016

    At least you're out of the hospital Patty, sending prayers for a speedy recovery and for all of this to be a thing of  the past.


  • cjanet
    cjanet Posts: 288
    edited March 2016

    Patty- thinking of you! Feel better!

  • Bluefrog76
    Bluefrog76 Posts: 250
    edited March 2016

    Thanks Linda, and thanks for checking in Patty. Praying for a little more strength every day. Enjoy the comforts of home!

  • Wendy3
    Wendy3 Posts: 872
    edited March 2016

    Christina he is absolutely adorable enjoy yourself.